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        검색결과 20

        2021.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        화분매개곤충으로 중요한 산업적 가치를 지닌 꿀벌은 전 세계적으로 병해충에 의한 개체수 감소 현상이 심각한 문제로 제기 되고 있다. 본 논문에서는 이를 타개하기 위하여 질병저항성 꿀벌 계통을 선발하고자 하였으며, 이를 위해 꿀벌 육성 계통별 청소력(hygienic behavior) 평가를 수행하였다. 이는 질병 저항성 계통 선발에 관한 연구로 본 연구에서는 5종의 꿀벌 계통과 2종의 교배종 계통에 대한 청소력 평가를 Pin killed brood assay 법에 의해 수행하였다. 그 결과 처리 24 시간 후 죽은 번데기를 제거하거나 개봉하는 능력이 60% 이상으로 청 소능력이 낮은 계통(non-hygienic)은 확인되지 않았으며, 반대로 죽은 번데기를 제거하거나 개봉하는 능력이 90%이상인 hygienic 계통은 C, D, E, F, ♀CX♂D 그리고 ♀FX♂D 계통인 것으로 드러났으며, 그 외 A 계통은 보통(intermediate)의 청소능력을 가진 것으로 확인 되었다. 이를 통해 본 연구에서는 육성 계통 대부분이 높은 질병저항성 특성을 지니는 것으로 평가되고 있으며, 이러한 결과는 지속적인 질병저항성 꿀벌 계통 선발에 활용할 수 있을 것으로 기대되고 있다.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        To control an external parasitic mite, a honey bee line possessing high hygienic behavior (HHB) against an external parasitic mite, Varroa destructor, has been bred in South Korea and an assessment method has been necessitated to diagnose HHB line from the low hygienic behavior (LHB) line. Thus, in this study, we developed single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers from whole genome sequencing of each 20 worker bees from HHB and LHB lines of A. mellifera ligustica (Hymenoptera: Apidae). An average of 319,445,977 sequence reads was mapped to the known A. mellifera reference genome (an average of 87.46%). In 2,316,128 and 3,266,756 SNPs from each HHB and LHB line, an average of 93.6% and was located in the intergenic spacers and introns, whereas, the remaining 6.4% was located in the genic region, respectively. Among them 20 SNPs that were fixed at each line possessing within-individual homozygosity were selected and each four SNPs were used to diagnose the two honey bee lines either by typical PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism method or allele-specific PCR. The remaining six SNPs had the size difference, enabling relatively easy differentiation between the two honey bee lines on typical agarose gel and another remaining six SNPs only has sequence difference including SNP sites. Thus, these SNP markers can be used to diagnose the honey bee line with HHB from LHB line against V. destructor.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Insect peptides have been extensively studied due to beneficial effects in the treatment of infectious diseases. Melittin, a fundamental component of honeybee venom produced by European honeybee Apis mellifera, has applied to prevent various inflammatory disease and bacterial infections in human. However, the therapeutic application of melittin is limited due to its low stability, hemolytic activity and expensive manufacturing costs. In this study, we aimed to discovery unknown peptides from the Apis mellifera and evaluate its antibacterial activity against Escherichia coli KACC 10005. A total 15,853 peptide sequences were diciphered using Illumina HiSeq 2500 next-generation sequencing (NGS) platform and analyzed based on the Apis mellifera official Gene Set Version 3.2 (amel_OGSv3.2) and the Collection of Anti-Microbial Peptides (CAMPR3) database. All the peptide sequences and annotation data sets were combined and sorted by physicochemical features of antimicrobial peptides (AMPs), such as short peptide length <=50, positive charge, isoelectric point (8.0<=pl<=12), and aggregation propensity (in-vitro: <=500, in-vivo: –40<= Na4vSS <=60). Among the screened peptides, four unknown peptide candidates, named AMP1-4, were chemically synthesized and tested for antimicrobial activity in comparison with a reference peptide, melittin. Inhibition of bacterial growth was observed in the AMP4 treated group from 6 hours to 48 hours post-treatment against E. coli. These results suggest that honeybee-derived peptide sequences can be applied as natural resources to acquire novel AMPs and the peptide sequences derived parameters are enough to recognize antibacterial peptides. In addition, the selected novel peptide candidate, AMP4, has antibacterial activity.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Honeybees (Apis mellifera) are defend on feeds for their larvae and adult bees` healthy life. The nectar is carbohydrate source for making energy. We are extract several sugars from plants for using carbohydrate source to bee. 3 sugar source was extracted from plants (watermelon, cabbage, and mandarin). Almost sample showed high level of insecticidal rate and low level feed intake rate. We were selected 2 type of cabbage sugar syrup that low level insecticidal rate and high level feed intake rate (No 6 cabbage(+fructose) was mixed with 10% fructose and No. 7 cabbage(+pollen) was made with 10 % pollen). Cabbage sugar solution has much more impurities than purified sugar. So, No.6 and No 7 sample can do up-regulation of antimicrobial genes (apideacin, defencin, abacin, and hymenopteacin). Cabbage sugar solution has much more impurities than purified sugar. Our results suggest that up-regulation of antimicrobial genes might be involved in worker through carbohydrate impurities related immune pathways.