본 연구는 북방농업지대에서 벼 해충의 지역 간 발생상황을 비교하기 위하여 곤충의 발육에 필요한 온도를 이용하여 발생 시기를 추정하는 방법으로 발생세대수나 발생 시기 등을 비교하였다. 벼 해충 6종(벼물바구미, 벼잎벌레, 흰등멸구, 벼멸구, 혹명나방, 멸강나방)에 대해 유효적산 온도를 이용하여 발생 시기를 추정한 결과 월동해충은 지역에 따라 발생 시기에 차이가 있었으며, 동북방향으로 갈수록 발생시기가 늦어져, 북부 고산이나 동해안북부에서는 발생시기가 가장 늦었다. 또한 해충의 발생시기가 6월부터 8월 사이에는 비래해충 1세대 성충 발생시기와 같이 지역 간 발생 시기에 차이가 적어 비슷한 시기에 발생하였으며, 기온이 낮아지는 8월부터 9월에 발생시기가 되면 지역 간 차이가 커서 벼멸구의 2세대 성충이 발생하지 못하거나, 흰등멸구, 혹명나방, 멸강나방 등의 2~3세대 성충의 발생이 안 되는 지역이 많아지고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 이러한 특징으로 보아 북방지역의 동북지역, 동해안북부, 북부내륙, 북부고산지역에서의 벼해충 발생은 적을 것으로 추정되며, 중부산간의 평강, 양덕을 제외한 동해안남부, 수양산 이남, 이북지역은 국내 경기, 강원북부지역과 비슷한 발생을 보일 것으로 추정되었다.
한반도 북방농업지대에서 발생하는 6종 벼 주요해충들의 발생 시기를 곤충 발육모델에 근간하여 추정하였다. 대상 해충들의 발생 시기를 유효적산온도를 이용하여 추정한 결과, 월동 해충들의 발생 시기는 지역 간 차이가 뚜렷하였고, 한반도 북부지역 동북쪽 지역 및 동해안 북부 지역으로 갈수록 발생시기가 늦어졌다. 6-8월 사이 해충 발생 시기는 비래해충 1세대 성충의 발생시기와 같이 지역 간 차이가 적었고, 8-9월에는 지역 간 해충 발생 시기에 있어 차이가 뚜렷한 경향을 보였다. 결과적으로 한반도 북방농업지대에서 동북지역, 동해안북부, 북부내륙, 북부고산 지역에서의 벼 해충 발생은 적을 것으로 보인다. 또한 평강 및 양덕을 제외한 북방지역 동해안남부, 수양산이남·이북지 역은 국내 경기·강원 북부지역에서 발생하는 벼 해충들의 특징과 유사할 것으로 추정된다.
2017년에 이어 2018년에도 경기도, 강원도 북부 8개 군과 한반도 북방 유사지역인 연길과 단동에서 벼, 옥수수, 콩, 감자, 맥류포장에 발생하는 주요해충을 조사하였다. 국내 북부지역의 벼에서는 벼물바구미 등 4종, 옥수수에서는 조명나방과 멸강나방, 콩에서는 진딧물 등 7종(콩나방은 연천의 1개 포장만), 감자와 밀에서는 진딧물이 발생하였다. 북방 유사지역에서의 해충 발생은 국내 북부지역과 유사하였으며 벼에서는 이화명나방, 콩에서는 잎벌레류와 들명나방, 감자에서는 가류이류와 큰28점박이무당벌레, 밀에서는 진딧물과 멸강나방이 발생하였다. 단동에서 이화명나방, 조명나방, 담배거세미나방, 톱다리개미허리노린재 등이 페로몬 트랩에 의한 유살수가 많았고, 콩나방은 적은 량이 유살되었다. 유효적산온도를 이용하여 벼멸구, 흰등멸구의 발생세대를 추정한 결과, 벼멸구는 7월 상순 비래 후 2세대 성충이 서해안에서는 9월 중순, 동해안에서는 9월말에 나오는 것으로 계산되었으나 그 외 북부지역에서는 발생하지 못하는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 벼멸구 비래량이 평년 수준일 경우 고사피해는 나오지 않을 것으로 추정되었다. 흰등멸구는 서해안과 동해안에서는 3세대, 내륙에서는 1-2세대를 경과하는 것으로 추정되었다.
