
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 10

        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The KINAC resident inspectors are responsible for conducting on-site regulatory and intergovernmental support tasks related to safeguards, physical protection, and cybersecurity in each NSSC regional office. In nuclear material accounting and control, resident inspectors primarily perform tasks such as national inspections and technical support for IAEA inspections. However, with the increasing cases of non-compliance with the advance notification procedure by operators, there is a growing need for improvement in the role of resident inspectors in on-site regulation. In response to this situation, the safeguards division in KINAC has analyzed and improved the on-site check procedures of resident inspectors at LWR facilities. The existing procedure outlines the process where resident inspectors receive the advance notification documents submitted by operators and utilize them as a reference for conducting weekly checks during the overhaul period when IAEA surveillance cameras are installed. Additionally, according to the attached forms specified in the procedure, resident inspectors are required to submit the check results report to the director of the safeguards division in KINAC every week and to the NSSC every month. The inspection items include checking the execution and changes of advance notification, verifying unnotified matters, discussing other issues, assessing the integrity of things such as the operational status of IAEA surveillance equipment, and so on. On April 13-14, 2023, the Safeguards division organized a two-day resident inspector’s work-sharing workshop to discuss improvements in the on-site check procedures of resident inspectors at LWR facilities. During the workshop, a comparison and analysis were conducted between the existing procedures and actual on-site activities. Unnecessary tasks such as advance notification document reception and monthly reporting were eliminated, and the focus was shifted towards emphasizing essential tasks. The opinions of resident inspectors were taken into account to derive directions for improvement. The existing procedure was applicable only during Overhaul periods for resident inspectors. It has been improved by removing this limitation, allowing its use during routine times. Furthermore, the procedure has been enhanced by clarifying its purpose, scope, users, and definitions of terms and specifying responsibilities and authorities. Unnecessary terminology has been eliminated. Remarkably, the definition of advance notification has been detailed, and the reporting of check results has been simplified through weekly task reporting. The Safeguards division in KINAC has strived to enhance the efficiency and simplification of on-site regulatory activities for resident inspectors at LWR facilities by improving their on-site check procedures. These improvement activities are expected to aid resident inspectors in effectively performing a wide range of tasks, including safeguards, physical protection, cybersecurity, and government support. In the future, it will be possible to continue refining the on-site check procedures by sharing the results of using the procedure in meetings and gathering various opinions from resident inspectors.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Among the public notices of the NSSC, five notices related to safeguards, including “Education of Nuclear Control, International Regulatory Materials, Preparation of Regulation of NMAC (Nuclear Material Accounting and Control), the National Inspection of NMAC, and Reporting of International Regulatory Materials” The regulations on the National Inspection of NMAC have remained the same since some revisions were made on December 26, 2017, raising the need to revise the public notice due to changes in the domestic and international safeguards regulatory environment. Accordingly, this paper analyzes the public notice of the National Inspection of NMAC and proposes the revision direction. The regulation regarding the National Inspection of NMAC comprises sections such as Purpose and Definition, Types - Scope - Frequency of the National Inspection, Notification of the National Inspection’s plan, and Management of Violation. Appendices include the contents of the violation table, explanations regarding types of violations, and various forms related to the National Inspection, which are attached separately. IAEA mentioned that ROK was selected as a pilot country for the Improved SLA (State-Level Approach) project starting in November 2020. IAEA explained that a quantitative and standardized methodology was adopted and developed for this purpose. As a result, the Unannounced Inspection at LWR facilities will transition to the Random Interim Inspection. Additionally, the Physical Inventory Verification in CANDU facilities will increase to once a year per reactor. This status will change the frequency and intensity of inspection at domestic nuclear facilities. Furthermore, domestically, there is an ongoing trend of continuous growth and diversification of nuclear facilities. In light of the changing domestic and international safeguards environment, it is necessary to set a direction for revising the regulation regarding the National Inspection of NMAC that was partially amended in 2017 to align with the current status. Firstly, due to the increased burden on operators resulting from the increased number of IAEA inspections following the application of Improved SLA, there is a need to streamline the National Inspection of NMAC frequency to enhance overall regulatory efficiency. Furthermore, the definition section should also be revised to include matters related to the regulation to reflect the current reality accurately. Considering the operation and name changes of new domestic nuclear facilities, there may be a need to add or modify computer input codes. While pursuing the revision of regulations regarding the National Inspection of NMAC, an analysis of the need for revision of other regulations related to safeguards should also be conducted, and directions should be set. Through this process, improving the regulatory framework that forms the basis of safeguards can help prevent confusion among operators and promote regulatory efficiency. We can better cope with these changes by proactively adapting to the rapidly changing domestic and international nuclear environment.