Euglena agilis의 운동성 반응을 자동으로 측정하는 장치 인 E. agilis 시스템 (E-Tox)을 이용하여 8종의 중금속 (Ag, Cd, Cr(VI), Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, Zn)에 대한 독성시험을 실시하 였다. E. agilis 운동성 시험 (biomonitoring test)으로부터 도 출된 EC50과 문헌상의 자료 조사로 얻은 기존 생태독성 시 험 생물 종들(D. magna, V. fischeri, 그리고 E. gracilis)의 EC50을 비교하여 시험물질에 대한 E. agilis의 독성 민감도 를 평가하였다. 또한 축산폐수 방류수, 도금폐수 방류수, 도 금폐수 1차 처리 시료에 대해 D. magna 급성 독성시험과 E. agilis 운동성 반응 시험을 수행 후 TU를 비교하여 E. agilis 운동성 시험의 현장 적용 가능성을 평가하였다. E. agilis는 시험 중금속에 대해 D. magna보다 독성민감도가 전반적으 로 낮았으나 V. fischeri 또는 E. gracilis와 유사하거나 좀 더 민감하였다. E. agilis는 D. magna test로 유독성으로 판명된 도금폐수 1차 처리수에 대해 신속한 독성반응을 나타내었 다. E-Tox 시스템은 기존의 생태독성시험장비에 비해 빠르 고 작동이 간편한 자동화 기기라는 장점이 있다. 본 연구의 결과 E-Tox 시스템을 이용한 E. agilis 운동성 시험은 향후 독성폐수에 대한 조기경보를 위한 생태독성시험법으로 적용 될 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.
The effect of increased carbon dioxide concentration in atmosphere was examined on the pheromone system of Helicoverpa armigera reared from egg stage to adult in three room. Two of three room (2×2×2 m) were treated with carbon dioxide gas as 600 ppm and 1,000 ppm, respectively. Mean of carbon dioxide concentration was 429.1 ppm in the control, 603.3 ppm for 600 ppm, and 1011.5 ppm for 1,000 ppm during experiment. Electroantenograph (EAG) test was conducted on 3-d-old male adults with air, hexane, and a series of their sex pheromone component, Z11-16Al, from 0.01 to 100 ng. The result was that male EAG responses of 600 and 1,000 ppm were 30.3% lower than that of control room. Production of Z11-16:Al was examined on about twenty 2-d-old virgin females. Carbon dioxide increases did not show a statistically significant difference. However, higher amount of sex pheromone was produced in females of 600 and 1,000 ppm. So, This experiment was replicated with different population reared again. The amount of the sex pheromone per female was 108.9 and 118.1 ng in control room, 139.8 and 141.8 ng in 600 ppm room, and 124.6 and 125.8 ng in 1,000 ppm room.
지식기반관점(KBV)에서 산학연 연구개발(R&D) 협력은 기업의 부족한 기술 및 지식을 획득하기 위해 매우 중요한 수단으로 인식되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 산학연 연구개발(R&D) 협력에 따른 기업 성과를 분석하였다. 이를 통해 협력 연구가 과연 기업 성과에 실제로 영향을 미치는지, 그리고 협력 유형에 따라 기업 성과에 차이가 있는지를 확인하였다. 본 연구는 2006년부터 2009년까지 국가연구개발사업을 수행한 250개 중소기업을 대상으로 연구개발(R&D) 협력 비율 및 유형과 기업 성과와의 관계를 검증하였다. 또한 기업 성과는 특허 출원 건수로 측정한 기술적 성과와 총자산수익률(ROA)로 측정한 경제적 성과로 구분하였다. 분석 결과, 연구개발(R&D) 협력 비율과 기술적 성과는 역U자형(inverted U-shape) 관계가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 그리고 연구개발(R&D) 협력 유형 중에서 산산 협력 연구는 기술 적 성과에 부정적인 영향을 미치는 반면, 산학연 협력 연구는 기술적 성과에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 하지만 경제적 성과의 경우에는 연구개발(R&D) 협력 비율 및 유형과 큰 관련이 없는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구의 결과는 중소기업의 산학연 연구개발(R&D) 협력과 관련된 정부의 정책이나 기업의 전략을 수립하는데 큰 시사점을 제시할 것으로 판단된다.