The occurrence characteristics of major insect pests infesting organically cultivated maizes, millets, sorghums, and soybeans were surveyed from 2015 to 2017 in paddy-upland rotation and continuing upland fields. In grain fields, the main damage of maizes and sorghums was caused by Ostrinia furnaclais and Helicoverpa spp. The occurrence pattern of O. furnacalis was 3 times and that of Helicoverpa spp. was 3-4 times. In soybean fields, Riptortus clavatus was the most important, but the pest was not observed at geumhwajaerae and bongeui varieties. Interestingly, the more high the invasive rate of lepidopteran larvae was, the more low the yield of maizes and sorghums was. The surveyed results indicate that the focused management on lepidopteran larvae or hemipteran pests in maizes and sorghums or soybeans cultivated in paddy-upland rotation and continuing upland fields is an important strategy.
답전윤환 옥수수 8품종 및 수수 7품종 재배포장에서 조명나방 발생 및 수확 특성을 조사하였다. 매주 이뤄진 성충 트랩 조사에서 조명나방 밀도는 정식 2주 후부터 급격히 증가하여 6월 중순에 최성기에 도달 후 감소하다 9월 초 소폭 증가 후 감소하였다. 조명나방 유충에 의한 피해주 수와 침입공수를 매주 옥수수 미백2호와 대학찰 그리고 수수 남풍찰과 동안메를 대상으로 조사하였다. 그 결과, 대학찰과 미백2호에서 피해주가 각 20주당 19주와 18주였고, 주당 침입공수도 6월말부터 꾸준히 증가하여 수확기인 7월말에 대학찰은 주당 평균 1.8개, 미백2호는 1.4개로 나타 났다. 수확기에 옥수수 8품종에 대한 피해율과 침입공수를 조사한 결과, 대학찰 94%, 미백2호 92%, 일미찰 71%, 얼룩찰1호 64%, 찰옥4호 54%, 미흑찰 52%, 흑점2호 45%이었다. 주당 침입공수는 일미찰이 1.21개였고 나머지 품종들에서는 1개 미만이었다. 또한 옥수수 각 품종별로 이삭 10개씩 3반복으로 조명나방 유충에 의한 이삭 피해율을 조사한 결과, 일미찰 50%, 흑진주찰 40%, 대학찰 37%, 미흑찰과 흑점2호 13%, 얼룩찰 7% 그리고 미백2호 3% 등이었다. 수수 주요 재배품종들인 남풍찰 및 동안메는 정식 후 2개월까지 20주 평균 4주 미만으로 피해를 입다가 8월 초 에 피해가 급증하여 평균 피해주는 남풍찰이 13주, 동안메는 9.2주였고 주 당 침입공수도 8월 초부터 나타나기 시작해 남풍찰은 주당 평균 1.06 개, 동안메는 주당 평균 0.46개였다. 수확기 수수 품종별 조명나방에 의한 피해율을 조사한 결과, DS-202 95%, 목탁수수 76%, 소담찰 75%, 남 풍찰 67%, 앉은뱅이수수 57%, 동안메 46% 그리고 황금찰 34%로 7품종 모두 조명나방에 의해 높은 피해를 입었다. 침입공수 또한 피해율에 비 례해서 DS-202(1.7개), 목탁수수(1.4개), 소담찰(1.3개), 남풍찰(1.1개), 앉은뱅이수수(1개), 동안메(0.5개) 그리고 황금찰(0.4개)로 관찰되었다. 한편, 답전윤환 옥수수 및 수수 포장에서 조명나방 피해와 수확 특성은 인과관계를 보이지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 이상의 결과는 답전윤환 옥수수 및 수수 재배포장에서 조명나방의 관리대책을 구축하는데 활용될 수 있을 것으로 기대한다.
The effects of some essential oils and Sopophora extract on Frankliniella occidentalis adults, Myzus persicae adults, Plutella xylostella larvae, and Spodoptera exigua larvae were investigated. Insecticidal and phytotoxicity activities of emulsion in water formulations containing the active essential oils as active ingredients under laboratory and pot conditions were also tested. Based on these results, NRS-13 and NRS-24 formulations were selected to further assess as follows; the GC and GC-MS analysis on the active essential oils, the quantity analysis of the major components contained in the formulations, their insecticidal activities under pot and field conditions, and their oral, dermal, skin and eye irritation, and fish toxicities. Thus, the NRS-13 (BaechooSaferTM) and NRS-24 (JindiOutTM) formulations could be considered as insecticides for pest control.
