The Sun-Earth Lagrange point L4, which is called a parking space of space, is considered one of the unique places where solar activity and the heliospheric environment can be observed continuously and comprehensively. The L4 mission affords a clear and wide-angle view of the Sun-Earth line for the study of Sun-Earth connections from remote-sensing observations. The L4 mission will significantly contribute to advancing heliophysics science, improving space weather forecasting capability, extending space weather studies far beyond near-Earth space, and reducing risk from solar radiation hazards on human missions to the Moon and Mars. Our paper outlines the importance of L4 observations by using remote-sensing instruments and advocates comprehensive and coordinated observations of the heliosphere at multi-points including other planned L1 and L5 missions. We mainly discuss scientific perspectives on three topics in view of remote sensing observations: (1) solar magnetic field structure and evolution, (2) source regions of geoeffective solar energetic particles (SEPs), and (3) stereoscopic views of solar corona and coronal mass ejections (CMEs).
Amoxicillin, a well-known antibiotic, has a broad spectrum against gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria. This experiment was conducted in order to investigate the effect of micronized and non-micronized amoxicillin prepared using different comminution techniques on change in blood concentration of rats. Forty adult male Sprague Dawley rats (6~7 weeks of age, body weight 128.3 ± 10.7 g) were randomly allocated to two treatment groups: micronized amoxicillin (MA) group treated with micronized amoxicillin trihydrate powder (particle size, over 90% of 10 μm), non-micronized amoxicillin (NMA) group treated with non-micronized amoxicillin trihydrate powder (particle size, over 70% of 100 μm), given 480 mg/kg body weight once daily for four days. The results showed a significant increase in serum concentration in the MA group on days 3 and 4, compared to the NMA group (P<0.05). In particular, serum concentration of the MA group on day 4 was increased almost two times that of the NMA group. The results indicate that due to the increase of the drug’s oral bioavailability, higher serum concentration would be achieved with the micronized amoxicillin trihydrate than with the non-micronized drug.
The particle size distribution and shape are among the important parameters for characterisation of quality of metal powders. Specific material properties such as ability to flow, reactivity as well as compressibility and its hardening potentials hence the most important characteristics of sintered metals - are determined by the size distribution and shape. The correct particle size distribution and particle shape information are the key to best product quality in atomisation processes of aluminium, milling of pure metals and other processes. This paper presents state-of-the-art technology for characterization of particle size distribution and shape.
풋고추의 육묘관리시에 최적 시비농도를 구명하기 위하여 무기이온을 농도별로 처리한 다음 식물체의 생육과 광합성에 미치는 효과를 조사하였다. 초장은 무기이온의 농도가 증가할수록 길었으며, 표준농도인 1.0배를 시비한 것보다 2.0배의 고농도로 시비하였을 때에 ‘녹광’은 72%, ‘꽈리’는 18% 신장생장이 촉진되었다. 건물중은 ‘꽈리’의 경우에 무기이온의 농도가 높을수록 증가하였으나, ‘녹광’의 경우에는 고농도인 2.0배 처리시에는 오히려 감소하였다. 엽록소의 함량은 무기이온의 농도가 2.0배까지 높을수록 증가하였다 광합성속도, 기공전도도 및 증산속도는 두 품종 모두 1.5배의 농도로 관주하였을 때에 가장 높았는데, 이때의 광합성속도를 비교하면 ‘녹광’은 8.74μmol.m-2 s-1, ‘꽈리’는 5.10μmol.m-2 s-1로서 생육이 왕성하였던 ‘녹광’의 광합성속도가 더 높았다.
풋고추 플러그 육묘시에 칼리의 최적 시비농도를 구명하기 위하여 32구 플러그 트레이에 TK2를 채운 다음 종자를 파종하여 칼리를 농도별로 처리하여 식물체의 생육과 광합성에 미치는 효과를 조사하였다. 초장, 줄기 직경, 엽면적 및 총 건물중은 K의 농도가증가할수록 생육이 촉진되었으며, ‘녹광’ 보다는 ‘꽈리’의 생육이 더 좋았다 품종과 K의 농도에 따라서 엽록소의 함량은 차이가 있었는데, ‘녹광’은 K의 농도가 2.0배까지 높을수록 증가하였으나 ‘꽈리’는 1.0배 이상의 농도에서는 차이가 거의 없었다 순광합성율은 ‘녹광’의 경우에는 1.5배의 농도에서 ‘꽈리’의 경우에는 2.0배의 고농도에서 가장 높았으며, 기공전도도와 수분증발율도 순광합성율과 비슷한 경향이었다.
