
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 467

        1979.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        트로올선 No.85 Ptaro가 1975년 9월부터 1976년 8월까지 대서양 아프리카 연안 어장에서 조업한 어획상황을 분석한 결과 예망당 어획량의 일주기변동은 대략 다음과 같다. 1. 오징어는 일출후에 월등하게 많고 일몰후에 현저하게 적으며 주야간의 어획량비는 54:17로 획간에 많았다. 2. 갑오징어는 개체중량 300g이상의 대형어는 일출후에 다소 많고 일몰후에 적으며 주야간의 어획비는 45:28로서 획간에 많고, 개체중량 300g 미만의 소형어는 주야간의 어획량비가 40 : 32로서 큰 차이가 없다. 3. 문어는 개체중량 700g 이상의 대형어는 일출후에 적고 일몰후에 적으며, 오전보다 오후에 많은 경향이 있고, 주야간의 어획량비는 43 : 31로서 획간이 많으나, 개체중량 700g 미만의 소형어는 일출후에 적고 일몰후에 많은 경향이 있고, 주야간의 어획량비는 32 : 44로서 야간에 많았다. 4. 서대류는 일출후에 현저하게 적고 일몰후에 월등하게 많으며, 주야간의 어획량비는 16 : 41로서 획간에 많았다. 5. 돔류, 기타 A, B 잡어는 일출후에 월등하게 많고 일몰후에 현저하게 적으며, 주야간의 어획량비는 돔류 51 : 19, A 잡어류 50 : 19, B잡어류 42 : 25로서 획간에 많았다.
        1979.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper concerns the receding of the eastern coastline of Korean peninsula at a macroscopic point of view, the result is as following. 1. Eastern coast is gradually developed from maturity stage to full maturity stage. 2. The coastline recession due to sea level rise is amounted to the receding distance, x=0.045 m per yr. 3. The author proposes another classification from the new view point, which is classified by comparing quantities between river supplying sediment loads, and the littoral drifting due to wave actions. According this, eastern coast is receding(Type Q-A), and we could find it's geomorphological characteristics. 4. The general piofile of eastern coast sand beach is erosional storm profile(Type I) which accompany offshore bar. 5. From the wave measuring data of eastern coast(Hoopo port), I can derive the linear regression line of the exceedance probability of wave height from the log-normal distribution. z=O. 113+4.335 loglo H, r=0.983. Above equation made it possible to estimate Ω[=P(H>Hc)]for the effective wave height Hc=2. Om4, 4. Om and their corresponding values are considerable (7.8%, 0.3%) 6. Eastern coastline certainly have the tendency of erosive and receding, owing to the sea level rise, poor sediment source and effective wave actions. It's very desirable to survey coastline evolution for a long time systematically, in order to make more elaborate diagnosis.
        1979.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        한국 연안에서는 연간 5~8만m/t정도의 멸치가 어획되고 있으나 주 어장은 경남 일원을 중심으로 남해안이다. 따라서 남해안의 어황변동을 예보할 수 있으면서 어업경영의 합리화에 크게 이바지 할 수 있을 것이고, 그에 따라 황멸치의 수급 계획 수립에도 크게 도움이 될 것이다. 여기서 먼저 1971~77년 7년간의 수온, 부유생물, 강수량과 열수지를 조사, 계산하고 그 해 봄철의 강수량을 조사하면 그 해의해황이 예측될 수 있고 그에 따라 멸치의 어황도 예보할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다
        1977.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The paper deals the fishing condition of the stern trawlers operated in the Atlantic coast of Africa. The datas are gathered from the Korean stern trawlers operated in the area from June, 1975 to May, 1976. The obtained results are summarized as follows: 1. The mean catch per haul are calculated as, cuttle fish 14.5kg, large size squid(more than :lOOg of body weight) 28.2kg, small size squid(less than 300g) 36.4kg, octopus 47.0kg. 2. Small size cuttle fish(less than5OOg of body weight) are caught much during after spring tide in July to September, yet, large size ClIttle fish(more than 500g) are caught much during neap tide in October to January. 3. Small size squid(less than 300g of body weight) are cBught much during after spring tide in October to December, yet, large size squid(more than 3OOg) are caught much during before spring tide in October to March. 4. Octopus are caught during neap tide in July to August.
