In this study, the experiments and analyses were carried out in order to investigate the fracture characteristics on the adhesive at the specimen bonded with aluminum and aluminum-foam. The same conditions were given for the experiments and analyses. The results are investigated by the graph of reaction force according to displacement. It was found that the experimental and the analytical data were very similar to each other. On the basis of the data, the reliability of the analysis data could be confirmed. The notches were produced at the distances of 40, 110, 150, and 190 mm from the front of the test specimen, and the maximum reaction force was compared accordingly. It was found that the highest reaction force was generated at the front end of the adhesive and the lowest reaction force was found at the middle of the adhesive interface. Finally, when the equivalent stress in the test specimen was examined, it was found that the highest stress was obtained at the distance of 110 mm. It can be deduced. As the notch formation point are similar to the point when stress is dispersed as the adhesive is peeled off, it is possible to infer the high stress compared to other test specimens.
In this study, we investigated the properties of adhesive materials with different lightweight materials such as CFRP and Al-foam. The specimens were tested and analyzed using DCB (Double Cantilever Beam) specimens. In order to secure the reliability of the finite element method, the test and analysis were carried out, and the reliability of the finite element method was secured by using the graph of reaction force to displacement based on the experiment and analysis. The study on the adhesive failure characteristics according to the position of notch hole proceeded. Notch holes were generated at the locations of 40, 110, 150 and 190 mm from the beginning of the specimen near the bonding interface, and the analysis conditions used were the same as those used for securing reliability. The obtained study results are compared with reaction force and equivalent stress. In the case of reaction force, the overall tendency is similar but the difference in maximum reaction force is found. It was found that higher reaction forces appeared at the beginning than at the end of the bonding interface. When the equivalent stresses in the specimens were examined, the value of CFRP was seen to be 30 times higher as much as that of Al-foam.
Two sibling species of the genus Monopis Hübner are collected in Jeju Island, with one of them reported for the first time from Korea. The genus currently comprises approximately 100 named species, which are widespread and diverse throughout the Old World, but poorly represented in the New World. Many species of the genus Monopis have been reported in bird nests, feces, and wool products. The larvae of these moths feed on keratin and chitin sources, such as feather, pellet and guano. The adults are briefly described, illustrated and compared, including the male and female genitalia.
본 연구는 여러 종류의 수액에서 lactobacillus brevis CFM20에 의한 γ-aminobutyricacid(GABA) 생산을 증가시키기 위해 수행되었다. 수액은 0.22㎛의 membrane filter로 여과하고 유산균으로 발효시켰다. 분리 된 L. brevis CFM20은 MRS 배지에서 pH 6.5, 37℃의 최적 조건에서 GABA를 276.42㎍/mL의 농도로 생산하였다. 0.8%(w/v) MSG를 함유 한 MRS 배지에서 배양된 L. brevis CFM20은1011.86㎍/mL의 농도에서 가장 높은 GABA 생산을 보였다. 0.8%(w/v) MSG와 5%(w/v) 동결건조 시킨 미강추출물을 수액에 첨가하여 얻은 GABA 량은 835.409㎍/mL였다. 결론적으로 5%(w/v) 동결건조된 미강추출물을 수액에 첨가하면 GABA 함량이 증가 된 발효 수액 음료를 개발 할 수 있을 것이라고 사료된다.