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Nosema disease caused by the microsporidia Nosema apis and Nosema ceranae are a honey bee pathogen parasitizing. Nosema disease symptoms include digestive and absorption disorders because the spores damage epithelial tissue and potentially causing colony death. Recently, N. ceranae has been reported as an important threat to honey bee health. Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) Curcuma tonga L. belongs to the family Zingiberaceae and is a perennial, tropical herb. Turmeric, the powdered rhizome, is used for medicinal purposes. The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential of Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) for the control of N. ceranae in honeybees. For the study, we infected with N. ceranae spore through dosed and fed with the turmeric extraction at difference concentration. The data show that the turmeric extraction was not toxic for bee at least at 1% and the bees fed with 0.5 % turmeric extraction had significantly lower infection rates. This data suggest that turmeric could be useful in alternative strategies for the control of N. ceranae.
        2016.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        We sequenced complete mitochondrial genomes (mt genomes) of four Apis species, such as A. cerana, A. dorsata, A. laboriosa, and A. mellifera ligustica. The A. m. ligustica used in this study was originated from United States and selected for a high hygienic behavior during several years of breeding program. Considering current phylogenetic hypothesis of Apis the positive relationships between phylogeny and gene rearrangement was not supported. Phylogenetic reconstruction using available Apoidea species has shown the relationships ((Apidae + Colletidae) + Crabronidae). Within Apis, a strong support for three groups was obtained: A. florea and A. andreniformis as a basal group to the other A. cerana and A. mellifera group and A. dorsata and A. laboriosa group. The test to find out suitable single mt gene for the phylogeny at the genus level and below-genus level of Apis provided an identical topology from ND4L and ND6 in the ML analysis and ND3 and NF4L in the BI analysis to that from whole mt genome, with relatively strong support, indicating that these individual genes can potentially be utilized for within-species level phylogeny of Apis.
        2016.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Mortality of honeybees(Apis cerana) is a serious problem that beekeepers have to face periodically in Korea. The presence of RNA viruses, in addition to other pathogens may be one of its possible causes. In this work, we were detected Black queen cell virus (BQCV), Kashmir bee virus (KBV), Korean Sacbrood virus (KSBV), Ascosphaera apis, and Nosema in samples of Apis cerana. Honey bee viruses was detected KSBV(58.5 %), KBV(6.5 %), BQCV(70 %) in 2015 by RT(Revers transcriptase)-PCR. Sacbrood virus (SBV) is an important disease of A. cerana. A. apis can cause chock brood disease to honey bee. It was detected 10.3 % of A. cerana colonies by PCR. Also, Nosema cerana was detected 50.5%. Conclusively, investigated disease of the A. cerana, and confirmed virus that lead to bee disease, this is thought by valuable thing as data for development of beekeeping industry such as Colony Collapse cause searching examination.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The present study explored a reading-based speaking task for its potential to develop EFL students' fluency. Based on an L1 speaking model by Levelt (1989, 1993), the task was developed in a way that students can maximize their fluency in a scaffolding-rich condition: one in the stage of message generation and the other in linguistic encoding. The use of reading texts for the development of speaking fluency was also hypothesized to induce authentic interaction among interlocutors. How the reading-based speaking task functions as hypothesized was tested with five Korean college students who participated in a 4-week reading-based speaking program. The analysis of the group activity transcripts and interviews revealed that scaffolding in message generation took place in three types of language episode: a personal experience episode, a vocabulary-related episode, and a contentclarification/ elaboration episode. Linguistic encoding in L2 speaking was scaffolded via shared context, which enabled the participants to develop and utilize a paraphrasing skill. Finally, the participants’ engagement in speaking activities increased, affecting their willingness to communicate and their motivation to improve speaking.
