
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 519

        2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Tenebrio molitor(T. molitor) is gaining attention as a sustainable food source with high nutrient content. Understanding their immune system, paricularly the role of Tak1 in the Imd pathway, is essential for mass breeding. This study investigates TmTak1 function in T. molitor. we investigated the immune function of TmTak1, followed by systemic infection using E. coli, S. aureus, and C. albicans. As a result, Silencing TmTak1 significantly affects expression levels of AMPs in the whole body, Fat bodies, and Integuments. These results showed lower expression levels of AMP compared to the control group during E.coli injection.
        2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Fas-associated death domain protein (FADD) functions as an apoptotic adapter in mammals, recruiting caspases for death-inducing signaling complexes, while in lower animals, it interacts with IMD and DREDD to initiate antimicrobial responses. In this study, we examined the T. molitor FADD sequence (TmFADD) using molecular informatics methods to understand its involvement in the host's immune response against microorganisms. Knocking down TmFADD transcripts resulted in increased susceptibility of T. molitor larvae to E. coli, underscoring the significance of FADD in insect defense mechanisms and providing valuable insights into insect immunity.
        2024.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study explores the profound impact of varying oxygen content on microstructural and mechanical properties in specimens HO and LO. The higher oxygen concentration in specimen HO is found to significantly influence alpha lath sizes, resulting in a size of 0.5-1 μm, contrasting with the 1-1.5 μm size observed in specimen LO. Pore fraction, governed by oxygen concentration, is high in specimen HO, registering a value of 0.11%, whereas specimen LO exhibits a lower pore fraction (0.02%). Varied pore types in each specimen further underscore the role of oxygen concentration in shaping microstructural morphology. Despite these microstructural variations, the average hardness remains consistent at ~370 HV. This study emphasizes the pivotal role of oxygen content in influencing microstructural features, contributing to a comprehensive understanding of the intricate interplay between elemental composition and material properties.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        수국은 수국과(Hydrangeaceae) 수국속(Hydrangea)의 낙엽관목 식물로 크고 화려한 화형을 가져 절화, 분화 및 조 경수로 전세계적 인기가 있는 식물이다. 나무수국은 수국 (H. macrophylla)과 비교하여 삽목율이 낮은 것으로 알려져 있지만 나무수국의 묘목생산을 위한 삽목 연구 및 두 종간 삽목율 차이 원인 규명에 관한 연구는 미미하다. 본 연구는 IBA(Indol-3-butyric acid) 500mg·L-1 처리시 삽수의 침지 시간에 따른 삽목율 조사를 통해 적정 호르몬 처리 시간을 제 시하고 나무수국과 수국의 해부학적 구조 관찰을 통한 삽목율 차이 발생의 원인을 규명하고자 실시하였다. 나무수국의 적정 호르몬 처리 시간을 규명하기 위해 IBA 500mg·L-1을 무처 리, 30분, 2시간, 4시간 침지처리를 하였다. 종간 삽목율 차이 발생의 원인 규명을 위해 나무수국과 수국의 줄기 단면과 삽 목 후 시간 경과에 따른 발근을 해부학적으로 관찰하였다. 연 구의 결과 나무수국의 삽목시 IBA 500mg·L-1에 2시간 이상 침지처리가 다른 처리구와 비교하여 발근율이 높고 발생 뿌리 수가 가장 많았다. 또, 나무수국의 삽목율이 수국과 비교하여 낮은 것은 줄기의 세포 구조상 방사조직의 형태, 섬유세포의 밀도, 도관의 발달, 전분 함유 세포의 수 등에 차이가 관찰되 었고 이러한 세포 구조적 차이들의 영향으로 나무수국이 수국 보다 삽목 후 뿌리 조직 세포분열이 7일 늦게 시작되는 것이 확인되었다. 본 연구의 결과로 나무수국의 삽목 번식의 기초 자료로 활용되어 묘목 생산 효율 증대에 활용되길 바란다.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Emojis and avatars are widely used in online communications, but their emotional conveyance lacks research. This study aims to contribute to the field of emotional expression in computer-mediated communication (CMC) by exploring the effectiveness of emotion recognition, the intensity of perceived emotions, and the perceived preferences for emojis and avatars as emotional expression tools. The following were used as stimuli: 12 photographs from the Yonsei-Face database, 12 Memojis that reflected the photographs, and 6 iOS emojis. The results of this study indicate that emojis outperformed other forms of emotional expression in terms of conveying emotions, intensity, and preference. Indeed, the study findings confirm that emojis remain the dominant form of emotional signals in CMC. In contrast, the study revealed that Memojis were inadequate as an expressive emotional cue. Participants did not perceive Memojis to effectively convey emotions compared with other forms of expression, such as emojis or real human faces. This suggests room for improvement in the design and implementation of Memojis to enhance their effectiveness in accurately conveying intended emotions. Addressing the limitations of Memojis and exploring ways to optimize their emotional expressiveness necessitate further research and development in avatar design.