        1977.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        대서양(大西洋) Africa 연안어장(沿岸漁場)에서 조업중(操業中)인 태창수산(太倉水産) 소속(所屬) Stern trawl 선(船) No. 85 PARTO(499S)에서 사용(使用)하고 있는 PT-4 형(型) 어구(漁具)의 조정한계(調整限界) 및 적정(適正)한 예망속도(曳網速度)와 주기(主機)의 운전상태(運轉狀態)를 판단(判斷)하기 위(爲)하여 warp에 작용(作用)하는 장력(張力)을 측정(測定)한 결과(結果)를 요약(要約)하면 다음과 같다. 1. 어구조정(漁具調整)의 한계(限界)는 warp에 작용(作用)하는 장력(張力)의 크기가 약(約) 7,500kg, 강약(强弱)의 범위(範圍)가 약(約) 1,000kg을 초과(超過)하지 않는 것이 효과적으로 판단(判斷)했다. 2. 예망속도(曳網速度)는 주기(主機)의 효과적인 운전상태(運轉狀態)와 어획성능(漁獲性能)을 고려(考慮)하여 3.6~4.0 knot로 판단(判斷)했다. 3. 주기(主機)의 운전상태(運轉狀態)는 유량소모(油量消耗)가 급증(急增)하는 r. p. m. 290, propeller pitch 각도(角度) 13.8를 초과(超過)하지 아니하고 13.5˚~13.8˚를 사용(使用)하는 것이 효과적으로 판단(判斷)했다.
        1969.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        거의 모든 국가에서 생산된 씨감자는 감자바이러스 이병율을 검사해서 합격품만을 농민에 분배하고 있다. 우리나라는 딴 씨감자 생산국과는 사정이 달라 고령지에서 씨감자를 생산하고 있는 관계로 감자밭의 필수는 전국적으로 막대한 수에 달한다. 우리나라에서의 감자바이러스 김정은 원원종에 한하고 있으나 농민에 분배되는 씨감자도 바이러스 검정을해서 합격품만을 나누어주어야 국가의 체면이 서겠다. 그러나 현재의 시설로는 이를 감당 할 수 없어 이에 대치 될 만한 실제적 방법의 하나로 매개진딧물 밀도와 감자바이러스 이병율간의 상관관계를 밝혀 번잡한 바이러스 검정법 대신 매개진딧물의 공중밀도를 조사하여 해지점의 감자바이러스 이병율을 추산 할 목적으로 본 시험에 착수하였다. 본 보고에서는 진딧물조사 결과만을 발표하고 18개소에서 행한 포장시험결과는 1970년에 행할 바이러스 검정을 마치면 종합결과를 발표 할 예정이다. 표 1에서와 같이 서해안, 내륙, 및 대관령에서의 매개진딧물과 일반진딧물의 수는 각각 8/31, 179/680 및 50/237이었으며 필자가 행한 1967, 1968년의 조사성적을 뒷받침하는 결과를 얻었다. 이에 필자는 씨감자 부족량 약 60,000톤의 조속한 충족을 위해 씨감자의 증식 단계에서는 서해안 일모작 답을 환용 할 것을 다시 한번 강조하는 바이다.
        1969.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 보고에서 서해안 개소의 매개 진딧물 밀도가 대관령에서의 밀도보다 대체로 낮았으나 장소에 따라서는 상당히 높은 사실을 밝힌바 있다. 새 감자의 평지생산방식이 현행방식보다 합리적이어서 유리하므로 그 생산휴계의 확립을 위한 기초자료를 얻고자 본 조사에 착수하였다. 서해안 답작물지대에서의 진딧물 발생원은 부락이므로 여기서 얼마나 떨어진 곳이라야 안전하게 씨감자를 재배할 수 있을 까를 위하여 전북 김제군 광활면 옥포리를 택하여 이곳을 중심으로 1.5km 평방지구내 13개소에 동서남북으로 250m 거리를 두고 진딧물 채집기을 설치하여 1968년 7월 21일부터 10월 31일까지 수집된 진딧물을 매일아침에 채집하여 종명을 밝혔다. 감자바이러스 매개 진딧물이 세계적으로 20종 알려져 있는데 우리나라에 있는 것은 10종이며 이 지역에서 발견된 것은 복숭아 흑진딧물(Myzus persicae), 목화진딧물(Aphis gossypii), 싸리수염진딧물(Aulacorthum solani), 무테두리진딧물(Lipaphis erysimi) 및 국화꼬마수염진딧물 (Macrosiphoniella sanborni)의 5종이었다. 중락중심지에서의 매개진딧물 밀도는 내릉의 수원에서의 그것 보다도 높았으나 여기서 불과 250m만 떨어져도 대관령에서의 밀도 보다 낮아졌다. 그러나 조사지점의 환경에 따라 상당한 차이가 있다. 즉 매개 진딧물의 기주식물이 있는 인가와의 거리에 따라 달라진다. 추작용 씨감자의 현재산지인 전남의 일모, 경남의 락은 내륙의 부락근방이라서 매개진딧물 관계로 부적당하다고 본다. 전문가의 식물역학적 진단에 의해 서해안 답작지대중 매개 진딧물이 적은 곳을 택해서 씨감자를 생산한다면 우수한 씨감자를 양산할 수 있다. 씨감자 부족량 60,000톤을 충족시킨다면 증수(년간 250만톤)할 수 있어 농가소득증대는 물론 남는 감자는 전분원료로서 단경기에 공급할 수 있으며 일부를 사료화할 수 있고 우수한 씨감자는 외국에 수출할 수 도 있으며 전북 서해안의 광대한 일모작지대를 이모작지대로 만들 수 있다.
