Acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is considered the major cause of mortality in the world. Tremendous animal studies are performed to develop novel therapeutics, and this study aimed to induce porcine myocardial infarction model by using polyethylene terephthalate (PET). Coronary guidewire was placed in left anterior descending artery (LAD). The balloon angioplasty catheter was inserted at the back of the PET. The balloon catheter was carefully pushed forward, until the balloon marker was located in mid-LAD. Coronary angiography was performed pre- and post-occlusion at 28 days by C-arm. Histologic analysis of heart tissue was performed 28 days after inducing AMI. Thirty three pigs were anesthetized and underwent percutaneous coronary catheterization. All pigs were successfully embolized in mid-LAD by PET. Fifteen pigs died due to ventricular fibrillation during post-anesthetic recovery time, and overall experiment mortality was 45.5%. In 2,3,5- triphenyl tetrazolium chloride staining, gross finding of the ischemic heart lesion showed firm and white area of infarction associated with the apex and left ventricular posterior wall. Infarct on H&E-stained sections demonstrated a region without myocytes and rich with cardiomyocyte with atypical nuclei. Successful induction of AMI by using PET may provide the pathophysiological information of ischemic heart disease and improvement of therapy development for AMI.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technique has recently been applied in agriculture and food science. It has potential to visualize internal structure of foods in nondestructive way and provides spatial information which could make reconstruct of three-dimension. MRI system also has great advantage for tracking water in beans or seeds.
This study intends to analyze the changes of water distribution of coffee beans during water up-taking process. Samples used in the experiment were ‘Robusta’ coffee beans (Vietnam G1, Scr18 polish). A 30mm diameter plastic disposable test tube was used to hold bean during water up-take process. The oil column was placed next to the tube to get and to use as a reference signal. The magnetic resonance imaging system which installed at Institution for Agricultural Machinery & ICT Convergence in Chonbuk National University was used to obtain magnetic resonance (MR) image data sets. 30 images are included in each image data sets with ‘Axial’ image plane direction. In experiment, we used ‘Gradient Echo 3D’ pulse sequence. The water uptake process was performed for 150 minutes and acquired image data sets in every 10 minutes. This study showed some coffee beans which extracted as region of interest (ROI) from each images to study the water uptake process.
Korea is the second largest coffee consuming country in Asia after the Philippines. For modern people, coffee has jumped over a favorite food and grown into a single culture. There are many processing ways to make coffee. In this study, we utilized magnetic resonance imaging(MRI) based on the principles of nuclear magnetic resonance(NMR) and achieved to acquire images with an non-destructive and non-invasive way. The samples we used in the experiment were ‘Robusta’ coffee bean(Congo). Magnetic resonance(MR) image sets were acquired using a MRI system, installed at Institution for Agricultural Machinery & ICT Convergence at Chonbuk National University. From the raw phase(Green Bean stage) to the roasted phase, we obtained MR images from each phase to monitor the internal changes. We divided experiment into 5 stages, starting with ‘Green Bean’ phase to ‘Roasted’ phase. We obtained images every 6 hours during the ‘Fermentation’ phase and every 3 hours during the ‘Dry’ phase. In MRI, we used a gradient echo pulse sequence to scan fast and to take images right after each experiment stage ends. The direction of imaging plane was coronal 30 images with 64 mm x 64 mm field of view(FOV). As MRI uses the magnetic properties of nuclei which especially hydrogen nuclei from water molecules, images could see clearly with sufficient moisture, but in ‘Dry’ phase, images obtained with noise involved. These result suggested that MRI technique was an efficient method to monitor the moisture distribution changes inside the coffee beans.
The antifungal activity against cheese fungi by lactic acid bacteria isolated from kimchi was investigated. Eight fungi were isolated from cheese in the cheese ripening room. Two of them were identified as Penicillium and Cladosporium via ITS-5.8S rDNA analysis. Twenty-two species of lactic acid bacteria with antifungal activity were isolated from kimchi. Two of them were identified as Lactobacillus and Pediococcus via 16S rRNA sequence analysis. Of the 22 lactic acid bacteria species, six were selected (L. sakei subsp. ALJ011, L. sakei subsp. ALI033, L. sakei subsp. ALGy039, P. pentosaceus ALJ015, P. pentosaceus ALJ024 and P. pentosaceus ALJ026) due to their higher activity against the eight fungi isolated from cheese in the cheese ripening room; and among the six species, the P. pentosaceus ALJ015 and P. pentosaceus ALJ024 isolates from the Jeonju area kimchi and the L. sakei subsp. ALI033 isolate from the Iimsil area kimchi had higher antifungal activity than the other lactic acid bacteria. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of L. sakei subsp. ALI033 against the eight fungi isolated from cheese in the cheese ripening room was 62.5 ㎍/mL.