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In the dismantling of nuclear power plants, various forms of radioactive gaseous waste are generated when cutting concrete and metal structures. Large amounts of radioactive dust and aerosols generated during the cutting process of each structure can cause radiation exposure to the environment around the workplace and to the radiation exposure in the body of workers. When cutting structures, water is sprayed to reduce the generation of aerosols, so early saturation of the filter is expected due to radioactive aerosols and fine particles containing a large amount of moisture. A mobile air purification device is being developed to a fast and efficient air purifier that can be used for a long time operation to protect workers from radiation exposure in high radiation areas and to minimize the amount of secondary waste generated. In this paper, the direction for a new concept of unit technology that can achieve the development purpose is described.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        There is a large amount of radioactive waste in waste storage in the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute. Some of the radioactive waste was generated during the dismantling process due to Korea Research Reactor 1&2 and it accounts for 20% of the total waste. Radioactive waste must be reduced by appropriate disposal methods to secure storage space and to reduce disposal costs. Research Reactor wastes include wastes that are below the acceptable criteria for selfdisposal and non-contaminated wastes, so they can be treated as wastes subject to self-disposal through contamination analysis and reclassification. In order to deregulation radioactive waste, it is necessary to meet the self-disposal standards stipulated in the Domestic Nuclear Act and the treatment standards of the Waste Management Act. The main factors of deregulation are surface contaminant, radionuclide activity and dose assessment. To confirm the contamination of waste, surface contaminant and gamma nuclide analysis were performed. After homogenizing the waste sample, it was placed in 1 L Mariinelli beaker. When collecting waste samples, 1 kg per 200 kg of waste was collected. The concentrations of the major radionuclides Co-60, Cs-134, Cs-137, Eu-152, and Eu-154 were analyzed using HPGe detector. To evaluate radiation dose, various computational programs were used. A dose assessment was performed with the analyzed nuclide concentration. The concentrations of representative nuclides satisfied the deregulation acceptance criteria and the results of the dose assessment corresponding to self-disposal method was also satisfied. Based on this results, KAERI submitted the report on waste self-disposal plan to obtain approval. After final approval, Research Reactor waste is to be incinerated and incineration ash is to be buried in the designated place. Some metallic waste has been recycled. In this study, the suitability of deregulation for self-disposal was confirmed through the evaluation of the surface contaminant analysis, radionuclide concentration analysis and dose assessment.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This paper describes the development and operation of an autonomous robotic system designed for pyroprocess automation. The unique challenges of pyroprocess automation, such as the need for a highly dry atmosphere to handle materials like chloride, are addressed through this system. For the experiments, a specialized dehumidifier and dry mock-up facility were designed to produce dry air condition. Performances of dry air conditioning for the various simulated situations were evaluated, including assessing worker access within a mock-up to determine the system’s feasibility. To enable automation, containers used for processing materials were modified to fit the gripper system of the gantry robot. The loading and unloading of materials in each equipment were automated to connect them with the robotic system. This gantry robot primarily utilized macro motions to approach waypoints containing process materials, reducing the need for precise approach motions. Its tapered jaw design allowed it to grip target objects even with imperfect positioning. The robot’s motions were programmed initially using a robot simulator for positioning and motion planning, and real-world accuracy was tested in a dry mock-up facility using the OPC platform. Finally, the paper discusses the potential application of XR (eXtended Reality) technology in this context, which could enhance the robot’s operation and provide valuable insights into the automation process. Further analysis of XR technology’s feasibility and benefits for this specific pyroprocess automation system are presented.