        2013.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Nosema disease caused by microsporidia which belongs to fungi is a major cause of honey production loss and is worldwide in distribution. The most common method of nosema disease controlling is the application of the fumagillin. It is an antibiotic derived from the fungus Aspergillus fumigates. It has been used for many years to treat microsporidiosis caused by Nosema in honeybees. However, Fumagillin does not kill Nosema spores, and has rapidly deteriorating potency after application, resulting in only partial and temporary anti-Nosema effect, since new bees emerge constantly in a colony, and re-application is required several times a year. Also it is no longer practised for the associated risk of honey contamination. In this study we compare the effect in spore reduction of Cordyceps militaris extract(CMX) and of fumagillin. Three weekly administrations of CMX showed a noticeable decrease in the number of spores infecting the honey bee intestines, without negative effects for adults and comb health. Therefore this product could play an important role in prevention and reduction of nosema disease without risks of honey with antibiotics.
        2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study was conducted to establish the optimized protocol for cytoplasm isolation of bee pollen. Data of biochemical parameters and amino acid profiles were obtained from acorn pollen grains treated with pulverization or lyophilization. Contents of moisture, ash, crude protein and crude fat of acorn pollen were 11.7%, 2.6%, 24.1% and 11.8%, respectively. After pulverizing, content of crude protein was decreased to 23.8% while crude fat was 22.5% which means 90% increase. Also content of crude protein was increased to 26.5% in case of the lyophilized pollen. Amino acids such as aspartic acid, glutamic acid, leucine and arginine were extensively found in acorn pollen while histidine, methionine and cystine were infrequent. The pulverized pollen was increased by 2.6% in the total amino acid percentage while the lyophilized pollen increased by 11.8% compared to the untreated pollen.
        2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Most Korean beekeepers have moved from south to north of Korea to collect nectar from black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) flowers for 2 months. This provided a valuable opportunity to sample bees originating from diverse areas in one location. We initiated a survey of honeybee (Apis mellifera) colonies on the blooming period of Acacia to determine the prevalence of Nosema apis and black queen cell virus (BQCV) in 2013. Nosema causes significant losses in population size of honeybees. Sixteenth hives were sampled for this study. Bees were collected on the 4th and 13th of May, 2013. Nosema spore counts ranged from zero to 1,948,333 spores per bee. The average number of nosema spores per bee was calculated to be 450,000. Approximately 94% of the apiaries examined were infected with nosema, based on the presence of spores in the flowering period of Acacia. Also nosema is thought to be associated with black queen cell virus. RT-PCR analysis shows that BQCV infection rate was 100%. This indicates that nosema and BQCV is the predominant species affecting honeybee colonies.
        2012.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Nosema disease caused by Nosema apis which belongs to fungi is a major cause of honey production loss and is worldwide in distribution. N. apis infects the epithelial cells of the digestive system of adult honeybees. Nosema causes significant losses in population size of honeybee. There are about 25 thousand beekeepers caring for approximately 1,697,000 colonies in Korea. Honey production totaled almost 38,505 metric tons in 2010. This production was estimated to be worth about 274 billion Korean won. To determine infection level of nosema disease during the season, adult worker bees were collected from two colonies of experiment apiary from January to October. Our results indicate that the infection level of nosema disease was increased in spring and autumn. Also we initiated a survey of honeybee colonies on the blooming period of Acacia to determine the prevalence of N. apis. Twenty two hives owned by 18 beekeepers were sampled for this study. Bees were collected on 24th and 25th May of 2012. Nosema spore counts ranged from zero to 5,266,000 spores per bee. The average number of nosema spores per bee was calculated to be 1,375,000. Approximately 86% of the apiaries examined were infected with nosema, based on the presence of spores in the flowering period of Acacia. This indicates that nosema is the predominant species affecting honeybee colonies.
        2012.06 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The average life expectancy has continuously increased with the development of medicine. However, Some of men have been suffered from the insufficient secretion of testosterone causing by physical factors, social and psychological factors. Testosterone is an essential steroid hormone controlling male reproductive function. Alternative medicines in plants, fungi, and insects have been studied to enhance sexuality. In the present study, we determined the effect of an acorn pollen and Cordyceps militaris fruiting body on testosterone concentration in Sprague-Dawley rats. Eighteen rats per group were housed to regular diet or diet supplemented with acorn pollen powder or fruiting body power for 4 weeks. Serum was collected from 6 rats per group. Results showed that changes of the body weight, food and water intake of the rats were not observed in this study. However, acorn pollen powder and Cordyceps militaris fruiting body significantly stimulated testosterone production (p < 0.05) compared to the control, respectively. Hence, it suggests that acorn pollen or Cordyceps militaris fruiting body might be developed as a complementary medicine to improve sexual hormones.
