Prevention of radiation hazards to workers and the environment in the event of decommissioning nuclear power plants is a top priority. To this end, it is essential to continuously perform radiation characterization before and during decommissioning. In operating nuclear power plants, various detectors are used depending on the purpose of measurement. Portable detectors used in power plants have excellent portability, but there is a limit to the use of a single measuring device alone to quantify radioactive contamination, nuclide analysis, and ensure representation of measurement results. In foreign countries, gamma-ray visualization detectors are being actively used for operating and decommissioning nuclear power plants. KHNP is also conducting research on the development of gamma-ray visualization detectors for multipurpose field measurement at decommissioning nuclear power plants. It aims to develop detectors capable of visualizing radioactive contamination, analyzing nuclides, estimating radioactivity, and estimating dose rates. To this end, we are developing related software according to the development process by purchasing sensors from H3D, which account for more than 75% of the US gamma-ray visualization detector market. In addition, field tests are planned in the order of Wolsong Unit 1 and Kori Unit 1 with Research reactor in Gongneung-dong in accordance with the progress of development. The detector will be optimized by analyzing the test results according to various gamma radiation field environments. The development detector will be used for various measurement purposes for Kori unit 1 and Wolsong
본 연구는 관상가치가 있는 자생 참두메부추와 갯부추를 절화소재로 이용하고자 수행되었다. 실험은 절화가 수확된 직후, gibberellic acid(GA3) 50, 75, 100mg·L-1, silver thiosulfate(STS) 0.1, 0.3, 0.5mM, 8-hydroxyquinoline sulfate(8-HQS) 25, 50, 100mg·L-1, 그리고 시중에 판매되 고 있는 Chrysal 8mL·L-1, Floralife 10mL·L-1의 보존용액 에 처리되었다. 참두메부추의 절화수명 연장에는 Chrysal 보 존용액 처리가 가장 효과적이었으며 다음으로 75mg·L-1 GA3 처리가 효과적이었다. 한편 8-HQS와 STS는 참두메부추의 절화수명을 단축하고 줄기가 갈변하는 등의 부정적인 영향을 끼쳤다. Chrysal과 더불어 Floralife 보존용액 처리는 절화 참두메부추의 상대 생체중변화율을 높이는데 효과가 있었다. 반면 갯부추는 100mg·L-1 GA3 처리에서 절화수명이 유일하 게 7일까지 연장되었다. GA3 보존용액 처리를 제외한 다른 처리에서 갯부추의 절화수명은 증류수인 대조구보다 비슷하 거나 약간 높은 수준이었다. 절화 갯부추의 수분흡수율은 실 험 초반 100mg·L-1 8-HQS 처리에서, 상대 생체중변화율은 Chrysal 보존용액 처리에서 가장 높게 조사되었으나 두 처 리 모두 절화수명이 유의하게 연장되지 않았다. 갯부추는 100mg·L-1 GA3 처리에서 절화수명을 비롯한 절화품질이 가 장 우수하였다.
수국은 수국과(Hydrnageaceae) 수국속(Hydrangea)에 속하는 낙엽관목 식물로 크고 화려한 화색과 화형을 가져 절화, 분화 뿐만 아니라 정원용으로도 전세계적으로 인기있는 식물이다. 본 연구는 SSR 마커를 이용하여 교배에 사용된 5가지 수국 품종에 대한 유전적 유연관계를 조사하고 교배 조합 별 종자의 형성과 발아율을 조사하여 품종간 화합성과 불화합성을 확인, F1의 화서와 잎 모양의 유전 양상을 조사하기 위해 수행 하였다. 군집분석 결과 Hydrangea macrophylla와 H. serrata 로 크게 두가지 그룹으로 나뉘었고 교배결과 종내 교배와 H. macrophylla를 모본으로 종간 교배를 했을 때 획득 자손의 수에 차이가 거의 없어 두 종간 친화성이 확인되었다. 자가 수 분을 통한 종자형성은 어렵거나 생기더라도 발아가 되지 않아 자가불화합성이 있는 것으로 확인되었다. 또, 2018년 H. macrophylla와 H. serrata를 교배에 사용하여 총 9개 교배조 합을 통해 1,807개의 F1을 얻었고 교배 조합들 간 자손을 이용하여 화서의 유전 양상과 화서에 따른 잎의 형태를 조사하여 화서와 잎 모양의 관계를 보았다. 그 결과, 모본 또는 부본에 편평형이 있다면 F1 전체 편평형의 화서 유형을 보였다. 화서 모양이 원형인 자손은 원형 화서 끼리의 교배를 통해서만 얻었다. 또, 원형의 자손의 잎은 전체적으로 엽폭과 엽장이 비슷 한 원형에 가까웠고, 편평형 자손들의 잎 모양은 엽장이 엽폭 보다 큰 길쭉한 타원형에 가까웠다. 그 중, 편평형과 원형의 혼합 교배를 통해 얻어진 F1 자손들에서는 잎의 모양이 원형 과 타원형의 중간형태임을 확인하였다. 이를 통해, 화서의 형 태는 단일 유전자에 의한 우성 열성 유전임을 확인하였고 잎은 화서 유형과 연관되어 있으며 중간 유전 형태임을 확인하 였다. 본 연구결과는 수국의 유전 육종에 관한 기초자료로써 교배 조합 작성 단계 또는 1년생 실생의 잎 모양을 통한 빠른 화서 모양 선발과 분리가 가능하여 육종 기간 단축을 기대할 수 있을 것이다.