        2023.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        유기농 생태농업단지 논에서 출현하는 수서곤충의 생태자원 분포 특성을 비교하고자 유기농 단지 논에 둠벙 이 있는 조건과 둠벙이 없는 조건에서의 수서곤충상을 조사하여 관행 논의 분포 특성을 비교하였다. 수서곤충 출현은 둠벙이 있는 유기농 논 5목 15과 26종 413개체, 둠벙이 없는 유기농 논 5목 14과 22종 236개체, 관행 논 5목 11과 16종 155개체로 유기농 논에서 관행 논에 비해 수서곤충의 출현 과, 종 및 출현 개체수가 많았고, 유기농 논에서도 둠벙이 있는 조건에서 종수 및 개체수가 많음을 확인하였다. 특히 잠자리목의 경우 유기농 논 4과 8종 134개체, 둠벙이 없는 유기농 논 3과 5종 35개체, 관행 논 2과 4종 12개체로 전체 출현 종의 발생특성과 유사한 경향을 보였는데, 유기농 재배의 특성상 농약의 피해로부터 수서곤충에 안전한 환경이 조성된 점과 둠벙의 담수 및 다양한 수서생물의 발생으로 수서곤충의 서식조건에 유리하게 작용되었다고 보인다. 반면 파리목에서는 둠벙이 있는 유기농 논 3과 3종 18개체, 둠벙이 없는 유기농 논 3과 3종 25개체로 관행 논 2과 2종 24개체보다 발생양상이 다른 수서곤충에 비해 상대적으로 낮고, 관행 논보다 깔다구류의 개체수 19개체보다 각각 6개체, 12개체로 적게 출현한 점에서 유기농 재배유형과 둠벙의 서식처 제공이 수서곤충의 출현 및 분포에 건전성을 조장하는 방안이라고 판단된다.
        2023.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        유기농 논이용 콩-밀 생산체계에서 재배유형별 밀 파종 전 경운여부에 따라 경운/무경운 처리, 콩 재배시 비닐 피복 여부에 따라 피복/무피복 처리, 논의 생태적 개선 여부에 따라 개선/대조구 처리로 시험구를 조성하여 밀 재배 중 곤충자원의 출현 및 분포특성을 조사 비교하였다. 출현 곤충의 총 종수는 20종으로 경운 14종, 무경운 14종으로 차이는 없었고 피복 14종, 무피복 16종이었으며 개선구 18종, 대조구 13종으로 개선처리에서 곤충 출현 종수가 많았다. 출현 곤충의 총개체수는 경운 124개체, 무경운 76개체로 경운처리에서 많았고, 피복 100개체, 무피복 100개체로 차이가 없었으며 경운-무피복-개선에서 40개체로 가장 많았다. 유기농 밀에 피해를 주는 해충 으로 노린재류는 갈색날개노린재가 가장 많이 발생하였고, 메추리노린재, 시골가시허리노린재도 출현하였으 며 재배유형별 발생 개체수는 경운 81마리, 무경운 39마리로 경운에서 많았고, 무경운-피복-대조(7) = 무경운-무 피복-대조(7) < 무경운-무피복-개선(9) < 경운-피복-개선(12) < 경운-무피복-대조(13) < 무경운-피복-개선(16) < 경운-피복-대조(27) < 경운-무피복-개선(29) 순으로 발생하였다.
        2023.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, we focus on the improvement of data quality transmitted from a weather buoy that guides a route of ships. The buoy has an Internet-of-Thing (IoT) including sensors to collect meteorological data and the buoy’s status, and it also has a wireless communication device to send them to the central database in a ground control center and ships nearby. The time interval of data collected by the sensor is irregular, and fault data is often detected. Therefore, this study provides a framework to improve data quality using machine learning models. The normal data pattern is trained by machine learning models, and the trained models detect the fault data from the collected data set of the sensor and adjust them. For determining fault data, interquartile range (IQR) removes the value outside the outlier, and an NGBoost algorithm removes the data above the upper bound and below the lower bound. The removed data is interpolated using NGBoost or long-short term memory (LSTM) algorithm. The performance of the suggested process is evaluated by actual weather buoy data from Korea to improve the quality of ‘AIR_TEMPERATURE’ data by using other data from the same buoy. The performance of our proposed framework has been validated through computational experiments based on real-world data, confirming its suitability for practical applications in real- world scenarios.
