There are generally two kinds of spent filter; one is spent filter media for mainly gaseous purification such as HEPA filter, the other is spent filter cartridge for liquid purification such as CVCS BRS cartridge type filter. The spent filter cartridge from liquid purification system has been storing in special shielding space in auxiliary building in NPPs since the beginning of 2006 according to the long term storage strategy for decaying short lived radionuclide and gaining the time for selecting practical treatment technology before final packaging. The spent filter cartridges generated Kori-1 reactor vary in their sizes as in length from 913 mm to 290 mm and range in radiation level from several hundred mSv per hour to below mSv per hour . It is high time that the spent filter cartridge is treated and packaged because LILW repository in Wolsung area is operating and Kori-1 reactor is scheduled to decommission. The spent filter cartridge is one of the wet solid wastes required of solidification. It is difficult for the spent filter cartridge to solidify because of their shape, structure, physical and chemical characteristics in addition to having high radiation level. NSSC notice defines that solidification of wet solid wastes include that solid material such as spent filter is encapsulated with cement, etc. as a form of macro-encapsulation. The radioactive waste acceptance criteria describes that non-homogeneous waste having above 74,000 Bq/g such as spent filter, dry active waste should be encapsulated with qualified material. Homogeneous waste such as spent resin, sludge, concentrated waste (liquid waste evaporator bottoms), etc. should be solidified complied with requirements except that spent filter which is allowed to encapsulate. It is needed to guide to the practice of these two requirements for spent filter. The sampling and test method is different between homogeneous solidification waste form and spent filter cartridge encapsulation waste form. For example, how core sample can be taken and how void space can be measured among spent filter cartridge in encapsulation waste form. The technical evaluation report for spent filter cartridge polymer encapsulation by US NRC has been reviewed and the technical position of US NRC was identified. As a result of review, improvement fields of waste acceptance criteria for spent filters are pointed out, and the technical position of US NRC for spent filter cartridge solidification is summarized. The recommendation on improvement directions for spent filter cartridge encapsulation is suggested.
It has been discovered that the isosaccharinic acid (ISA) formed in a cellulose degradation leachate were capable of forming soluble complexes with thorium, uranium (IV) and plutonium. Since 1993, the ISA has received particular attention in the literature due to its ability to complex a range of radionuclides, potentially affecting the migration of radionuclides. ISA is formed as a result of interactions between cellulosic materials within the waste inventory and the alkalinity resulting from the use of cementitious materials in the construction of the repository. In an alkaline cementitious environment, cellulose degrades mainly via a peeling-off reaction. The main degradation product is ISA, a polyhydroxy type of ligand forming stable complexes with tri- and tetravalent radionuclides. ISA can have an adverse effect on the sorption of radionuclides to an extent which depends on its concentration in the cement pore water and potentially enhance their mobility. The concentration of ISA is governed by several factors such as cellulose loading, cement porosity, extent of cellulose degradation, etc. The sorption of ISA on cement, however, is the process which governs the concentration of ISA in the pore water. According to the experimental result from a literature, the ISA concentration in facilities with a cellulose loading of 5% is calculated to be of the order of 10−4 M. At this level, the effect of cellulose degradation products on radionuclide sorption is negligibly small. Recently in Korea, cellulous limits as waste acceptance criteria is studying and planning to prepare the detailed requirement for near surface radioactive waste disposal facilities. It is desirable to suggest consideration on cellulose disposal limits around the time that the regulatory body and concern organizations establish the cellulose disposal limits as follows. Firstly, identify the cellulose effect on the sorption of the nuclides as cementitious disposal environments such as affected nuclides, threshold value and contribution to radiological risks under domestic disposal environment. Secondly, make sure and consider the difference between lab-scale experimental conditions and probability occurring in real disposal conditions such as probability for generation and persistence of pH in cellulosic material disposal conditions and cellulosic material disposal methods. Finally, consider characterization of cellulosic material such as polymerization, contents of cellulose in law material and time of degradation process. As a result, desirable cellulose limits are to set up for both safety and economic aspect.