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        According to the ROK-IAEA Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement (CSA), the ROK submits inventory change reports (ICRs), physical inventory lists (PILs), and material balance reports (MBRs). Suppose inventory changes occur in each material balance area (MBA). In that case, the facility operators prepare ICRs monthly, conduct physical inventory taking (PIT) every 12 to 18 months, and submit PILs and MBRs to KINAC. KINAC reviews ICR presented by the facility operators, submits it to the IAEA, and reports it to the Nuclear Safety and Security Commission (NSSC). Various methods have been prepared and implemented to minimize errors in reviewing the accounting reports submitted by the facility operators. Accordingly, this paper analyzes the mistakes in the accounting reports that occurred over the past two years and proposed methods to improve them. The basis for carrying out the accounting reports is stipulated mainly in the CSA and the Nuclear Safety Act. First, Article 63 of the CSA describes the rationale for submitting the accounting reports, and the details are described in detail in the subsidiary arrangement. Article 98 of the Nuclear Safety Act stipulates information related to accounting reports, and details are described in the regulations on reporting internationally regulated materials, etc., of the NSSC Notice No. 2017-84. Among the accounting reports submitted in 2021, a total of 36 errors were confirmed. There were ten errors related to inventory changes, followed by six errors in the material balance period (MBP) in the header information. There were four cases of spacing, weight mismatch, and overdue errors, and the rest were related to grammar errors. There were a total of 30 errors in the accounting reports identified in 2022. MBP errors of header information, which occurred the second most in 2021, was the highest with nine, followed by six inventory change errors and five weight mismatch and overdue errors, respectively. Compared to 2021, the total number of errors has decreased by about six, which is interpreted as the result of outreach activities through accounting reporting workshops and nuclear control education conducted by KINAC. Accounting reporting is the most critical part of the Nuclear Material Accounting and Control (NMAC) system. Efforts to check errors in accounting reports and improve report quality through outreach activities could be confirmed by the statistics of the two years analyzed earlier. In the future, if the reporting program used by the facility operators is improved to minimize errors and manage the accounting reporting system through continuous maintenance work, the quality of the accounting reports will be upgraded to the next level.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        KINAC began dispatching the resident inspector in 2012 to strengthen on-site Wolsong nuclear power plants (NPPs) regulations. The dispatched resident inspector is a member of the regional office of the Nuclear Safety and Security Commission (NSSC) and is in charge of technical support, on-site regulation of safeguards, and physical protection for the Wolsong regional office of NSSC. As the number of nuclear facilities in the ROK increased, the resident inspectors began to be dispatched to other regional offices. The resident inspectors were assigned to Hanul in November 2015, Kori in March 2017, Hanbit in March 2015, Saeul in March 2022, and Wolsong in March 2023. Accordingly, this paper intends to reflect on the increasing role of resident inspectors and predict on-site regulatory work in the field of nuclear control. The role of the resident inspectors is described in detail in the internal regulations of KINAC. Among the tasks in the common field is technical support at regional offices for the most critical areas of nuclear control implementation, and on-site verification of the matters requested by the director of each implementation division shall be carried out. Tasks in the field of safeguards include an on-site check of facility regulation review, implementation of national inspections, technical support for IAEA inspections, and information management. Among them, technical support work for Unannounced inspections should be the top priority. These days, in particular, the importance of reviewing the results of checking advanced information and containment and surveillance equipment by facility operators is emerging. Among the tasks performed by the resident inspectors, more than 80% of the functions related to physical protection account for. The resident inspectors check the status of the physical protection system by weekly/monthly/quarter, implement physical protection regulation review and inspection, conduct exercise evaluation, and perform technical support for special assessments. Recently, regulatory activities related to radioactive terrorism and the emergence of illegal drones have been strengthened. In the field of cybersecurity, where its role has recently been increasing, the resident inspectors are performing basic field regulation tasks. Similar to the area of physical protection, the resident inspectors check the cybersecurity system for weekly, monthly, and quarterly readiness, and on-site inspections of cybersecurity review and inspection technical support, exercise evaluation, and other requests are mainly performed. The role of the resident inspectors is expected to expand further in the future due to the increase in terrorist risks at home and abroad and changes in the regulatory environment. However, there is a limit to performing an increasing number of tasks, with the human resources of the resident inspectors limited to one to two for each site. If the resident inspectors are dispatched for each field of safety measures, physical protection, and cybersecurity, they can perform their duties more efficiently, but problems may arise in the operation of our personnel. Therefore, the proper and precise allocation of work while maintaining the current system is an essential part. The roles and prospects of the resident inspectors analyzed in this paper can be used to deploy the headquarters and field regulation personnel and set the direction of work in the future.
