
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 53

        2017.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aimed to analyze the beverage usage behavior according to the food-related lifestyle in Seoul, Gyeonggi province area. Group 1, named ‘health & safety seeking’ group, consists of high percentage of women in their 40s, as well as a high percentage of high income and highly educated. Group 2, was group of ‘high interest in dietary life’, consists of a high percentage of women in their 30s, highly educated, earned 3~5 million won. Group 3, named ‘convenience seeking’ group, had a high percentage of men and of those in their 20s who earned less than 2 million won. In verifying the difference between food-related lifestyle groups in terms of their behaviors and attitudes towards the usage of beverage specialty shop, group 1 showed significantly high score in the number of visit beverage specialty shops, the intention to spend higher average expenditure per visit per person, importance of selection attributes of beverage specialty sho
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to determine health consciousness and eating habits of workers at Deluxe hotels in Seoul and Gyonggi-do. To determine health levels, this study focused on quality of sleep, current state of health, smoking, drinking, regular exercise, dietary behavior patterns, dietary habits, and food intake patterns. Out of 228 subjects, 145 (63.6%) were males and 83 (36.4%) were females. Majority of workers (86.9%) graduated from university. A majority (57.0%) worked more than 10 years. Average health condition was ‘little tired’, whereas 18.4% of subjects were ‘always tired’. Male percentages for smoking and drinking were higher than those for females. A total of 44.3% of workers ate twice a day. Regular physical activity was high, but regular exercise rate was slightly low. Male average eating speed was faster than that of females and had lower scores for desirable eating habits. Shift workers ate night meals more than non- shift workers. This study shows that workers at Deluxe hotels need to take better care of their health.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        향후 통일이후 북한지역의 급격한 국토개발로 인한 자연 환경 훼손을 미연에 방지하고 한반도의 균형 있는 국토의 보전과 관리를 위해서는 환경계획 기반의 국토계획이 필수적이다. 이러한 환경계획을 위해서는 다양한 환경공간정보를 이용한 국토의 자연환경 우수지역 평가지도 작성은 반드시 필요하다. 이에 본 연구에서는 로지스틱 회귀분석을 통해 북한지역의 자연환경 우수지역 평가지도 구축방안을 제시하였다. 자연환경 우수성 평가 선행연구를 기반으로 평가에 필요한 평가항목들을 선정하고, 해당 평가항목들을 수집 및 구축하였으며 로지스틱 회귀분석을 이용하여 남북한 접경지역을 중심으로 자연환경성 우수지역 평가를 수행하였다. 평가결과 로지스틱회귀분석 적합성 모형은 89.4%의 분류정확도가 나타났으며, ROC 분석결과 정확도가 96.1%로 높게 나타났다. 본 연구의 결과를 국토환경성평가지도 환경생태적평가와 비교한 결과 본 연구에서 제시한 자연환경 우수지역 평가지도 결과가 북한지역의 환경계획에 활용이 가능할 수 있는 정확도를 나타내고 있다고 판단되었다. 따라서, 본 연구에서 도출한 자연환경 우수지역 평가지도의 40% 이상의 우수지역을 자연환경 핵심 우수지역으로 지정하고, 60%까지의 완충 자연환경성 우수지역으로 지정하여, 추후 단계적으로 핵심 자연환경 우수지역으로 확장할 수 있도록 정책적으로 설정하는 것이 바람직할 것으로 판단된다.
