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        검색결과 20

        2024.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Background: Although an understanding of the proliferation and differentiation of fish female germline stem cells (GSCs) is very important, an appropriate threedimensional (3D) research model to study them is not well established. As a part of the development of stable 3D culture system for fish female GSCs, we conducted this study to establish a 3D aggregate culture system of ovarian cells in marine medaka, Oryzias dancena. Methods: Ovarian cells were separated by Percoll density gradient centrifugation and two different cell populations were cultured in suspension to form ovarian cell aggregates to find suitable cell populations for its formation. Ovarian cell aggregates formed from different cell populations were evaluated by histology and gene expression analyses. To evaluate the media supplements, ovarian cell aggregate culture was performed under different media conditions, and the morphology, viability, size, gene expression, histology, and E2 secretion of ovarian cell aggregates were analyzed. Results: Ovarian cell aggregates were able to be formed well under specific culture conditions that used ultra-low attachment 96 well plate, complete mESM2, and the cell populations from top to 50% layers after separation of ovarian cells. Moreover, they were able to maintain minimal ovarian function such as germ cell maintenance and E2 synthesis for a short period. Conclusions: We established basic conditions for the culture of O. dancena ovarian cell aggregates. Additional efforts will be required to further optimize the culture conditions so that the ovarian cell aggregates can retain the improved ovarian functions for a longer period of time.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Paired box protein, PAX7, is a key molecule for the specification, maintenance and skeletal muscle regeneration of muscle satellite cells. In this study, we identified and characterized the cDNA and amino acid sequences of PAX7 from black sea bream (Acanthopagrus schlegelii ) via molecular cloning and sequence analysis. A. schlegelii PAX7 cDNA was comprised of 1,524 bp encoding 507 amino acids and multiple sequence alignment analysis of the translated amino acids showed that it contained three domains including paired DNA-binding domain, homeobox domain and OAR domain which were well conserved across various animal species investigated. Pairwise Sequence Alignment indicated that A. schlegelii PAX7 had the same amino acid sequences with that of yellowfin seabream (A. latus ) and 99.8% identity and similarity with that of gilt-head bream (Sparus aurata ). Molecular phylogenetic analysis confirmed that A. schlegelii PAX7 formed a monophyletic group with those of teleost and most closely related with those of the fish that belong to Sparidae family including A. latus and S. aurata . In the investigation of its tissue specific mRNA expression, the expression was specifically identified in skeletal muscle tissue and a weak expression was also shown in gonad tissue. The cultured cells derived from skeletal muscle tissues expressed PAX7 mRNA at early passage but the expression was not observed after several times of subculture.
        2021.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 HS-SPME/GC-MS 방법과 화학계량학 (chemometrics) 분석으로 차의 등급과 품질 판단의 가능성을 실험한 연구이다. HS-SPME/GC-MS 방법으로 녹차, 재가공차 (화차), 홍차 및 등급별 향기를 분석했고, 주성분분석, 부분최 소제곱회귀분석 등 chemometrics와 관능 평가 결과를 결합하여 차의 종류와 등급 예측 판단을 진행하였다. 주성분분석결과는 차의 종류 판별에 양호한 결과를 내었고, 녹차 Y1(X)=- 7.138-4.094X1-7.876X2, 재가공차(화차) Y2(X)=-7.291- 2.059X1+8.157X2, 홍차 Y3(X)=-3.060+4.022X1+0.746X2 판별 함수를 얻었으며 교차검증 및 식별 인자 모두 100%의 정확률 에 도달했다. GC-MS 시그널과 차의 등급에서 부분최소제곱 회귀분석을 진행하고, 관능 평가 결과와 함께 차의 종류 및 등급 예측 판단을 진행하였다. 예측값과 실제값의 상관성은 각각 대불용정 0.9056, 재스민차 0.8855, 운남홍차 0.9527, 기문 홍차 0.9710으로, 재스민차의 값이 약간 낮은 외에 모두 0.9 이상의 의미있는 결과를 보였다. GC-MS와 화학계량학 분석 으로 차의 등급과 품질 판단 연구를 진행하고, 차의 종류 식별 함수와 등급 예측 모형 수립은 차의 종류와 등급 판별에 참고 가치가 있다는 결론을 내었다.