The time-series of Walker circulation index (WCI) in this study shows the strengthening of the Walker circulation in recent years. To further understand the large-scale features related to the WCI strengthening, a difference between the averaged meteorological variables in two time periods 1999-2013 and 1984-1998 is analyzed. The difference in 850 hPa stream flows between the two periods shows that the anomalous easterlies (anomalous trade wind) are dominant due to the strengthening of anomalous anticyclonic circulations at the subtropical Pacific of both hemispheres. The difference between the averaged zonal atmospheric circulations over 5oS-5oN in the two periods confirms that upward flows are strengthened at the tropical western Pacific and downward flows are strengthened at the tropical central and eastern Pacific in recent years. It matches the WCI strengthening in recent years. The time-series of tropical cyclone (TC) genesis frequency from July to September shows that a mean TC genesis frequency from 1999-2013 decreases compared to that of the time period 1984-1998. The monsoon trough in the period 1984-1998 was located in the further east direction and stronger than that in the period 1999-2013. TCs in the recent period that are generated in further west than TCs in the past period moved from the west. Thus, the TC intensity along the coasts in East Asia becomes weaker in recent period. The intensification of Walker circulation in recent years is related to the weaker TC intensity in East Asia through strengthened anomalous anticyclones at the subtropical western Pacific.
Two species of the genus Herpetogramma Ledere are reported for the first time from Korea: Herpetogramma licarsisalis (Walker) and Herpetogramma stultalis (Walker). The larvae of H. stultalis are well known pest of Achyranthes aspera. Also H. licarsisalis important pest of turf and some other grass crops in Hawaii, Australasia, and Southeast Asia. The description, host plants, adult photographs, and pictures of male and female genitalia are provided.
본 연구는 오늘날 급속한 도시화로 인하여 도시환경이 악화되어 감에 따라 이를 완화시켜줄 수 있는 역할을 할 수 있는 도시 녹지공간의 곤충다양성을 확인하여 생태계 현황을 밝히고 보전 대책 수립과 지속가능한 이용에 필요한 기초 자료를 제공하고자 익산시 원광대학교 녹지공간의 곤충류를 대상으로 2010년 9월부터 2011년 9월까지 조사하였다. 조사 결과 국외반출승인대상종 10종, 한국적색목록 1종, 기후변화생물지표종 2종과 특정종 70종을 포함하여 총 9목 78과 209종의 주요 곤충자원 분포를 확인하였으며, 분류군별 종 다양성은 딱정벌레목이 23과 76종(36.36%)으로 가장 높고, 노린재목 138과 53종(25.36%), 파리목 8과 24종(11.48%), 벌목 7과 16종(7.66%) 등의 순으로 나타났다. 조사시기별 종 다양성은 2010년 9월에 52과 105종으로 가장 높고, 2011년 5월(37과 87종), 2011년 7월(50과 86종), 2011년 6월(40과 80종), 2011년 8월(43과 73종) 등의 순으로 다양도가 높았으며, 2011년 9월(38과 60종), 2010년 10월(36과 52종), 2011년 4월(19과 29종)이 상대적으로 종 다양성이 낮게 나타났다. 또한 조사지점별 종 다양성은 S4(75과 186종, 88.99%)에서 가장 다양한 종의 서식을 확인하였고, S1(41과 70종, 33.49%), S2(41과 63종, 30.14%), S3(36과 59종, 28.22%) 등의 순으로 조사되었다. 군집분석 결과, 종다양도지수(H')와 종풍부도지수(RI)는 S4(H'=3.344, RI=9.257)가 가장 높고, 종균등도지수(EI)는 S1(0.935)이 가장 높게 나타났다. 반면 S3(H'=2.428, RI=4.307, EI=0.832)은 모든 지수에서 가장 낮게 나타났다. 이처럼 곤충들은 녹지공간의 식물과 식생구조와 연관되어 출현하고 있어 도시 녹지공간이 자연환경과 비슷한 환경이 유지되도록 하는 관리가 필요하다.
The Sphingidae are a family of moths (Lepidoptera, Bombycoidae), commonly known as hawk moths. The hawk moths form a family of over 1500 species of small to very large moths (40-150mm) occurring on all continents except Antarctica. The most conspicuous aspect of sphingid biology is the capacity of the moths for fast, long distance, and often migratory flight. Sphingidae adult are appropriately shaped with narrow wings and a fusiform abdomen. Sphingidae is very popular group with both amateur and professional naturalists, but the taxonomic study of the Sphingidae in Cambodia has been done by a few foreign entomologists. In the present study, we were collected 12 times from Cambodia in 10 area for 6 province. As the results of this study, about 455 species of 289 genera of 18 families belong to Lepidoptera (NIBR, 2009-2014). Of which, about 60 species of 30 genera of family Sphingidae were identified from Cambodia. Most of them are recorded for the first time in Cambodia.
