
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1,850

        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Growing resistance to insecticides, especially pyrethroids, poses an increased risk for insect control world-wide. Thus, alternative compounds are urgently needed. Accordingly, my laboratory has been investigating synthetic materials, as well as natural products, which are an attractive source of new chemistries. We have examined the insecticidal and synergistic activity of new compounds using Drosophila melanogaster and the mosquitoes Aedes aegypti and Anopheles gambiae as model insects. In addition, we have also been investigating the modes of action of experimental molecules in various physiological preparations. Natural product research included thymol, which was toxic to Ae. aegypti adults at doses (3-50 μg/mg) similar to published toxicities for the cabbage looper larvae, Trichoplusia ni. On homomultimeric Anopheles gambiae GABA receptor-chloride channel complex expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes, thymol acts as a positive allosteric modulator, increasing the potency and maximal effectiveness of applied GABA, consistent with the sluggish paralysis it elicits in exposed insects. Other studies investigated matrine; a bioactive component extracted from Sophora flavescens that is used as the main ingredient in Chinese bio-pesticidal products. Matrine caused flaccid paralysis in headless fourth instar larvae of Ae. aegypti (50% paralysis in 5 hours at 8 ppm) and was toxic to adult females by contact (topical LD50 = 258 ng/mg). Adult toxicity was increased about 2-fold by pretreatment with the mono-oxygenase inhibitor, piperonyl butoxide. Interestingly, this compound was much less effective on D. melanogaster in either glass contact or feeding bioassays. Adult mosquito knockdown was rapid, with little or no expression of hyperactivity or hyperexcitability. Matrine (ca. 1 mM) had effects similar to thymol on expressed An. gambiae GABA receptors, and reduced EPSP amplitude at the Musca domestica neuromuscular junction, without any evidence of neuroexcitation or membrane depolarization. These physiological actions are sufficient to explain the whole animal intoxication by matrine, but require relatively high concentrations to manifest themselves. Other studies tested a series of potassium channel blockers, including 1-((2-chlorophenyl)diphenylmethyl)-1H-pyrazole (TRAM-34), 11-dansylaminoundecanoic acid (DAUDA), and 5-hydroxydecanoic acid (5-HDC) as insecticides and synergists of pyrethroids. We also evaluated the action of these compounds in patch clamp recordings of engineered HEK cells expressing Anopheles gambiae Kv2.1 channels. Patch clamp studies revealed that fatty acid compounds without functional groups in the alkyl chain (e.g., decanoate, DAUDA) yielded a more potent blocking action on Kv2.1 currents than substituted fatty acids (e.g., 5-HDC). Also, in comparison to 2-methoxy-N-((1-phenylcyclopentyl)methyl)benzamide (2S-65465), a known Kv2 channel blocker (IC50 = 100 nM), decanoate and DAUDA were 6-fold and 12-fold less active, respectively, as blockers of potassium current. TRAM-34 was the least potent inhibitor tested in patch clamp studies (IC50 = 30 uM). When tested on D. melanogaster CNS, the compounds typically gave an initial increase in firing rate, followed by a decrease, both effects at micromolar concentrations. Various toxicity assays showed the same potency ranking as that obtained through patch-clamp recordings, indicating a possible connection between channel block and whole organism effects. In order to possibly improve the insecticidal activity of the fatty acids, we synthesized derivatized analogs (e.g., methyl esters) presumed to better penetrate the cuticular barrier, but activity did not improve. Finally, in contrast to a published patent, we found that fatty acids did not show much synergism with pyrethroids. The implications of this work for resistance management will be discussed.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The control of crop diseases still largely relies on spray applications of standard synthetic fungicides. As a result, the development of fungicide resistance by pathogens is a major limiting factor for the control of diseases. In this paper, the recent outbreak of practical resistance to fungicides including sterol demethylation inhibitor (DMI), Quinone outside inhibitor (QoI), and succinate dehydrogenase inhibitor (SDHI) fungicides as well as the progress of related research will be discussed. To combat resistance development, the Research Committee on Fungicide Resistance, the Phytopathological Society of Japan, was established in 1991 and has been conducting several activities. The Committee made a guideline indicating how to use at-risk fungicides. The occurrence of fungicide resistance may rather increase in the future as the choice of fungicides is often difficult due to the lack of effective alternatives. Development and integration of disease management tools such as disease-resistant or -tolerant cultivars and non-fungitoxic disease resistance inducers need to be accelerated more rapidly not only to dissolve the problem of fungicide resistance but also to reply public concerns about agrochemicals.
