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        검색결과 1,983

        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The osmolarity of a medium that is commonly used for in vitro culture (IVC) of oocytes and embryos is lower than that of oviductal fluid in pigs. In vivo oocytes and embryos can resist high osmolarities to some extent due to the presence of organic osmolytes such as glycine and alanine. These amino acids act as a protective shield to maintain the shape and viability in high osmotic environments. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of glycine or/and alanine in medium with two different osmolarities (280 and 320 mOsm) during IVC on embryonic development after parthenogenesis (PA) and somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) in pigs. To this end, IVC was divided into two stages; the 0-2 and 3-7 days of IVC. In each stage, embryos were cultured in medium with 280, 320, or 360 mOsm and their combinations with or without glycine or/and alanine according to the experimental design. Treatment groups were termed as, for example, "T(osmolarity of a medium used in 0-2 days of IVC)-(osmolarity of a medium used in 3-7 days of IVC)" T280-280 was served as control. When PA embryos were cultured in medium with various osmolarities, T320-280 showed a significantly higher blastocyst formation (29.0%) than control (22.2%) and T360-360 groups (6.9%). Glycine treatment in T320-280 significantly increased blastocyst formation (50.4%) compared to T320-280 only (36.5%) while no synergistic was observed after treatment with glycine and alanine together in T320-280 (45.7%). In contrast to PA embryonic development, the stimulating effect by the culture in T320-280 was not observed in SCNT blastocyst development (27.6% and 23.7% in T280-280 and T320-280, respectively) whereas the number of inner cell mass cells was significantly increased in T320-280 (6.1 cells vs. 9.6 cells). Glycine treatment significantly improved blastocyst formation of SCNT embryos in both T280-280 (27.6% vs. 38.0%) and T320-280 (23.7% vs. 35.3%). Our results demonstrate that IVC in T320-280 and treatment with glycine improves blastocyst formation of PA and SCNT embryos in pigs.
        2018.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper is based on the author’s book, <The Jamnyo (Jeju women divers) of Korea, Neo-Confucianism and Dual Mythology> (2018). It was published in English and French verion by the Cultural Foundation Barbier-Mueller Museum in Geneva, Switzland. The particularity of the book is that it is the first of its kind that introduces in foreign language Jeju academic discourses (published since 1950’s, but not known outside of Korea)) on various topics, such as Jeju women divers, mythology, kinship system, shamanism and the influence of the Neo-confucianism on Jeju, imported from the mainland, combined with data collected among a divers' community in the small island of Udo, Jeju in 2016. This article presents two stances of the author regarding Jeju: (1) a feminist point of view on Jeju women divers and their contribution to Jeju society by presenting the island as a <women centred society>; (2) an activist point of view by presenting the history of Jeju and its people as a struggle against the centre by the periphery and dominated by different colonial powers over 1000 years. The article proposes jamnyo’s fireplace (bulteok) as a social model for healing.
        2018.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Culture teaching is little included in the practice of teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages, which has lasted for a long time. Taking Chinese teaching in Shaanxi Normal University of China (a splendid university famous for Chinese teaching to foreigners) for example, the explanation and description of basic Chinese language uses is the most important objective in the teaching of reading, speaking, listening and writing, whereas culture teaching is very limited. This results in low motivation for students to learn Chinese, who are then unable to adapt into the local community and culture, and therefore cannot increase their Chinese standards. Based on the theory of culture intelligence firstly put forth by Peterson, one would be influenced by culture intelligence if he studies, learns, and works in a non-native language environment, and culture intelligence is closely related to culture teaching. Students with high culture intelligence could perform better than those without. This thesis is aiming at discussing the present situation of China’s Chinese teaching to foreigners and giving suggestions based on Culture Intelligence Theory. Firstly, it will discuss the concept and values of culture intelligence. After that, it will discuss the present condition of domestic Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language and the lack of culture elements therein from the perspective of teacher, teaching and students. Finally, it will utilize Culture Intelligence Theory to make suggestions in related areas and explore students' Culture Intelligence cultivation standard as well.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Based on the relevant theories of campus culture, this paper takes the construction of universities in minority areas in China as well as the actual situation of the universities in the ethnic minority areas in China and the campus culture of neighboring countries as examples. The multi-cultural background of campus culture in ethnic minority areas is comprehensively analyzed. Through a large number of facts investigation and data research, the challenges, problems and measures to deal with campus culture construction are discussed and studied effectively. And make positive efforts to promote the construction of campus culture in ethnic minority area. Yanbian region is the main inhabited area of Korean nationality in China, which is located in the east of Jilin Province, bordering with Russia, North Korea, South Korea and Japan. It is the meeting point of the regional economy, population, and geographical center of gravity of Northeast Asia, and it is the hub for air, sea and land transport in Asia and Europe. Yanbian University is the only comprehensive university with distinct national characteristics in Yanbian area. Taking Yanbian University as the research object, it has certain representativeness to carry out the campus cultural construction under the multi cultural background, and also has certain reference function to the campus culture construction of the comprehensive universities in other ethnic regions. The conclusion will provide reference for strengthening the construction of campus culture in ethnic minority areas.