        2020.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Karyotype analysis is a major work in the process of triploid abalone production for the purpose of productivity and quality improvement. However, the metaphase spreads for karyotype analysis have been prepared just from the larvae at trochophore stage, which has restricted the spectrum of sample correction inhibiting more efficient analysis. Here, we investigated the feasibility of preparing metaphase spreads from the larvae at veliger stage that is the next developmental stage of trochophore. For this, diploid and triploid larvae at trochophore and veliger stages from Pacific abalone (Haliotis discus hannai ) were subjected to metaphase spread preparation and its efficiencies were measured and compared each other. As the results, although the efficiencies of metaphase spread preparation were significantly lower in the larvae at veliger stage compared to the ones at trochophore stage regardless of ploidy status, we found that the preparation of metaphase spreads, which showed the clear chromosomal images containing the normal number of chromosomes, was possible from the veliger stage larvae. On the other hands, all larvae used in this study regardless of developmental stage and ploidy did not show colchicine sensitivity. Moreover, no significant difference was observed in cell cycle distribution of the cells comprising larvae between two developmental stages regardless of ploidy status. These suggested that the details of protocol to prepare metaphase spreads from abalone larvae should be optimized depending on its developmental stages. Taken together, we demonstrated the feasibility of preparing metaphase spreads from H. discus hannai veliger stage larvae for karyotype analysis.
        2020.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Fish ovarian germline stem cells (OGSCs) that have the abilities to self-renew and differentiate into functional gametes can be used in various researches and applications. A main issue to be solved for effective utilization of fish OGSCs is the development of their stable in vitro culture condition, but only few researches about fish OGSC culture have been reported so far. In this study, in order to find the clues to develop the culture condition for OGSCs from Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes), we tried to establish somatic cell lines as a candidate for the feeder cells and evaluated its supporting effects on the culture of ovarian cell populations from O. latipes. As the results, the somatic cell lines could be established only from the embryonic tissues among three tissues derived from embryos, fins and ovaries. Three embryonic cell lines were tested as a feeder cell for the culture of ovarian cell population and all three cell lines induced cell aggregation formation of the cultured ovarian cells whereas the feeder-free condition did not. Furthermore, a significant cellular proliferation was observed in the ovarian cells cultured on two of three cell lines. As a trial to increase the capacity of the cell lines as a feeder cell that supports the proliferation of the cultured ovarian cells, we subsequently established a stable line that expresses the foreign O. latipes fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF2) from an embryonic cell line and evaluated its effectiveness as a feeder cell. The ovarian cells cultured on FGF2 expressing feeder cells still formed cell aggregates but did not show a significant increase in cellular proliferation compared to those cultured on non-transformed feeder cells. The results from this study will provide the fundamental information for in vitro culture of medaka OGSCs.
        2019.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Although the efforts to establish fish embryonic stem cells (ESCs) have been made for a long time, derivation of authentic ESCs that possess pluripotency is still difficult suggesting a need for the stepwise optimization of the methods to establish fish ESCs. Primary culture of the blastomeres from the embryos at blastula stage is a critical step for establishing continuous ESC lines. Here, we evaluated the effects of temperatures and basal media on primary culture of blastula embryo-derived blastomeres in marine medaka (Oryzias dancena). The blastomeres were isolated from the blastula embryos and cultured in various conditions designed by the combination of 4 temperatures including 28°C, 31°C, 34°C, and 37°C and 2 basal media including Dulbecco’s modified eagle’s medium (DMEM) and Leibovitz’s L-15 medium (L15). With the exception of a case cultured in L15 at 31°C, the rate of primary cell adherence reached 100% when the blastomeres were cultured over 31°C. The period for primary adherence was significantly shorter in the groups cultured in 34°C and 37°C than in the ones in 28°C and 31°C. The proportion of subculture was significantly high in the group cultured in DMEM at 31°C compared to the other groups. Collectively, we demonstrated that the culture in DMEM at 31°C was effective to primary culture of the blastomeres derived from blastula embryos.