        2018.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Long-lived Small Modular Reactors are being promoted as an innovative way of catering to emerging markets and isolated regions. They can be operated continuously for decades without requiring additional fuel. A novel configuration of long-lived reactor core employs a mixed neutron spectrum, providing an improvement in nonproliferation metrics and in safety characteristics. Starting with a base sodium reactor design, moderating material is inserted in outer core assemblies to modify the fast spectrum. The assemblies are shuffled once during core lifetime to ensure that every fuel rod is exposed to the thermalized spectrum. The Mixed Spectrum Reactor is able to maintain a core lifetime over two decades while ensuring the plutonium it breeds is below the weapon-grade limit at the fuel discharge. The main drawbacks of the design are higher front-end fuel cycle costs and a 58% increase in core volume, although it is alleviated to some extent by a 48% higher power output.
        2018.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        국내 시설재배 상추의 시들음병에 대한 안정적 재배를 위해 농가에 보급 가능한 저항성 자원을 탐색하기 위하여 12개 국가에서 육성한 111개 도입자원의 시들음병 저항성 정도를 조사하였다. 1. 병원균 접종 후 14일째 공시한 저항성 표준품종인 ‘뚝섬적축면’과 감수성 ‘미풍포찹적축면’을 포함한 공시 자원들의 병징이 뚜렷하게 나타남. 2. 시들음병 저항성 정도 범위는 전혀 고사되지 않은 자원( 발병정도 0)부터 전체 고사하는 자원(발병정도 4) 까지 넓게 분포하여 전체 111개 자원에 대한 평균 발병정도는 2.6±0.19 이었음. 3. 전체 자원 중 IT 294125 등 7개 자원이 병징이 전혀 나타나지 않았고, 저항성 기준으로 정한 발병정도 0인 개체비율이 80%이상이고 발병정도가 3이상인 개체비율이 20% 이하인 자원은 IT 289569 등 16개 자원이었음. 4. 저항성을 보인 16개 자원 중 IT 289569 등 미국 원산이 11개, 터키 원산이 IT296680 등 4개, 중국 원산이 IT 301287로 1개이었음. 1) 상추 유형으로는, 결구상추가 IT289569 등 8개, 잎상추는 IT 296679 등 5개, 로메인 상추가 IT296680 등 2개, 줄기상추 1개(IT 301287) 5. 본 연구결과 시들음병 저항성을 보인 16개 자원은 시들음병 발생이 높은 농가에서 이용 가능한 품종으로 생각되나, 병 저항성 검정이 유묘 단계에서 이루어졌기 때문에 생육 전반의 종합적인 특성을 고려하여 우수자원을 선발하는 후속연구 필요
        2018.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        소형선박 설계에 있어 항주에 따른 설계 종경사 결정은 선체저항 뿐만 아니라 항주 안정성에 많은 영향을 주고 있다. 이는 초기 설계 시 선박의 무게중심 결정을 시작으로 대부분 결정된다. 본 연구는 소형 쌍동선박에 대해 수치해석을 통한 수직방향 무게중심 변화에 따른 종경사 영향을 확인하고, 이를 모형시험에서 결과를 검토하였다. 다양한 수직방향 무게중심 변화에 따른 모형시험 검토는 이뤄지지 못했지만, 향후 신조 소형선박 초기설계시 보다 나은 종경사 자세를 고려한 수직방향 무게중심 위치 제시를 목적으로 연구를 수행하였다. 수치해석 결과의 검증을 위하여 모형시험과 자세 비교를 수행하였다. 무게중심의 변화에 따른 종경사 각도 및 저항성능의 변화가 연구되었다.