        2021.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The study was aimed to investigate the correlation between tidal effects and fog occurrence in Incheon and Mokpo, which are located in the middle and southern coasts of the West Sea of Korea, respectively. The investigation used meteorological data obtained from the automated synoptic observing systems and automatic weather stations and ocean data from tide stations from 2010 to 2019. Fog occurrence frequency was highest at high tide (Incheon, 41%; Mokpo, 45%). During fog event days at high tide, the dew-point depression was low (Incheon, 0.5 ℃; Mokpo, 0.4 ℃) and the relative humidity was high (Incheon, 97%; Mokpo, 9 8%). The w ind speed w as 2 . 4 m/s in I ncheon a nd 2 .0 m/s in M okpo, a nd t he m ain wind d irections w ere west-southwesterly from Incheon and southwesterly from Mokpo. In the fog case study, tidal flats were covered with water before and after the fog started. During the fog period, both stations experienced negative air-sea temperature differences, low dew-point depression, and high relative humidity were maintained, with weak winds forming from the tidal flats to the shore.
        2021.07 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        We used seawater temperature data, measured in the Garolim Bay, to analyze temperature variation on an hourly and daily basis. Lagrange’s interpolation using before and after data was applied to restore nonconsecutive missing temperature data. The estimated error of the data restoration was 0.11oC. Spectral analyses of seawater temperature showed significant periodicities of approximately 12.4 h (semidiurnal tide) and 15.0 d (long-period tide), which is close to those of M2 and Mf partial tides. Variation in seawater temperature was correlated more with tidal height than with air temperature around the Garolim Bay. In June and December, when the seawater temperature difference between the inside and outside of the Garolim Bay was very large, the periodicities of 12.4 h and 15.0 d were highly prominent. These results indicate that the exchange of seawater between the inside and outside of the Garolim Bay induced variations in seawater temperature owing to tide. Understanding temperature variation because of tide helps to prevent abnormal mortality of cultured fish and to predict seawater temperature in the Garolim Bay.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Sustainable tourism is the development of tourism activities to meet the current needs of tourists and indigenous peoples while paying attention to the conservation and improvement of resources for the development of tourism activities in the future (World Tourism Organization, 2013). With the aim of identifying factors affecting the development of sustainable tourism in the South Central Coast of Vietnam, the study conducted a typical survey of 160 tourism managers and 240 tourists traveling or have participated in tourism activities of 8 provinces in the South Central Coast of Vietnam, and used the exploratory factor analysis (EFA) analysis and regression analysis for analyzing the data. The research results show that 11 factors impact the development of sustainable tourism in the South Central Coast namely Institutions and policies for tourism development, Infrastructure, Tourism resources, Human resources for tourism, Diversity of tourism services, Relevant support services, Activities of association and cooperation for tourism development, Tourism promotion and encouragement, Tourists’ satisfaction, Local community, and Other factors. At the same time, among the above factors, the factors Institutions and policies for tourism development, Infrastructure, Tourism resources, and Local community strongly impact the development of sustainable tourism in the region.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study examines factors of unemployment and career path challenges commonly faced by youth in the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia. The study employed a quantitative approach which involved a total of 1,083 youths in Kelantan, Pahang and Terengganu selected at random. Descriptive and multiple regression analysis (OLS) methods were used to analyze demographic distribution of youth in determining factors influencing unemployment among them. The results reveal that the majority of youth respondents in the East Coast states of Malaysia are still unemployed and actively seeking employment. Demographic profiles are based on the survey results, youths seeking employment with 36 per cent distribution in Kelantan, 34 per cent in Pahang, and 30 per cent in Terengganu. Majority of the respondents were youths aged 20 to 24 years with a 40.9 percent percentage. The findings show that there are differences in factors affecting youth unemployment in the three states of East Coast, Malaysia. For Kelantan (age, experience, work mobility, marital status), Pahang (experience, marital status) and Terengganu (experience, gender, marital status, training). This study suggests that youths should be wise in preparing for their career by choosing the right career as well as doing side jobs to gain experience before they pursue for a real job.
