
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 7

        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        목적: 본 연구는 보호자를 대상으로 자녀의 양안시기능에 대한 인식 현항을 파악하여 보호자를 대상으로 한 시기능 이상에 대한 교육의 필요성을 제안하고자 한다. 방법: 2016년 4월부터 12월까지 근시를 가지고 있는 경기도 초⋅중⋅고등학생을 대상으로 굴절 이상, 양 안 감각 기능, 시기능 검사를 하였으며, 설문을 통해 학생들이 양안시 할 때 느끼는 자각적 증상과 보호자의 자녀 시각적 상태 및 시기능 훈련에 대한 이해도를 조사하였다. 결과: 학생 72명 가운데 19명(26%)이 안경을 착용하고 물체가 때때로 두개로 보이거나 흐리게 보이는 시 기능 이상 증상을 가지고 있었으나, 19명의 학생 보호자 가운데 시기능 처치를 받거나 시기능 훈련 프로그램 은 권유한 보호자는 한 명도 없는 것으로 조사되었다. 보호자의 시기능 훈련에 대한 전반적인 설문 결과 보 호자의 60명(83%)은 자녀가 시기능 이상 증상을 호소할 경우 자녀에게 양안 시기능 이상 처치를 받거나 시 기능 훈련 프로그램을 권유하지 않겠다고 응답하였다. 시기능 훈련에 대해서는 보호자의 11명(15%)이 알고 있었고, 보호자의 62명(86%)이 시기능 훈련이 학습장애에 도움이 된다고 대답하였으나, 자녀의 학교에서 시 기능 훈련에 대한 정보를 제공 받은 적이 있다고 대답한 보호자는 2명(3%)이었고, 시기능 훈련에 대해 보호 자의 46명(64%)은 긍정적으로 생각하는 것으로 조사되었다. 결론: 학생이 시기능 이상을 가지고 있어도 처치를 받거나 시기능 훈련프로그램을 권유한 보호자가 한명 도 없다는 것은 보호자가 시기능 이상에 대한 개념 이 부족하고 시기능 이상 처치에 대한 중요성을 모르고 있다는 것을 의미한다. 그러나 보호자는 시기능 훈련이 자녀의 학습장애 개선에 도움이 된다고 생각하고 있 으나 시기능 훈련에 대한 정보를 제공받을 기회가 거의 없어 시기능과 시기능 훈련에 대한 인식도가 매우 낮 은 것으로 사료되는 바, 보호자를 대상으로 한 시기능 이상과 시기능 훈련에 대한 교육과 정보제공이 이루어 져야 할 것이다.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        목 적: 난시안의 정확한 교정을 위해 자각적굴절검사에서 크로스실린더렌즈의 필요성을 제시하고자 하였다. 방 법: 근시성 난시를 가지고 있는 경기도 일부지역 대학생 159 안을 대상으로, Phoropter(Topon ACP-8, Japan)와 방사선시표를 이용하여 난시를 교정한 후 잭슨크로스실린더렌즈를 이용하여 난시 정밀검 사를 실시하였다. 방사선시표를 이용한 난시축과 난시량 검사결과와 크로스실린더렌즈를 이용하여 난시 정 밀검사 후의 난시축과 난시량을 비교 분석하였다. 결 과: 난시량은 방사선시표를 이용했을 때는 1.27±5.58D, 크로스실린더렌즈를 이용하여 정밀검사 후 는 1.64±7.86 D 이었으며, 통계학적으로 유의한 차이가 없었다(p>0.05). 난시교정 축방향은 방사선시표 이 용했을 때는 122.77±63.85°, 크로스실린더렌즈를 이용하여 정밀검사한 후는 112.37±67.20° 이었으며, 통계학적으로 서로 유의한 차이가 있었다(p<0.05). 결 론: 난시량과 난시축이 부정확하게 처방된 난시교정안경의 착용은 잔여난시를 생성하게 하여 안정피 로를 초래할 수 있으므로, 임상에서 크로스실린더렌즈를 활용한 난시 정밀검사가 필요하다.
