This study was aimed to evaluate the dose-response the effects of nano-encapsulated conjugated linoleic acids(CLAs) on in vitro ruminal fermentation profiles. A fistulated Holstein cow was used as a donor of rumen fluid. Nano-encapsulated CLAs(LF, 5% of nano-encapsulated CLA-FFA; HF, 10% of nano-encapsulated CLA-FFA; LT, 5% of nano-encapsulated CLA-TG; HT, 10% of nano-encapsulated CLA-TG) were added to the in vitro ruminal fermentation experiment. In the in vitro ruminal incubation test, the total gas production on incubation with nano-encapsulated CLAs was increased significantly according to the incubation time, compared with the control(p<0.05). The tVFA concentrations on addition of LF and HT were significantly higher than that of the control(p<0.05). Thus, nano-encapsulated CLAs might improve the ruminal fermentation characteristics without adverse effects on the incubation process. In addition, the population of Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens which is closely related to ruminal biohydrogenation was increased by adding HT, while decreased by adding LF at 12 h incubation. These results showed that nano-encapsulated CLA-FFA could be applied to enhance CLA levels in ruminants by maintaining the stability of CLA without causing adverse effects on ruminal fermentation profiles considering the optimal dosage.
Methoxychlor (MXC) was developed to be a replacement for the banned pesticide DDT. HPTE [2,2-bis (p-hydroxyphenyl) -1,1,1-trichloroethane], which is an in vivo metabolite of MXC, has strong oestrogenic and anti-androgenic effects. MXC and HPTE are thought to produce potentially adverse effects by acting through oestrogen and androgen receptors. Of the two, HPTE binds to sex-steroid receptors with greater affinity, and it inhibits testosterone biosynthesis in Leydig cells by inhibiting cholesterol side-chain cleavage enzyme activity and cholesterol utilisation. In a previous study, MXC was shown to induce Leydig cell apoptosis by decreasing testosterone concentrations. I focused on the effects of MXC on male mice that resulted from interactions with sex-steroid hormone receptors. Sexsteroid hormones affect other organs including the kidney and liver. Accordingly, I hypothesised that MXC can act through sex-steroid receptors to produce adverse effects on the testis, kidney and liver, and I designed our experiments to confirm the different effects of MXC exposure on the male reproductive system, kidney and liver. In these experiments, I used pre-pubescent ICR mice; the puberty period in ICR mice is from postnatal day (PND) 45 to PND60. I treated the experimental group with 0, 100, 200, 400 mg MXC/kg b.w. delivered by an intra-peritoneal injection with sesame oil used as vehicle for 4 weeks. At the end of the experiment, the mice were sacrificed under anaesthesia. The testes and accessory reproductive organs were collected, weighed and prepared for histological investigation. I performed a chemiluminescence immune assay to observe the serum levels of testosterone, LH and FSH. Blood biochemical determination was also performed to check for other effects. There were no significant differences in our histological observations or relative organ weights. Serum testosterone levels were decreased in a dose-dependent manner; a greater dose resulted in the production of less testosterone. Compared to the control group, testosterone concentrations differed in the 200 and 400 mg/kg dosage groups. In conclusion, I observed markedly negative effects of MXC exposure on testosterone concentrations in pre-pubescent male mice. From our biochemical determinations, I observed some changes that indicate renal and hepatic failure. Together, these data suggest that MXC produces adverse effects on the reproductive system, kidney and liver.
Mullerian inhibiting substance (MIS) is a member of the TGF-β (transforming growth factor-β) family whose members play key roles in development, suppression of tumour growth, and feedback control of the pituitary-gonadal hormone axis. MIS is expressed in a highly tissue-specific manner in which it is restricted to male Sertoli cells and female granulose cells. The serum levels of MIS in prenatal and postnatal ICR mice were measured using the enzymelinked immuno-solvent assay (ELISA) using the MIS/AMH antibody. Mice were grouped by age: the significant periods were at the onset of development. During sex organ differentiation, no remarkable difference between female and male foetus MIS serum levels (both<0.1 ng/ml) was observed. However, MIS serum levels in pregnant mice markedly changed (4.5~12.2 ng/ml). After birth, postnatal female and male mice serum MIS levels changed considerably (male: <0.1~138.5 ng/ml, female: 5.3~103.4 ng/ml), and the changing phase were diametrically opposed (male: decreasing, female: fluctuating). These findings suggest that MIS may have strong associations with not only develop- ment but also puberty. For further studies, establishing the standard MIS serum levels is of importance. Our study provides the basic information for the study of MIS interactions with reproductive organ disability, cancer, and the effect of other hormone or menopause. We hypothesise that if MIS is regularly injected into middle-age women, meno- pause will be delayed. We detected that serum MIS concentration curves change with age. The changing phase is different between males and females, and this difference is significant after birth. Moreover, MIS mRNA is expressed during the developmental period (prenatal) and also in the postnatal period. This finding indicates that MIS may play a significant role in the developmental stage and in growth after birth.
