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        검색결과 10

        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Regulatory agencies require burn-up verification to ensure that dry storage casks using burn-up credit are not loaded with fuel with a reactivity greater than the allowable standard. Accordingly, in preparation for dry storage of SF, the reliability of the burnup was verified and action plans for fuel with confirmed errors were reviewed. Reliability verification was performed by comparing the actual burnup calculated with combustion calculation code (TOTE, ISOTIN) used in NPP and the design burnup calculated with the nuclear design code (ANC). As a result of comparing the differences between actual burnup and design burnup for 7,414 assemblies of SF generated from CE-type NPPs, the average deviation was confirmed to be 0.79% and 220 MWD/MTU. In the CE-type NPPs, no fuel showing large deviations was identified, and it was confirmed that reliability was secured. As a result of comparing the differences in 11,082 assemblies of SF generated from WH-type NPPs, the differences were not large, averaging 1.16% or 422 MWD/MTU. However, fuels showing significant differences were identified, and cause analysis was performed for those fuels. The cause analysis used a method of comparing the burnup of symmetrically loaded fuels in the reactor. For fuels that were not symmetrically loaded, a method was used to compare them with fuels with similar combustion histories. As a result of the review, it was confirmed that the fuel was under- or over-burned compared to symmetrically loaded fuel. For fuels for which clear errors have been identified, we are considering replacing them with the design burnup, and for fuels whose causes cannot be confirmed, we are considering ways to maintain the actual burnup.
        2023.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The FIFA world cup is one of the most popular and widely viewed sporting event, where millions of viewers across the globe tune in to support their country every four years for the chance to win the ultimate football tournament. According to FIFA, the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 recorded over 5 billion cumulative views, with the final match estimated to have been watched by more than 1.5 billion viewers live on television. In South Korea, a total of 11.14 million viewers watched the opening match against Uruguay, which was estimated to be a 97% increase in Korean viewership compared to the previous World Cup.
        2023.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study investigated which factors impact esports viewership for League of Legends matches through Live and highLight streaming video. This research anaLyzed League of Legends viewership factors' differences between the three Leagues (LCK, LCS, and LEC) where viewership factors infLuence esports viewership demand through LOL’s Live and highLight streaming video. League of Legends not onLy has the highest audience among different various esports, aLso has formed a huge market from diverse countries. In order to soLve each League's unbaLance viewership trend issue between the three Leagues, and facing worLdwide viewership decrease, this study examined viewership impact factors from three Leagues with the highest viewership ratings: Korea's LCK, North America's LCS, and Europe's LEC. After that, differences in viewership impact factors for the research were anaLyzed and compared to each League. SpecificaLLy, this study investigated which factors impact esports viewership for League of Legends (LOL) matches. Data (N=1581) of reguLar season matches from the LCK, LCS, and LEC Leagues (2020 spring to 2021 summer) were coLLected and anaLyzed. This study anaLyzed the average number of visitors per minute of Twitch Live streaming and the number of views on YouTube highLights. Five main viewership factors(the uncertainty of match, consumer preferences, match importance, team attributes, match content, and controL variabLes), and seventeen independent variabLes were verified by muLtipLe regression anaLysis using STATA 15. As a resuLt of the anaLysis, the modeL with the number of reaL-time audience as the dependent variabLe demonstrated different trends between Leagues in terms of the uncertainty of match factors (rank difference, win rate difference, goLd difference, kiLL difference, object difference), and consumer preference factors(fan, operating period of both teams, number of worLd championship wins, the number of championship semifinaL advances). WhiLe the match importance factors(week, top-rank matches) and match content factors (the sum of kiLLs, the sum of assists, the sum of objects) indicated somewhat simiLar tendencies between Leagues. In the modeL with the number of highLights views as the dependent variabLe, consumer preference factors and match importance factors tended to be somewhat simiLar, but match content factors prone to be sLightLy different between Leagues. In addition, the uncertainty of the match factors did not show a significant infLuence across the three Leagues. Findings from this research expand and appLy the variabLes derived from the demand determination theory of traditionaL sports to e-sports demand research. This study heLps stakehoLders understand various esports cuLtures from different regions. Furthermore, it is meaningfuL in that it provides information that wiLL contribute to the growth of the entire League of Legends market through baLanced deveLopment between Leagues.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        For the transport of spent nuclear fuel, it is necessary to evaluate the amount of radioactivity for each assembly and the total amount of radioactivity for each cask. Currently, KHNP is evaluating the radioactivity using the Express mode of the OrigenArp program in the SCALE6.1 code. Express mode is a method to evaluate the radioactivity assuming that it has been burned with the same power per cycle, and Detail mode is a method to evaluate the actual combustion history such as power and cooling time for each cycle. For a total of 3,795 assemblies, including 1,391 assembliess for Kori Unit 1, 1,427 assemblies for Hanbit Unit 2, and 977 assemblies for Hanul Unit 3, the radioactivity was evaluated in Express mode and Detail mode, respectively, and the results were compared. As a result of the evaluation, it was confirmed that the results of the Express mode were evaluated more conservatively by 2.5~12.9% than that of the Detail mode. Accordingly, KHNP established a plan to change the evaluation method from Express mode to Detail mode in order to improve the accuracy of the radioactivity assessment results and eliminate conservatism.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The purpose of the current study was to deduct the factors for e-sports and to develop measurement scale of each images of those factors so as to establish the concept of esports. In order to achieve the aforementioned purpose, the study was conducted through three steps: (1) deduction of the elementary/principal factors which were based on the literature investigation and in-depth interview of experts and general public, (2) conducting first survey and exploratory factor analysis, and (3) conducting secondary survey followed by confirmatory factor analysis. In the first step, in order to develop and identify measurement scales, images concerning e-sports, game and sports perceived by consumers and related items used in the extant literature were investigated. Additionally, in order to verify the face and content validity of deducted items, in-depth interview of experts, professional gamers, professors of Sports Science, doctoral students, people in charge, general public and etc was conducted. And in the second step, the survey with those confirmed items scales were conducted and with the results derived from the survey, the exploratory factor analysis for measuring images consisting e-sports were also conducted. Finally, in the third step, secondary survey based on the results derived from the exploratory factor analysis were conducted and in order to test uni-dimensionality of the measurement tool with the results emanated from the secondary survey, confirmatory factor analysis were conducted. Through aforementioned three steps, the current study confirmed the image factors consisting e-sports which are comprised of six positive factors (i.e., sociality, entertainingness, aestheticness, leisureness, education, and stress relief) and five negative factors (i.e., addictiveness, violence, commercial viability/marketability, and closedness).