        2018.04 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In a solar coronagraph, the most important component is an occulter to block the direct light from the disk of the sun. Because the intensity of the solar outer corona is 10−6 to 10−10 times of that of the solar disk (I⊙), it is necessary to minimize scattering at the optical elements and diffraction at the occulter. Using a Fourier optic simulation and a stray light test, we investigated the performance of a compact coronagraph that uses an external truncated-cone occulter without an internal occulter and Lyot stop. In the simulation, the diffracted light was minimized to the order of 7.6 × 10−10 I⊙ when the cone angle c was about 0.39◦. The performance of the cone occulter was then tested by experiment. The level of the diffracted light reached the order of 6 × 10−9 I⊙ at c = 0.40◦. This is sufficient to observe the outer corona without additional optical elements such as a Lyot stop or inner occulter. We also found the manufacturing tolerance of the cone angle to be 0.05◦, the lateral alignment tolerance was 45 μm, and the angular alignment tolerance was 0.043◦. Our results suggest that the physical size of coronagraphs can be shortened significantly by using a cone occulter.
        2018.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of pelvic, Lumbar spine and Cervical spine manipulation on the joint position sense in normal adults. Thirty normal adults were divided into an experimental group of 15 subjects and a control group of 15 subjects. The experimental group was treated with pelvic, Lumbar spine and Cervical spine manipulation with massage, whereas the control group received only massage. Both groups were evaluated in terms of joint position errors (JPEs) using a digital dual clinometer before and after the experiment. The comparison of the JPEs of the experimental group and the control group before and after the experiment showed that the experimental group’s cervical spine results were significantly different in the flexion, left lateral flexion, and right rotation (p < .05) and lumbar spine results were significantly different in the flexion and extension (p < .05), but the control group’s results were not statistically significant in all items (p > .05). The pelvic, lumbar spine and cervical spine manipulation makes an effect on the joint position sense in normal adults. The findings of this study suggest that the pelvis, lumbar spine and cervical spine manipulation improve the motor ability in people with low joint position sense.
        2017.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2016.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Introduction Consumers throughout the world, including Asia, are showing increased concerns about food safety. Public policy, industry, and academic researchers are turning increased attention to the effects of food labeling requirements. General food labels provide information about serving size, servings per container, total calories per serving, calories from fat, and minimum daily nutritional value. Consumers must then use the food labeling information to make individual dietary choices. Thus it is appropriate for researchers to ask how consumers formulate product choices and evaluations according to food labeling information including calorie counts and standardized nutritional information (Ford et al. 1996; Keller et al. 1997; Roe, Levy, & Derby 1999). Long-term strategies are critically needed to find ways to protect public health and to assure food safety. Health practitioners and governmental regulators have increased their efforts to address the growing problem by sponsoring programs for food safety and by requiring nutritional labeling. In answer to the need for further research in food consumption behavior (RFC), this study was conducted to investigate how manufacturers might use consumers’ perceptions of risks and involvement for planning the most effective food labeling. Theoretical Framework To find ways to promote general and social marketing healthful consumer use of food labels (Lefebvre, 1988; McDermott, 2000), this study utilizes consumer segmentation techniques in which consumers are categorized according to psychological and demographic profiles (Slater, Kelly, & Thackeray, 2006). That is, they are segmented based on essential homogeneous responses (Forthofer, 2000; Kotler, 1971) and demographic characteristics, including age, gender, income and social class, although demographics may be less effective than psychological differences for predicting responses to health promotions (Lefebvre, 1988; Slater, 1991). The psychographics approach to consumer segmentation, derived from marketing techniques, selects variables that predict health behaviors; that is, consumers are segmented according to how they process communication channel properties and message features (Rimal & Adkins, 2003). By focusing on consumer segmentation we elucidate how consumers react to food labeling