The CC chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5) is a G protein-coupled receptor that regulates chemotaxis and effector functions of immune cells. It also serves as the major co-receptor for the entry of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Recently, CCR5 inhibitors have been developed and used for the treatment or prevention of HIV infections. Additionally, it has been identified that CCR5 controls bone homeostasis by regulating osteoclastogenesis and the communication between osteoblasts and osteoclasts. However, the effects of CCR5 inhibition on bone tissue in elderly patients are unknown. This study aimed to examine the bone phenotype of aged CCR5 knockout (KO) mice. Femoral and tibial bones were isolated from 12-month and 18-month old wild-type (WT) and CCR5 KO mice, and microcomputed tomography and histology analyses were performed. Twelve-month-old CCR5 KO mice exhibited a decreased trabecular bone mass and cortical bone thickness in both femoral and tibial bones compared with agematched WT mice. Eighteen-month-old mice also showed a decreased trabecular bone mass in femurs compared with control WT mice, but not in tibial bones. Unlike in 12-month-old mice, the cortical margin of femurs and tibias in 18-month-old mice were rough, likely because they were aggravated by the deficiency of CCR5. Overall, our data suggest that the deficiency of CCR5 with aging can cause severe bone loss. When CCR5 inhibitors or CCR5 inactivating technologies are used in elderly patients, a preventive strategy for bone loss should be considered.
This study was conducted to determine the effect of six different leguminous seeds a) cowpea, b) white kidney bean c) soybean (Cheongja) d) soybean (Daepung) e) mung bean and f) azuki bean on the nymphal development, mortality, adult longevity, fecundity and hatchability of Riptortus pedestris (F.) (Hemiptera: Alydidae). Total developmental time ranged from 18 to 25 days; R. pedestris fed on white kidney bean took the longest time. There was no difference in mortality among the bugs fed on the legumes except those fed on white kidney bean which had the highest mortality (94%). Also, adult bugs fed on white kidney bean showed the shortest longevity. Total number of eggs laid by adult female and the hatchability of the eggs were highest from the bugs fed on cowpea. Higher reproductive success of R. pedestris fed on cowpea suggests that cowpea could be very suitable legume for the bug and it can be used as a trap crop against the bean bug.
Several pentatomids and an alydid are reported inflicting losses in several host plants ranging from leguminous crops to fruit orchards in Korea. Understanding their visual preference would help develop mass trapping or efficient monitoring device. Visual preference of the major pentatomids and an alydid bugs to different colors and light emitting diodes (LED) of different wavelengths were observed. Adults of pentatomid such as Halyomorpha halys Stål, Plautia Stali Scott, and Nezara sp., and an alydid Riptortus pedestris (F.) were exposed to seven different colors (black, yellow, green, blue, white, cream, orange) in a multiple choice tests. Also, adult and second instar nymphs of the bugs were released inside a hexagonal LED boxes consisting of LED lamps of six different wavelengths (375 to 630 nm). Most of the pentatomids showed highest preference to blue color followed by yellow and 530 nm LED. However, R. pedestris showed higher preference to the yellow color followed by blue and black. Second instar nymphs of all the tested species also showed higher preference to 530 nm. Their color and LED lamp preference would help in development of mass trapping device.
‘Orange Song’은 전북농업기술원에서 2011년 육성된 화단용 아시아틱나리 품종이다. 1999년 분홍색 아시아틱나리 ‘Chianti’을모본으로 하고 노랑색 아시아틱나리 ‘Madras’를 부본으로 하여주두수분법을 이용 인공 교배 후, 2002년 20개 실생묘 가운데개화 후 특성이 우수한 JaL02-46 계통을 선발하였다. 2003에서 2009년 까지 조직배양과 포장 양구를 통해 증식시킨 후 특성검정을 실시하였다. 2010~2011년 노지포장 적응시험을 위해전북농업기술원 익산포장과 남원, 고창 등 3곳의 노지포장에서 2년간 특성조사를 실시하였고 ‘Orange Song’으로 명명 되었다.노지에서 3지역 모두 2년간 평균 생존률이 98.7%로 높았고엽수도 48.3장으로 대조품종 Partner에 비해 8.4장이 많았다.개화기가 6월 22일로 중만생종에 속하고 진노랑색(RHS, O24A)이며 개화방향은 상향이고 내부에 반점이 있다. 초장이 50cm이하이고 잎마름병에 강한 특성을 가지고 있으며 수확한 구근의구주는 9.6cm, 무게는 17.7g으로 조사되었다.