        2023.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        There are a lot of brand experience in Metaverse. For example, we can participate in Samsung Galaxy Fan party, UC Berkeley graduation class, and even Ralph Lauren store in Metaverse. When the consumers experience such events in Metaverse, they have to use their avatar by making a user name. They have the option of using either their real or fictional name in Metaverse. There are two types of avatar in Metaverse. First, they can use actual self-avatar by using their real name. Second, they can create totally new avatars using made up name. The name is one of the symbols of self. Therefore, we can easily predict that consumer experience with avatar will affect the consumer perception differently. Which type of avatar will then enhance the brand engagement? Results show that the consumer experience with avatars affected brand attitudes differently. Also, the consumer's experience with avatars based on their actual images in the Metaverse affected the positive brand attitude. This study suggests that Metaverse avatars can also let people interact with themselves and with each other in parasocial ways. This study examines the role of avatar in virtual world; consumers experience with avatar can provide useful implications in terms of digital transformation.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        한국에서 알스트로메리아(Alstroemeria)는 저온 작물로 난 방비 절감 효과가 있고 장식용 절화 소재로 꾸준히 소비되어, 일정 재배면적이 유지되고 있다. 본 연구는 알스트로메리아 ‘한에로스’의 기내 대량증식과 뿌리 발근 조건을 구명하고 무 균묘 생산 시스템을 구축하기 위해 수행했다. 기내 대량 증식 조건 구명 실험에는 Murashige and Skoog(MS) 배지(3% sucrose, 0.25% gelrite)에 BA 단용 처리(BA 0.25, 0.5, 0.75mg・L-1)와 NAA 0.2mg・L-1에 BA를 농도(BA 0.25, 0.5, 0.75mg・L-1)에 따라 혼용 처리하였다. 발근 조건 구명을 위 해 MS배지(3% sucrose, 0.25% gelrite)에 BA 0.25 mg・L-1 단용 처리와 BA 0.25mg・L-1에 NAA를 농도(NAA 0.1, 0.2, 0.3mg・L-1)에 따라 혼용 처리하였다. 뿌리줄기 증식 실험 결 과, 호르몬 첨가에 따른 생육차이는 뿌리줄기 수를 제외한 나 머지 부분에서 뚜렷하게 확인되었다. 단용 처리구 보다 혼용 처리구에서 많은 신초가 유도되었다. BA 0.5mg・L-1와 NAA 0.2mg・L-1 혼용 배지에서 가장 많은 1.43개의 신초가 유도되 었다. 발근 실험 결과, ‘한에로스’는 BA 0.25mg・L-1 와 NAA 0.3mg・L-1 혼용 배지에서 뿌리 수가 3.96개로 가장 많고, 뿌 리가 짧고 두꺼워 순화 과정 중에 뿌리 손실이 적었다. 또한, 순화 과정 중 묘가 고사하지 않았다. 종합적으로, ‘한에로스’ 는 BA 0.5mg・L-1와 NAA0.2 mg・L-1 혼용 배지에서 증식을 하는 것이 적절하며, BA 0.25mg・L-1와 NAA 0.3mg・L-1 혼 용 배지에서 발근 후 순화하는 것이 최적의 기내 배양 조건으 로 사료된다. 본 연구의 결과로 알스트로메리아 무균묘의 보 급 확대에 기여하고자 한다.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In the event of a radioactive release, it is essential to quickly detect and locate the source of the release, as well as track the movement of the plume to assess the potential impact on public health and safety. Fixed monitoring posts are limited in their ability to provide a complete picture of the radiation distribution, and the information they provide may not be available in real-time. This is why other types of monitoring systems, such as mobile monitoring, aerial monitoring, and personal dosimeters, are also used in emergency situations to complement the information provided by fixed monitoring posts. Also, the monitoring system can be improved by using the Kriging technique, which is one of the interpolation methods, to predict the radiation dose in the relevant districts. This can be achieved by utilizing both the GPS information and the radiation dose measured at a particular point. The Kriging method involves estimating the value between different measurement points by considering the distance between them. The model used GPS and radiation data that were measured around the Hanbit NPP. The data were collected using a radiation measuring detector on a bus that traveled around the NPP area at 2-second intervals for one day. From the collected data, 200 data points were randomly selected for analysis, excluding the data measured at the bus garage out of a total of 16,550 data points. The average dose of the daily measurement data was 117.94 nSv/h, and the average dose of the 200 randomly extracted data was 119.17 nSv/h. The GPS and radiation dose data were utilized to predict the radiation dose around the Yeonggwang area where the Hanbit NPP is located. In the event of an abnormal release of radioactive material, it can be difficult to accurately determine the dose unless a monitoring measurement point is present. This can delay the rapid evacuation of residents during an emergency situation. By utilizing the Kriging model to make predictions, it is anticipated that more accurate dose predictions can be generated, particularly during accident scenarios. This can aid in the development of appropriate resident protection measures.
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