        2018.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Since the road management paradigm has changed into the user-oriented circumstance, the functionality of the crucial road maintenance factors became important than before. Among these factors, the roughness directly related to the ride quality for driver became to get more attention. IRI(International Roughness Index) is recently the most widely used roughness indices in the world. IRI is a reasonable index that reflects the vertical displacement(bounce) of vehicle as the road profile changes. Since IRI reflects the vertical behavior of vehicle, it reflects ride quality indirectly. However, there are various rotational behaviors such as roll, yaw, and pitch in addition to the vertical displacement. Profiles, which MRI range was 1.13-4.12m/km, were measured in five sections and the profiles were entered into CarSIM to simulate vehicle behavior. As a result, the pitch was the largest in all sections, followed by roll and yaw, relatively. Especially, the amount of yaw is about 5% of the pitch or about 7% of the roll. The behavior of moving vehicle was measured using INS(inertial navigation system) and accelerometer in the section where the road surface profile was measured. As a result, as in the simulation, the pitch was the largest in all the sections and the amount of yaw is only about 7% of the pitch or about 18% of the roll. Field experiments were conducted to analyze the effect of the rotational behavior of the actual driving vehicle on the ride quality. 33 panels evaluated the ride quality on a ten-point scale while driving on 35 sections with various roughnesses. 35 test sections were selected considering the roughness distribution of actual expressway. The panel was selected considering age, driving experience, gender, and expertise. Of the total 1,155 responses, 964 responses were used for the analysis, except 191 responses measured at low driving speeds. In addition, the amount of vehicle behavior and road surface profile were measured using INS and laser. As a result of correlation analysis between MPR(mean panel rating) and vehicle behavior, correlation coefficient of bounce was the highest with 0.814, and the order of pitch was 0.798, and roll was 0.734, relatively. As a result of regression analysis for predicting ride quality, regression model combining bounce and roll was statistically the most suitable. This model is expected to reflect the ride quality more effectively because it can consider the vehicle behavior due to the longitudinal profile change of the road surface as well as the vehicle behavior due to the difference between the left and right wheel path road profile.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The combination of sports and the IT industry has reached a variety of fields, especially in the area of broadcasting technology. Due to diverse preference of viewer and the rising number of channels, broadcasting companies provide differentiated contents to reach a dominant position. Therefore, each broadcasting company has their own strategy to produce contents through special technology skills to hold a top position amongst other companies. According to Eric Rothenbuhler's ‘media niche theory’, when there exists numerous media device with identical resources, the competition to survive between the devices become intense and soon draws a line between the superior and inferior devices which results in eliminating the less viewed media devices out of the race. To secure the uniqueness of the media broadcasting market like the ecosystem, the object is to verify the effectiveness of the convergence of sport broadcasting technology skills and IT technology. Therefore, the media devices and the newly developed technology for video production method were the independent variables. Additionally, the dependent variable was the media effect. Concretely, the media device technology variable set as 3DTV, video production method was set as the variable for FreePointView(FPV) and media effect was separated into arousal and presence level. Recent technology is developed three-dimensionally so that the viewers can feel as close to reality as possible and the most current
        2013.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        최근 진행되고 있는 건축 프로젝트는 기존의 정형적인 구조계획에서 벗어나 점차 복합적이고 다양한 형태를 지향하고 있다. 이와 같은 새로운 건축 트렌드 속에서, 비정형 건축물의 구조 시스템을 효율적으로 현실화하여 골조의 직교성을 해체시키는 기술에 대한 연구의 필요성이 대두되고 있다. 비정형 건축물의 중요한 구조적 특징 중 하나로 경사기둥의 빈번한 적용을 들 수 있다. 경사기둥은 접합된 보에 추가적으로 모멘트와 축력을 전달하므로, 이러한 현상이 골조 및 보-기둥 접합부의 거동에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지를 실험 혹은 해석을 통해 검증할 필요가 있다. 그러나 수직기둥-보 접합부에 비하면 경사기둥-보 접합부에 대한 연구는 현재까지 충분한 연구가 이루어지지 않고 있는 실정이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 비선형해석 및 유한요소해석을 사용하여 경사기둥을 포함한 보-기둥 접합부의 성능을 평가하였다. 경사기둥을 포함한 철골모멘트 골조의 비선형정적해석을 통하여 골조 전체의 거동을 분석하였고, 경사기둥-보 접합부 모델의 유한요소해석을 통해 좌굴거동 및 취성파단 잠재성을 검토하였다.