‘한자고고학’은 “한자에 남겨진 흔적을 통해 그 배후의 말 없는 문화사를 발굴, 해 석하는 학문”이라 정의할 수 있다. 이는 한자를 대상으로, 특히 한자의 어원을 통해 이에 반영된 문화성을 밝히는 학문으로, 이의 증명에 언어문자학, 문헌학, 고고학, 인 류학 등의 자료들이 동원될 수 있다. 여기서는 ‘한자고고학’의 개념 정립을 비롯해 그 실천적 사례로 ‘일(壹)’자의 어원과 상징 분석을 통해 ‘한자고고학’의 방법론적 구 축 가능성을 검토했다. 이를 위해 (1)문자학적 측면에서 일(壹)의 어원과 상징, (2)고 고학적 측면에서의 호(壺)와 인면호(人面壺)의 상징, (3)인류학적 측면에서의 호리병 박 숭배 전통, (4)출토문헌에서의 관련 자료들, (5)확장적 연구로서의 여러 유사 자료 들도 함께 논의했다. 이를 통해 기존의 한자학을 문화연구로 그 영역을 확장시키고, 인접학문과의 접속 속에서 그간의 한자 내부에 한정되었던 시선을 밖으로 확장함으 로써, 새로운 해석과 관련 영역을 개척할 수 있는 이론적 틀을 마련하고자 하였다.
This article introduces the Korean “vulgar characters” recorded in the “Jaseo Jibyo” (《字書輯要》) written in the late Joseon Dynasty with the addition of Dong-vulgar corrupt characters (referred to as “Dong-su characters”), and to clarify its academic significance for the purpose. The article contains a total of 117 vulgar Chinese characters, which were probably written in the late 19th or early 20th century. It includes various common and special characters that were seen at that time, so that we can understand the use of common characters in the late Joseon Dynasty. For this reason, this article has made the “Popular Characters”, and compared with the square-printed edition “Shiwencuo” which preserved the alien society at that time, and obtained the universal use of the common characters. The “vulgar words” are divided into four categories: “①omit, ②add, ③replace, and ④symbolize”. Then, taking the characters (國guo), 伩(儒 ru), and (聖sheng) as seen in the “Dong-vulgar characters” as examples, the cultural awareness hidden behind the characters is analyzed in detail, in order to navigate the cultural research of variant characters. Attached is the “Popular Character Catalog” attached to the “Manuscript Addition and Deletion of Yeomlag Pung-a”(《增删濂洛風雅》) collected by the author for comparison and reference.
A Ming Dynasty Book, YuTang LiZheng ZiYi YunLv HaiPianXinJing (玉堂釐正字義韻律海篇心鏡, Vol. 20s), is collected in National Library of Korea. The author Zhu ZhiFan (朱之蕃, 1548-1624) is a minister of the Ming Dynasty, also a famous calligraphist. In 1606, he has been to Korea, left lots of influent poetry and calligraphy works. According to the preliminary investigation, this book is re-adjusted and re-edited, basing on HanLin ChongKao ZiYi YunLv DaBan HaiPianXinJing (翰林重考字義韻律大板海篇心鏡, Vol. 20s) which was rescheduled by Liu KongDang (劉孔當) in 1596. The purpose of this paper is as follows: Firstly, we introduced content and collection situation of YuTang LiZheng ZiYi YunLv HaiPianXinJing (Korean version), which has not been formally introduced to the academic community; Secondly, we described the structure, the preparation of the whole story and author of this book; Thirdly, we compared this book with various HaiPian, expecially to find the origin of the relationship between them. Finally, we concluded its influence on Korean academic and literary circles in the later 17th century.
This article examines a series of “tongzi”(同字) in Nam-sun Choi’s New Chinese Dictionary(新字典) published in 1913. “tongzies” are the Chinese Characters which have considered as same words because they have almost the same meaning and sound but slightly different shapes from orthodox written forms. In order to uncover Choi’s implicit intention and underlying interpretative strategies in New Chinese Dictionary, I firstly processes all the data by computer and compiles the database. Secondly, I extract 3053 characters explained as “tong(同)”(the same) in the dictionary and analyze their interpreting systems, methods of classification, structural features, etc. Finally I add all the cases of “tongzi” and their character structures in the appendix for the convenience of related studies.
본 논문은 朝鮮 正祖 16年(1792)에 刊行된 『生生字譜』를 對象으로 삼아 이에 反映된 當時의 漢字 빈도 狀況과 그것이 漢字 頻度 硏究史에서 가지는 의의에 대해 논의하고자 기획되었다. 形·音·義 외에 漢字의 第4要素라 불리는 “글자의 빈도(字頻)”는 해당 글자의 실제 사용 능력을 나타내 준다는 의미에서 漢字의 字頻硏究는 漢字 그 자체는 물론 漢字의 應用硏究에도 중요한 의의를 가진다. 이를 위해 본 논문에서는 『生生字譜』에 수록된 1만4천9백82개의 字種을 대상으로 하여 (1) 한자빈도 연구사에서 가지는 『生生字譜』의 가치, (2) 『生生字譜』에 대한 간단한 소개, (3) 『生生字譜』와 18세기 후반 朝鮮時代의 文獻用 漢字頻度, (4) 고빈도 상위 50한자의 속성 분석과 빈도 비교 등에 논의했다. 특히 (3)에서는 『生生字譜』에 수록된 부수별 자종과 주조 수량, 빈도별 글자례, 收錄字의 累積 計頻度, 收錄字의 頻度 等級 分類 등에 대해 논의했고, (4)에서는 고빈도 상위 50한자를 추출하여 이들의 품사, 선진시대 각종 역대 문헌 자료, 동한시대 실물 자료, 위진남북조 석각문자 등과의 빈도 비교를 통해 『生生字譜』가 가지는 빈도의 의의에 대해 논의했다. 다만, 『生生字譜』에 기록된 주조량이 어떤 방식에 의해 조사되고 63등급에 의해 분류되었는지, 당시의 다른 “字譜”들과의 차별성은 무엇인지에 대해서는 지속적인 연구가 필요하다.