The purpose of this study was to analyze and compare the effect of resistance exercise and balance exercise on proprioception and WOMAC index of patients with degenerative knee osteoarthritis. A total of 40 subjects participated in this study. The subjects were diagnosed with degenerative knee osteoarthritis and all were more than 60 years old. They were divided into three groups. Group Ⅰ(n=8) was trained with resistance exercise, Group Ⅱ(n=6) was trained with balance exercise and GroupⅢ(n=6) was trained with range of motion as a control. The results of this study were as follows. It was significantly indicated that the resistance exercise group and balance exercise group elicited error-reduction on proprioception goal-angle (p<.05). There was a statistically significant difference on proprioception between resistance exercise group and control(range of motion) group. There was a statistically significant reduction on WOMAC index between resistance exercise group and balance exercise group (p<.05) and on the WOMAC index between resistance exercise group and range of motion group(p<.05). In conclusion, resistance exercise and balance exercise are effective on degenerative knee osteoarthritis and resistance exercise is the most effective for improving proprioception and WOMAC index. More research on the intervention according to the degree of degenerative knee osteoarthritis is needed.
Interlellkin • 8(IL-8) is an important cytokine involved in tllmor growth and angiogenesis in a variety of malig nancies. bllt the regll lation of IL-8 in 01 외 cancer cells are llnderstood . We invesLigated whether mi togen-activated protein kinases pathway is involved in iron chelator-mediated lL-8 produdion in inunortalized and malignant oral keratinocytes. In this study we examined the role of p38 and extracellular signal- reglllated kinase• 1/2 in the expression of [L-8 by DFO. Incllbation of IHOK and HN12 cel ls with DF'O increased the expression of 11-8 mRNA. as well as the release of IL-8 protein. The signal transdllction study revealed that both p38 and ERK1/2 were significantly activated in response to DFO. Accord ingly. the selective inhibitors for both kinases‘ eit her a lone or combination. abolished DFO- induced lL-8 secretion. indicating an importance of MAP kinase pathway. Interestingly. however‘ inhibition of the p38 and ERK pathway more attenuated IL-8 secretion in IHOK than in HN12 cells. DFO induced NF-kB activation , suggesting a NF-kB- dependent mechanism in DFO- induced IL-8 production. In addition, p38 and ERK inhi bition resulted in the accelerated degradation of lL-8 mRNA, suggesting that in IHOK and HN12 cells, p38 and ERK cunLr iullLe Lo DFO imluced IL-8 secretion by IHOK and HN12 cells via a posttranscriptional mechanism that involves stabilization 01' the IL-8 transcript. Finally. we investigatecl llsing specific inhibitors : 8NP and G8NO for NO c1onor. PDTC for potent inhibitor of NF-kB. Cycloheximide for inhibition of de novo protein synthesis. We observecl 8NP ancl PD1'C clepenclent IL-8 gene incluction in IHOK cell s. but not in HN12 cells used specific inhibitors‘ Collectively. these results demonstrate that‘ targeting MAP kinase ancl NF-kB pathway may be a potentiaI approacb to controlling the angiogenes is ancl growth 이 human oral cancers
돌나물(Sedum sarmentosum)의 기능성과 화장품 소재로서의 특성을 파악하기 위하여 본 연구를 수행 하였다. 돌나물을 동결건조하고 분쇄하여 에탄올로 추출한 후 -20 ℃에 저장하면서 실험에 사용하였다. 돌나물 의 에탄올 추출물(SE) 내에 포함된 총폴리페놀화합물(TPC)의 함량은 27.98 ± 0.34 g/kg (건조중량)이었고, epicatechin (162.14 ± 5.07 mg/kg), epigallocatechin (55.99 ± 2.49 mg/kg) 및 kaempferol (47.96 ± 3.02 mg/kg)순으로 많이 함유되어 있는 것으로 분석되었다. SE는 organic radical 소거효과(78.43 ± 1.08%) 와 금속이온환원능(FRAP value 2.54 ± 0.12)을 나타내었다. 또한 SE는 지질과산화 반응의 초기 단계(FTC assay 62.03 ± 0.38%)와 최종단계(TBARS assay 55.36 ± 2.05%)를 저해하였다. SE (5 mg/mL 건조중 량)는 Propionibacterium acne에 대해 항균효과를 나타내었다. SE의 elastase 저해율은 38.94 ± 7.09%이었 고, collagenase 저해율은 78.94 ± 2.49%이었다. SE 처리구는 Col3A1 발현양이 증가하였고 collagen 생성율 은 대조구보다 58.11 ± 1.07% 높았다. 0.5% SE가 함유된 수중유적형 크림은 pH 6.88, 밀도 1.47 g/mL이었 고, 다양한 온도(-20 - 45 ℃)에 4주간 저장하는 동안 크림은 안정한 유화상태를 유지하였다. 따라서 SE는 항균, 항산화, 항노화 활성을 지닌 것으로 사료되었다.