The subfamily of Phycitinae is one of the largest groups in family Pyralidae, as Solis and Mitter (1992) estimated, about 4000 species in the world. The Phycitinae are characterized by the following characteristics: forewings long and narrow, with 11 veins or less, R3 and R4 stalked at base or fused completely, both male and female with only one frenulum; gnathos usually rod-shaped or coniform; valva usually hairy, with well-developed costa, sacculus well-sclerotized, shorter than valva, transtilla free or connected at top, juxta and vinculum U-shaped; most of male with culcita; ductus bursae usually from corpus bursae. The larvae of phycitinae are leaf rollers, leaf bores and leaf miners, also they are predators and products pests. Their distribution is throughout the world (Munroe and Solis, 1999).
Leech and South (1901) first reported 3 species of Phycitini from the Korean Peninsula; after that, several researchers respectively made contributions to the fauna of Korean Phycitinae. Until 2008, Bae et al. recorded 79 species from South Korea. Currently, Qi and Bae (2014) added two more phycitinae species for Korea. In the present study, we identified two more Phycitinae species which are newly recorded from Korea. The morphology of adults and genitalia are redescribed and illustrated, the specimens examined are deposited in Incheon National University, Korea.
The antibacterial and antifungal effect of grapefruit seed extract(GFSE) was investigated for its purpose of application to a diverse spectrum of field as sanitizers, disinfectants and preservatives. GFSE showed comparatively high content of such flavoniods as naringin and hesperidin and ascorbic acid. GFSE containing a low level of organic acids is a heavy viscous and water-soluble liquid. As a result of the antimicrobial test of GFSE, Bacillus subtilis and Aspergillus oryzae did not survive at detectable levels when treated with more than 100 ppm of GFSE. The minimum inhibitory concentrations of GFSE for a wide variety of pathogenic and putrefactive bacteria, fungi and yeasts were 100 ppm and 250 ppm, respectively. In the comparable electron micrograph of microbial cells treated with GFSE or not, we could conclude that GFSE destroy microorganisms by disrupting the functions of the cell wall membrane and microbial spores.
The association of lactic acid bacteria in human health has been investigated from early 1900s. The term of probiotics was defined in 1953 and various strains (Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, Streptococcus etc) have been isolating with diverse beneficial effects on human health. Over the century, the concept of traditional probiotics was based on observation of natural properties to restore healthy condition within different human ecosystems (intestine, skin etc) following by development of processing optimization for the stability of bacteria. Nowadays, the aim of probiotics for human health has been moving from gut stabilization towards expanded concept of pharmabiotics like as controlling disease (e.g. obesity, immune system, psychiatric stabilization etc). Along with the expansion, scientists and industry still remained to investigate reliability of efficacy by consumption of probiotics. In recent, probiotics and bacteriophage cocktails have been commercialized in the US market. The cocktails consist of several probiotic strains with four phages targeting pathogenic E. coli. The phages induce reduction of population in E.coli and Clostridium perfringens while prevalence of Eubacterium increased in a gut to 4–5 times prior to consumption. Also, immunological stabilization was observed by consumption ‘probiotics with phage’. Now, the probiotic R&D is moving towards pharmabiotics, and additional technologies in next-generation probiotics and prebiotics are actively investigating worldwide.