        2016.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 한국에 거주하는 동남아 노동자의 식생활 실태 를 분석하여, 한국에서 거주하는 동안 바람직한 식생활을 하 도록 지원하기 위한 기초자료 제시를 위해 조사되었으며, 조 사 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 조사대상자의 연령은 25~29세가 35.1%로 가장 많았고 그 다음은 20~24세 (32.7%), 30~34세(21.1%)였고 35~39세가 9.6%로 가장 낮았다. 성별은 남성이 76.5%로 여성(23.5%)보 다 많았다. 결혼유무는 미혼인 경우가 59.8%였다. 교육수준 은 고졸이 49.8%로 가장 많았고, 다음으로 전문대졸(22.7%), 고졸 이하(17.1%)였고 대졸은 7.2%로 가장 적었다. 종교는 불교가 59.0%로 과반이 넘었고, 무교 35.3%, 기독교 4.0% 였다. 대다수가 공장(90.1%)에서 근무하고 있었다. 한국에는 4~5년 거주한 비율이 39.4%로 가장 많았고 2~3년 31.9%, 1 년 미만이 17.9% 순이었다. 대다수가 월평균 100~199만원 (88.0%)의 수입을 얻었다. 84.1%가 취사가 가능한 곳에서 거 주했다. 한국어 실력은 보통이 56.2%로 가장 많았고 친한 한 국친구 숫자는 한 명도 없다가 84.1%로 대다수를 차지하고 있고 그 다음은 15명이 12.7%였다. 2. FNS는 캄보디아, 미얀마, 베트남, 태국 순으로 높았다. FNS가 높은 캄보디아, 베트남과 미얀마는 각각 3.91±0.58과 3.92±0.65, 3.97±0.56로 평균 3.88±0.59보다 높았고 태국은 3.76±0.59으로 평균보다 낮은 지수를 보였다. 국가 간 유의 적인 차이는 없었으나 경제지표에 따라 경제가 발전한 국가 일수록 FNS는 낮아지는 경향성을 보였다. 3. FNS에 영향을 미치는 인구통계학적 요인은 취사가능여 부와 거주형태였다. 취사가능여부는 취사가능하다고 답변한 동남아노동자의 FNS (3.85±0.61)가 취사가능하지 않다고 답 변한 동남아노동자의 FNS (4.09±0.35)에 비해 낮게 나타났고 (p<0.05) 기숙사에 거주하는 동남아 노동자의 FNS (3.94± 0.55)가 자취(3.74±0.60)나 기타(3.83±0.66)의 FNS보다 높게 나타났다(p<0.05). 직접 취사를 하는 등 음식준비에 책임을 많 이 가질수록 음식관여도가 높아지고 높은 음식관여도는 FNS 와 부(−)의 관계를 가진다는 선행연구와 일치하는 결과였다. 4. 동남아 노동자의 한국음식인식의 유형에 따른 평균점수 를 중심으로 국가별 차이를 알아보기 위해 요인분석과 일원 변량분석(ANOVA)을 실시하였다. “한국음식의 조리법, 맛, 색에 대한 긍정적인 인식”은 캄보디아가 3.46±0.63으로 가 장 높았고 그 다음은 베트남(3.38±0.68), 미얀마(3.26±0.50), 태국(3.09±0.64) 순이었고 유의적인 차이가 있었다(p<0.01). “모국음식과의 조리법, 냄새, 질감에 대한 이질감” 요인에 대 해서는 미얀마가 3.40±0.60으로 가장 높았고 그 다음은 캄 보디아(3.16±0.76), 태국(2.88±0.98), 베트남(2.70±0.63) 순이 었으며 유의적인 차이가 있었다(p<0.001). “모국음식과의 맛 에 대한 이질감” 요인에 대해서도 미얀마가 2.84±0.79으로 가장 높았고 그 다음은 베트남(2.76±0.71), 캄보디아(2.65± 0.67), 태국(2.58±0.74) 순으로 높았으나 유의적인 차이는 없 었다. 