        2011.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A body of research has reported that nonnative English-speaking teachers experience low professional self-esteem (Kamhi-Stein, 1999, 2000; Medgyes, 1994; Reves & Medgyes, 1994; Samimy & Brutt-Griffler, 1999). However, in the prior literature, the identities of nonnative English teachers enrolled in U.S. English teacher education programs remain relatively unexamined, especially in relation to native speakerism. In this study, the author investigates how nonnative English teachers see themselves as EFL teachers by employing critical theory and identity theory. The combination of these two theories provides lenses to examine how nonnative English teachers’ identities are affected by the native-speaker ideology within the intersections of power, language, culture, and race. These qualitative case studies show that nonnative English teachers are influenced by the ideology of native speakerism, leading to low professional self-esteem.
        2011.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Two species entomopathogenic fungi most widely used and valued in traditional Asian medical practice are Ophiocordyceps sinensis (formely Cordyceps sinensis) and Cordyceps militaris. Although O. sinensis may be the more famous and expensive fungus, it is also comparatively rare and cannot be grown or made to fruit readily in culture whereas C. militaris occurs worldwide, can be easily cultured, and is the easist of all Cordyceps species to fruit in culture. There is a well establihed cottage industry in Korea to produce C. militaris as a dietary supplement or even as a culinary ingredient used to promote improved health. Most of the Korean farmers raising C. militaris obtain fruiting bodies from silkworms that are injected with suspensions of hyphal bodies grown in liquid cultures. This study seeks to facilitate and to simplify the injection process used to produced this fungus by finding a simple cullture medium on which abundant supplies of the Lecanicillium conodial state of C. militaris are produced and can be used with simplified injection protocols involving spraying or dipping in conidial suspensions than the more material- and labor- intensive injection protocol. The studies to be repored include quantitative tests of conodial yields on varying carbon sources, varying nitrogen sources, and attempted to optimize the carbon/nitrogen ratio and pH of the medium for conidial production.
        2010.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        생강이 가지고 있는 항산화력을 최대화 시키기 위해 다양한 제조 공정에서 흑생강을 제조하였다. 증숙 온도 및 시간에 따른 DPPH radical 소거능을 측정하였고, 이를 반응표면 분석법에 의해 최적화된 제조 공정을 선정하였다. DPPH radical 소거능을 최대화 할 수 있는 최적 점을 설정한 결과 93.2oC에서 6시간의 증숙 공정이 설정되었다. 제조한 흑생강을 음료로 개발하기 위해, 매실 농축액과 꿀을 혼합하여 기능성과 선호도가 높은 음료를 제조하였다. DPPH radical 소거능, 플라보노이드 함량, 관능평가의 canonical 계수를 이용하여 수적 최적화를 통하여 최적 배합비를 구한 결과, 흑생강 추출물 14.2%, 매실농축액 5%, 꿀 10.8%로 나타났고 desirability가 0.615로 설정되었다. 이때의 종속 변수값들은 DPPH radical 소거능 46.0 mg/L, 플라보노이드 함량 29.9 mg/L, 선호도 5.284로 예측되었다.
        2009.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study aimed to evaluate the antioxidant activity of chestnut honey which were harvested at various areas in South Korea. First at all, we measured the total phenols content through a spectrophotometric determination with a modified Folin-Ciocalteu method and total flavonoids content determined with aluminium chloride. Total phenolic compounds was highest in Sunchang of Chestnut honey(2.21mg/ml)and flavonoids contents was also the highest in Sunchang of Chestnut honey(1.02mg/ml) than other samples. For measured the antioxidant activity of chestnut honey, we performed DPPH(2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) test and FRAP(ferric reducing-antioxidant assay)test. DPPH scavenging activity highest in Sunchang of Chestnut honey more than 50% DPPH scavenging activitywhile other samples (Gong-ju, Yechen, Chung-ju, Imsil, Ha-dong) showed more than 25% DPPH scavenging activity. The ferric reducing-antioxidant assay (FRAP) is based on the reduction of ferric 2,4,6-tris(2-pyridyl)-1,3,5-triazine [Fe(III)-TPTZ] by spectrophotometric analysis. Sunchang were found to have more than 532μM FRAP activity while other samples (Gong-ju, Yechen, Chung-ju, Imsil, Ha-dong) showed more than 300μM FRAP activity. The results suggested that chestnut honey strong antioxidant activity and it could be utilized as a source of natural antioxidant.