        2018.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문의 주 목적은 전산유체역학(CFD)을 바탕으로 어선에 부착된 빌지킬의 치수 파라미터에 대한 저항성능 맵(MAP)을 작성 하는 것이다. 치수 파라미터 스터디에는 빌지킬의 길이 3가지와 폭 3가지를 선정하여 9가지로 구성하였다. 현존선에 부착된 빌지킬의 길이는 배 길이 대비 약 90 %이고, 폭은 배 폭 대비 약 5 %이다. 수행항목은 빌지킬 길이는 배 길이 대비 63 %, 77%, 90% 그리고 빌지킬 폭은 5%, 7 %, 9 %로 구성하였다. CFD 를 이용하여 9가지 빌지킬에 대하여 실선의 유효마력을 추정하였다. 현존선을 기준으로 길이가 제일 짧고 폭이 제일 긴 빌지킬의 경우 0.3% 감소된 결과를 보여주었다. 길이와 폭 모두가 가장 긴 빌지킬의 경우 1.7% 증가된 결과를 보여주었 다. 길이와 폭 모두가 가장 짧은 빌지킬의 경우 2.3 % 감소된 결과를 보여주었다. 이 맵은 저항성능 관점에서 해당 어선의 이동 및 조업 패턴에 따른 최적의 부가물 치수 선정에 활용 가능하다.
        2018.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 촉매이용열처리 활엽수의 심·변재 구분에 따른 내후성 효과를 평가하기 위하여 실시하였다. 졸참나무, 구실잣밤나무, 백합나무를 심재와 변재로 구분한 시험편을 7.5%의 촉매제에 10분간 침지하여 열처리 장치에서 130℃에 90분간 열처리 후 백색 부후균(Trametes versicolor)을 사용하여 활엽수 심재와 변재의 내후성을 조사하였다. 촉매이용열처리 후 모든 조건에서 목재의 중량과 밀도가 약간 감소하는 경향을 나타내었다. 부후처리 후 무처리와 비교하여 촉매이용열처리에서 낮은 중량감소율이 나타났으며, 수종별 비교에서는 졸참나무의 촉매이용열처리 변재에서 가장 낮은 중량감소가 나타났다. 촉매제를 이용한 열처리법은 부후균에 의한 목재의 부후저항을 효과적으로 증가시켰다.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This empirical study explores determinants of consumer resistance towards self-driving cars by considering the level of car autonomy. Based on a literature review, this research distinguishes between the effects of functional and psychological barriers on behavioral intention. Several studies have clarified that technological innovation in particular, need to overcome several barriers as a first step, before (potential) users will even start to favor buying such an innovation. Data was collected by an online-survey in December 2017, resulting in an effective sample of 182 respondents. The sample has an average age of M = 24.46 years with 70% male participants and a total of 95% were in possession of a driver license. To ensure that the respondents are able to differentiate between the characteristics or levels of autonomous driving, two independent samples were surveyed on the basis of different scenarios (low and high autonomy). In addition, a structural equation model (SEM) was used to perform an analysis of measurement and structural models using SmartPLS 3.0 software. The findings show that functional and psychological aspects explain consumer resistance towards self-driving cars. Interestingly, the results of a moderation analysis illustrate that the effects of both psychological barriers (i.e., image and traditions/norms) on behavioral intentions vary between a high and a low level of car autonomy. In detail, for those who evaluated the high autonomy scenario (N=92), significant results can be presented for both psychological barriers. Surprisingly, no significant relationship between risk barrier as functional barrier and behavioral intention can be verified. Conclusively, marketers and OEM’s, respectively, should elaborate specific strategies for the different levels of autonomous driving that will be introduced to the market over the next decades. To support these findings, it would be helpful to test the model with a larger sample and new items to test for a potential usage barrier. Moreover, it would be prudent to test additional scenarios and levels of autonomous driving.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Introduction The study chooses smartphone applications which have update experience as the study case to analysis if it will cause customer attrition. Application updates aims to make up the bugs which may cause bad effects on using, while in fact, most changes will be resisted by customers. We adapt three elements to collect data about the attitude of customers toward applications update, the conclusion illustrates, customers will resist changes in some conditions and cause customers attrition. Therefore, application developers should focus on the personal emotional reaction and cognitive evolution as well as predict what may influence the customers normal use after the applications update to make correct update decisions. In order to define the relationship between variable and result., we take smartphone application which had experienced update as examples and choose fsQCA as the methodology to analysis. Literature Review Resistance to change is a psychological process, Brehm(1966)claims customers resist to change origins from their believe that they have rights to control free, when this rights be challenged, this resistance behavior will happen due to they want to protect their own rights. Some scholars distinguished the concept of resistance to change: when receptors in the low involvement or limited cognize, their resistance behaviors is likely to be considered as the passive resistance; otherwise, the behaviors would be recognized as active resistance (Nabih,1997). Bagozz and Lee(1999) think that functional barrier is an important factors which influence the degree of innovation receptance, when customers think products after update cannot meet their function needs will cause resistance to change. Resistance always occur passively, bemuse of the disturb of the former habits of using (Ram &Sheth 1989), and former studies also indicate that prejudice towards changes is one of significant factors. Because changes are uncertainty, Fiske and Taylor(1991)claims that uncertainty can make people hate changes and Whitson and Galinsky(2008)consider aversion will be the strong driver of resistance to change to reduce uncertainty and risk. In terms of a company, the cost of maintaining a old customer is much lower than these of develop a new user, Actually, customer attrition is response of entrepreneur revenue and the vital section in development of companies. The famous american honesty management scholar Frederic Reichheld’s research indicates that when the extension of the commercial relationship of entrepreneur and customers, companies can acquire fatter profit through the relationship. Conclusions This study chooses fsQCA as methodology to define the relationship between resistance to change and customer attrition instead of using structural equation modeling. Sometimes, even customers have right cognitive evolution towards changes, when they find their efficiency be influenced by it, they also resist to change; while adverse emotional reaction also has an adverse effect on customer retention though they build positive cognitive evolution about changes. there is a remain circumstance of lossing of customers that when customers hate changes and they find their efficiency be influenced by update, the honesty of this product will also decrease. This three condition all contribute to customers attrition which should be paid more attention by companies.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Currently, the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) is planning to build the Ki-Jang Research Reactor (KJRR) in Ki-Jang, Busan. It is important to safely dispose of low-level radioactive waste from the operation of the reactor. The most efficient way to treat radioactive waste is cement solidification. For a radioactive waste disposal facility, cement solidification is performed based on specific waste acceptance criteria such as compressive strength, free-standing water, immersion and leaching tests. Above all, the leaching test is important to final disposal. The leakage of radioactive waste such as 137Cs causes not only regional problems but also serious global ones. The cement solidification method is simple, and cheaper than other solidification methods, but has a lower leaching resistance. Thus, this study was focused on the development of cement solidification for an enhancement of cesium leaching resistance. We used Zeolite and Loess to improve the cesium leaching resistance of KJRR cement solidification containing simulated KJRR liquid waste. Based on an SEM-EDS spectrum analysis, we confirmed that Zeolite and Loess successfully isolated KJRR cement solidification. A leaching test was carried out according to the ANS 16.1 test method. The ANS 16.1 test is performed to analyze cesium ion concentration in leachate of KJRR cement for 90 days. Thus, a leaching test was carried out using simulated KJRR liquid waste containing 3000 mg·L-1 of cesium for 90 days. KJRR cement solidification with Zeolite and Loess led to cesium leaching resistance values that were 27.90% and 21.08% higher than the control values. In addition, in several tests such as free-standing water, compressive strength, immersion, and leaching tests, all KJRR cement solidification met the waste acceptance or satisfied the waste acceptance criteria for final disposal.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, a 30ft class high speed catamaran cruise boat is designed and resistance performances are investigated by model test at a circulating water tank. Design speed of the boat is 17knots(8.7m/s) and maximum speed is 20knots(10.3m/s) using 330ps twin engine. Each single bodies are designed unsymmetric planing hull considering high speed-length-ratio(Froude number) and wave interaction at inner part of the hull. Small size fins like chine are attached near free surface at each outside of the hull to separate wave along the hull side. The results show that the small chine plays a big role in separating the wave flowing along the hull. However, in the case of relatively heavy boat such as the developed hull, such a small power due to chine can not cause additional lift and cause resistance increase.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, PAT protein of genetically modified maize was prepared from the recombinant E. coli strain BL21 (DE3), and mice were immunized with the recombinant PAT protein. After cell fusion and cloning, two hybridoma cells (PATmAb-7 and PATmAb-12) were chosen since the monoclonal antibodies (Mabs) produced by them were confirmed to be specific to PAT protein in the indirect enzyme-linked immunsorbent assay (ELISA) and western blot tests. There were no cross-reactions of either Mabs to other GM proteins or to the extracts of non-GM maize. The ELISA based on the PATmAb-7 can sensitively detect 0.3 ng/g PAT protein in corn. These results indicate that the developed Mabs can be used as bio-receptors in the development of immunosensors and biosensors for the rapid and simple detection of GM corn adulterated in foods.