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        검색결과 274

        2007.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        비정형격자 기반의 수치해석모형을 이용하여 지하공간침수해석모형을 개발하였다. 본 모형은 지하공간의 흐름 특성을 link-node 시스템에 의해 해석하고, 계단 및 벽구조물 등의 지하공간 구조물 배치 영향을 고려한 침수해석을 수행할 수 있다. 흐름은 두가지로 구분하며, 하나는 두 개의 인접한 격자가 지하공간에서의 지하철 노선에 해당되어 수로형 흐름을 나타내는 경우이고, 다른 하나는 지하공간에서의 지하철 노선 이외의 지점 및 지하상가 등으로 물이 확산되는 위
        2006.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Rural amenity resources consist of natural, cultural and social resources. Some of resources have been surveyed in other institutes and organizations and information system about these resources has been constructed. Integrating with information of existing system or database is helpful to produce useful rural amenity resources information to users. This integration of distributed information is based on semantic integration. In this paper, we used ontology for semantic integration and introduced the method of external information integration using ontology. We designed ontology table to represent ontology in database and integrated distributed information using ontology. To examine the improvement of information service efficiency and the applicability, rural amenity resources information and tourist attraction information database were constructed and integrated. Also, the information service efficiency with information integration was evaluated using recall ratio and compared to the information service efficiency without information integration.
        2006.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Though the issue on the integration of maritime transport market in Northeast Asia has a long history, there has never been any notable progress. Especially the lack of country-wise analysis on the barriers of market integration appears as a serious problem for more concrete discussion and the design of the roadmap for market integration. This study analyzes the maritime market of each country in the aspect of infrastructure provision, the development of the industry, change of institutions, and network connectivity and compare the competitiveness of 3 countries in the Northeast maritime market. Furthermore this study analyzes the barriers for market integration on the basis of bilateral relation, i.e. Korea-Japan, Korea-China and Japan-Korea. Based on these analyses, this study finds out the fact that the most serious barrier for market integration among 3 countries is the egocentric policies for the protection of industries in each country rather than any other institutional or physical barriers. In conclusion, this study argues that 3 countries should try to find out a third policy alternative which can make 3 countries enjoy the win-win game, such as route integration among 3 countries and joint venture for the liners operated in the region.
        2005.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        물류환경에 있어서 데이터베이스 통합의 문제는 중요 과제로 인식되어 스키마 통합 시 발생하는 스키마 충돌을 이론적인 측면에서의 해결 방법이 제시되었으나 실제 시스템 구현 측면에서의 연구는 부족한 실정이다. 본 연구는 실제적인 DB 통합법과 관련하여 XML 기술을 이용한 통합법을 제시하고 통합 알고리즘으로 개체 및 속성간의 유사도 측정에 기반한 계량화된 충돌 식별법을 사용하였다. 구체적으로 DB 스키마를 XML 스키마로 변환시켜 개체명과 속성명을 추출한 다음, DB 통합 시 빈번히 발생하는 의미적 충돌(Semantic Conflict) 현상인 이른바 이름 충돌 식별을 위한 하나의 해결법으로서 시소러스(Thesaurus) 사전과 형태소 분석을 통해 개체 및 속성 간 종합적인 유사도 측정하는 계량화된 식별방안을 사용하였다.
        2005.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        물류환경에 있어서, 데이터베이스의 연계와 데이터베이스 통합의 문제는 매우 중요한 과제로 인식되어 왔다. 그러나, 여기에 대한 빈번한 문제제기에 비해 합리적인 데이터베이스 통합방안에 관한 학술적 측면의 연구는 아직까지 매우 미흡한 실정이다. 본 연구는 효과적인 DB통합법과 관련하여 개체 및 속성 간의 유사도 측정에 기반을 둔 계량화된 충돌 식별법을 제안하는 것을 연구의 목적으로 한다. 구체적으로, DB 통합 시 빈번히 발생하는 의미적 충돌(Semantic Conflict)현상인 이른바 "Name Conflict"의 식별을 위한 하나의 해결법으로서 개체 및 속성 간 종합적인 유사도를 측정하는 계량화된 식별법을 제안하고자 한다. 그리고, 간단한 예제를 통해 제안한 방안의 유효성과 식별방안을 가늠해 보고자 한다.