designed to promote health and food safety. Consumer segmentation should help us understand why consumers might reject risky unhealthful behaviors and adopt protective healthful behaviors (Slater, 2006). The risk perception attitude framework (Garretson & Burton, 2000; Rimal & Real 2003; Turner, Rimal, Morrison &, Kim, 2006) is a theoretical perspective for segmenting consumers based on their perceptions of risk and their beliefs about personal efficacy. According to the risk perception attitude framework, risk perceptions are usually insufficient to motivate behavior, but when high risk perceptions are coupled with strong efficacy beliefs, people are more motivated to engage in self-protective behaviors. Social cognitive theory and the extended parallel process model also support the importance of efficacy beliefs as moderating risk perception effects on self-protective behavior (Bandura 1986; Witte 1994). Using the risk perception attitude framework for purposes of this study, consumers are classified into four groups according to their risk perception and self-efficacy as indicated by their involvement in health concerns. 1) The "indifference" group comprises study participants who have low risk perceptions and low involvement; they believe they face few risks, lack control of their actions, and are thus not motivated to undertake protective behaviors. 2) The "responsive" group comprises study participants who have high risk perceptions and high involvement and thus are motivated to undertake extensive self-protective behaviors. 3) The "proactive" group comprises participants who have low risk perception but high involvement; they believe strongly in their personal abilities to take control, but perceive low risk and are thus not motivated to engage in self-protective behaviors. 4) The "avoidance" group comprises study participants who have high risk perceptions and low involvement; they are concerned about the need to counter risks but lack the self-efficacy and involvement to follow recommendations. Research Questions To examine the risk perception attitude framework in the context of research on food consumption behavior (RFC), three central research questions are posed: RQ1: How are consumers classified according to their level of perceived risk and involvement? RQ2: Do different consumer types show different attitudes toward paying higher prices for safer food and toward paying attention to food labels? RQ3: What factors influence consumer classifications? Methods Data for this study came from research on food consumption behavior (RFC) conducted by Korea Rural Economic Institute (KREI) in 2014. In 2013, the KREI began gathering data regarding food consumption behavior to help the food industry develop more efficient use of food resources. RFC data are appropriate because they include data about various consumption patterns regarding food lifestyles, purchases, and food safety. Specifically, RFC for this study, we gathered data for a stratified sampling of 6,311 consumers, 19 to 75-years-old, living in 16 metropolitan city-regions in South Korea. Table 1 shows general features of the research participants. Among the respondents, 44.2% were men; 55.8% were women; 10.7% were 19 to 25-years-old; 37.6% were high school graduates; 46.9% had lower than middle school graduation levels, 21.9% were college graduates, 2.3% had post-graduate levels, 1.1% were uneducated; 36.5% had average monthly family incomes of 200~399; 1.3% had the highest rate of 1000 and more; 1.0% had low to moderate interest in health; 42.8% reported that they bought food two or three times weekly; 0.7% reported buying food once a month. Respondents reported an average 3.93 regarding risk perceptions for food safety. Their reported average level of involvement was 3.32; average of intention to pay higher prices for safe food was 3.37, and their average likelihood of checking food labels was 3.15. Measurement To score education levels, the uneducated group = 1, less than middle school = 2, high school graduates = 3, college graduates = 4, and postgraduates = 5. A five-point Likert-type scale was used to measure participants’ interest in their health (1 = complete indifference to 5 = very much interested). Also a five-point Likert scale was used to measure perceived risk for twelve items related to food safety: foreign substances, pesticide residue, use of antibiotics in livestock and fish, natural toxicity, food additives, heavy metals, endocrine disruptors, bacterial contamination, livestock disease, GMO, irradiation, packing hazards, and allergens (1 = not concerned at all to 5 = very concerned). Involvement was measured for three questions regarding food origin, food materials, and eco-friendly products (1 = not concerned at all to 5 = very concerned). Intentions to pay higher prices for safe food and to check food labels were measured from 1 = not at all to 5 = very positive. Results Four consumer groups were classified according to their level of perceived