Silkworms have been developed for food and medicinal purposes, and several silkworm products are commercially available. However, there has been no research on their shelf stability. This study investigated the shelf stability of freeze-dried silkworms during storage at various temperature and humidity conditions, using three lipid oxidation indicators: peroxide, acid, and TBA value. The higher the temperature and relative humidity are, the more significant the three lipid oxidation indicators increase. Among these indicators, the TBA and peroxide values show the highest temperature dependence and humidity dependence, respectively. This study could contribute to the standardization of the shelf life of products made from freeze-dried silkworms.
A variety of microorganisms are contained in the groundwater and surrounding environment at the depth of a deep geological repository, and could adversely affect the integrity and/or safety of the facility under certain thermal, hydraulic and chemical conditions. In particular, microbial activity (in the buffer and backfill) around the canister can cause corrosion of the canister through sulfide production by sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB), and subsequently promote radionuclide release through the corroded part. Namely, this phenomenon is important in a perspective of performance assessment since it will have an impact on the post-closure exposure dose in the biosphere by accelerating radionuclide leakage into the near-field due to deterioration of the canister integrity In Finland, the performance assessment on microbial activity in buffer, backfill, and plug was performed for the licensing. However, in Korea, researches relevant to microbial activity are only in the early stage as of now. Accordingly, in this study, we draw initial considerations for the performance assessment on the phenomenon in the domestic facility based on review results for the methodology carried out as part of operating license application (i.e. SC-OLA). Studies on the performance assessment of microbial activity in Finland were mainly performed: (a) to investigate complex interactions among microorganisms in the repository by analyzing both indigenous and exogenous microorganisms through drilling, geological and geochemical analysis, (b) to identify microbial interactions at the buffer, backfill, and host rock interface for specific microorganisms that may affect activity of other microorganisms and integrity of the repository, (c) to analyze canister corrosion caused by microbial activity, particularly sulfide production by SRB, and (d) to characterize microbial illitization of montmorillonite that could affect permeability, hydraulic conductivity, and structural integrity of the repository. From reviewing studies above, it is judged that studies labelled as (b) through (d) are applicable to the performance assessment of microbial activity for the domestic facility regardless of specific conditions in Korea. However, for study labelled as (a), the following data on reflecting domestic conditions should be additionally obtained: (1) radionuclide inventory and temperature in spent nuclear fuel, (2) swelling pressure and organic carbon content of bentonite, and (3) size, shape, and gas composition of pores in bentonite. Results of this study could be directly applied to the design and performance assessment for buffer and backfill components, provided that input data specific to the domestic disposal facility is prepared for the assessment required.