        2014.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Platycodon grandiflorum is a perennial flowering plant, known as Chinese bell flower, widespread in northeast Asia. The roots of this species are used for centuries to treat diseases, and have extensive pharmacological effects such as reducing adiposity, hyperlipidemia as well as anti-atherosclerotic disorder. In this study, systematical and targeting proteome analysis were executed from the 3, 4 and 5 months aged diploid and tetraploid roots of Platycodon grandiflorum and the proteins were separated by 2-DE and stained by CBB. In diploid roots, a total of 30 protein spots (≥ 2-fold) were analyzed using MASCOT search engine according to the similarity of sequences with previously characterized proteins along with the UniProt database. Among the 30 differentially expressed proteins, 21 proteins sopts were identified as up-regulated and 9 proteins were identified as down-regulated. In contrary, a total of 40 differentially expressed proteins were confirmed from tetraploid roots whereas 28 protein spots were confirmed as up-regulated and 12 proteins were identified as down-regulated. However, the differentially expressed proteins from diploid and tetraploid roots were classified into 12 and 14 possible functional categories respectively using Protein Information Resources. The results revealed that the identified proteins from diploid and tetraploid roots were mainly involved in oxidoreductase activity, nucleotide binding, transferase activity and catalytic activity in bellflower roots. In conclusion, the exclusive proteins from diploid and tetraploid roots may provide insight clues for better understanding the characteristics and functions of proteins and metabolic activity of Platycodon grandiflorum.
        2014.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Platycodon grandiflorum, known as Doraji in Korea, is used in various medications and traditional cuisine in Korea. This study was conducted to characterize the hormonal effects of diploid and tetraploid roots of P. grandiflorum using proteomics technique. Prior to proteome analysis, different kinds of growth hormones; IBA (1mg/L), NAA (1mg/L) and IAA (1mg/L) were applied in the adventitious (Diploid and tetraploid) roots for investigation. Solid (1/4MS) and liquid (1/2MS) medium were performed in the present study to investigate the hormonal effects. In diploid roots, two dimensional gels stained with CBB, a total of 1154 protein spots were identified using image analysis by Ludesi REDFIN 3 programme (Ludesi AB, Lund, Sweden: www.ludesi.com). Out of 1154 differential expressed protein spots, a total of 33 protein spots (≥ 2-fold) were selected for mass spectrometry. Among the 33 protein spots, 7 protein spots were up-regulated in IBA, 12 proteins in NAA and 14 proteins in IAA. In the case of tetraploid roots that performed under solid medium, a total of 842 differentially expressed protein spots were identified of which 34 proteins spots (≥ 1.5-fold) were selected for mass spectrometry. Out of 34 protein spots, 11 proteins were up-regulated in IBA, 10 proteins in NAA and 13proteins in IAA. However, a total of 659 differentially expressed proteins were confirmed from the liquid medium of tetraploid roots from which 32 proteins spots (≥ 1.5-fold) were sorted for MS analysis. Out of these 32 proteins, a total of 3 proteins were up-regulated in IBA, 7 proteins in NAA and 22 proteins in IAA. The identified proteins may provide insight clues for better understanding of the characteristics of proteins and biological activity from adventitious roots of Platycodon grandiflorum.
        2014.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Among the abiotic stresses, heavy metal (HM) toxicity is thought to be one of the major abiotic stresses leading to hazardous effects in plants. In spite of its potential physiological and economical significance, morphological alterations induced by heavy metals in plants have so far been grossly overlooked. In the present study, the morphological and physiological changes were observed in the leaf of sorghum plants treated with different concentrations (0, 50, 100, and 150 μM) of CdCl2. Results revealed that plants endured reduction in growth and morphological changes amazingly altered by cadmium. The growth of sorghum seedlings treated with 150 μM cadmium was more inhibited than that of sorghum seedlings treated with 100 μM Cd, 50μM and non-treated plants. The morphological characteristics revealed that the cadmium stress inhibited the root and shoot elongation after growing the rise seedling in the presence of cadmium. In the case of ion concentration, the concentrations of Zn2+, Ca2+ were decreased whereas Fe2+ concentration was increased except 100 μM under cadmium stress. In confocal microscopy, results showed that the absorption degree of cadmium was increased by the higher concentration of cadmium. The fluorescence intensity of cadmium was also increased. Thus, it seemed that cadmium has an influence on sorghum in the case of early stages of sorghum. This study reported the effects of heavy metal, cadmium on the growth and physiological characteristics of sorghum seedlings, hoping to provide references on the mechanism of heavy metal damaging plants, and phyto-remediation for heavy metal polluted soil.
