
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 246

        1996.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of recombinant bovine somatotropin (bST; Boostin-S, LG Chem) treatment with FSH (Super OV) or PMSG on superovulatory response for transvaginal ultrasound-guided oocyte retrieval (TVR) in calves. Eight Korean Native Cattle(KNC) heifer calves; 150 to 240 days old; were randomly assigned to four treatment groups: 1) FSH(75 mg); 2) FSH (75 mg) + bST(500mg) 3) PMSG(1;000 IU); 4) PMSG(1, 000 IU) + bST(500 mg). Experimental calves in group 1 (n=2) and 2(n=2) were weekly superovulated for 4 consecutive weeks with daily injection of FSH for 3days and the next day subjected to TVR session. Animals in group 3 (n=2) and 4(n=2) were weekly stimulated for 4 consecutive weeks with a single dose of 1, 000 IU PMSG. TVR was performed on 72 hours after PMSG injection. Calves in group 2 and 4 was received injection of 500 mg of bST every 10 days. At each TVR session, follicle number and size were recorded; the oocytes collected and graded according to cumulus and cytoplasm investment. Collected oocyte were determined viable oocyte according to morphological quality with granulation of oocyte and number and status of cumlulus cells. IVM and IVF were performed and assessed cleavage rate on day 3 after fertilization. A Sonovet 600(Medison, Co., Ltd) realtime ultrasound scanner with a 6.5 MHz convex transducer, fixed at the tip of 500 mm estended handle equipped with a needle guide was used in collecting oocyte. Differences between groups were analysed by chi-square test. The population of large follicle (5 nun) and aspiration rate were not significant different among the 4 groups. But, the number of small follicles (<5 mm) and aspirated oocyte in the KNC calves treated with bST were 1.3~1.6 times higher than in KNC calves treat with FSH or PMSG alone. In conclusion, the administration of bST with FSH or PMSG at superovulation for TVR in calves was increase the nurnber of small follicle which was influenced the number of aspiratable follicle.
        1996.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This experiment was carried out to investigate the ovarian responses of the ovulation point, ovarian weight and size, the number of ovarian follicles and collected embryos, and to study the effects of the developmental stages (oocytes, 2-4 cell. 8-16 cell and morulae), additional levels of Ficoll (0, 15, 30%) on the survival rate (FDA-test) of rat embryos frozen in vitrification solution (20% glycerol + 10% ethylene glycol + 10% sucrose). Sunanarized results was as follows; 1. The mean ovulation point per head was 7, and the weight of ovaries was 0.03g. The size of ovary was 5.9 mm(L) and 4.6 mm(W), and the number of ovarian follicles over and below 2 mm was 4.7 and 8.7, respectively. The number of the collected embryos per head was 5.5 (79%). 2. 2. The FDA score of embryos frozen in 20 G 10 E 10 S without Ficoll was 2.8 (oocyte), 2.6 (2-4 cell), 3.9 (8-16 cell) and 3.6 (morula), respectively. However, there were no significant differences among treatments. 3. The FDA score of embryos frozen in 20 G 10 E 10 S with 15% Ficoll was 3.4 (oocyte), 4.0 (2-4 cell), 4.7 (8-16 cell) and 4.8 (morulae), respectively (P>0.05). 4. The FDA score of embryos frozen in 20 G 10 E 10 S with 30 % Ficoll was 3.7 (oocyte), 3.2 (2-4 cell), 4.4 (8-16 cell) and 4.4 (morulae), respectively (P>0.05). 5. As shown in the above results, the higher survival rate was obtained in the treatment of 15% Ficoll than that of 30%. And the survival rate (FDA-test)of the oocytes and 2-4 cell stages of the rat embryos was lower than that of 8~16 cell and morulae stages. It was considered that 8-16 cell and morulae could be available for the successful freezing by vitrification of rat embryos with 15% Ficoll except for oocytes.