The occurrence pattern of lepidopteran adults in a paddy-upland rotation field and an organic upland field for 8 maize and 7 sorghum varieties was surveyed from May 8 to September 27, 2016. In addition, their damage ratio and the invasive pores by Ostrinia furnacalis larvae as well as harvest yields were monitored. The density of the lepidopteran adults in two fields showed similar pattern, although a little different pattern in Heliothis assulta. The damage ratio of maize and sorghum varieties by O. furnacalis at harvest periods was depended on both varieties and cultivated environments. A middle negative linear correlation was observed in damage ratios vs yields, the number of invasive pores vs yields, and the number of larvae in corn ears vs yields, but there was not a specific correlation between the damage ratio vs the number of invasive pores. These results may be useful for the establishment of a management strategy to control oriental corn borer in paddy-upland rotation or organic upland fields for maize and sorghum.
This study was conducted to determine the toxicity to adult Myzus persicae (Sulzer) and Aphis gossypii Glover of 88 plant essential oils and six experimental spray formulations containing bitter orange or marjoram oil was examined using the vapor-phase mortality and spray bioassays. Results were compared with those of two conventional insecticides deltamethrin and dichlorvos. As judged by 24 h LC50 values, bitter orange oil (0.0212 and 0.0192 mg/cm3) was the most active material, followed by marjoram, celeryseed, and cypress oils (0.0239-0.0508 and 0.0209-0.0542 mg/cm3). These essential oils were significantly less toxic than dichlorvos, respectively. These essential oils were consistently more toxic to adult M. persicae in closed versus open containers, indicating that toxicity was achieved mainly through the action of vapor. Bitter orange oil and marjoram oil applied as 1% spray provided complete mortality toward two aphid species adults. Reasonable aphid control in greenhouses can be achieved by a spray formulation containing the 1% oil as potential contact-action fumigant.
Occurrence characterization of oriental corn borer, Ostrinia furnacalis, in a paddy-upland rotation field for 8 maize and 7 sorghum varieties was surveyed. In a monitoring study using a pheromone trap carried out from 15 May to 10 September, the density of O. furncalis adults increased rapidly from about 2 weeks after corn planting and reached the highest density at mid June. After that, their density was decreased and increased a little at earlier September. In a survey carried out at harvest period using 8 corn varieties, the damage ratio was Daehakchal (94%), Mibaek 2 (92%), Ilmichal (71%), Eolrukchal 1 (64%), Chalok 4 (54%), Miheukchal (52%), Heugjeom 2 (45%). The number of invasive pore per Ilmichal stem by O. furnacalis larvae was 1.4 and those of the others was less than 1.0. In another survey carried out at harvest period using 7 sorghum varieties, their damage ratios were DS-202 (95%), Moktaksusu (76%), Sodamchal (75%), Nampungchal (67%), Anzunbaengisusu (57%), Donganme (46%), and Hwanggeumchal (34%). The damage of sorghum varieties was much higher and severer than that of corn by O. furnacalis larvae. These results may be useful for the establishment of a management strategy to control oriental corn borer in paddy-upland rotation fields for maize and sorghum.