국내 연안의 소형어선에서 선외추락 등의 사고 시 대처 방법은 VHF-DSC 무선설비의 경보신호 버튼 조작에 의한 조난 경보 송신과 선박패스 장치(V-Pass)의 경보버튼 작동 또는 비콘 분리에 의한 경보신호 송신 방법이 병행 운용되고 있다. 그러나, 1~2인 승무 소형어선 에서 선외추락 시 승조원이 이들 설비를 직접 조작하여 경보신호를 송신할 방법이 없으나, 외국에서는 VHF-DSC 및 AIS, Bluetooth 등의 기술을 사용한 선외추락 경보장치(MOB)를 이용하여 경보신호를 모선과 타선에 직접 송신하여 대처하고 있다. 외국에서 운용 중인 MOB 장치의 성능 및 기술 분석을 위해 근․장거리 전파환경을 측정한 결과, MOB 장치가 수면 표면에 있을 경우 최대 1해리 이내에서 경보 신호의 수신이 가능함을 확인하였다. 국내 여건에 맞는 MOB 장치는 VHF 통신거리 내의 무선국으로 경보신호를 보내야 하나, 허위의 경보신호를 줄이기 위해서는 선박에 탑재된 VHF-DSC 무선설비와 원격으로 연동되어 운용하는 형태가 가장 적합한 것으로 판단된다. MOB 장치와 VHF-DSC 장치를 연결하기 위한 여러 가지 기술을 검토한 결과, 장치의 소형화 등의 장점이 있는 Bluetooth 방식이 적합하다. MOB 장치에서 비상신호 송신 시, 전용 수신기에서 수신하여 VHF-DSC 무선설비의 외부입력단자를 통해 비상신호를 인지시켜 자체 경보 알람 발생으로 모선에서 인지할 수 있으며, 모선에서 대처하지 못한다면 VHF-DSC 무선설비에 의한 조난경보 신호를 모든 무선국으로 송신하는 방식을 이용하면 국내 연안의 소형어선 등에서 선외추락으로 인한 비상상황에 대처할 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.
반건시의 활용성 증대를 위하여 당액침지형 반건시를 제조하였으며 당 조성에 따른 반건시의 이화학적 특성 및 갈변 저해 효과를 검토하였다. 명도와 채도는 S5(sugar 5%), S10(sugar 10%)에서 높았고 그 이상의 농도에서는 감소하는 경향을 나타내었다. 총당, 환원당 및 유리당 함량은 당의 농도가 증대될수록 증가하였으며, S5는 대조구에 비해 감소하는 경향을 나타내었으나 S10은 유사한 함량을 보였으며 S15 및 S20의 경우 과실에 함유하는 당의 농도가 증가하는 것으로 나타났다. 당액침지형 반건시와 갈변효소간의 관계를 알아보기 위해 폴리페놀 산화효소와 과산화효소를 측정하였으며, 당액 농도가 증대됨에 따라 활성이 저해하는 경향을 나타냈고 S10 이후부터는 유사한 활성을 보였다. 폴리페놀, 플라보노이드, 프로안토시아니딘 및 비타민 C 함량은 다른 처리구와 비교하면 S10이 가장 높은 함량을 보여 식품과 당액 사이에 삼투압 때문에 당액으로 용출되는 함량이 감소하는 것으로 나타났다. DPPH 라디칼 소거활성은 S10에서 65.34%로 가장 높은 활성을 나타내었다. 이상의 결과 당액침지 시 삼투작용으로 적정 농도의 확립이 요구되며 갈변억제 및 영양적인 가치 등의 품질특성을 고려하였을 때 10% 설탕을 첨가한 당액 침지법이 반건시 가공품을 제조하는 데 있어 효과적인 방안이 될 것으로 생각된다.
