고자리꽃파리는 양파 및 마늘 등 백합과 Allium 속에 속하는 농작물에 중요한 해충으로 전 세계적으로 온대지역에 서 경제적 해충으로 취급하고 있다. 본 연구에서는 기존 자료를 바탕으로 월동번데기의 성충으로 우화모델를 작성하 고 포장 실측자료와 비교하여 평가하였다. 월동번데기 발육모형으로 선형과 비선형모형을 작성하고 발육기간 분포 모형과 결합하여 예찰모형을 작성하였다. 비선형발육모형 작성시 3-매개변수 락틴모형 적용뿐만 아니라 4-매개변 수 모형의 마지막 변수 값을 선형모형의 절편값으로 대체하여 저온에서 선형성이 강화도록 변형시켰다. 성충우화 50% 예측에서 일일평균온도를 이용하는 경우 적산온도 모형을 비롯하여 발육률 적산모형(선형식 및 비선형식) 모두 실측치와 큰 차이가 있었다. 시간별온도를 입력값으로 한 경우 3-매개변수 모형을 제외한 사인곡선 적산온도 모형, 선형 발육률 적산모형, 4-매개변수 비선형 발육률 적산모형의 평균편차는 3일과 차이가 없었다. 최종적으로 선형모형 및 4-매개변수 비선형모형을 바탕으로 시간별온도자료를 이용한 발육률 적산모형은 선발하였다. 그 결과 선형 발육률 적산모형이 두 포장적합 집단(1984, 1987)에서 실측일과 편차가 3일과 차이가 없었다. 비선형 발육률 적산모형은 1984년 적합은 0.8일 편차로 정확하였으나 1987년 집단에서 평균편차가 6.5일로 다소 증가하였다.
When a radial collector well is installed and operated for agricultural purposes, negative impacts may be observed over time due to the clogging of horizontal arms, such as reduced groundwater discharge and water quality deterioration. When radial collector well No. 2 was rehabilitated using the high-pressure impulse generation technique, the specific capacity and transmissivity were increased by 43.1 and 100.6%, respectively. In contrast, according to air surging, the specific capacity and transmissivity increased by 33.8 and 85.8%, respectively, compared to the initial rate before rehabilitation. During the operation of radial collector wells since construction, the time of well rehabilitation can be effectively determined by continuously monitoring the groundwater level and pumping rate of the radial collector wells, thereby preventing a decrease in productivity.
최근 다양한 유기재배 작물의 뿌리를 가해하는 굼벵이류의 피해가 증가하고 있으나, 굼벵이류는 토양 내 발생하는 특징으로 인해 발생시기 및 그 종류에 대한 확인이 어려운 해충이다. 피해를 끼치는 굼벵이의 발생을 파악하기 위해 고구마 유기재배지에 페로몬 트랩을 이용하여 굼벵이의 성충의 종류 및 발생 동향을 조사하였다. 조사지는 무안 유기재배농가와 국립농업과학원 완주군 포장에서 이루어졌다. 3종의 풍뎅이 페로몬 루어를 유인제로 사용하였으 며 6월 초부터 8월 말까지 조사지에 트랩을 설치하여 포획된 풍뎅이를 수집하여 동정을 하였다. 유기재배포장에서 포획된 종은 큰검정풍뎅이, 콩풍뎅이, 청동풍뎅이, 녹색콩풍뎅이, 별줄풍뎅이 등의 풍뎅이와 흰점박이꽃무지 등이 주로 채집되었다. 유기재배 고구마포장에서 풍뎅이 발생소장을 조사한 결과 최대로 발생한 시기는 7월초였다.
거미는 산림 및 농작물 해충의 천적으로 알려져 있으며, 겨울철 벼 재배지에서 볏짚이나 논둑 등에 월동한다. 이 연구는 월동시기부터 모내기 전까지 유기 벼 재배지에 서식하는 거미상을 알아보기 위해 수행하였다. 거미의 발생을 조사하기 위해 함정트랩을 이용하였고, 농업과학원 유기재배포장에서 2018년 1월 중순부터 5월 중순까지 2주 간격으로 총 8회에 걸쳐 거미를 채집하였다. 조사가 이루어진 논은 거미가 월동 서식처로 이용할 수 있도록 볏짚을 걷어내지 않은 상태로 유지하였다. 조사 결과 6과 15종 359개체의 거미가 채집되었다. 그 중에서 애접시거미가 119개체(33%)로 가장 많았고, 들늑대거미(23%), 턱거미(17%), 각시긴손접시거미(8%) 순으로 나타났다. 또한 4월 중순(7회)에 가장 많은 개체가 채집되었고, 채집이 이루어질수록 거미의 개체수가 증가하는 경향을 보였다.