        1995.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        연두금파리의 난세포성숙에 따른 단백질의 변화와 난특이성단백질의 특성을 확인하기 위하여 gel filtration, 전기영동 및 분자량측정, 아미노산과 지방산함량을 측정하여 얻은 결과는 다음과같다. 연두금파리 암컷성충의 난소단백질은 단백질원을 섭식시킨 후 72시간 이후 빠르게 증가하였고, 완전한 성숙이 일어나는 96시간에 최고의 함량을 나타냈다. DEAE-cellulose와 Sephacryl 5-200으로 gel filtration하고 7.5% native polyacrylamide gel에서 전기영동한 결과 난소에서 분리된 특이단백질은 0.4에서 혈림프 및 난소와 다른 밴드가 확인되었으며, 분자량은 110,000 dalton이였다. 분리된 난특이성단백질내 아미노산 조성은 asparagine 외 모두 13종이 검출되었으며, asparagine, glutamic acid와 함께 tyrosine이 특이하게 높게 나타났다. 지방산은 난소와 함께 난특이성단백질에서 palmitic acid의 4종이 분리되었다. 따라서, 연두금파리의 난에는 지방체에서 합성, 분비된 난황단백질이외에 난소에만 존재하는 특이단백질이 있음을 알 수 있다.
        1994.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In vitro development of parthenogenetic embryo was examined after ethanol treatment of follicular oocytes matured in vitro for 42, 48, 54 and 60h in the pig. The follicular oocytes were matured in TCM 199 containing 15% FCS and gonadotrophins in an atmosphere of 39 5% . The cumulus-free oocytes were activated by 10% ethanol treatment in M2+4mg /ml BSA for 10 min. The ethanol-activated oocytes were washed and further cultured in TCM199+20%FCS containing granulosa cell monolayer. Maturation rates at 42, 48, 54 and 60h of IVM were 75.0, 86.5, 81.6 and 87.9%, respectively. Thus the oocytes maturated in vitro for longer periods did not improve nuclear maturation much. Pronuclear formation rates at 18h post-activation in ethanol-activated oocytes were 21.9, 25.0, 47.4 and 32.6%. The cytoplasmic maturation leading to pronuclear formation upon activation increased when the I VM period was extended from 42 to 54h. When the activated oocytes were cultured for 96~120h to analyse early development of the activated oocytes, the rates of embryonic development upto 5~8 cell were 5.3, 5.8, 12.0 and 11.7% among the cultured embryos. The result indicate that earlier development of activated porcine occyte is dependent on the duration of oocyte maturation, and that better development could be obtained from the oocyte matured for 54h.
        1994.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The long term goal of this research is to develop an efficient procedure for large scale production of genetically identical or cloned animals. To improve nuclear transpalntation efficiency in the rabbit, this study evaluated the age of nuclear recipient oocytes on the different steps of nuclear transplantation. The ovulated oocytes in different ages were collected from the superovulated does by flushing oviducts with Dulbecco's phosphate buffered saline(D-PBS) supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum(FCS) from 13 to 15, 17 to 20 and 23 to 26 hours after hCG injection. The denuded oocytes were used as nuclear recipient cytoplasm following enucleation by micromanipulation. The blastomeres separated from the 8-cell embryos were used as nuclear donor. The enucleated oocytes receiving a blastomere in the perivitteline space were fused in the 0.28 M mannitol solution at 1.5 kV/cm, 60 sec for three times. The fused oocytes were co-cultured with the monolayered rabbit oviductal epithelial cells in TGM-199 solution with 10% FCS for 72 hours at 37 in a 5% incubator. The cultured nuclear transplant embryos and in vivo developed embryos collected at 72 hours after hCG injection were stained with Hoechst 33342 dye. Their cell numbers were counted under a fluorescent microscope. The results obtained were summarized as follows ; 1. The aged oocytes(20 hrs. post hCG) showed significantly(P<0.05) higher fusionrates(70 ~ 90%) than the recently ovulated oocytes(30.8%) 2. The aged oocytes which were electrically activated and fused at 20 hours developed to blastocyst at significantly(P<0.05) high rate, while none of the recently ovulated oocytes developed to blastocyst. 3. Even though the aged oocytes at 23~26 hours showed higher fusion rate(85.7%), not only they were inadequate to manipulate but also their developmental potential to blastocyst was highly impaired. 4. The developmental potential in vitro of nuclear transplant embryos was significantly retarded than in vivo deveolped embryos.