        2020.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 다문화 연구의 시각 아래 시행되는 한자 연구에서 고려해야 할 바를 6가지로 나누어 기본적인 생각을 표현하였다. 이러한 6가지 관점은 한자연구와 한자교육 문제를 넘어 동아시아 한자문화권 전반에 걸친 연구의 담론적 성격을 지니고 있다. 이러한 담론의 활성화를 통해 향후 한자 연구가 지향할 바를 고민하는 계기가 되고자 한다.
        2020.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 한문교과교육에서 다루는 한자교육연구의 특수성을 한자학 연구와의 변별성 비교를 통해 밝히고자 하였다. 현재 한국 사회에서 한자교육연구의 필요성을 인정받기 위한 첫 단계는 미래의 인재가 한문교과의 학습을 통해 취득될 수 있는 지식과 정보가 미래사회에 왜 필요하며 어떻게 작용할 수 있는지에 대한 논리적 설득을 통한 사회적 합의이다. 한문교과교육의 필요성에 대한 사회적 합의의 바탕 위에서 한자교육의 필요성을 논하고, 한자교육연구에 관련된 여러 논의를 정치하게 할 수 있다. 본고에서 밝혔듯 한문교과에서의 한자교육은 중국어교육이나 일본어교육에서 말하는 한자교육 이나, 인문학 연구로서의 한자학 연구의 성과를 수용하는 것과는 다른 연구 영역이다. 한문교과에서 의 한자교육연구는 우리 사회에서 합의된 한문교과의 목적을 달성하기 위해 구성된 내용 요소의 선정과 위계화를 충실히 이행할 수 있도록 한자와 관련된 제 요소를 재규정하고, 이를 효율적으로 교수-학습, 평가하는 도구를 개발하여 적용할 수 있는 내용 체계와 요소를 개발·적용함을 목적으로 한다.
        2019.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 한국어 학습자의 한자계 어휘 습득을 교육내용으로 설정하고, 이에 필요한 학습용 어휘와 한자를 다양한 언어자료(코퍼스)를 활용하여 추출하여 선정한 후, 이를 다시 학습 단계별로 위계화하려는 목표 아래 진행된 두 번째 연구성과물이다. 첫 번째 연구에서 기존 한문교육용 기초한자의 문제점을 제기하였다. 현재의 한문교육용 기초한자는 한문고전적 독해는 물론, 한자계 어휘 습득의 목표에도 부적절하다는 점을 실례를 통하여 확인할수 있었다. 후속 연구인 본 단계에서는 한자계 어휘 습득을 위한 한자어와 한자를 선정하는 이론과 실제를 제시하고, 다양한 코퍼스 자료를 분석하여 추출하였다. 세 번째 단계의 연구에서는 한문고전을 독해 학습에 필요한 한자를 선정하고, 마지막으로 한자의 학습층위별 위계화를 제시하고자 한다. 이와 같은 목표 아래 진행된 본 연구는 연구의 대상을 ‘한자계 어휘 습득’으로 설정하고, 이에 따라 현실 언어 생활에 사용되는 한자어와 이를 구성하는 한자를 추출하기 위해 다양한 코퍼스를 이용하였다. 관련 통계 프로그램을 별도로 설계 제작하였으며, 한국어에 사용되는 다양한 언어 자료에서 높은 빈도를 가진 어휘와 한자를 추출하였다. 추출한 한자어는 모두 3732개(사용된 한자 1794개), 개별 한자는 2600개이다. 