비교국가에 비해 한국음식에서 모국음식과의 조리법, 냄새, 질감, 맛에 대한 이질감을 가장 많이 느끼고 있는 미 얀마의 경우 한국음식에 대한 적응이 쉽지 않을 것으로 예 상되며 이들에 대한 한국음식 적응 교육에 시간을 더 투자 하여 교육할 필요성이 있다. 5. 동남아 노동자의 한국음식인식정도와 FNS의 상관관계를 분석한 결과, “한국음식의 조리법, 맛, 색에 대한 긍정적인 인 식” 요인과는 p<0.01 수준에서 유의적인 부(r= −0.219)의 상 관관계를 보였고, “조리법, 냄새, 질감에 대한 이질감” 요인과 는 p<0.01 수준에서 유의적인 정(r=0.248)의 상관관계를 보였 다. “맛에 대한 이질감” 요인에서는 유의적인 차이는 없었다. 이 결과를 통해 FNS는 동남아 노동자의 한국음식인식정도와 연관이 있다는 것을 알 수 있다. FNS가 크면 “한국음식의 조 리법, 맛, 색”에 대해 더 부정적으로 인식하고, “조리법, 냄 새, 질감에 대한 이질감”을 크게 느낀다는 것을 알 수 있다. 한국음식에 대한 이질감은 맛(r=0.071)보다 조리법, 냄새, 질 감(r=0.248)에서 더 큰 이질감을 느낀다는 경향을 볼 수 있다. 본 연구를 통해 동남아시아 중에서도 유사한 지리적 특성 을 가진 인도차이나 반도에 있는 베트남, 태국, 캄보디아, 미 얀마 4개국 외국인 근로자들의 푸드네오포비아 경향은 국가 별 차이가 유의적으로 나타나지는 않았으나 경제가 발전한 국가일수록 FNS가 낮아지는 경향을 보였다. 한편 국가별 한 국음식인식에는 차이가 있다는 것이 나타났고 FNS는 한국 음식인식정도에 유의미한 연관성이 있다는 것이 밝혀졌다. FNS가 낮을수록 한국음식인식이 긍정적으로 나타났는데 “한 국음식의 조리법, 맛, 색”에 대해 더 긍정적으로 “조리법, 냄 새, 질감에 대한 이질감”은 더 낮은 수준으로 인식하는 것으 로 나타났다. 이 연구결과를 통해 동남아 노동자의 한국음식 적응에 대한 수월성 정도를 알아보기 위해 FNS가 선행적으 로 사용될 수 있을 것으로 기대한다. FNS가 높은 국가의 동 남아 노동자의 경우 입국 시 한국음식 적응을 위한 사전교 육에 시간을 더 할애하는 방법도 고려해 볼 수 있다. 국적 이외에 FNS에 영향을 주는 요인으로 취사가능성여부와 거 주형태였는데 음식준비에 대한 책임을 많이 가질수록 FNS 가 낮아지는 경향을 보였다. 따라서 FNS를 낮추기 위해 가 능하면 취사가 가능한 숙소를 배정해 적극적으로 취사를 할 수 있도록 유도하는 것도 음식문화 적응을 수월하게 하기 위 한 방법으로 사료된다. 한편 FNS는 한국음식인식을 판별할 수 있는 절대적인 지 표는 아닌 것으로 나타났는데 베트남의 경우 태국보다 FNS 가 높았지만 전반적인 한국음식인식은 태국보다 긍정적인 것 으로 나타났다. 태국은 타 동남아 국가 중에서도 음식문화가 발달한 나라로 자국민의 음식문화에 대한 자긍심이 높아 한 국음식인식이 비교국가 중 긍정적이지 않는 것으로 사료된 다. 따라서 한국음식 적응에 대한 수월성 정도를 알아보기 위한 사전조사로 FNS 뿐만 아니라 자국음식에 대한 자부심 정도를 알아보는 것도 필요할 것으로 보이며 이는 후속연구 로 진행되었을 때 의미가 있을 것으로 사료된다. 이 연구결과는 동남아노동자의 한국음식문화 적응을 돕기 위한 기초자료로 사용될 수 있을 것으로 기대한다. 또한 본 연구결과는 한국음식과 한국식품의 동남아시아 진출 시 필 요한 동남아인들의 한국음식에 대한 소비자 반응에 대한 기 초자료로도 사용될 수 있을 것으로 예상한다. 본 연구에서 연구되었던 4개국뿐만 아니라 다른 나라 노동자들에 대한 연 구가 추후 진행된다면 질 높은 기초자료 구축에 도움이 될 것으로 보인다.