risk and involvement. We followed previous RPA model studies (e.g., Sullivan et al., 2008; Jo & Yoo, 2011) and classified groups based on median perceived risk and involvement: (≥4.00) for high perceived risk, (<4.00) for low perceived risk, (≥3.333) for high involvement, and (< 3.33) for low involvement. The responsive group had high perceived risk and high involvement; the proactive group had low perceived risk and high involvement; the avoidance group had high perceived risk and low involvement; and the indifference group had low perceived risk and low involvement. Additionally, ANOVA with post-hoc Tukey test was conducted to examine the average difference among the four groups regarding their intentions to pay higher prices for safe food and to check food labels. Multinomial logit regression was performed to discover the factors that influence classification of consumer types. Classification of consumer types according to perceived risk and involvement Table 1 shows the consumer classifications according to the level of perceived risk and involvement: 1,198 participants, 21.8%, were in the indifference group with low perceived risk and low involvement; 1,254 participants, 22.8%, were in the proactive group with low perceived risk and high involvement; 1,125 participants, 20.5%, were in the avoidance group with high perceived risk and low involvement; 1,924 participants, 35.5%, were in the responsive group with high perceived risk and high involvement. Among the four groups, the responsive group had a statistically significant relatively high ratio: χ2 value for group classification was 79.695 (p <.001). Consumer classification differences in purchase intentions to pay higher prices for safe food and to check food labels Table 2 shows differences in intentions to pay higher prices for safe food and to check food labels. The proactive group showed the highest average intentions to pay higher prices for safe food at 3.52, followed by the responsive group at 3.51, the avoidance group at 3.25, and the indifference group at 3.16. The differences among the groups were statistically significant. A Tukey post-analysis showed that the high involvement group, in contrast with the low involvement group, showed higher average intentions to pay higher prices for safe food. Among the low involvement groups, those with high perceived risk had higher average intentions than those with low perceived risk. The responsive group showed the highest average intentions to check food labels at 3.44, followed by the proactive group at 3.43, the avoidance group at 2.74, and the indifference group at 2.27. The differences among the groups were statistically significant. A Tukey post-analysis showed that high involvement groups, in contrast with low involvement groups, showed higher average intentions to check food labels, but no difference was found according to the level of perceived risk. Influential factors of consumer segmentations Table 3 shows the results of examining the factors of gender, age, education, monthly average family income, and interest in health that are typical in consumer segments. Comparing all groups with the responsive group, the indifference group was most likely to comprise young women who had lower educational levels, lower monthly income, and less interest in health. The proactive group was most likely to be made up of men. The avoidance group was most likely to be made of young men who had lower educational levels, lower monthly incomes, and less interest in health. Discussion This study is an investigation of the theoretical framework of risk perception and involvement according to indifference, proactivity, responsiveness, or avoidance consumer segments. The study centrally indicates that the four risk perception–involvement framework groups differ in their perceptions of risk and the extent of their involvement. By revealing the importance of high involvement as a fruitful intervention strategy, the results suggest practical implications for public policymakers and marketers who strive to devise appropriate food labeling. Social cognitive theory has long stressed the importance of enhancing personal involvement (Bandura 1986). That insight can be applied to the risk perception attitude framework for identifying particular audiences who will respond to involvement-enhancing messages. Our findings suggest that a useful strategy in promoting change is to recognize that consumers will react differently according to their tendencies toward indifference, proactivity, responsiveness, or avoidance.
        2009.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this paper, the Beijing courtyard and Fujian Earth Building--model for two typical entry points, through both a comparative analysis of the typical form and from the perspective of traditional Chinese culture to explain the differences between the two shapes in order to explore the south and the north of China's residential cultural similarities and differences .