        1994.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This experiment was investigated the effect of presence of granulosa cells from follicles of different size on bovine oocyte maturation, cleavage and development to late stage. The nuclear and cytoplasmic maturation of oocytes in the IVM-IVF system are critical for subsequent embryo development. Granulosa cells when the co-cultured with oocytes may interact with cumulus-oocytes complexes and influence the development competence of the oocytes. Granulosa cells from medium (2~6 mm) and large(>1O mm) size follicles were recovered by aspiration, washed 3 times by centrifugation at 500 x g for 5 min. and used for co-culture at a concentration of 2~3 x 106 cells/mi. The oocytes were matured in vitro (IVM) for 24 hrs. in TCM-199 supplemented with 35 g/ml FSH, 10 g/ml LH, 1 g/ml estradiol-17 and granulosa cells at 39 under 5% in air. They were fertilized in vitro (IVF) by epididymal spermatozoa treated with heparin for 24 hrs., and then the zygotes were co-cultured in vitro (I VC) with bovine oviductal epithelial cells for 7 to 9 days. The assessment of maturation revealed that Grade J oocytes showed significantly(P
        1992.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        검정금파리의 변태에 따른 엑디스테로이드를 Radioimmunoassay법으로 측정하고, 난세포성숙에 미치는 엑디스테로이드의 효과를 조사하여 얻을 결과는 다음과 같다. 산락직후 존재하였던 난내 엑디스테로이드는 발생과정 중 감소하다가 부화 직전 다시 증가하였으며, 유충기와 용기의 성장 변태시 엑디스테로이드함량의 변화를 보면 유충-유충과 유충-용으로의 탈피시에 일시적인 증가현상을 나타냈다. 특히 용화 후 48시간에 높은 엑디스테로이드의 농도를 보였는데 이는 큐티클분비와 경화작용과 밀접한 관계가 있는 것으로 생각된다. 성충기에서는 수컷의 경우 엑디스테로이드가 거의 검출 되지 않은 반면, 암컷에서는 단백질원 섭식 후 96시간에 최고의 함량을 나타내어 난성숙도와 일치하는 변화를 보였다. 엑디스테로이드 처리와 난성숙도와의 관계를 보면, 1g 처리군은 대조군에서와 같은 성숙도를 나타내 차이를 보이지 않았으나, 5g처리군에서는 대조군에서 보다 12시간 빠르게 난세포성숙이 완료되어, 엑디스테로이드 처리시 임계농도 이상에서는 난세포조기성숙에 직접적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다.
        1989.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The effects of an antiprogesterone (RU 486) and an antiestrogen (tamoxifen) on ovulatory response and oocyte morphology were examined in pregnant mare serum gonadotropin (PMSG)-primed immatare female rats (28 days of age): a comparison has been made on two different regirnens primed with a "control" dose (4 IU) and a "superovulatory" dose (40 IU) of PMSG. Females for control control regimen received three consecutive injections of lmg RU486, lmg tamoxifen, or vehicle at 24, 36 and 48hr, and were killed at 72l'r after PMSG. Animals for superovalatory regimen received lmg RU486, 2.5mg tamoxifen, or vehicle fouowlag the injection schedule comparable to control regimen, and were killed at 60 and 72hr after PMSG. Compared to vehicle group, there was a significant reduction in ovulatory response as judged by the proportion of rats ovulating andi or by the mean number of oocytes per rat for each treatment of RU486 and tamoxifen in both regimens. The activity of tamoxifen in inhibiting the ovulatory response was greater in control, but less in superovulatory regimen than that of RU486 based on the dose employed for each antisteroid. In both regimens, RU 486 did not have any effect 6n the changes in the proportion of degenerate oocytes as well as ovarian weight, well tamoxifen treatment resulted in a marked promotion of oocyte degeneration as well as a great reduction in ovarian weight, compared to each parameter of vehicle group. RU486 treatment in each regimen did not alter the serum levels of any steroid hormones observed. Howerver, tamoxifen treatment was associated with significant increases in serum 17-estradiol and decreases in progesterone in both regimens; also significant increases in androgens in superovulatory regimen. The results illustrate the relative inhibitory activity of RU486 and tamoxifen indicating major steroid hormone involved in PMSG-induced ovulation: 17-estradiol for control and progesterone for superovulatory regimen. It also appears that tamoxifen-associated elevation of circulating 17-estradiol andi or androgens could be in part, a contributing factor to the promotion of oocyte degeneration presumably by producing a hostile oviductal environment after ovulation.ent after ovulation.