In order to evaluate the weed suppressing effect of Solanum viarum Dunal. In this study species diversity in patch of S. viarum and allelopathic effects of the aqueous extracts on S. viarum were investigated. Number of species and species diversity in site close to patch of S. viarum were decreased gradually 1site (7.7±2.0, 1.5±0.2), 2site (5.3±1.2, 1.2±0.2) and 3site (4.0±1.7, 0.9±0.1). And total phenolic compounds of soil in survey area were increased gradually site1 (0.16±0.01㎎ g⁻¹), site2 (0.17±0.01 ㎎ g⁻¹) and site3 (0.22±0.02㎎ g⁻¹). So the number of species and species diversity (r=-0.692, P<0.05) were negatively correlated with increased total phenolic compounds of soil in the survey area. The relative germination ratio, the mean germination time, the relative elongation ratio, the fresh weight and the dry weight of receptor plants are generally getting decreased while the concentration of the aqueous extracts from S. viarum escalate. But every ratio was various depending on the growing regions, the kind of receptor plants and the treatment of the aqueous extracts. Especially, the radicle by injection of the aqueous extracts concentration of S. viarum was influenced more than the shoot on the same condition. The total phenolic compounds on region of S. viarum was gradually increased in stems (fresh 0.56±0.02㎎ g⁻¹, dry 1.58±0.08㎎ g⁻¹), roots (fresh 1.77±0.07㎎ g⁻¹, dry 2.64±0.06㎎ g⁻¹), leaves (fresh 6.01± 0.14㎎ g⁻¹, dry 7.04±0.29㎎ g⁻¹), seeds (fresh 6.21±0.17㎎ g⁻¹, dry 9.08±0.73㎎ g⁻¹) in order. On the contrary, the negative correlation on germination and growth of receptor plants was shown by total phenolic compounds on the each parts of S. viarum. We think that the aqueous extracts of S. viarum showed allelopathic effects on other plants. Therefore, S. viarum holds the higher competitiveness in plant community in Jeju Island and makes possibility of application as natural herbicide.
Rumex속 식물의 경쟁적 우세원인을 규명하고 친환경 제초제 등의 자원화 연구에 기초자료로 제공하고자 이 식물의 생육특성과 Allelopathy효과를 알아보았다. 돌소리쟁이 수용성추출액을 이용하여 벤트그라스 (Agrostis stolonifera subsp. stlolnifera), 배추(Brassica campestris subsp. napus var. pekinensis), 이탈리안라이그라 스, 토끼풀(Trifolium repens), 가시비름(Amarathus spinosus), 들묵새(Festuca myuros)등의 상대 발아율을 조사하 여 수용성 추출액이 농도가 높아질수록 발아가 억제되는 경향을 볼 수 있었다. 특히 제주도 위해식물인 가시 비름이 수용성추출액 50% 이상에서는 발아가 되지 않는 경향을 보여 선택적으로 가시비름에 많은 억제력을 보이는 것으로 연구되었다. 애기수영의 수용성 추출액을 이용하여 벤트그라스(Agrostis stolonifera subsp. stlolnifera), 도깨비바늘(Bidens bipinnata), 배추(Brassica campestris subsp. napus var. pekinensis), 크림슨클로버 (Trifolium incarnatum), 이탈리안라이그라스, 토끼풀(Trifolium repens), 등의 발아율을 조사하였는데 수용성 추 출액의 농도가 높아질수록 발아가 억제되는 경향을 보였으며, 배추의 경우 100% 수용성 추출액의 농도에서는 발아가 되지 않아 배추의 생장에 억제력이 높게 나타났다. 반면 평균발아일수는 증가하는 것으로 나타났다. Rumex속의 식물의 수용성추출액을 실험하므로써 식물의 선택적 생장억제력을 알수있었으며 이 실험자료를 토대로 친환경농가에서 대상 식물의 방제에 직접 사용해 볼 수 있고, 추후 친환경자재 개발의 기초자료 될 것으로 기대된다.
This study was carried out to germination characteristics by temperature conditions and allelopathic effects of aqueous extracts on Amaranthus spinosus L. in order to investigate the competitive dominant in plant ecosystem and possibility application of natural herbicide. A. spinosus L. sprouted after 24 hour from seeding in 30~4 5℃ treatment. The germination ratio of A. spinosus L. was the highest estimated at 63.3(±2.9)% in 40℃ treatment, followed by 33.3(±2.9)% in 35℃, 1.7(±2.9)% in 30℃ and 5.0(±0.0)% in 45℃ treatment. It was generally decreased the Relative Germination Ratio(RGR), the Relative Elongation Ratio(RER), the Relative Fresh weight Ratio(RFR) of receptor plants by the aqueous extracts of concentration of A. spinosus L. but it was differently inhibited the kind of receptor plant species. And it was different effected among growing regions that aqueous extracts of concentration of A. spinosus L. inhibited more root than shoot. The total phenolic compounds content of A. spinosus L. was decreased gradually middle, first and last of growth stage, and gradually decreased to leaves, roots and stems. We think that A. spinosus L. appeared high germination ratio at a short period and showed allelopathic effects on other plants. Therefore A. spinosus. L. hold the competitive dominant of plant ecosystem in Jeju Island and possibility application of natural herbicide.