        2009.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As the primary mode of long distance transport between nations, international air transport plays an essential role in the development and prosperity of the global economy. While other services sectors have benefited immensely from the multilateral trading system, the air transport services have long been dominated by restrictive bilateral arrangements since the Chicago Conference of 1944. Following the successful deregulation of its domestic air transport regimes, the United States initiated an Open Skies campaign toward international air services liberalization in 1990s. The conclusion of the U.S.- EU Open Skies Agreement in April 2007 represents a landmark in the liberalization of international air services. This historic deal not only heralded a new era in transatlantic aviation, but also strengthened the path-dependence of air transport services liberalization. As a major economic power and potential aviation power, China would benefit immensely from the liberalization of air services. However, base on actual conditions, a controllable and phased-in approach toward liberalization is a more rational choice for China at present.
        2008.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to assess the peak plantar pressure distribution under foot areas according to the height of heel lifts in obese adults and non-obese adults during walking. Thirty-one participants volunteered for this experiment. The average body mass index (BMI) value of the fourteen subjects in the obese group was 26.5±1.4 ㎏/㎡ (from 25.1 to 29.3 ㎏/㎡), and of seventeen subjects in the non-obese group was 20.0±1.1 ㎏/㎡ (from 18.7 to 22.7 ㎏/㎡). The subject ambulated while walking in the sneakers, walking with 2 cm heel lifts, and walking with 4 cm heel lifts in the shoes. We measured the peak plantar pressure under the hallux, 1st, 2nd, 3~4th, and 5th metatarsal head (MTH), mi foot, and heel using F-scan system. The obese group had significantly higher peak plantar pressure under all foot areas than the non-obese group regardless of the height of heel lifts (p<.05). The peak plantar pressure under the 5th MTH and heel was significantly decreased, also the peak plantar pressure under hallux, 1st, and 2nd MTH was significantly increased according to the height of heel lifts in the obese group and non-obese group (p<.05), We proposed that individuals with heel lifts in shoes should be careful, as there is high plantar pressure under the forefoot.
        2006.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        One append way of liquid state inhibitor was investigated, which putting V, Cr into W-Co composite solutions in the form of ionization. After spray drying and being calcined, W-Co composite oxides could come into being. Then taking fluidization techniques, well-proportioned W-Co composite powder compounded with inhibitor could be produced in the end.
        2022.08 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Integrated circuits are the cornerstone of the development of information and communication technology industries in various countries, and to a large extent affect the development of the future technological industry revolution, and are known as “industrial food”. With the transfer of the global integrated circuit industry chain, emerging economies in East Asia represented by China and South Korea occupy a core position in the global integrated circuit trade. In recent years, although the scale of China’s integrated circuit trade has expanded rapidly, it has been in an unbalanced state for a long time, and the trade deficit is extremely high. The domestic demand for high-end integrated circuits can only be met by imports. The development of my country’s integrated circuit trade is large but not strong. Thanks to the financial support and preferential policies of the Korean government, in the 1980s, Korean integrated circuit companies took the lead in breaking through the international technology of memory integrated circuits. After that, the Korean government developed other integrated circuit products on this basis. Export of foreign exchange earning products. In order to measure the gap between China’s IC trade international competitiveness and South Korea more accurately. Next, a literature study is conducted on the comparative analysis of the development status of integrated circuit trade between China and South Korea. It was found that the development of South Korea’s integrated circuit industry was later than that of China, but the latter came ahead.
        2017.07 KCI 등재후보 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 논문은 모국어 습득의 연구 성과를 이용하여 문법번역과 직업번역 간의 구별을 검토하였다. 문법번역은 외국어 습득에 있어서 학습을 보조하는 도구이다. 하지만, 직업번역은 두 언어 사이에서 교제하는 도구이다. 이 두 가지 다른 성질을 가지는 번역 사이에서 대응 관계와 모국어 습득은 발전 단계상 유사점이 있다. 언어 습득 및 번역 기능 습득을 이해하는 과정은 학생 번역자에게 이성적으로 번역 전략을 운용하여 문제를 해결하는 능력을 양성하는 데 도움이 된다.