        2018.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        To improve survival rates of vitrified pig oocytes, the treatment of cytoskeletal stabilizer on an appropriate time is one of the possible approaches. However, the exact treatment timing and effect of cytoskeletal stabilizer such as cytochalasin B (CB) is not well known during oocyte vitrification procedures. Thus, the present study was conducted to determine optimal treatment timing of CB during vitrification and warming procedures. In experiment 1, the survival rates of the post-warming pig oocytes were analyzed by fluorescein diacetate (FDA) assays with 4 classifications. In results, post-warming oocytes showed significantly (p<0.05) decreased number of alive oocytes (31.8% vs. 86.4%) compared to fresh control. In detail, the significant difference (p<0.05) was found only in strong fluorescence (18.2% vs. 70.5%) not in intermediate fluorescence groups (13.6% vs. 15.9%). In experiment 2, CB was treated before (CB-Vitri) and after (Vitri-CB) vitrification. In results, group of Vitri-CB showed significantly (p<0.05) higher (91.6%) survival rates compared to group of CB-Vitri (83.7%), significantly (p<0.05) and comparable with group of Vitri Control (88.7%) by morphological inspection. In FDA assay results, group of Vitri-CB showed significantly (p<0.05) higher (44.2%) survival rates compared to groups of CB-Vitri (36.7%) and Vitri Control (35.1%). In conclusion, the increased survival rates of post-warming pig oocyte treated with Vitri-CB method are firstly described here. The main finding of present study is that the CB treatment during recovery could be helpful to refresh the post-warming pig oocyte resulting its improved survival rates.
        2018.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Ultrastructural studies on oocyte differentiation and vitellogenesis in the oocytes of female Kareius bicoloratus were investigated by transmission electron microscopy. The Golgi complex in the cytoplasm is involved in the formation of yolk vesicles that contain yolk carbohydrates in the yolk vesicle of oocytes in the early vitellogenic phase. In this phase, many pinocytotic vesicles (PVs), which are formed by pinocytosis, contain yolk precursors (exogenous substances). These substances are associated with exogenous heterosynthetic vitellogenesis. In yolked oocytes in the late vitellogenic phase, two morphologically different bodies, which formed by modified mitochondria, appear in oocytes. One is a multivesicular body (synthesized by autosynthetic vitellogenesis), and the other is a yolk precursor (an exogenous substance formed by heterosynthetic vitellogenesis). The multivesicular bodies (MVB) are taken into the yolk precursors (YP) and are transformed into primary yolk globules. However, after the YP mix with exogenous PVs near the zona pellucida, they are transformed into primary yolk globules. Vitellogenesis of this species occurs via endogenous autosynthesis and exogenous heterogenesis. Vitellogenesis occurs through endogenous autosynthesis, which involves the combined activity of the Golgi complex, mitochondria and MVB formed by modified mitochondria. However, heterosynthesis involves pinocytotic incorporation of extraovarian precursors (such as vitellogenin in the liver) into the zona pellucida (via granulosa cells and thecal cells) of the yolked oocyte.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In order to examine the effects of four different light spectra (white, red, green, and blue) on the oocyte maturation, the change of reproductive parameters, via brain-pituitary-gonad (BPG) axis in grass puffer, were investigated. After exposure four different light spectra for 7 weeks, the abundance of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) mRNA which is a type of seabream (sbGnRH) and two different subunit of gonadotropin hormones mRNAs, follicle-stimulating hormone (fshβ) mRNA and luteinizing hormone (lhβ) mRNA, were analyzed in the brain and pituitary. Histological analysis showed that the mature oocyte ratio in the green spectrum was higher than other light spectra-exposed groups. Gonadosomatic index (GSI) and oocyte developmental stage were also investigated in the gonad based on histological observations. GSI value with the presence of yolk stage oocytes was significantly increased in the green spectrum-exposed group when compared to that of the other light-exposed groups (white, red, and blue) (p˂0.05). The abundances of sbGnRH mRNA and fshβ mRNA in the green spectrum-exposed group were also significant higher than those of the other light spectra-exposed groups (p˂0.05). These results indicate that the maturation of oocyte in grass puffer can be accelerated by exposure to the spectrum of green. To better understand the molecular mechanism for the maturation of oocyte in grass puffer, further study examining the relationship between oocyte development and its related genes is required.