        2020.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This research seeks to explain factors and relationship models of entrepreneurs capable of building service innovations in Andaman coast with the ultimate aim to ignite sufficient development of regional tourism, increase working potentials, and provide a guideline for tour operations. Initially, document examination and discussions with five experts were conducted to build in-depth interview questions. 19 entrepreneurs were interviewed to examine factors involved and we consulted later with the five experts and six successful entrepreneurs in the regions, as well as with the representatives of the Association of Thai Tour Operators and Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) of Phuket, Krabi, and Trang. The results were analyzed according to the theory of resource-based and innovative entrepreneurs. The factors obtained were generated from systematic causes: Nature of Entrepreneurships and Organizational capabilities, the mediator variables of Service Innovation Capability; and Organizational Performance (non-finance). Moreover, the external factors needing to be adjusted regarding the environmental changes were described. The tour operators are suggested to build networking to increase tourism potential with sustainability by providing the entrepreneurs opportunities to be involved in tourism development, accessing the knowledge, technology and innovations resulting in sustainable tourism, quality livelihood, and sustainable ecological management of communities.
        2019.04 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this research, airborne chlorides of sea bridges in terms of height were measured every month in the West and South coast for 1 year. The results showed that the decreasing tendency of airborne chlorides to height strongly depends on the maximum amount of airborne chlorides of the target area.
        2018.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this article is analyzing the impacts of seawater surface temperature rise on sea mustard yields of Goheung and Wando coast in Korea, with employing a panel data regression model. Our results show that there has been a negative impacts on sea mustard yields as seawater surface temperature continuously has been rising. Especially if the upward trend in seawater surface temperature since 2005 will be maintained in future, sea mustard yield is expected to decrease by 2.6% per year.
        2017.11 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        해양에서의 크기 5mm미만인 미세플라스틱은 선박・어업에 사용하는 도료, 타이어, 어망 등에서 발생한다. 이렇게 발생된 미세플라스틱은 우리나라 서남해안에 발달된 개펄에 침적할 것이며, 개펄에 침적된 미세플라스틱은 개펄 생태계에 영향을 미칠 것으로 사료된다. 본 연구에서는 김 양식장과 낙지 채취 개펄을 대상으로 깊이별로 미세플라스틱의 정성・정량 분석을 실시하였다. Table 1은 검출된 미세플라스틱의 결과이다. 김 양식장 인근의 개펄에 비해 낙지 채취 개펄에서 섬유상물질이 다량 검출되었고, 낙지 채취 개펄에 비해 김 양식장 인근의 개펄에서 비교적 많은 양의 타이어 분진이 검출되었다. 이와 같은 결과는 김 양식장과 낙지 채취 개펄에서의 생산활동의 차이에서 유래된 것으로 사료된다.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The study was carried out to determine the changes of growth characteristics, anthocyanidin, and brown rice yield grown at coast and inland areas apart from the east coastline of Gyeongsangbuk-do province. Number of spikelets per panicle was much more increased in inland area. Regional difference in number of spikelets per panicle was observed in Jeongjinju cultivar. Among these red rice cultivars, the highest brown rice yield was Jeongjinju rice cultivar having 702 ㎏ in inland area and 692 ㎏ in coast area, respectively. Anthocyanidin content ranged 524 to 610 ㎍/g dry weight basis. Cyanidin content was 11.4 to 14.0 times higher than that of delphinidin under coast and inland area. Anthocyanidin content was higher in rice cultivar grown at coast area. Highest head brown rice rate was only observed in Geonganghongmi to 95.2 at coast area and 95.4 inland area. In considering brown rice yield and pigment content, Hongjinju rice cultivar was recommended in optimal pigment rice cultivar in eastern coast of Gyeongsangbuk-do Province.