        2013.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In U.S.A. maize breeding, exotic germplasm is considered as high-risk and usually introduced by backcrossing specific traits into elite lines. The U.S.A. maize germplasm base is narrow. Only a few open-pollinated varieties are well represented in current programs. Currently, the barrier in using of exotic germplasm in the U.S.A is less formidable than in the 1980s. The major reason is that U.S.A materials are now used in tropical breeding to accelerate earlier maturity and lodging resistance. These exotic materials, developed with U.S.A germplasm, are being introduced back into the U.S.A.Since1994, the ARS-led Germplasm Enhancement of Maize (GEM) project has sought to help broaden the genetic base of America’s corn crop by promising exotic germplasm and crossing it with domestic lines. New hybrids derived from such crosses have provided corn researchers and the producers. These may include improved or alternative native source of resistance to insect pests such as corn rootworms and diseases like northern leaf blight. GEM’s aim is to provide source of useful genetic maize diversity to help the producers to reduce risks from new or evolving insect and disease threats or changes in the environment or respond to new marketing opportunities and demand. During the 2009 growing season, the Ames (Iowa) and Raleigh (North Carolina) locations managed or coordinated evaluations on 17,200 nursery plots as well as 14,000 yield trial plots in Ames and 12,000 in Raleigh. A new “allelicdiversity” study is devoted to exploring and capturing the genetic variation represented by over 300 exotic corn races. Since 2001, GEM has released 221 new corn lines to cooperators for further development into elite commercial new hybrids. GEM has already identified about 50%-tropical, 50%-temperate families tracing primarily to tropical hybrids that are competitive with commercial checks. In North Carolina State University program, they have examined the potential of tropical inbredand hybrids for U.S.A. breeding by crossing temperate-adapted, 100%-tropical lines to U.S.A hybrids. There should be favorably unique alleles or genomic regions in temperate germplasm that can be helpful in tropical maize improvement as well as utilization of tropical lines in temperate areas.
        2013.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        High temperature impediment in developing stages of crops has been occurred due to the impact of global warming. Rice production is notable to be sensitive to increasing environmental temperature and grain filling temperatures are already approaching threatening levels in many countries with rice cultivation. Recent proteomic analyses exposed impulsive changes of metabolisms during rice grain development. Interestingly, proteins involved in glycolysis, citric acid cycle, lipid metabolism, and proteolysis were accumulated at higher levels in mature grain than those of developing stages. High temperature (HT) stress in rice ripening period enhances damaged (chalky) grains which have loosely compacted shape starch granules. We carried out two-dimensional gel electrophoresis to analyze protein profiles during grain filling and different developmental stages of rice seed maturation. Proteins were separated from the fertilized seeds (seeds from 7 days and 21 days after fertilization) and seed maturation stage using IEF in the first-dimension and SDS-PAGE in the second dimension along with MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. More than 1,000 protein spots were detected on a two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. A total of 120 different protein spots out of 140 protein spots were identified by MALDI-TOF and nano LCQ-TOF mass spectrometer. The identified proteins were categorized into six (6) different groups according to their expression patterns during grain filling and seed maturation. Some proteins were confirmed during seed development stages such as cytoplasmic malate dehydrogenase, whereas others were appeared at a specific stage like putative subtilisin-like protease, germin-like, seed allergenic proteins. Furthermore, the chalking mechanism of rice grain under the HT stress could be discussed in terms of grain starch glycome, transcriptome, and proteome.