충해 또는 병충해 관리용 친환경유기농자재로 목록공시된 제품 29종의 배추좀나방과 파밤나방 유충, 복숭아혹진딧물 성충, 꽃노랑총채벌 레 성충에 대한 살충과 섭식저해활성을 분무법과 잎침지법을 이용하여 실내에서 평가하였다. 배추좀나방 유충에 대해 추천농도 분무 또는 잎침지 시 유효성분으로 고삼 추출물 60% 단제(EOIS)와 고삼외 3종 식물 추출물(백부근, 멀구슬나무, 개박하, EIOSm) 및 고삼외 2종 식물추출물 (EOISc)을 함유한 혼합제의 살충력이 우수했다. 하지만 반량 처리 시 그 활성은 50% 이하로 감소되었다. 파밤나방 유충에 대해서는 고삼 60% 단제(EOIS)만이 우수한 살충력을 보였고, 비슷하게 꽃노랑총채벌레 성충에 대해 잎침지 후 24시간과 48시간 노출 시 85%와 95%의 살충력을 나타냈다. 복숭아혹진딧물 성충에 대한 분무시험에서 고삼 외 3종 혼합제(EOISm)와 유채외 2종 혼합제(EOIR)가 93%와 68% 살충력을 보였 는데, 농도를 배량 증가시켜도 살충력은 크게 향상되지 않는 경향을 보였다. 추천농도 잎침지에서는 고삼외 3종 혼합제(EIOSm)만이 100%의 강 한 접촉독성을 나타냈는데, 노출 시간과 농도를 증가시키면 시트로넬라오일외 1종(EOICi)과 유채외 2종 혼합제(EOIR)들의 살충력이 증가하였다. 흥미롭게도 cedar oil 16%(EOICe), 고삼 60% 단제(EOIS), 고삼외 3종 혼합제(EIOSm), 고삼외 2종 혼합제(EOISc), 미생물 89.62%(EOIM), 유 채외 2종 혼합제(EOIR), 식물추출물(EOIPe), 차나무추출물 48%(EOIT)제 등은 파밤나방에 대해 분무처리 시 강한 섭식저해활성을 나타냈다. 또한 배추좀나방 유충에 대해서도 이들 혼합제들 이외에 3종 미생물제들(EOIB, EOIM, EOIBs)과 시트로넬라오일외 1종(EOICi), 겨자외 2종 (EOIMc) 등의 식물 추출물 혼합제들이 70% 이상의 섭식저해활성을 나타냈다. 이상의 결과, 대상 곤충 종 및 유효성분이나 처리량에 따라 살충 력과 섭식저해력이 차이를 보였으나, 전체적으로 고삼추출물외 2-3종 식물추출물을 복합적으로 함유한 혼합제들의 유효력이 우수하게 나타남을 알 수 있었다.
An assessment is made of the anti-proliferative activity of cicada slough-derived materials against 10 human cancer cell lines, including PC-3 and DU145 prostate cancer cell lines, using a 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay. Results were compared with those of the commercially available anticancer agent with broad spectrum cisplatin. The ethanol extract of Cryptotympana spp. slough was proved to have anti-proliferative activity against A549 lung, AGS stomach, PC-3 and DU145 prostate, Hela cervix, HT-29 colon, MCF-7 breast, and SK-Hep-1 liver cancer cell lines except for Hep-2 larynx and SK-OV-3 ovary cancer cell lines. The biologically active constituent was characterized as the nonprotein α-amino acid theanine [2-amino-4-(ethylcarbamoyl)butyric acid] by spectroscopic analysis, including EI-MS and NMR. Theanine was isolated from the cicada slough as a new cytotoxic principle. Fifty percent inhibition concentration (IC50) values of the constituent against PC-3 was 6.52 μg/mL, respectively. The activity of theanine (IC50,6.52μg/mL) did not differ significantly from that of the anticancer agent cisplatin (IC50,7.39μg/mL) toward PC-3. In conclusion, further studies on the cicada slough-derived materials containing theanine as potential anticancer products or a lead molecule for the prevention or eradication from human prostate cancer.
Six plant essential oils, vanillin, and their mixtures were tested for repellent activities against a dengue virus vector mosquito, Aedes aegypti. Their repellency was verified with two conditions: different doses and an addition of vanillin. Among the plant essential oils, lemongrass, lemoneucalyptus and xanthoxylum oils were selected as the potential oils for tertiary mixtures. In bioassays using tertiary mixtures with two essential oils with vanillin, the composition of 1:3:1 (v/v/w) consisted of lemongrass oil, xanthoxylum oil and vanillin provided 270 min-CPT. As a practical application into spatial repellent, the mixture of 1:1:1 formulation containing lemongrass oil, xanthoxylum oil, and vanillin (v/v/w) was enclosed into the Viscopearl, porous cellulose beads that provide gradual release of volatile compounds. We composed this Viscopearl into a module and installed into the air conditioner. Apparently, repellent activity was shown that average repellency of 83.5% was observed for an hour through the chamber test. We confirmed via GC-chromatogram that linalool, geraniol, citral and vanillin were the main compounds of our oil mixture. Our study indicates that personal repellents were possibility applicable to spatial repellents.
