Hand, foot, and mouth disease (HFMD) is a highly contagious disease with no specific treatment. Since it is common in immunocompromised children under the age of 5, there is a need to develop a safe vaccine. Virus-like particles (VLPs) are similar structures to viruses with the lack of genetic material which makes them impossible to replicate and infect, and therefore have a high level of biological safety and are considered to have high value as vaccines. In this study, the insect virus expression system that is widely used for vaccine and drug production due to its high post-translational modification efficiency, was used to produce VLPs for Coxsackievirus type A6 and A10, which are recently reported to be the main causes of HFMD. For this purpose, the selection of promoters that can control the timing and intensity of expression of 3CD protein, which is essential for VLPs assembly but has been reported to be cytotoxic, was conducted to construct an optimal expression form for HFMD-VLP.
수서곤충은 일반적으로 하루살이목, 날도래목, 강도래목, 잠자리목, 노린재목, 딱정벌레목, 뱀잠자리목, 파리 목의 8개의 목(Order)에 속하며, 물을 기반으로 서식하는 곤충들을 의미한다. 국내 수서곤충의 연구는 도입기 (40-50년대), 형성기(60년대), 발전기(70-80년대), 도약기(90-2010년대)를 거쳐 왔다. 물을 기반으로 수질을 평가 하기 위해 수서곤충은 생태학적 연구가 먼저 시작되었으며, 이후 분류학적 연구가 시행되고 현재는 유전학적 및 응용학적 연구로 다양성을 증명하고 있다. 하지만, 물을 기반으로 하는 수서곤충의 서식처는 도시화로 인한 다양한 개발과 교란으로 감소하고 사라지고 있다. 서식처뿐만 아니라 수서곤충을 연구하는 학자들과 학생들도 정체기와 쇠퇴기를 거치고 있다. 국내 수서곤충의 다양성 종 목록은 1999년 처음으로 학술논단에서 491종이 정리되었으며, 이후 약 10년 만에 개정목록이 2011년에 988종으로 수정되었다. 이후 지속적인 국가생물다양성 확보 및 보전 전략에 따라 미발굴된 수서 파리류들이 대거 기록되면서 2018년에는 처음 기록보다 3배 이상 증가하 여 1,567종이 보고되었다. 이처럼 표면적으로는 수서곤충의 연구가 활성화되어 다양성은 늘어가고 있는 것처럼 보이지만 다양한 문제점들이 나타나고 있다. 수서곤충은 성충보다는 유충을 주로 연구하는 학문으로 많은 연구 자가 어려움을 겪고 있다. 단기간의 다양성 증진보다는 심도 있는 다양한 주제로 접근하는 방법이 필요할 것으로 보이며, 수서곤충의 다양성과 함께 서식처 회복 및 복원 방안도 함께 마련되어야 할 것으로 판단된다. 본 발표에서 는 국내 수서곤충의 다양한 연구주제와 피해 상황 및 활용방안을 소개하여 미래의 수서곤충의 방향성과 연구 방향을 심도 있게 논의하고자 한다.
본 연구는 기존에 절화용으로 개발되지 않았던 벼룩이울타리를 절화로써의 가치와 가능성을 증명함으로써 새로운 관상식물로 개발하기 위해 수행되었다. 실험은 온도, 보존용액, 절화 수명연장제에 따른 절화 벼룩이울타리의 영향을 구명하고자 절화수명, 수분흡수량, 생체중을 조사하였다. 수확 후 절화는 4, 15, 20, 25°C의 온도 조건에 따른 영향력과 1, 3% sucrose 와 8-hydroxqui-noline sulfate(8-HQS) 10, 50, 100mg・L-1 혼 용보존용액, 절화수명연장제 Chrysal와 Floarlife을 처리하였다. 저장 온도에 따른 실험 결과, 절화 벼룩이울타리는 저온 (4°C)에서의 저장에서의 절화수명이 대조구(7.8일)보다 29일 연장되었다. 온도가 낮을수록 절화의 품질과 수명에 가장 효과적이었다. sucrose와 8-HQS의 효과 확인을 위해 가장 낮은 농도의 당과 살균제를 혼용한 1% sucrose+8-HQS 10mg・L-1를 제외한 나머지 3개의 보존용액 대조구(6.5±0.5일)에 비하여 절화수명이 약 2주 연장되었다. 또한, 절화수명연장제 Chrysal 과 Floarlife는 sucrose와 8-HQS의 혼용보존용액과 절화수명에 유의적인 차이는 없었다. 한편, 모든 실험 조건에서 수분흡수량과 생체중의 급격한 감소는 절화수명의 단축됨과 연관이 있다는 것을 확인하였다.
With the expansion of various distribution channels in online and offline stores, TV, and mobile, consumers now have more information search and retail selection channels to choose from than ever before. Major retailers now use multi- and omni-channel strategies. This study focused on cross-channel consumption, which involves the use of different information search and purchase channels. Using crosschannel consumption, consumers can search for information online and then make purchases offline and vice versa. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between channel strategies and other consumer variables, and the study also assessed the effect of product type. To conduct this empirical study, the researchers developed a consumer questionnaire concerning three consumer channel strategies-on-on, cross, and off-off-and four product categories-clothing, cosmetics, books, and electronics. The results indicated that gender and marital status did not influence consumer channel strategies, but that age did have a significant influence. The analysis showed that consumers in their 40s preferred the cross channel strategy, perceiving it to be effective, satisfactory, and rewarding. Compared to other products, clothing products showed higher levels of cross channel strategies. Consumers indicated that they prefer searching for information online and then purchasing clothing offline. Overall, clothing products generated higher levels of channel satisfaction and channel switch intentions. Cross-channel clothing shoppers reported effective information retrieval times but longer delivery times.