This study aims to identify the effect of home physical therapy on patients who left the hospital after total knee arthroplasty, compared to the Daily living group, when it was applied to them, under the guidance of physical therapists. As research subjects, 20 patients that were scheduled to leave the hospital after unilateral total knee arthroplasty, were chosen, and they were randomly divided into a home physical therapy group(10 patients) and an Daily living group(10 patients) in order to conduct an experiment. During the 4-week research, home physical therapy was offered for 40 mins once for 5 days a week, and muscular strength, gait components were measured. For muscular strength, quadriceps muscle strength, hamstring muscle strength were measured, and as gait components, endurance, speed, step time, single-limb support were analysed. For this experiment, pre- and post-measurement were performed, and collected data were analyzed using SPSS ver. 18.0 statistical program. From the analysis of data, the following study results were obtained. Home physical therapy group and Daily living group both showed significant improvements in quadriceps muscle strength, hamstring muscle strength, and quadriceps muscle strength, hamstring muscle strength of home physical therapy group more significantly improved than Daily living group's. In relation to gait components, gait endurance, gait speed, step time significantly improved in both of home physical therapy group and Daily living group, whereas home physical therapy group only showed significant improvements in single-limp support. According to the comparison between two groups, gait speed, single-limp support and step time improved more significantly in the home physical therapy group than in the Daily living group. In conclusion, positive results were revealed in both home physical therapy group and Daily living group, with regard to muscular recovery of lower limbs of patients discharged from the hospital after total knee arthroplasty and walking, but considering the comparison results between two groups, it seems that applying home physical therapy is more effective than maintaining a daily life.
Beauveria bassiana is one of universal insect pathogenic fungi that have been used for biocontrol agent against insect pests. This fungus has also been studied for medicinal use. To meet for commercial use, the artificial production of the fruit body of this fungus has been established by the Mushtech Co in Korea. This study was carried out to define the morphological features of the fruit body of B. bassiana developed through artificial cultivation. For the observation of mycelia growth, B. bassiana was cultured on the Sabouraud Dextrose agar plus Yeast Extract(SDAY), nut-supplemented medium, and Fe ion-supplemented SDAY at 25℃ for 15 days. The variation of colony color was observed between the different media. Strong pigmentation was observed on Fe ion-supplemented SDAY. To investigate morphological characteristics of fruit body, geminating ascospores and vegetative hyphae were observed though light microscopy and scanning microscope. During seven weeks of cultivation period, the development process of apical fertile part of stromata can be separated by the development stage of perithecia. To understand the developing process of fruit body at the transcript level, investigating process of distinct gene expression according to cultural condition and developmental stage was discussed.
Background : The practice of keeping the medicinal herbs at room temperature causes many problems, but due to lack of sufficient field research and study, it is difficult to improve related regulations and safety management. Methods and Results : The Cnidium Rhizome and Angelica gigas Root were inoculated with Lasioderma serricorne F. and incubated at 28℃ for 2.5 months and 5 months. After five months, the number of Lasioderma serricorne F. in Cnidium Rhizome increased from 30 to 1,429 (about 47 times). In the same period, the number of insects in Angelica gigas Root increased from 30 to 663 (about 22 times). Due to the rapid increase in pest population, hygiene deteriorated, changes in the active ingredient and appearance quality of the herbal medicines, which greatly damaged the value of the herbal medicine. Conclusions : These results show that current regulation requiring only sealing and not specifying the storage temperature do not guarantee quality safety. Therefore, it is necessary to establish appropriate preservation standards and improve management regulations in order to preserve safety.
The objective of this study was to find a rapid determination of the hot air stress in maize (Zea mays L.) leaves using a portable chlorophyll fluorescence imaging instrument. To assess the photosynthetic activity of maize leaves, an imaging analysis of the photochemical responses of maize was performed with chlorophyll fluorescence camera. The observed chlorophyll imaging photos were numerically transformed to the photochemical parameters on the basis of chlorophyll a fluorescence. Chlorophyll a fluorescence imaging (CFI) method showed that a rapid decrease in maximum fluorescence intensity (Fm) of leaf occurred under hot air stress. Although no change was observed in the maximum quantum yield (Fv/Fm) of the hot air stressed maize leaves, the other photochemical parameters such as maximum fluorescence intensity (Fm) and Maximum fluorescence value (Fp) were relatively lowered after hot air stress. In hot air stressed maize leaves, an increase was observed in the nonphotoquenching (NPQ) and decrease in the effective quantum yield of photochemical energy conversion in photosystem II (Φ PSII). Thus, NPQ and ΦPSII were available to be determined non-destructively in maize leaves under hot air stress. Our results clearly indicated that the hot air could be a source of stress in maize leaves. Thus, the CFI analysis along with its related parameters can be used as a rapid indicating technique for the determining hot air stress in plants.