Six plant essential oils, vanillin, and their mixtures were tested for repellent activities and olfactory responses in a dengue virus vector mosquito, Aedes aegypti. Among the plant essential oils, cassia oil showed complete protection time (CPT) of 75 minutes. CPTs of lemongrass, lemoneucalyptus, xanthoxylum oils, and vanillin were within 30 minutes at 5% (0.21 mg/cm2) tested level, although their CPTs were not comparable to same concentration of DEET that showed 127.5 minutes of CPT. However, their repellency effects were significantly improved in two conditions; improving concentration up to 15% level (0.63 mg/cm2) and addition of vanillin. In bioassays using binary or tertiary mixtures with one or two essential oils with or without vanillin, the composition of 1:3:1 (v/v/w) consisted of lemongrass oil, xanthoxylum oil and vanillin provided 270 min-CPT. As a practical application, the mixture of 1:1:1 formulation containing lemongrass oil, xanthoxylum oil, and vanillin (v/v/w) was enclosed into the Viscopearl, porous cellulose beads that provide gradual release of volatile compounds. Efficiently, more than 90% of repellency for 2 hours was observed in cage and semi-field chamber tests using the formulation. In addition to behavioral assays, we subsequently examined how mosquitoes sense the blends of oils with vanillin by using electroantennogram (EAG) recording. Binary mixture with one oil and vanillin, which extended CPTs, showed no significant patterns of EAG alternation, while tertiary mixtures of oils and vanillin decreased patterns of EAG responses as an increase of vanillin contents in the mixture, implying further potential roles of vanillin as a synergist in mosquito repellency. Based on behavioral and electrophysiological data, cassia, rosemary, lemongrass, xanthoxylum, and lemoneucalyptus oils could provide the high possibility for development of commercial products for useful management strategies to control mosquitoes.
Cinnamaldehyde as the main component of Cinnamomum plants is well known as mammalian transient receptor potential ankyrin 1 (TRPA1) agonist, also activated by low temperature stimuli and mechanosensation. The other TRP subfamily, transient receptor potential vanilloid-1 (TRPV1) sensitive to pungent compounds such as capsaicin and allicin mediates the feeling of warmth. Both TRPA1 and TRPV1 channels are abundantly distributed in sensory neurons. Thus, there is possibility that these channels modulate repellent behaviors of mosquitoes and Drosophila through olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs). In order to confirm this hypothesis, we carried out laboratory repellent tests with cinnamaldehyde to Aedes aegypti females using arm-in-cage test and to a wild type and two TRP channel mutants Drosophila lines using a choice assay. Cinnamaldehyde showed strong repellency against Ae. aegypti and Drosophila wild adults at tested concentrations. However, a mutant fly line did not discriminate or detect the existence of the repellent. These behavioral data suggest that cinnamaldehyde may directly target the TRP channel. More studies to elucidate neural correlates of repellency to ainnamaldehyde compound are as follows: 1) Identifying the ORNs mediating cinnamaldehyde detection using single-sensillum recording techniques, 2) Co-localization of TRP genes on olfactory organs of Ae. aegypti and Drosophila using in situ hybridization and 3) Whether the Aedes TRP homologs might function in cinnamaldehyde repellency using rescued TRP chennels of Drosophila.
Olfaction as an important sensory modality in insects is essential for identification of hosts, mates, oviposition sites, and food resources in nature. In the cockroach, both olfactory sensitivity in the antennae and the formation of shortand long-term olfactory memories exhibit daily fluctuations that are regulated by the circadian system. An important problem is to characterize the signalling systems and molecules that are involved in this regulation of olfactory reception and olfactory behaviour. Recent results suggest that insect olfactory systems are modulated by both biogenic amines and neuropeptides. However, it remains elusive how these molecules modulate olfactory system in the peripheral systems. In the present study, our aim was to characterize the structure and organization of these signalling systems in the peripheral olfactory system of the American cockroach, Periplaneta americana. This work illuminated that tachykinin and its receptors regulate olfactory sensitivity in the antennae of the cockroach. Injections of tachykinin peptides caused decreases in the amplitude of the electroantennoogram (EAG), cells that produce tachykinin were localized in the antennae, and olfactory receptor neurons expressed tachykinin receptors. Interestingly, the tachykinin expressing cells also express receptors for the biogenic amine, octopamine and injections of octopamine also cause reductions in EAG amplitude. These results suggest that both octopaminergic and tachykinin peptide signalling pathways are important regulators of olfactory reception in the cockroach. We propose the hypothesis that octopamine regulates the release of tachykinin from cells in the antennae that, in turn, modulate the sensitivity of olfactory receptor neurons.