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : Durability of concrete is traditionally based on evaluating the effect of a single deterioration mechanism such as freezing & thawing action, chloride attack, carbonation and chemical attack. In reality, however, concrete structures are subjected to varying environmental exposure conditions which often results in multi-deterioration mechanism occurring. This study presents the experimental results on the durability of concrete incorporating air-cooled slag(AS) and/or water-cooled slag(WS) exposed to multi-deterioration environments of chloride attack and freezing & thawing action. METHODS: In order to evaluate durable performance of concretes exposed to single- and multi-deterioration, relative dynamic modulus of elasticity, mass ratio and compressive strength measurements were performed. RESULTS: It was observed that multi-deterioration severely affected durability of concrete compared with single deterioration irrespective of concrete types. Additionally, the replacement of cement by AS and WS showed a beneficial effect on enhancement of concrete durability. CONCLUSIONS : It is concluded that resistance to single- and/or multi-deterioration of concrete is highly dependent on the types of binder used in the concrete. Showing the a good resistance to multi-deterioration with concrete incorporating AS, it is also concluded that the AS possibly is an option for concrete materials, especially under severe environments.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES: In order to evaluate a crack resistance at cold joint, sealing tape was adopted to apply at cold joint instead of typical tack coat material(RSC-4). The sealing tape was made by hot sealing material. The crack resistance as function of environmental and traffic loading was measured with visual observation. METHODS : In this study, the crack resistance was evaluated as function of environmental and traffic loading. The freeze-thaw method was adopted for environmental loading of asphalt pavement. condition. The damage of cold joint under freeze-thaw action is initiated by ice expansion load and accelerated by the interfacial damage between new and old asphalt pavement. The traffic loading was applied with wheel tracking machine on the cold joint area of the asphalt pavement for 3 hours at 25℃. The evaluation of crack resistance was measured with visual observation. The freeze-thaw results shows that the sealing tape was significantly increased the crack resistance based on. RESULTS : To estimate the crack resistance at cold joint area due to the environmental loading, the Freeze-thaw test was conducted by exposing the product to freezing temperature(approximately -18℃) for 24 hours, and then allowing it to thaw at 60℃ for 24 hours. The tack coat material(RSC-4) was debonded after 21 cycles of the Freeze-thaw test. The first crack was observed after 14 freeze-thaw cycle with RSC-4 material. But, the sealing tape was not debonded after 24 cycle test. Also, the sealing tape shows the better performance of the crack resistance under the traffic loading with wheel track test. The crack was generated the under traffic loading with RSC-4(tack coating), however, the crack was not shown with sealing tape. It indicates that the sealing tape has a strong resistance of tensile stress due to traffic loading. CONCLUSIONS: Based on limited laboratory test result, a performance of crack resistance using the sealing tape is better than that of general tack coat material(RSC-4). It means that the sealing tape is possible to extend a pavement service life because the crack, one of the main pavement distresses, will be delayed. Keywords Sealing Tape, Crack Resistance, Freeze-Thaw, Tensile Adhesion
        2018.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The relationship between asphalt mixture and crack resistance is difficult to predict because it is influenced by aggregate particle size, aggregate and asphalt interface characteristics, rheological properties of asphalt type, asphalt coating thickness, temperature sensitivity and porosity. For this reason, various evaluation methods of crack resistance have been developed. In Korea, indirect tensile strength and toughness are used as criteria for crack resistance test of asphalt mixture. DC (T), SCB, Fenix test, and OT (overlay test) have been developed and used internationally as crack resistance test methods. In this study, we compared the conventional crack resistance evaluation methods, and developed a direct tensile fatigue test method which was modified with OT method and Fenix method. Crack resistances were evaluated using reclaimed asphalt pavements (RAP) and virgin asphalt mixtures. As a result, direct tensile fatigue test method was evaluated as suitable for evaluation of crack resistance.