본 연구는 국가별 화훼 및 절화 국화 소비 및 판매 실태를 파악하여 국내 유통 및 수출 활성화를 위한 마케팅 전략을 수 립하고자 실시하였다. 설문조사업체에 의뢰하여 화훼 유통업자 및 판매자를 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하였다. 조사 국가 는 대한민국, 일본, 호주, 베트남이었고 대한민국, 호주, 베트남의 조사 인원은 각각 50명, 일본은 49명, 총 199명을 대상으로 하였다. 대부분의 조사 국가에서 오프라인으로 유통 또는 판매를 하였고, 최근 들어 온라인을 통한 유통 및 판매도 높게 나타났다. 꽃 유통 및 판매 시 가장 중요하게 생각하는 요소는 품종과 품질이었다. 대한민국과 일본은 큰 행사가 있는 달에 국화가 많이 팔리며 호주와 베트남은 연중 고르게 판매되 는 양상을 보였다. 주로 선물용과 기념일용으로 판매되었다. 대한민국, 일본, 호주는 스탠다드 타입과 스프레이 타입이 섞인 믹스 타입의 절화 국화가 주로 판매되며 베트남의 경우 스 프레이 타입의 절화 국화가 가장 많이 판매된다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 스프레이 타입의 경우, Anemone를 선호하며 Spider 는 선호하지 않는다고 조사되었다. 스탠다드 타입의 경우, Double 모양의 판매가 가장 많았으며 대한민국을 제외한 세 나라에서는 Pompon의 판매량도 높은 수준이었다. 색상은 흰색, 아이보리, 노랑 등 밝은 색상의 판매량이 많았으며, 초록색 계통의 경우 전체적으로 판매 수준이 낮은 것으로 조사되었다. 이 연구 결과를 통해 국가별 맞춤형 품종개발과 마케팅 전략 수립의 기초자료가 될 것으로 생각된다.
본 연구는 국가별 화훼 및 절화 국화 소비실태를 파악하여 국내 유통 및 수출 활성화를 위한 마케팅 전략을 수립하고자 실시하였다. 설문조사업체에 의뢰하여 최근 3년간 꽃을 구입 한 경험이 있는 20대에서 60대를 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하였다. 조사 국가는 한국, 호주, 일본, 베트남이었고 각 국가별 조사 인원은 100명을 대상으로 하였다. 대부분의 조사 국가에서 꽃 소비가 활발한 연령대는 30대인 반면에 일본은 50대와 60대였다. 연간 평균 꽃 구매 횟수는, 베트남은 연 6회 이상 구입이 76%로 나타났고, 나머지 조사 국가는 연 5회 이하로 나타났다. 꽃 구입시 가장 고려하는 것은 신선도, 색, 가격이었다. 국화 꽃의 크기는 4.5~8cm가 모든 국가에서 가장 선호되었다. 국화 형태에 대해서, 베트남은 스탠다드형, 스프레이형, 혼합형의 선택 비율이 거의 유사한 반면에 나머지 국가들은 혼합형을 가장 선호했다. 스프레이형의 경우 Double의 모양이 모든 국가에서 가장 선호도가 높았다. 스탠다드형의 경우, Semi-Double, Pompon, Double의 모양이 공통적으로 높게 나타났다. 색상은 흰색, 노란색, 분홍색의 선호도가 공통적으로 높았으며, 초록색 계통의 경우 대체적으로 낮은 선호도를 보였다. 이 연구 결과가 국가별 맞춤형 품종개발과 마케팅 전략 수립의 기초자료가 될 것으로 사료된다.
