The purpose of this study was to review literature on beef recipes, focusing on 20 recipe books published from the late 1800s to 1990s. A total of 119 beef dry-heat cooking were recorded. The most often used cooking were as follows: roasting 54 times, skewering 35 times, stir-frying18 times, pan-frying11 times and deep frying 1 time. The culinary book that the recipes was Hangukeumsik daegwan (1997). ribs, brisket, rump, bottom sirloin, sirloin and tenderloin were used but all beef cuts were marked as ‘beef.’ Thus, it impossible to figure out which beef cut was used in the recipe. Chili, green onion, egg, tofu and wheat flour were used together as, while soy sauce, salt, sugar, sesame oil, ground pepper, pear juice, honey, chopped green onion, chopped garlic, ginger juice, ground sesame used as. In addition, pine nuts or ground pine-nuts were often used for garnish.
본 연구는 시판 김치에 대한 소비자 인식을 통해 재료의 비율을 최적화하여 최적의 김치양념장을 개발하기 위한 연구이다. 189명의 20대이상 여성을 대상으로 조사를 실시하여 김치양념 재료 중 액젓, 젓갈, 물의 비율을 반응최적화 도구을 통해 최적 김치양념장 레시피를 선정하였다. 조사 대상 중 30대가 41.3%로 가장 많았고, 직업은 주부, 기타 직업, 학생순으로 조사되었다. 시판되는 김치를 구매하고 싶은 이유로 가정에서 김치를 만들기 번거로운 면과 경제 적인 면을 많이 꼽았으며, 나이가 어릴수록 김치를 만드는 방법을 모르기 때문이라는 답변이 많았다. 또한 가족 구성원 수가 적을수록 김치를 적게 먹어서 시판김치를 구매하는 경향이 있었다. 시판김치를 구매하지 않고 싶은 이유로 재료에 대한 믿음과 비싼 가격에 대한 이유가 높게 나타났고, 수입이 많을수록 인공조미료 사용 때문에 시판김치를 구매하지 않는다는 의견이 많았다. 김치에 대한 선호 맛은 감칠맛, 매운맛, 젓갈맛, 짠맛, 단맛 순이었으며, 나이가 어릴수록 짠맛을 선호하고, 41세 이상은 젓갈맛을 선호하는 것으로 조사되었다. 사전 조사 및 설문조사를 통해 김치 양념장제조시 조정 해야 할 재료를 멸치액젓, 물, 새우젓으로 선정하여 배합 비율을 조정하여 기호도에 대한 최적화를 잡은 결과 ‘–11.00A + 4.30B + 1.70C + 31.37AB + 33.56AC – 7.35BC’ (A: 멸치 액젓, B: 물, C: 새우젓)의 회귀식을 나타냈고, 멸치 액젓, 물, 새우젓의 최적 비율은 27.12 : 62.88 : 10.00 (w/w)이었다. 이 같은 연구 결과는 김치 양념 의 최적화를 통해 보다 좋은 맛과 품질의 김치를 개발할 데이터로 활용 가능하며, 고객 맞춤형 김치 양념장 개발에도 사용가능 할 것으로 보인다.
This study was performed to investigate the effects of different cooking methods (boiling, roasting, stir-frying, and deep-frying) on folate retention in 6 kinds of mushrooms (Beech-, button-, Juda’s ear-, oak-, oyster-, and winter-mushrooms) frequently consumed in Korea. In order to assure reliability of analytical data, trienzyme extraction-L casei method was verified and analytical quality control was also evaluated. Folate contents of mushrooms varied by 6.04-64.82 g/100 g depending on the type of mushrooms. and were significantly affected by cooking methods. Depending on cooking methods, folate contents of mushrooms decreased by 22-48%, 2-31%, and 17-56% for Juda’s ear-, oak- and oyster-mushrooms, respectively, while 17-90% of folate was increased in Beech mushroom. Overall, the largest weight loss was found in boiled mushrooms, but the lowest one in deep-fried samples. True folate retention rates considering processing factor were less than 100% for all cooked mushrooms except for Beech samples. Overall, folate loss was the largest by boiling with water but the smallest by deep-frying. Both accuracy and precision of trienzyme extraction-L-casei method were excellent based on a recovery close to 100% and coefficient variations less than 3%. Quality control chart of folate analysis (n=26) obtained during the entire study and an international proficiency test (z-score=-0.5) showed that trienzyme extraction-L casei method is reliable enough for production of national folate database.