        2018.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In this study, we conducted laboratory tests to evaluate the moisture resistance of the asphalt mixture containing air-cooled slag. Generally, in Korea, hydrated lime is used up to 1.5% of the aggregate weight to improve the moisture resistance of the asphalt mixture. The slag used in this study is a byproduct produced in the steel industry and can be produced through a specific process. And its chemical composition is similar to that of the hydrated lime stone and satisfies the filler quality standards of the Ministry of Land, Transport and Transport. In order to evaluate the moisture resistance of the asphalt mixture containing air-cooled slag, we conducted the dynamic immersion test, which is a non-compaction mixture test. Also we conducted the indirect tensile strength ratio test and the Hamburg wheel tracking test for compaction asphalt mixture test. As a result of the dynamic immersion test, the effect of stripping prevention was similar to that of hydrated lime because it did not show much difference from the hydrated lime mixture. In the case of indirect tensile strength test, the specimens prepared in the laboratory and on the site satisfied the quality standards of the Ministry of Land, Transport and Logistics and the TSR value increased with increasing the content of air-cooled slag. However, when the content of air-cooled slag is more than 2%, the indirect tensile strength value is getting lower. So it is judged that the appropriate content should be determined to be 2% or less. In the case of the Hamburg wheel tracking test, when the steel wheel load passed 20,000 times on the asphalt mixture containing 2% of air-cooled slag, it showed 5.27mm deformation. And the stripping point was not observed. In this study, it was found that when the air-cooled slag is used as a substitute for hydrated lime, the moisture resistance of the asphalt mixture can be improved. It is considered that the aircooled slag can be used for the asphalt pavement material through the characteristics analysis of mechanical and field application in the future
        2018.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In this study, several approaches in evaluating moisture sensitivity of asphalt mixtures were investigated and compared. To evaluate the moisture damage resistance, twenty types of asphalt mixtures with and without anti stripping additives were tested in the laboratory. Uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) and indirect tensile (IDT) testing were performed to determine the Tensile Strength Ratio (TSR) and Cohesion Strength Ratio (CSR). Stone Mastic Asphalt (SMA) mixtures were found to provide good moisture damage resistance compared to other mixtures. It also does not require anti stripping additives to improve its moisture resistance. Moreover, the correlation coefficient between the TSR test and CSR tests is 0.99 with an average error of 1.5%, which indicates that the TSR test following AASHTO T-283 is still the most reasonable criteria in evaluating the moisture damage of AC mixtures. Marshall Stability Ratio (MSR) and Marshall Stability to Flow Ratio (MSFR) were conducted and were compared to TSR test results. It was found that MSFR value may be used to evaluate the moisture damage resistance of AC mixtures instead of TSR test. Finally, Dynamic Immersion (DI) test was performed to evaluate moisture resistance for loose asphalt mixtures. The DI results showed good correlation also when evaluating moisture resistance compared to TSR. When using DI testing in evaluating moisture resistance, it is recommended to test after 48 hours since it showed higher correlation with the TSR values. Further study is recommended to improve current testing evaluating moisture susceptibility of asphalt mixtures to properly associate it with TSR values.
        2018.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In this thesis, it was considered that in durability characteristics of concrete pavements evaluation of strength characteristics as well as abrasion resistance is important as the domestic concrete pavements couldn't fulfill the public needs and cases of damage are increasing. In order to solve such problems, it is intended to compare the abrasion resistance in accordance with the mixing rate of admixtures (silica fume and polymer powder) which are incorporated in the upper layer of two-lift concrete pavement and find the optimum mixing rate for abrasion resistance by focusing on the high performance of concrete pavements through two-lift concrete pavements which use cellular sprayed concrete construction method. Both test results, which were performed based on ASTM C 779 B (dressing wheel abrasion test method) and ASTM C 944 (rotary cutter method) standards in accordance with silica fume and polymer powder mixing rate that was incorporated in the upper layer of two-lift concrete pavement, proofed that the abrasion resistance increased as the mixing rate of silica fume and polymer powder increased. However, it was also confirmed that if the mixing rate of admixtures is excessively increased it will not have an effect and it will rather decrease the abrasion resistance.