Aedes aegypti is a primary vector that transmits dengue and yellow fever around the world. To prevent the spreading and elimination of mosquitoes, insecticides and repellents like DEET (N, N-diethyl-m-methyl benzamide) have been broadly used. Even though DEET is considered as highly effective and proven protection against mosquito, it causes skin irritants and rashes, melts some synthetic plastics, and unpleasant smells. Therefore, there is a trend finding alternative mosquito repellents instead of using DEET. We tested repellent effects with plant essential oils and synergistic effects of those plant essential oils with additional vanillin, comparing them to DEET itself. Some of prepared mixtures showed better repellency than DEET. In addition, we evaluated the differences in the peripheral olfactory responses of Ae.aegypti females using EAG tests (electroantennogram). The aim of this test is to determined how the vanillin within plant essential oils or DEET acts in mosquito’s olfactory organs in aspect of molecular mechanisms. Revealing the novel function and localization of these putative repellent receptors may provide new insight into development of repellent as well as behavioral control agents in the future and contribute to understand the mechanism of processing patterns of repellent receptors in mosquitoes.
Although many synthetic pesticides have played important roles in pest management in agriculture, forest, housings, gardens, and managed landscapes for several decades, increased concerns to human health and environmental contamination have limited their usages and application in integrated pest management (IPM). Many plant essential oils have a variety of biological activities including adulticidal, acaricidal, larvicidal, ovicidal, repellent, antifeedant, and oviposition deterrent ones against insect pests. These oils and major terpenoid constituents show neurotoxic effects by interference with the cockroach octopamine and nematode SER-2 tyramine receptors. Most plant volatile oils contain plentiful phenylpropanoids, mono and sequiterpenes, and related phenols. They have been widely used in the flavor, fragrance, aroma therapy, food additives, and cosmetic industries. Some volatile plant essential oils have traditionally been used as stored product protectors and mosquito repellents, while their successful cases in commerce have been recently applied. Especially, these essential oils have not only been treated against house and garden pests, but these oils also have higher potential to be employed as “green pesticides” in the field of stored products, green house, and medical insect pests due to their fumigant action. Eventually, considering resistance development to many synthetic pesticides, it is likely that plant volatile or essential oil-based pesticides would play an essential role as an alternatives since they typically consist of the complex mixtures of constituents responsible for slow resistant development. In addition, the mixtures of these oils with conventional insecticides and the application of their capability to to enhance the efficacy of conventional products remains a main market niche. In this presentation, several cases of test evidences under laboratory and field conditions will be discussed. Ultimately, plant volatile-based pesticides and repellents would play an important role in future IPM programs due to their relative safety to non-target organisms and the environment.
Electroantennogram techniques (EAGs) were employed to record olfactory responses in the antennae of the adult female stable fly, Stomoxys calcitrans (Diptera: Muscidae), to Zanthoxylum piperitum pericarp steam distillate (ZP-SD), Z. armatum seed oil (ZA-SO) and their 29 volatile constituents alone as well as binary mixture of the ZP-SD and ZA-SO with 1-octen-3-ol. The electrophysiological responses of the test materials were compared with those of DEET and 1-octen-3-ol. At concentration of 10-1 (v/v) in mineral oil, ZP-SD, ZA-SO, and all volatiles elicited EAG responses in the fly antennae except for DEET, which is extremely low volatile. ZP-SD, ZA-SO, and some of the test volatiles elicited EAG responses rather lower than 1-octen-3-ol, which showed vapor phase repellency and toxicity to the fly in our previous behavioral research. This suggests that the stable fly possesses olfactory receptor neurons responding to given repellent compounds per se. In binary mixture with 1-octen-3-ol at concentration of 10-1, ZP-SD and ZA-SO elicited 16±0.55 and 18±0.63 mV while ZP-SD, ZA-SO, and 1-octen-3-ol alone elicited responses of 14±0.45, 15.8±0.37 and 16.2±0.58 mV, respectively. Among the volatile compounds, terpinen- 4-ol, β-myrcene, α-phellanderene, citronellal, and limonene oxide elicited 80 – 96% relative EAG amplitude compared to 1-octen-3-ol as a reference (100%). Based on structure-activity relationships, constituents having aldehyde moiety elicited bigger EAG responses than those of alcohol or ether one. The perception in the fly antenna to plant volatile compounds exhibited complicated patterns of olfactory responses. Current and future directions of this study on sensory processing mechanisms underlying repellent behaviors will be discussed.