In this study, we investigated the contents of total polyphenol (TP), total flavonoid, and absorbance at 475 nm (OD475) which may produced in solid-fermented leaf of Smilax china L. by Aspergillus oryzae as a new functional components with reddish brown color, contents of water soluble substance (WSS), electron donating ability (EDA), Hunter L*, a*, b* values, sensory overall acceptability (OA) and also, the inhibitory activities (XOI and AOI) against partial purified xanthine oxidase (XO) and aldehyde oxidase (AO) from rabbit liver which were well known to relate the gout, and alcoholic liver disease, respectively in order to optimize water extraction using response surface methodology (RSM). All the R2 values of the second-order polymonials ranged from 0.85 to 0.98, except for the EDA (0.69) and the XOI (0.78). However, the activities of the EDA and XOI were relatively high in the lower concentration of the fermented Smilax china L. leaf. The effects on the water extraction were highest in the concentration, among the dependent variables, and showed significant differences at the 1% level in the TP, TF and WSS contents and the a*, b* and OD475 values, but the OA showed significant differences at the 5% level. The optimal values of AOI, which was the most important functionality in the Smilax china L. that was predicted via RSM, were 59.48% at the 2.19% concentration, a 90.02°C extraction temperature and a 4.03 minute extraction time (R2: 0.93, p<0.007). The ranges of all the dependent variables of the optimal water extraction were 1.6~1.8% for the concentration, 83~93°C for the temperature and 3.4~4.4 minutes for the extraction time; and the optimal water extraction conditions were a 1.7% concentration, an 88°C extraction temperature and a 3.9-min extraction time.
This study was performed to determine the effects of the blanching condition (immersion ratio 1:15 (w/v) for 3 min at 95oC, and solution containing 1% sodium chloride) and selected forming agents (dextrin DE=10, dextrin DE=20, β-cyclodextrin; each forming agents added 5%) on the phytochemical compounds and quality characteristics of Ligularia fischeri leaves. The moisture was not affected by the forming agent. The color of a, b and chroma values were low in the blanching treatment groups and were significantly lowest with β-cyclodextrin (CD). The polyphenol and flavonoid contents in the blanching treatment groups were higher than those in the non-blanching-treatment group. The ascorbic acid content was higher in the non-blanching-treatment group and was significantly highest in the group treated with dextrin (DE=10) whereas the blanching treatment groups showed lower dehydroascorbic acid content than the non-blanching-treatment group. The water absorption was higher in the non-blanching-treatment group and was significantly highest in the group treated with CD. The water solubility in the blanching treatment groups treated with dextrin (DE=20) and CD was higher than that in the blanching treatment group treated with DE=10. The total chlorophyll and chlorophyll a and b contents were high in the blanching treatment group treated with CD, and for the total carotenoid contents, the same tendency as that seen with the chlorophyll content was observed. With regard to the particle diameter, those in the blanching treatment groups were lower than that in the non-blanching-treatment group and was significantly lowest in the blanching treatment groups treated with DE=20 and CD. The result of SEM observation showed that the spray-dried powders in blanching treatment groups treated with the DE=20 and CD forming agents had uniform particle distribution.
This study was performed in order to compare the changes in fruit quality and antioxidant activity depending on the ripeness degree of the banana flesh and peel (unripe, ripe, and over ripe) when stored at room temperature for 6 days. The moisture contents showed differences such as the significantly lower maturity in the over ripe fruit peel and the moisture content increase in the fruit flesh during ripening. During the maturity stage, the L and b values decreased, while the a value increased. During ripening, the titratable acidity (TA) decreased, while the soluble solids contents (SS), sugar acid ratio (SS/TA), total sugar, and reducing sugar contents increased, respectively. Also during ripening, the glucose and the fructose contents increased considerably, thus resulting in the decrease of the sucrose content. In addition, this study revealed that the phenolic substance, which was part of the fruit skin, showed more favorable reaction to radical ability than the fruit flesh. Furthermore, the DPPH, ABTS radical scavenging ability, and reducing power showed better reaction for the fruit skin than for the fruit flesh, and there was a significant increase in the antioxidative activity as a result of the higher levels of phenolic substance. Therefore, maturity played an important role in changing the chemical composition and physiological activity of a banana. The unripe peels could be used as antioxidant ingredients and they could also enhance the biological activity in the utilization of by-products.