이는 순수하게 한국어 언어 생활에 활용되는 한자어와 한자를 추출한 것이므로, 기존의 한문교육용 기초한자와는 그 대상이나 목적이 다르다. 본 연구를 통해 다음과 같은 사실을 다시 확인할 수 있다. 첫째, 한자와 어휘 선정은 교육의 대상과 그 목적을 분명히 해야 한다. 이에 따라 추출 및 선정 어휘와 결과가 달라지기 때문이다. 둘째, 연구 방법에 있어 코퍼스의 특성과 언어의 특성 등을 모두 고려한 별도의 오픈소스 프로그램 개발이 필요하다. 셋째, 연구 대상 자료는 사회적 합의를 기초로 객관적이며 대표적 자료를 수집해야 한다. 넷째, 본 연구 결과물과 같은 소논문 형태로는 그 연구의 합리성을 대표하기 어려우므로 관련 연구자들을 중심으로 별도의 연구 프로젝트 플랫폼을 구성하고 공동 개발해야 한다. 다섯째, 한 개인의 연구가 아닌 집단 연구의 결과물로 이용될 수 있도록 저작권을 지닌 공개자료로 제공되어야 한다.
        2013.08 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        中國學生從小學開始學古文;日本學生也從小學開始學古典漢文;韓國學生從中學開始學漢文,不管用什麼教科名,三個國家人從小開始學古代文言文,有的時候用自己的母語來翻譯的,有的時候用傳統形式的原典文章來學習。無論如何,與眾所知,這三個地區現在使用的文字及語言都不同,現在的實際語言生活方面上有的地區根本不需要學漢字及古代文言,也能說漢字的必要性都不同,可現在的教育情況的確不是這樣,反正他們仍然學古代文言文。除了這三個地區,我們能說世界各個地區上對古代文言有興趣人數增加中這句話。他們為了更深理解和交流東亞漢字文化圈某國家,初期開始語言,後來慢慢知道其文化精神的根底是古文,必須需要學習古代文言形式傳來的傳統文化。這情況下他們又發現,古代文言形式不但一個地區單獨使用的方式,韓國、中華圈、日本、越南地區的傳統文化的形成及發展都是跟古代漢語有關,學“古代漢語”是理解漢字文化圈所有國家的最基礎的關鍵知識。漢字文化圈裡成長的人大部分從小聽過、學習了漢字文化圈的概念和內涵,不過在學習過程中之只學自己國家或民族關聯的古代文獻而已。各國家教古代文言的目標跟培養民族精神、繼承傳統文化有關,學生學習中沒發現別的國家也存在用古代文言形式的文獻,只能知道自己的傳統文化都是獨創、特別,自己認為別的國家不能相比的優秀的傳統文化。達到過猶不及的情況,教育應該是培養讓學生愛護自己的傳統文化,也愛護和尊重其他國家傳統文化的態度。因為漢字文化圈已經有普遍的文化,也有自己獨立的文化,這兩種文化合成是自己的文化。那怎麼讓學生愛護和尊重知道別的國家、民族文化? 我認為這方面最合適的教科是“古代漢語”。如果擺脫只教自己傳統文化關聯,均等安排傳統漢字文化圈所產的優秀文獻作品,讓學生領悟自己國家和其他國家的歷史上的密切關係、也領悟要尊重其他文化的理由、也領悟自己國家和其他國家文化上的共同性及特殊性、讓更了解其他國家的傳統文化。除了培養這樣態度外,自己有能力擴展自己的見識,就用古代漢語的知識自己找看其他國家古文獻,古代漢語也對亞洲人也一個理解漢字文化圈所有國家的關鍵。到現在各地已經教“古代漢語”、“古典”、“漢文”,其目標只培養懂自己傳統文化人,我認為現在開始把這個課的性格改成“培養懂東亞傳統文化人”。這變化只靠我們認識觀的變化。可以把各地區的傳統文化教育變成世界“普遍古代漢語教學”,越過民族、國家、母語,現在的概念。