Pleurotus eryngii is one of the most commercially important mushrooms cultivated in Korea. However, the shelf-life of the fruiting body is short, limiting its export. A new hybrid strain H17 of P. eryngii was developed to extend the shelf-life by mono-mono crossing between monokaryotic strains derived from DanBi and KNR2774. Although the cultivation period of H17 was slightly longer than that of the reference cultivar Kenneutari No.2, the quality did not change and remained normal after a period of 65.0 days at 4°C. This result was significantly different from that of the reference cultivar Kenneutari No.2. Analysis of the genetic characteristics of the new hybrid strain H17 revealed a different profile from that of the parental and reference cultivars when random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD) primers was used. These results demonstrate that H17 is a new cultivar with improved storability after harvesting.
Background : Lactuca sativa (LS) is a member of lactuca genus and the Asteraceae family. To its usual purpose as an edible leafy vegetable, lettuce has had a number of uses in ancient times as a medicinal herb. Depending on the variety, lettuce is an excellent source vitamin K and vitanin A. Methods and Results : The objective of this study is to find out the antioxidant and oxidative DNA damage prevention capacity of LS for both water and ethanol extract. The total phenolic and flavonoid contents have been estimated in this study. The extracts have been tested to assess the 1, 1-diphenyl-2-picryl-hydrazyl (DPPH), 2,2ʹ -azino-bis(3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS) and nitrite scavenging activity. We have also evaluated the reducing power activity of LS. LS extracts showed a good radical scavenging activity on DPPH and ABTS free radical as concentration dependent manner. The IC50 values on DPPH radical scavenging activity were 0.75 mg/mL and 0.54 mg/mL for water and ethanol extract respectively. ABTS radical scavenging activity ranges from 38-89 % for water extract and 33-96% for ethanol extract. Although ethanolic extract showed a higher radical scavenging activity as compared to the water extracts. All the extracts exhibited reducing power activity, dose dependently. Moreover, when the DNA was treated with the extracts, supercoiled DNA was restored in a concentration-dependent manner. Conclusion : According to the results, we suggest that LS contains considerable amount of phenolic and flavonoid content and could be used as a source of natural antioxidant substances and oxidative DNA damage preventer.
Background : Achyranthes japonica Nakai (AJ) is a perennial herb with a wide distribution in East Asia including Korea, China, and Japan, and it is mainly used as a medicinal plant. In Korea, AJ has been widely used to control pain and improve symptoms in OA patients. AJ contains several important phytochemicals such as saponins, inokosterone, ecdysterone, and oleanolic acid bisdesmoside. Methods and Results : The aim of this work was to investigate the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities of fermented and ethanol extracts of Achyranthes japonica Nakai (AJ). The extracts showed strong reductive power and nitrite scavenging, hydroxyl radical scavenging, superoxide radical scavenging, and DNA damage prevention activities. Treatment of RAW 264.7 macrophages with AJ inhibited lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced NO secretion and iNOS expression without affecting cell viability. AJ also inhibited cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2) expression, leading to the suppression of COX-2-derived prostaglandin E2 production. These inhibitory effects of AJ were accompanied by reduced production of tumor necrosis factor-α and interleukins (IL)-1β, -6, and -10. Furthermore, AJ suppressed LPS-induced phosphorylation of extracellular signal regulated kinase, c-Jun N-terminal kinase, and p38. Moreover, AJ inhibited malondialdehyde production and myeloperoxidase activity in LPS-stimulated RAW 264.7 cells. Conclusion : The antioxidant activity of plants is closely related to their medicinal properties and is widely used as a parameter to determine the bioavailability of medicinal plants. The antioxidant and biological activities of AJ extracts might be due to the synergistic actions of multiple bioactive compounds. It can be concluded that AJ extracts are a potential source of biologically important drug candidates.