        2016.03 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this study was to investigate the immunomodulatory effects mixed with Weissella cibaria JW15 strain and black soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.). In this experiment, JW15 was cultured in De Man Rogosa and Sharpe (MRS) broth at 37% for 17 hr, and the cells were washed twice with sterile phosphate buffered saline (PBS) (pH 7.2). And black soybean was extracted by ethanol or hot boiling water. The immuno-modulatory effects of mixed JW15 and black soybean extract were investigated by measuring the production of nitric oxide (NO), nuclear factor κB (NF-κB) and cytokine (Interleukin-1β and Tumor necrosis factor-α) in RAW 264.7 macrophage cells or RAW blue cells. The 0.1 % ethanol and hot water extract of black soybean increased NO, NF-κB, and cytokine production in a concentration dependent manner. The NF-κB activation by JW15 mixed with 0.1 % hot water extract of black soybean (0.26 ± 0.02) was significantly higher than JW15 alone (0.20 ± 0.02). Also, combination of JW15 and 0.1% hot water extract of black soybean triggered IL-1β production of 110.19 ± 4.38 pg/mL, which was significantly greater than the JW15 alone (12.06 ± 7.58 pg/mL). The results of this study indicate that combination of Weissella cibaria JW15 and black soybean extract may have an ability to activate innate immune response synergistically. According to these results, the mixture of JW15 and black soybean extract could hold great promise for use in probiotics.
        2015.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study analyzed the dietary status of Southeast Asian workers living in South Korea in order to provide basic data to develop a program that allows workers to map desirable eating habits while living in Korea. Questionnaires were completed by 251 Southeast East Asian workers living in South Korea. From our study, we found that respondents ate three meals a day, and Vietnamese had less regular meal times than others. Thai, Cambodian, and Myanmar workers ate snacks several times a day, as they did in their own countries. For adapting Korean food, Vietnamese and Cambodian workers had difficulties due to spicy and salty flavors while Thai and Myanmar works had difficulties due to unfamiliar ingredients and cooking method. Thai workers were the fastest to adapt to Korean food, and the Thai ratio of eating homeland food daily was highest. Male respondents ate more often than women. Workers had access to cooking facilities in their house and usually ate more homeland food than workers that did not have access to cooking facilities. By providing understanding of dietary patterns of Southeast Asian workers, these results can be used as basic data to develop a program for Korean food adaptation.
        2014.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objectives of this study were to evaluate the antimicrobial effects of ε-poly-L-lysine mixture (EPM) on cheon-ggukjang and to determine the optimal mixing ratio in cheonggukjang. Increasing the EPM up to 2% decreased via-ble cell counts at both 15oC and 30oC storage. The pH of cheonggukjang without EPM increased slowly over thestorage periods, but cheonggukjang with EPM showed a slight increasing tendency, with the highest pH at 2% EPM.The sensory scores, such as texture and flavor, were highest in samples containing 2% EPM; however, overall pref-erence was not significantly different when compared to the control. For the optimum cheonggukjang processingconditions, 13 experimental points were selected. Soybean and EPM were chosen as independent variables. Viablecell count, pH, texture, and overall preference were measured. The optimum formulation of cheonggukjang usingthe numerical analysis was found to be 98.52% soybean and 1.48% EPM, resulting in a 0.722 desirability value.
        2014.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        RDA(Rural Development Administration of Agriculture) and YIRI(Yecheon-gun Industrial Insect Research Institute) was development of 3 strains crossbred honey bee(Apis mellifera) for increasing honey production(HP). The overall goal of this research is to improve the honey production of queen honey bees. This will enhance the economic value of the nation’s honey bees for honey production, and hazard resistance. Our main objective of this research is to test of honey bees(A. mellifera) that have increased as well as being good honey producers and resistance of disease in jeon-nam province. The new honey bee(A. mellifera) stock were identified ability of increasing honey production by comparing with rearing practice colony. The new honey bee(A. mellifera) stock can produce more than 30~50% honey(HP; 12.31 kg) comparing with rearing practice colonies(control 1; 8.17 kg, and control 2; 9.53 kg). Furthermore, we are calculated the number of worker bee per colony. Population of worker bee in new honey bee(A. mellifera) stock are 2,849 (colony 1), 8,860 (colony 2) and 10,451 (colony 3), it was more then 1.2~3.7 fold comparing with controls.