In this study, we investigated the growth of striped mullet (Mugil cephalus), Yesso scallop (Patinopecten yessoensis) and kelp (Saccharina japonica) farmed under the IMTA (integrated multi-trophic aquaculture) system developed by national institute of fisheries science (NIFS). The farmed striped mullets grew from an initial length and weight of 152.5±12.1 and 41.6±7.8 g in October 2013 to 154.2±5.6 and 47.5±8.6 g in November, 160.2±8.7 and 55.9±9.1 g in December and 168.4±9.6 and 58.4±8.7 g in January. The fish continued to grow and reached 190.2±9.4 in length and 87.5±8.9 g in weight in April and 256.4±9.7 and 156.7±6.7 g in October 2014. The daily growth rate (DGR) for total fish length was 0.015 0.1 /day during the periods of fast growth and attained 0.038 0.1 /day during February March. The kelp grew from an initial blade length and wet weight of 1.19±0.2 and 0.0028±0.0012 g in January 2014 to 3.3±0.8 and 2.5±0.9 g in February and 126.5±11.6 and 107.4±22.6 g in March, after which, erosion occurred and slowed the growth. The DGRs for kelp length ranged 0.03 1.9 /day in January 2014 and increased to 0.88 1.9 /day during March April. Increasing water temperatures beginning in April lowered the DGR to 0.03 /day. Yesso scallops grew from an initial shell length, shell height and wet weight of 11.83±0.6 , 12.68±0.7 and in September 2013 to 19.9±2.5 , 20.8±2.6 and 0.9±0.04 g in November 2013. They continued to grow to 45.91±0.71 in shell length, 42.55±0.8 in shell height and 12.7±1.3 g in wet weight by May 2014 and 60.2±2.51 , 554.6±2.61 and 24±2.70 g by October 2014. The DGRs for shell length of Yesso scallop ranged from 0.02 to 0.256 /day with higher values of 0.256 0.27 /day during November December 2013 and March April 2014.
We constructed marine forest to restore barren grounds which are expanding in the east coast of Korea using 2 methods of (1)seedlings transplantation method and (2)underwater floating ropes method. We transplanted 3 macroalgae species, Ecklonia cava, Undaria pinnatifida, and Saccharina. japonica to construct marine forest. Blade length of Undaria pinnatifida on underwater floating ropes was 56.70±8.69㎜ in April and grew 68.75±22.30㎜ in May and 70.75±14.36㎜ in July. Blade length of S. japonica was shown 97.95-143.00㎜ in April to June. Blade length of Ecklonia cava was 30.50±1.91㎜ in May, 41.55±1.84㎜ in August, 45.30±2.57㎜ in November, 2009 and 45.30±1.99㎜ in February, 2010. The survey on Dangsa area, Ulsan-city in January, 2009 found a total number of 15 algal species(1 brown algae, 14 red algae species) with the highest variety at 5m depth of A station and the lowest at 8m depth of A and B stations. The March survey showed a total of 24 species (1 green algae, 1 brown algae, 22 red algae species) with the highest variety of 11 at depths of 3m and 5m of B station and the lowest of 6 at 10m of B station. In May, total biomass was 3,755.4g (green algae 1.2g, brown algae 199.0g, red algae 3,555.2g). From January, 2009, we found that E. cava was dominant at the depths of 3m and 5m of A and B stations while Peyssonnelia capensis was dominant at the depth of 8m of A station. The 8m depth of B station was dominated by Acrosorium polyneurum. In May, Grateloupia lanceolata was dominant at 8m depth of A station while other depths were dominated by Phycodrys fimbriata. In June, the dominant species were G. lanceolata at the 3m depth, E. cava at the 5m and P. fimbriata at the depths of 8m and 10m of A station. Under B station, G. lanceolata was dominant at the depths of 3m and 5m while P. fimbriata was dominant at the depths of 8m and 10m.
The esophageal mucosal ring, otherwise known as Schatzki’ ring or B ring is a thin, diaphragm like, circumferential mucosal fold that protrudes into the lumen of the gastroesophageal junction. Symptomatic esophageal mucosal ring is found in only 0.5% of patients who undergo an esophagogram. In Korea, symptomatic esophageal mucosal ring of adult is very rare. A 66-
year-old man was admitted to the hospital with progressive dysphagia of five months' standing. The endoscopy revealed a mucosal ring with a narrowed esophageal lumen of about 4mm. Herein, we report a case of endoscopic balloon dilatation using controlled radial expansion (CRE) balloon under fluoroscopic control.
The species composition and variation of marine plants at Saguenjin in the east coast of Korea were investigated monthly from October 2008 to December 2009. As a result, 92 species of marine plants identified, 91 species were seaweeds (7 green algae, 22 brown algae, 62 red algae) and 1 were sea grass. Dominant species in importance value were melobesioidean algae, Ulva pertusa and Phyllospadix iwatensis. The vertical distribution of algae were characterized by melobesioidean algae, U. pertusa at 3 m depth, melobesioidean algae, P. iwatensis and U. pertusa at 5 m depth and melobesioidean algae, Chondrus ocellatus and Prionitis cornea at 10 m depth.