        2018.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구의 목적은 어린이집 원장의 여성 리더십과 조직문화, 보육 교직원의 직무만족도와의 관계를 실증 분석하는 것이며, 이를 통해 바람직한 여성리더십의 형성으로 어린이집의 보육의 질을 높임으로써 궁극적으로 우리 사회가 직면하고 있는 저출산의 정책적 대안을 수립하고자 하였다. 연구를 위해 경기 구리 지역의 어린이집 교사를 대상으로 회수한 324부의 설문지를 활용하여 분석을 실시하였다. 연구결과, 어린이집의 원장의 어성리더십, 조직문화와 직무만족도는 유의한 상관관계를 가지고 있으며 여성리더십은 다른 두 요인에 정(+)의 인과관계를 가 지는 것으로 나타났다. 주목할 연구결과는 세 가지 요인을 포함할 경우에는 여 성리더십은 조직문화를 매개변수로 하여 직무만족도에 영향을 미치는 것으로 분석되었다. 그리고 직무만족도 가운데 ‘집단적 문화’요인이 직무만족도에 가장 높은 인과관계를 가지는 반면, ‘위계적 문화는 유의한 관계가 나타나지 않았다.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 청소년 온라인 게임문화의 발전에 따른 가족관계 문화의 변형 행태에 대해 알아보기 위해 수도 권 소재 초·중·고등학교 재학생 30명을 대상으로 Q분석을 실시하였다. 분석결과 5개 유형의 집단이 도출되 었는데, 전체적으로 모든 유형에서 청소년들이 부모의 게임에 대한 부정적 시각을 인지하고 있었다. 그러나 가족과 함께 게임을 즐기는 것에 대해서 5유형은 신중형을, 4유형은 수용형의 모습을 보이고 있었다. 이는 향후 가족관계에 있어 게임이 새로운 변수가 될 수 있음을 의미한다. 아울러 부모와 자식 간의 게임을 둘러 싼 극단적 대립은 점차 완화될 가능성이 크다. 본 연구의 결과는 청소년 온라인게임 문화 연구 그리고 가족 관계를 포함한 다양한 청소년 문화 연구의 기초 자료로 활용될 수 있을 것이다.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Since the reform and opening up, the modernization of Chinese society has greatly liberated and released the productive forces, and broadened the ideological and cultural horizons. Under the guidance of the concepts of "Chinese characteristics", " view of global history" and " the awareness of a community of shared future for mankind ", Chinese society has gradually entered a prosperous and well-off era from the era of scarcity. with c At the same time, contemporary China also typically shows many "faces" of consumerist aesthetic cultureharacteristic of utopia , such as "Wu", "Xin", "Mei" and "Le". The pursuit and imagination of "Wu-topia", "Xin-topia", "Mei-topia" and "Le-topia" are constantly transformed into confusing ideology in the era of Consumerism under the mechanism of capital, technology, market, media and advertisement which makes Utopia lose its ideal feelings, revolutionary spirit and critical nature. As a result,utopia is becoming dystopia. Heading for the future,it would be significant for us to understand deeply the aesthetic cultural phenomena in the development-transition period of China ,transform creatively the excellent traditional Chinese cultural thoughts, absorb foreign civilization ideas, and reconstruct the new social aesthetic culture finally.
        2018.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Because the pig is a valuable candidate for a preclinical model of human cell therapy as well as an important food source, understanding a physiology of pig myogenic progenitors such as skeletal muscle satellite cells and myoblasts is required for cure of muscular diseases and improvement of meat production. For these reasons, we tried to isolate and culture the pig progenitor cells from skeletal muscle. Pig satellite cells, known as muscle stem cells, were isolated from biceps femoris of neonatal pigs by enzymatic digestion method. Muscle satellite cells are quiescent in uninjured muscle. Upon injury, they are activated into proliferating state, known as myoblasts, by growth factors and, in turn, differentiated forward to myocytes and myotubes. To trigger proliferation in vitro, the isolated satellite cells were cultured with epidermal growth factor (EGF) and dexamethasone (BMP4 inhibitor). As a result, the pig satellite cells were efficiently converted into proliferating myoblasts and stably maintained over an extended period. The myoblasts were confirmed by markers of PAX7, MYF5, and MYOD1. Our finding showed that modulating EGF and BMP4 signaling are essential for maintaining muscle stem cells. This culture method could be applied for a production of cultured meat and further basic research of muscle development. This work was supported by the Korea Institute of Planning and Evaluation for Technology in food, agriculture, forestry, and fisheries (IPET) through the Development of High Value-Added Food Technology Program funded by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs (MAFRA; 118042-03-1-HD020).