A new graft cactus (Gymnocalycium marsoneri x mihanovichii x G. mihanovichii) cultivar, 'Hwangjo' was developed from a interspecific cross between an orange colored G. marsoneri x mihanovichii breeding line '9834036', a line with characteristics of vigorous growth and stable color under the strong sun light, and an orange colored graft cactus (G. mihanovichii) breeding line 'IG177' and through line selection at the National Horticultural Research Institute, Rural Development Administration in 2005. It was developed with the aim to breed a bright and vivid orange colored cultivar. Its characteristic evaluation was conducted three times during 2003 to 2005. The color of both body and tubercle was yellow. The shape of globe was flattened round and it had 8 to 10 deep ribs. The spine was semi erect, medium sized and grayish brown color. Growth was faster than the comparison cultivar, 'Hugwang'. Propagation capability was excellent, setting 15 tubercles per globe. Characteristics of the cultivar could be maintained by vegetative propagation. Strong sun light and virus infection should be avoided.
A new graft cactus (Gymnocalycium mihanovichii) cultivar, 'Simhong' was developed from a cross between graft cactus breeding line 'Keumhong', a cultivar revealing a red colored globe with yellow colored tubercles, and a dark red line '9502052' and consecutive line selection at the National Horticultural Research Institute, Rural Development Administration in 2005. It was developed with the aim to breed a dark red cultivar. Its characteristic evaluation was conducted three times during 2003 to 2005. The color of both body and tubercle was dark red. The shape of the globe was flattened round and it had 8 to 10 deep ribs. The spine was medium sized, straight and dark brown. Its growth was faster than the comparison cultivar, 'Jinhong'. Propagation capability was excellent, setting 12 tubercles per globe. Characteristics of the cultivar could be maintained by vegetative propagation. Strong sun light and virus infection should be avoided.
A new graft cactus (Gymnocalycium mihanovichii x G. marsoneri x mihanovichii) cultivar, 'Yeonsim' was developed from a interspecific cross between two black with pink graft cactus (Gymnocalycium mihanovichii) breeding line '9603026' and G. marsoneri x mihanovichii breeding line 'BP', a line with the characteristics of wide spacing between ribs, and vigorous growth and through line selection at the National Horticultural Research Institute, Rural Development Administration in 2005. It was developed with the aim of breeding cultivars with new colors and globe shapes. Its characteristic evaluation was conducted during 2003 to 2005. The color of both body and tubercle was pink. The shape of the globe was flattened round and it had 7 to 9 deep ribs. The spine was short, straight and brown color. Growth was faster than the comparison cultivar, 'Yeonhwa'. Propagation capability was excellent, setting 12 tubercles per globe. Characteristics of the cultivar could be maintained by vegetative propagation. Strong sun light and virus infection should be avoided.
A new graft cactus (Gymnocalycium mihanovichii) cultivar ‘Suyeon’ was developed from a cross between two pink with black breeding lines ‘9603010’ and ‘9603026’, by line selection at the National Horticultural Research Institute, Rural Development Administration in 2005. It was developed with the aim of breeding a cultivar showing vigorous growth and multiple colors. A line ‘9603010’ was derived from a cross between a black line and a pink line. Investigation into characteristics was conducted three times from 2003 to 2005. The color of both body and tubercle was pink with black. The shape of the globe was round and it had 7 to 9 deep ribs. The spine was short and straight, and its color was brown. Growth was retarded compared to a comparative cultivar ‘Ojack’, on the other hand, showed good propagation capability, setting 11 tubercles per globe. Characteristics of the cultivar could be maintained by vegetative propagation. Growers should take care to protect them from strong sun light and virus infection.
To investigate low temperature- and light stress-induced genes of Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Dongbori #1, suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) was performed with mRNAs from leaf samples that treated with low temperature (4℃) and extremely high light de