        2016.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The aim of this study is to determine the exposure concentration of tetrabromobisphenol A(TBBPA) in southwestern coast and their photodecomposition rate. Also, it is to identify the radical species of the photodecomposition of TBBPA and their reactive byproducts using the electron spin resonance(ESR) method. TBBPA was not detected in any of the sea water samples from Mokpo, Gunsan, or Goheung. The sediment samples from Mokpo contained not detection(N.D)∼50.0 ng/g dry wt., while those from Gunsan contained N.D∼28.5 ng/g dry wt. and those from Goheung contained N.D∼7.3 ng/g dry wt. The photodecomposition rates were 2.56 × 10-6/hr by visible light(400 nm), 7.98 × 10-6/hr by ultraviolet light(300 nm <), and 6.78 × 10-6/hr by sunlight. Also, we confirmed that singlet oxygen and hydroxyl radicals are the key reactive oxygen species at wavelengths greater than 400 and 300 nm, respectively. This study shows that the main byproducts formed during irradiation at wavelengths above 300 nm are 2,6-dibromobenzosemiquinone radical(2,6-DBSQ·-) and g-value 2.0048 doublet spectrum.
        2015.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        We constructed marine forest to restore barren grounds which are expanding in the east coast of Korea using 2 methods of (1)seedlings transplantation method and (2)underwater floating ropes method. We transplanted 3 macroalgae species, Ecklonia cava, Undaria pinnatifida, and Saccharina. japonica to construct marine forest. Blade length of Undaria pinnatifida on underwater floating ropes was 56.70±8.69㎜ in April and grew 68.75±22.30㎜ in May and 70.75±14.36㎜ in July. Blade length of S. japonica was shown 97.95-143.00㎜ in April to June. Blade length of Ecklonia cava was 30.50±1.91㎜ in May, 41.55±1.84㎜ in August, 45.30±2.57㎜ in November, 2009 and 45.30±1.99㎜ in February, 2010. The survey on Dangsa area, Ulsan-city in January, 2009 found a total number of 15 algal species(1 brown algae, 14 red algae species) with the highest variety at 5m depth of A station and the lowest at 8m depth of A and B stations. The March survey showed a total of 24 species (1 green algae, 1 brown algae, 22 red algae species) with the highest variety of 11 at depths of 3m and 5m of B station and the lowest of 6 at 10m of B station. In May, total biomass was 3,755.4g (green algae 1.2g, brown algae 199.0g, red algae 3,555.2g). From January, 2009, we found that E. cava was dominant at the depths of 3m and 5m of A and B stations while Peyssonnelia capensis was dominant at the depth of 8m of A station. The 8m depth of B station was dominated by Acrosorium polyneurum. In May, Grateloupia lanceolata was dominant at 8m depth of A station while other depths were dominated by Phycodrys fimbriata. In June, the dominant species were G. lanceolata at the 3m depth, E. cava at the 5m and P. fimbriata at the depths of 8m and 10m of A station. Under B station, G. lanceolata was dominant at the depths of 3m and 5m while P. fimbriata was dominant at the depths of 8m and 10m.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The seasonal variation of phytoplankton communities and its standing crops in accordance with environmental factors were investigated at Yeongrang-ho, Cheongcho-ho, Mae-ho and Hyang-ho which are located in the East coast of Korea during April to October 2011. High concentrations of T-N and T-P were observed in four lagoons due to the inflowing nutrients from farmlands and residential areas near lagoons. Nutrient salts mainly composed of nitrogen and phosphate caused the eutrophication of the lakes, leading to the robust growth of phytoplankton. During the period of investigation, 64 to 107 taxa of phytoplankton were observed in four lagoons. Diatoms were the most dominant species with high density. Non-point pollution source was estimated as the main cause of water pollution of lagoons. Trophic states of lagoons evaluated using the value of TSI and TSIKO indicated that all the investigated lagoons were in the eutrophication state.
        2015.05 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        East Asia is characterized by anthropogenic emissions resulting from the large population and fast economic growth of this region. Since the prevailing wind is westerly and northwesterly, emissions from Ul-jin can be expected to contribute to acidic deposition increase in downwind direction. Aerosols collected at the near coast site, Uljin geun, gyungbook and were analyzed for NH4 +, Mg2+, Na+, Ca2+, Cl-, SO4 2-, and NO3 - from Aug. 2012 to Feb. 2013. The seasonal averaged aerosol concentration showed the highest potassium and calcium ion in winter and the highest ammonium ion due to a meadow and high solar intensity in summer. Sodium and chloride ion showed the same ratio all seasons and sulfate and nitrate species showed the maximum value in winter Chemical components of aerosols collected at the near coast site, Uljin geun, gyungbook were lower by 16 to 73% than those collected at other similar environment site such as kanghwa, yangyang. Comparing air quality data at the near coast site, Uljin geun, gyungbook, There was found that Uljin coast site is less influenced by the sea salts(potassium, magnesium, calcium) and nss-SO4 2- percentage is 3~13% higher than similar condition site.