In this study we present the study of solar active regions based on BOAO vector magnetograms and Hα filtergrams. With the new calibration method we analyzed BOAO vector magnetograms taken from the SOFT observational system to compare with those of other observing systems. In this study it has been demonstrated that (1) our longitudinal magnetogram matches very well the corresponding Mitaka's magnetogram to the extent that the maximum correlation yields r=0.962 between our re-scaled longitudinal magnetogram and the Mitaka's magnetogram; (2) according to a comparison of our magnetograms of AR 8422 with those taken at Mitaka solar observatory their longitudinal fields are very similar to each other while transverse fields are a little different possibly due to large noise level; (3) main features seen by our longitudinal magnetograms of AR 8422 and AR 8419 and the corresponding Kitt Peak magnetograms are very similar to each other; (4) time series of our vector magnetograms and H-alpha observations of AR 8419 during its flaring (M3.1/1B) activity show that the filament eruption followed the sheared inversion line of the quadrupolar configuration of sunspots, indicating that the flare should be associated with the quadrupolar field configuration and its interaction with new filament eruption. Finally, it may be concluded that the Solar Flare Telescope at BOAO works normally and it is ready to do numerous observational and theoretical works associated with solar activities such as flares.
In this study we present a new improved nonlinear calibration method for vector magnetograms made by the Solar Flare Telescope of BOAO. To identify Fe I 6302.5 line, we have scanned monochromatic images of the line integrated over filter passband, changing the location of the central transmission wavelength of a Lyot filter. Then we obtained a filter-convolved line profile, which is in good agreement with spectral atlas data provided by the Sacramento Peak Solar Observatory. The line profile has been used to derive calibration coefficients of longitudinal and transverse fields, employing the conventional line slope method under the weak field approximation. Our improved nonlinear calibration method has also been used to calculate theoretical Stokes polarization signals with various angles of inclination of magnetic fields. For its numerical test, we have compared input magnetic fields with the calibrated ones, which have been derived from the new improved non-linear method and the conventional method respectively. The numerical test shows that the calibrated fields obtained from the improved method are consistent with the input fields, but not with those from the conventional method. Finally, we applied our new improved method to a dipole model which characterizes a typical field configuration of a single, round sunspot. It is noted that the conventional method remarkably underestimates the transverse field component near the inner penumbra.
Purpose – This paper aims to analyze and investigate to find out the appropriate ways to make an easy TBT of smart city. It is an important issue between Korea and China because TBT of smart city has lots of advantages in IT, S/W, IOT, and Home network. Research design, data and methodology – First, the paper made use of reviewing2nd data analysis and focused on group interview, and then compared with analysis on the international rule and system such as smart city system, technical regulation, and standard through test certification procedure and inspection. Second, this paper reviewed electric/electronic test, certification, and calibration. Third, through analyzing MRA between Korea and china, the paper focused on SDoC, Mutual Acceptance of International certification, and IECCB scheme. Results – Through the comparison and analysis, this paper found that it is important to promote multi-track agreements with the countries that need short-term promotion. Moreover, it is necessary to conclude an agreement with the leading countries in Middle East and Central America. Conclusions – Through the above the reviews and analysis, we can see the importance of promotion in FTA and MRA with the efforts to remove the obstacles and promote to make an easy TBT by MRA between Korea and China.
In this paper, the issue of blind detection of Alamouti-type differential space-time (ST) π/2-shifted BPSK modulation in static Rayleigh fading channels is considered. We introduce a novel transformation to the received signal from each receiver antenna such that this binary ST modulation, which has a second-order transmit-diversity, is equivalent to QPSK modulation with second-order receive-diversity. The pre-detection combining of the result of transformation allows us to apply a low complexity detection technique specifically designed for receive-diversity, namely, scalar multiple-symbol differential detection (MSDD). With receiver complexity proportional to the observation window length, our receiver can achieve the performance 1.5dB better than that of conventional differential detection ST and 0.5dB worse than that qf a coherent maximum ratio combining receiver (with differential decoding) approximately.