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        검색결과 160

        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문은 필리핀 로컬 스페셜티 커피에 대한 소비자의 선호도를 밝히고 일반커피 대비 스페셜티 커피에 대해 소비자들이 부여하는 가치를 추정하는 것에 목적이 있다. 특히 소비자 잉여를 극대화하는 스페셜티 커피의 최적 가격을 분석하여 커피 농가를 포함한 생산자, 투자자들의 이해를 높이고자 하였다. 주 요 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 응답자들의 연령 및 성별에 따라 소비하는 커피의 형태가 다르게 나타남. 그러나 공통적으로 주로 아침에, 집에서, 습관적으로 커피를 섭취함. 가장 선호하는 커피의 맛은 단맛과 쓴맛임. 대부분의 소비자들은 양조 커피, 압착 커피를 소비함. 2. 고품질의 원두를 엄선하여 만들어지는 스페셜티 등급의 커피 한 잔에 대한 소비자의 평균 지불의사가격은 일반 커피 (42페소) 대비 271% 높은 156페소(약 3.2달러)로 분석됨. 연령이 어릴수록, 학력과 소득이 높을수록, 스페셜티 커피에 대한 사전적 인지도가 높을수록, 향후 스페셜티 커피에 대한 구매 의사가 강할수록 스페셜티 커피에 보다 높은 지불의사가격을 표현함. 3. 로컬 스페셜티 커피는 원두 구매, 가공 및 로스팅, 등급 평가 비용이 발생하여 적절한 가격 인상이 요구됨. 기존 일반 커피 가격대비 40% 인상까지 소비자 후생이 증가하는 것으로 나타나는 반면, 스페셜티 커피 가격이 일반커피 가격대비 50% 이상 인상되는 경우에는 소비자들의 후생이 감소하는 것으로 나타남. 4. 필리핀 소비자들이 지역에서 생산된 스페셜티 커피에 대한 높은 선호를 갖고 있다는 점을 고려하면 현지 스페셜티 커피에 대한 대대적인 홍보가 로컬 스페셜티 커피에 대한 인지도를 높이고 시장 확대로 이어질 수 있음. 이는 필리핀 커피 로드맵, 필리핀 농무부의 지속 가능한 발전 계획 목표 달성에 기여할 것임.
        2020.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        When a radial collector well is installed and operated for agricultural purposes, negative impacts may be observed over time due to the clogging of horizontal arms, such as reduced groundwater discharge and water quality deterioration. When radial collector well No. 2 was rehabilitated using the high-pressure impulse generation technique, the specific capacity and transmissivity were increased by 43.1 and 100.6%, respectively. In contrast, according to air surging, the specific capacity and transmissivity increased by 33.8 and 85.8%, respectively, compared to the initial rate before rehabilitation. During the operation of radial collector wells since construction, the time of well rehabilitation can be effectively determined by continuously monitoring the groundwater level and pumping rate of the radial collector wells, thereby preventing a decrease in productivity.
        2018.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Understanding the classification of malocclusion is a crucial issue in Orthodontics. It can also help us to diagnose, treat, and understand malocclusion to establish a standard for definite class of patients. Principal component analysis (PCA) and k-means algorithms have been emerging as data analytic methods for cephalometric measurements, due to their intuitive concepts and application potentials. This study analyzed the macro- and meso-scale classification structure and feature basis vectors of 1020 (415 male, 605 female; mean age, 25 years) orthodontic patients using statistical preprocessing, PCA, random matrix theory (RMT) and k-means algorithms. RMT results show that 7 principal components (PCs) are significant standard in the extraction of features. Using k-means algorithms, 3 and 6 clusters were identified and the axes of PC1~3 were determined to be significant for patient classification. Macro-scale classification denotes skeletal Class I, II, III and PC1 means anteroposterior discrepancy of the maxilla and mandible and mandibular position. PC2 and PC3 means vertical pattern and maxillary position respectively; they played significant roles in the meso-scale classification. In conclusion, the typical patient profile (TPP) of each class showed that the data-based classification corresponds with the clinical classification of orthodontic patients. This data-based study can provide insight into the development of new diagnostic classifications.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Control mating is important aspect in bee breeding programs. The technique of artificial insemination is the possible one that can surely control mating of the selected drones with the virgin queen. This is the first time applied artificial insemination technique to control mating of A. cerana in Korea. Altogether 18 queens were artificially inseminated, and 2,000 drones of Korean A. cerana were used to evaluate amount of semen collection. Semen of A. cerana is much difficult to separate from mucus in comparing with A. mellifera. The average amount of semen can be collected from one A. cerana drone was 0.09 μl, whereas the A. mellifera was more than 6 times (0.58 μl semen per A mellifera drone). Obtaining 1 μl of semen have to collect from 11.94 drones that successful semen ejection and have to kill 17 A. cerana drones. Queens artificially inseminated with 4 μl of semen (once insemination) or 8 μl of semen (twice insemination, each with 4 μl of semen) started laying egg later than naturally mated queens 5.3 and 2.5 days, respectively. The onsets of oviposition of artificially inseminated queens were 12.5 to 15.3 days. Queens received twice inseminations started laying eggs 2.8 days earlier than those received only once insemination. Artificially inseminated queens produced exclusively brood and were similar as the naturally mated ones. The brood production of the queens received once insemination with 4 μl of semen was insignificantly different than those received twice inseminations or naturally mated ones, suggesting that one artificial insemination with 4 μl of semen is favorable.
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