        2013.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2012.06 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In the present study, we investigated the effect of porcine follicular fluid (PFF) concentration (10% vs. 1%) and protein-free media (PFF 0%) on maturation of porcine oocytes in vitro and analysed difference in gene expression in resulting blastocysts following parthenogenetic activation. Three groups were tested; 1) 10% PFF: Tissue culture medium (TCM) 199+10% PFF; 2) 1% PFF: TCM 199+1% PFF; and 3) 0.1% PVA: TCM 199+0.1 PVA. Cumulus-oocyte-complexes were cultured in the respective media containing gonadotrophin (1 ug/ml), epidermal growth factor (10 ng/ml), cystein (0.57 mM), sodium pyruvate (0.91 mM), insulin (5 ug/ml), 9-cis retinoic acid (5 nM) for 20~22 h and then without hormonal supplements for an additional 20-22 h. Data was analyzed using statistical analysis system(SAS) program. There was no significant difference in oocyte maturation rate. However, significantly higher (p<0.05) proportions of embryos developed to the blastocyst stage when oocytes were matured in 10% PFF group (45%) than in the 1% PFF group (31.1%). The total cell numbers were not significantly different among groups (52 ± 1.3 vs. 54.6±3.1 vs. 54.4±2.5, respectively). The relative abundance (ratio to beta-actin mRNA) of gene transcripts related to apoptosis in blastocysts was measured by real- time PCR. The expression of anti-apoptotic gene (BclxL) was up-regulated and the expression of pro-apoptotic gene (Bax) was down-regulated in 10% PFF group than in the other groups. Therefore, it can be concluded that supplementation of 10% PFF during in vitro maturation improves embryo development by reduction of apoptosis. * This study was supported by IPET (#311011-05-1-SB010), RNL Bio (#550-20120006), MKE (#10033839-2011-13), Institute for Veterinary Science, the BK21 program and TS Corporation.
        2012.06 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Embryo transfer (ET) is the final procedure for getting pregnancy through assisted reproductive technology such as IVF (in vitro fertilization), SCNT (somatic cell nuclear transfer). In our laboratory, the porcine cloned embryos loaded in ET medium are carried for 3 hours by portable incubator because of the great distance from the laboratory to the experimental farm. Thus, before transferring into recipient, porcine cloned embryos are exposed in vitro condition for long time. Medium which is used in this process is the TALP (Tyrode’s medium supplemented with 10 mM HEPES), but it includes little nutrients for embryo. Thus, the aim of this study is to determine whether ET media containing nutrients affect the in vitro development of embryos compared to TALP. For the experiment, porcine zygote medium (PZM)-5 which has amino acids for developing embryo was chosen as ET medium containing nutrients, added 10 mM Hepes as PZM-5 does not contain buffering system. For experiment, we carried out parthenogenesis through a chemical method using Thi/DTT. Parthenogenetic embryos were cultured in PZM-5 for 2 days, and then they were randomly divided into two group; loaded in a straw with TALP or PZM-5-Hepes, respectively. They were stored in a portable incubator for 3 hours to simulate the time consumed in ET, thereafter embryos in both TALP and PZM-5-Hepes groups were respectively cultured in PZM-5 for additional 5 days. All experiments were repeated 5 times. In result, blastocyst formation rate were 22.46%±1.47 and 23.17%± 2.13, respectively and total cell number were 32.9±2.22 and 37.09±2.18, respectively. There is no significant difference between TALP and PZM-5-Hepes groups. * Further study will investigate effect of PZM-5-Hepes on in vivo development of porcine cloned embryo. This study was supported by IPET (#311011-05-1-SB010), RNL Bio (#550-20120006), Institute for Veterinary Science, the BK21 program and TS Corporation.