        2005.05 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구의 목적은 운동행동의 보다 효과적인 설명을 위해 계획된 행동이론과 단계적변화모형의 변화의 단계 및 과정의 통합가능성을 확인하는데 있다. 서울시 노원구에 소재한 S 대학교 학생 312명 (남학생 68%, 여학생 32%, 평균연령 23.2세)의 자료가 본 연구에 사용되었다. 계획된 행동이론의 4개 질문지와 변화단계 질문지, 그리고 변화의 과정 질문지가 운동행동에 영향을 주는 심리적 특성들을 파악하기 위하여 사용되었다. 위계적 회귀분석의 결과 전체적으로 계획된 행동이론은 변화의 과정과 단계간의 관련성을 중재하는데 매우 효과가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 각 하위변인들 간의 관련성에 대하여 5개의 변화과정 변인들이 행동통제지각을 설명하는데 있어 28%의 설명력을 보였으며, 2개의 인지적 변화과정과 2개의 행동적 변화과정 등 총 4개의 변화과정 하위변인들이 태도에 대해 21%의 설명력을 가지는 것으로 나타났다. 마지막으로 주관적 규범은 3개의 변화의 과정 변인 (25% 설명력)에 의해 영향을 받는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구에서 얻어진 자료는 운동심리학 영역에서 운동행동을 설명하는 개별적인 이론들의 통합가능성에 대한 기초자료를 제공한다.
        2003.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study was to identify the difficulties of subject integration between technology and home economics subject and to present its integration strategies. The review of literature and deliberative method were used to solving the problem of this study. According to the premise and alternative of subject integration in technology & home economics, the results of this study were as follows; First, the starting point of subject integration is to create a new subject name include elementary with secondary education. Second, the type of subject integration should be oriented to recognize the technology and home economics of discipline. Finally, the possible method of subject integration will be contributed integration or functional integration type. That integration method is not discipline structure viewpoint but the viewpoint of experience integration.
        2003.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The meaning of integration is creation of new characteristics by integration of different elements. The meaning of integration is different from case to case, from simple mixing two different characteristics, to the best, perfect integration. Traditionally integration is integration of different subjects so as to teach effectively and efficiently in contrast to teach each subject independently. Here I would like to conceptualize the integration as the integration of internal world of the learner rather than the external world. The integration of subject is classified as multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches. Integration in a single subject is integration of cognitive, psychomotor, and affective domains, integration of unit among some subjects and integration of real life situation. The strong points for integration are to provide quality of education that can have perspectives for the meaning of life, provide accustomed teaching & learning environments. Also it is afformative effect to integrate cognitive, psychomotor and affedtive domain. The shortcomings of integration is the loss of the system of contents for teaching for coresponding subject, time consuming teaching and learning activities in classrooms, limitation of concepts or contents introduced in the classroom for teaching, lack of materials to support the integrated approach and difficulty of developing curriculum and related materials. The strategies for integrations are activity centered learning, respect for the selection of students, respect for the interests and concern of students, approach for the problem centered learning, stress relationship of related subject. Also examplary materials of integrations are provided for deeper understanding of integration.
        1999.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This studys concerns with a critical issues of urban and rural integration for rurban development. Todays, many of urban-rural integrated cities are confronted with the negative effects of administrative boundary integration. The first problem is induced from the developmental gaps and different residential demands between the core-city and peripheral-county. The second problem is social-economic and administrative unification costs neglected. The third problem is the environmental pollutions and degradations in peripheral-county by rapid urbanization. The forth problem is the inequality of the public services and regional investments in the urban-rural Integrated cities. The fifth problem is the administrative relation and financial distribution between core-city and residual province when the urban-rural integrated core-city becomes large urban city. The results of the questionnaire analysis as follows. The first point, the preference of administrative boundary integration is different in intra-areas of urban-rural integrated county by it's location. The second point, the diversity of preference of residents depends on theirs job, age, resdential period, education and income level. So, administrative boundary integration must consider the many important factors which affect the socio-economic situations between the core-city and peripheral-county. In conclusion, residents' preference for the admistrative boundary integration depends on their situation without rational approach for macro regional development. In this contexts, comprehensive approach for the urban-rural administrative boundary integration is needed in consistent with rapid change of local government's functions.
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