Background : The objective of this study was to investigate antioxidant activities, inhibitory activities against heme induced colonic epithelial cell proliferations, anti-inflammatory activities and anthocyanin profiles in the anthocyanin rich fraction (ARFAM) from fruits of Aronia melanocarpa, where these are considered functional substances and available food coloring agents in Korea. Methods and Results : Anthocyanins were identified by reversed-phase C18 column chromatography and HPLC-DAD-ESI/MS analysis. To compare the antioxidative and anti-inflammatory capacity of Aronia melanocarpa berries, recognized for their high content of anthocyanins, isolation method was developed to obtain high-purity anthocyanins in the extract. Anthocyanin-rich fractions (ARFAM) enriched in anthocyanins were found to be potent strong inhibitory activity towards heme induced colonic epithelial cell proliferations are associated with an increased risk of colon cancer than acidic ethanol extract (AME). The immunomodulation properties were assessed in growth of both human B and T cells, its cytokines secretion such as IL-6 (interleukin-6) and TNF-α (tumor necrosis factor-alpha). AME enhanced interleukin-6 and reduced tumor necrosis factor-a production, whereas ARFAM only had a effect in increasing of IL-6 expression. Conclusion : These results demonstrated that there was no major relationship between the antioxidative and immunomodulation capacities of AME and ARFAM.
Background : Dioscorea quinqueloba(DQ) is a medicinal herb that is used as an alternative therapy for cardiovascular disease and various medical conditions. The objective of this study was to characterize the antioxidant activities of DQ. Methods and Results : The samples were extracted with Distilled water and analyzed for total flavonoid contents, polyphenol contents, DPPH radical scavenging activity, and ABTS radical scavenging activity. H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells were subjected to H2O2, to study the protective effect of DQ on cell viability, and ROS production. The total amounts of polyphenols and flavonoids, which indicate the antioxidant capabillity of water extracts from DQ were 27.21mg/g and 22.95mg/g, respectively. The DQ water extract showed highest antioxidant activity by DPPH and ABTS scavenging activities. The DQ water extract was protected cells against H₂O₂-induced cell death without any cytotoxicity, as determined by the MTT assay. The DQ water extract also was inhibiting production of intracellular ROS. Conclusion : These observations suggest that DQ can use potentially good natural antioxidant in daily life for possible health benefits.
Background : Osteoclasts as multinucleated cells originate from hematopoietic monocyte/ macrophage precursor cell, shows the bone absorption through the commitment, differentiation, fusion, and bone resorption stages by regulation of M-CSF and RANKL. It has been reported a significant negative correlation between the increase of oxidative stress and the bone density, and when RANKL reaction to the osteoclasts precursor cells is mainly generated ROS is due to increased activity of NADPH oxidase1 (NOX1), and these ROS act as a factor which promotes osteoclasts differentiation. Thus, RANKL signaling process is important that excessive osteoclast formation and differentiation inhibited through the regulation of each step. Methods and Results : F3570 ethanol extract showed relatively high activity at in-vitro antioxidant activity. F3570 water extract inhibited ROS generation in RAW 264.7 cells stimulated with H2O2 and RANKL, even at low concentrations. The inhibitory effect of osteoclast differentiation on F3570 water extract was confirmed that shown through NF-κB pathway, MAPK pathway including ERK and JNK. F3570 ethanol extract is considered to be regulated by the p38 MAPK and the other signaling pathway. Also, F3570 both water and ethanol extract were significantly reduced gene expression such as TRAP, calcitonin receptors and integrin β3 of RANKL-induced mature osteoclast in the bone resorption stage. Conclusion : Through this study, F3570 extract revealed an outstanding inhibitory effect and signaling mechanisms in osteoclast differentiation induced by RANKL. These results suggest that F3570 is bone diseases associated with aging or osteoporosis caused by menopause in an aging society is expected to be a superior candidate for the treatment or the prevention
A new soybean cultivar for soy-paste, “Mansu”, was developed from the cross between ‘Suwon 192’, which was tolerant to disease, late maturing and high yielding, and ‘Suwon 196’ which was early maturing and large seed by soybean breeding team in the Yeongnam Agricultural Research Institute (YARI) to make new variety having large seed and high yielding. A promising line, SS97213-2B-3SSD-39-1-1, was selected and designated as the name of ‘Suwon 236’. It was characterized by regional yield trials (RYT) for three years from 2004 to 2006 and released as the name of “Mansu”. It has a determinate growth habit, purple flower, grey pubescence, pale green seed coat, yellow cotyledon, large spherical seed (26.5 grams per 100 seeds). Maturity date is 4 days later than the check cultivar, Taekwang. The average yield of Mansu was 2.93 ton per hectare in the regional yield trials (RYT) carried out for three years from 2004 to 2006 which was 7 percent higher than that of the check cultivar, Taekwang.