        2012.06 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells (ASCs) are very interesting in several laboratory animals and humans because they are easy to harvest and expand to generate millions of cells from a small quantity of fat. ASCs are known as useful materials for clinical applications in human cell therapy and as a donor cell in somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT). Here, we investigated if 1) minipig ASCs can be isolated, self-renewed and differentiated into multiple tissue lineages, 2) ASCs can be a suitable donor cell type for generation of cloned pig. In order to isolate ASC, adipose tissues were collected from inguinal region of a 6-year-old female minipig. The ASCs were attached to the culture dish with a fibroblast-like morphology. They expressed cell-surface marker characteristics of stem cell, underwent osteogenic, adipogenic, myogenic, neurogenic and chondrogenic differentiation when exposed to specific differentiation-inducing conditions. To investigate its potential as donor cell for cloning, we respectively carried out SCNT using ASC, adult skin fibroblast (ASF) and fetal fibroblast (FF) derived from same minipig. The ratio of blastocysts to 2-cell embryos and total cell number of blastocysts were monitored as experimental parameters. In results, cleavage and developmental competence to blastocysts rate showed no significant difference among the three groups. On the other hand, total cell numbers of blastocysts derived from ASC and FF were significantly higher than in ASF (89±7.9 and 105±5.5 vs. 57.5±5.2, respectively). Our results demonstrated that ASC have potential compared to ASF and FF in terms of the in vitro development and blastocyst formation ability. In further study, we will investigate the in vivo developmental ability of ASC as donor cell for pig cloning. * This study was supported by IPET (#311011-05-1-SB010), RNL Bio (#550-20120006), Institute for Veterinary Science, the BK21 program, TS Corporation and Optifarm Solution.
        2008.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Developmental periods of sweet potato whitefly, Bemisia tabaci(Gennaius) Q-biotype, were investigated on three host plants- sweet bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L.), eggplant(Solanum melongena L.) and oriental melon(Cucumis melo L. var. makuwa MAKINO). Egg and nymph development of B. tabaci were studied within temperature ranging of 15℃-35℃ by 2.5℃ under photoperiod 16:8(L:D). Egg period of B. tabaci was the shortest at 32.5℃ and nymphal period was shortest at 27.5℃ on sweet bell pepper. Nymphal period of B. tabaci on eggplant was the shortest at 27.5℃ as well. On the other hand, nymphal period of B. tabaci was shortest at 30℃ and 32.5℃. Lower temperature threshold and effective degree-day for completing egg development on sweet bell pepper were estimated as 13.11, 91.95, respectively. Lower threshold temperature of nymphal stage on sweet bell pepper, eggplant, oriental melon were estimated as 13.01, 13.39, 12.31,respectively. Degree-days required to complete nymphal stage on sweet bell pepper, eggplant, oriental melon were estimated as 191.22, 164.41, 190.34, respectively. The relationships between development rates of egg and nymph were well described by poikilothermal rate function and weibull function. The fitted curves will be used as input for a simulation model of the population dynamics of B. tabaci.
        2017.01 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV)/graphene oxide (GO) nanocomposite films containing various content of GO were prepared using solution casting method. The effect of GO content on Young’s modulus and dispersion of GO in PHBV matrix was investigated. Also, the thermomechanical properties, oxygen transmission rates and hydrolytic degradation of PHBV/GO nanocomposite films were studied. The addition of GO into PHBV improves the Young’s modulus and decreases thermal expansion coefficient. The improvement can be mainly attributed to good dispersion of GO and interfacial interactions between PHBV and GO. Furthermore, PHBV/GO nanocomposite films show good oxygen barrier properties. PHBV/GO nanocomposites show lower hydrolytic degradation rates with increasing content of GO.
        2014.09 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Molecular markers are useful for selecting to include superior character genetic like as strong immune system and rapid growth in fish. The marker is also very important part of breeding technology in Olive flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus). Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) marker is already in use widely for genomic research and breeding. But this SNPs marker hardly has been validated for screening functional genes in Olive flounder. We study identify single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) on Expressed sequence tag (EST) database, develop usable SNP marker and apply to wild sample and cultured of olive flounder. As a result, Out of total 4.327 ESTs, 693contigs and 514 SNP from total contigs were detected while these substitutions include 297 transitions and 217 transversions. 144 developed markers were applied in 16 samples (wild 8, culture 8), Out of total marker, only 32 markers had detected polymorphic in sample. Polymorphism of 32 markers was observed in the variety genes region involved in immunity and protein synthesis. And the 32 marker were identified 21 transitions, 11 transversions, and indel was not detected in polymorphic SNPs. The analysis on heterozygosity by sample showed 0.34 in wild sample and 0.29 in cultured sample. In conclusion, we was identified SNP and Polymorphism by designed new marker, it supports that development marker is suitable for SNP detection and diversity analysis in Olive flounder. The outcome of this study can be basic data for researches for immunity gene and characteristic with SNP.
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