This study aimed to assess the nutritional quality of breakfast among Korean school-aged children and adolescents depending on eating together as a family, based on the 2013-2014 Korea National Health and Nutrition Survey. One day 24-hour recall data of 1,831 children and adolescents aged from 6 to 17 years were collected. The nutritional quality of breakfast was analyzed and compared between Family Breakfast Group (FBG, n=1,410) and Eating-alone Breakfast Group (EBG, n=421). The results showed that age, family structure, number of family members, and frequency of breakfast were associated with eating breakfast as a family. The calorie intake from breakfast explained 19% and 16% of the daily intake for FBG and EBG, respectively. The percentages of children and adolescents consuming Vitamin A, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin C, Niacin, and Iron less than 1/4 of the Estimated Average Requirements were significantly lower in FBG than in EBG. The average numbers of serving for “Grains” and “Vegetables” food groups and the average Dietary Diversity Score were significantly higher in FBG than in EBG. Overall, the results indicated that eating breakfast as a family is positively associated with nutritional quality of breakfast among Korean school-aged children and adolescents.
Currently, dramatic change had led to the growth of the distribution environment and the retailer’s distribution channel. This change had shifted the ‘single channel’ to ‘multi channel’, and from ‘cross channel’ to ‘omni channel’. While fashion companies using omni channel are rapidly growing, few research regarding omni channel had been done in academic field. In this study, we examined the influence of omni channel characteristics on consumers’ perceived risk as well as consumers’ perceived risk toward attitude and intention to use omni channel. We surveyed 696 male and female respondents aged 20 to 40 who lived in Seoul and the metropolitan area. Using AMOS 20.0, factor analysis, reliability analysis, and structural equation model analysis were performed to verify the model of this study. The results were as follows. First, omni channel’s instant connectivity, location-based provability, interactivity, and entertainment factors did not decrease impacts on the perceived risk related to privacy and annoyance. Second, omni channel’s instant connectivity and entertainment did not increase effects on the perceived financial risk, and location-based provability and interactivity did not increase effect on perceived financial risk. Third, the perceived risk concerning omni channel did not decrease on consumer attitude toward omni channel. Fourth, consumer attitude toward omni channel influenced the intention to use omni channel significantly.
This study was an exploratory research to classify the types of green fashion marketing of the fashion companies in South Korea and analyse the present cases of each type. To analyse the current cases of green fashion marketing strategies, we researched all sorts of newspapers, magazines, publications of fashion companies, and web sites from 2008 to 2009. As a result, we categorized 5 types of green fashion marketing as follows ; eco-friendly fabrics (natural fabrics, recycled fabrics, biodegradable fabrics), re-use or re-form(reuse after cleaning and/or repairing and reformation through transformation and combination of raw materials), green certifications(ISO 14001, GOTS, OES, etc.), eco-friendly management and operation, and green marketing promotions. Based on the results, we proposed the green marketing strategies for fashion companies to progress toward the proper direction of green marketing. First of all, companies should escape from the narrow view point limited to the product itself. Then they have to focus on developing and execution of sustainable merchandising, manufacturing, logistics, and waste strategies.
북한에서는 중등과정 기상학 내용을 지리학 분야에서 배운다. 본 연구는 북한 지리교과서에 나오는 기상학분야 용어를 남한의 지구과학 교과서에서 사용하는 용어와 비교하여 같은 의미이면서 다른 용어 40개를 발췌하여 각 용어에 대해 전남지방 고등학생들이 이해하는 정도를 비교하였다. 용어의 이해도 조사는 전남지역 소재 2개 고등학교 89명을 대상으로 하였다. 고등학생들이 남한 용어에 대한 이해 수준은 북한용어의 이해 수준에 비해 평균적으로 30% 정도 높다. 더운전선, 합치기과정, 하루변화, 비탈면 등 9개의 북한 용어는 오히려 남한 용어보다 이해 수준이 높다. 이해 수준이 보다 낮은 3때 용어 가운데 2때 용어는 북한 고유어를 이용하여 최근 만들어진 것들이다. 남한의 용어 대부분은 한자어, 외래어 등에서 유래한 용어로 이루어져 있으며 대체로 북한 고유어로 새로 만들어진 용어보다 더 높게 이해되고 있다.
Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is an inflammatory joint disease affecting the axial skeleton, peripheral joints, entheses, and extra-articular site. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents are the first line drugs for treatment of AS. Sulfasalazine is regarded as the second line drug and is usually used on AS patients with concomitant peripheral arthritis. Sulfasalazine has side effects, including liver toxicity, hematological abnormality, skin eruption, and other symptoms. However, eosinophilic pleural effusion is rare. Thus, we report on a patient with peripheral eosinophilia and eosinophilic pleural effusion after taking sulfasalazine for treatment of AS.