This study investigated the antidiabetic effect of amaranth grain ethanol extract (AEE) in a diabetic animal model, db/db mouse. The mice were divided into 4 groups: normal control mice (C57BL/6J), diabetic mice (C57BL/6J db/db), diabetic mice fed a lower concentration of AEE (0.3 mg/kg), and diabetic mice fed a higher concentration of AEE (0.5 mg/kg). After 10 weeks of treatment, body weights, blood insulin levels and blood glucose levels of each group were compared. At the end of treatment, the results showed that both AEE supplemented groups had lower body weights than those in the diabetic groups although higher than those in the normal groups. Moreover, in both AEE supplemented groups, serum insulin levels were higher and blood glucose levels were lower than those in the diabetic groups although both values were higher than those in the normal groups. The results of this study suggest that AEE can alleviate many of the common symptoms of diabetes in diabetic mice and, therefore, has potential as a therapeutic supplement for normalization of blood glucose and insulin levels in humans.
Physical and electrochemical qualities were analyzed after KOH activation of a direct methanol fuel cell using needle coke as anode supporter. The results of research on support loaded with platinum-ruthenium suggest that an activated KOH needle coke container has the lowest onset potential and the highest degree of catalyst activity among all commercial catalysts. Through an analysis of the CO stripping voltammetry, we found that KOH activated catalysis showed a 21% higher electrochemical active surface area (ECSA), with a value of 31.37 m2/g, than the ECSA of deactivated catalyst (25.82 m2/g). The latter figure was 15% higher than the value of one specific commercial catalyst (TEC86E86).
The mammary gland is a complex organ, made up of various cell types that work together for mil synthesis. A previous study had established a clonal cell line from primary bovine mammary alveolar cells (MAC-T) for the study of bovine milk production and synthesis. In this study, we transplanted MAC-T bovine alveolar cell line to BALB/C nude mice for regeneration of bovine mammary gland alveolar ducts. The MAC-T cells were suspended with matrigel and injected into the dorsal tissue of 8 weeks old male BALB/C nude mice. After 6 weeks, the injected cells were showed typical morphology of the tubuloalveolar female glands by histological analysis. It was made the branching ducts that were surrounded by smooth muscle with small alveoli budding off the ducts. In addition, the epithelial markers CK14 and CK18 were expressed within the duct-like structure. Prolactin was detected in the duct interior in these CK14 and CK18 positive cells but not in the non-transplanted MAC-T cells. These results showed that duct-like tissue had been successfully formed after 6 weeks of transplantation of the CK14 and CK18 positive MAC-T cells into mice dorsal tissue. This mouse model will be a useful tool for further research on the bovine mammary gland.
Insect pollinators of the endanger orchid Cypripedium japonicum were surveyed and identified during two years, as a part of a conservation project of the orchid at Jukyeup-san and Hwaak-san (Mt.), South Korea. In total 40 individuals of 16 species in 4 families were identified. The dominant family was Halictidae, and Lasioglossum exiliceps Vachal visited the most frequently C. japonicum during the surveys. The average visiting frequency was 2.5 individuals per hour and the highest 4.3, from 12:00 – 13:00 in a day. After 15:00 insects did not visit the flowers at all. However, all of the visiting insects were found to not carry a pollinium or pollens of the orchard on their bodies; pollen carryover by any of the visiting insects did not occur at all. The orchid seems to require certain pollinators in particular body thickness due to its unique pollination mechanism. The orchid has two exit route openings, around 1 cm in diametre, where the entrapped insects can exit and an anther is situated just in front of each opening. It was inferred that a pollen carrier should be around 1 cm in body thickness. Therefore, the candidate species as the proper pollen carriers can be Tetralonia nipponensis Perez, Xylocopa appendiculata circumvolans Smith and Bombus consobrinus Dahlbom among the surveyed visitors.
Polyhedrin is the major component of the nuclear viral occlusions produced during replication of the baculovirus Autographa californica multicapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus (AcMNPV). To enhance the production efficiency of foreign protein in baculovirus expression system, the effects of various polyhedrin fragments were investigated by fusion expressing them with the enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP). Recombinant viruses were generated to express EGFP fused with polyhedrin fragments based on the previously reported minimal region for self-assembly and the KRKK nuclear localization signal (NLS). The marked increase of EGFP by these fusion expressions was confirmed through protein and fluorescence intensity analyses. Among the fusion-expressed protein in nucleus and cytoplasm, the most hyper-expression was observed in the fusion of amino acids 19 to 110 and 32 to 59 of polyhedrin. Also these fragments, some degradation of only the fused polyhedrin was observed in the fusion of amino acids 19 to 85 and 32 to 85. The production of E2 protein, which is a major antigen of classical swine fever virus, was dramatically increased by fusion expression with polyhedrin amino acids 19 to 110, and its preliminary immunogenicity was verified using experimental guinea pigs. The production of luciferase was approximately two folds increased by fusion expression with polyhedrin amino acids 32 to 59, and its activity was measured using Luminometer. This study suggests a new option for higher expression of useful foreign recombinant protein using the partial polyhedrin fusion expression in baculovirus.