
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 48

        1990.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To analyze dialy meal of royal meal, studied Bankwa Sang(Fruit Table) were on record Wonheng Ulmyo Jungri Euigwae (1795). Historic book 'Jungri Euigwae' described the king's visit to his father's royal tomb 'Hyun Neung Won', during the domain of Cheung Jo, the 22nd king of Choson Dynasty. The results obtained from this study areas follows. The fruit table, which similar in concept to desert in the west but quite different in service, was prepared for a guest. The table consisted of two kinds of trays, on which serveral kinds of fruit were stacked to a height of between 4 chon (4寸 : about 12 cm) and 1 chuk(1尺 : about 30.3 cm) according to Korean measurement system. The table was decorated with beautiful artificial flowers made of paper and silk. The number of sets to be arranged on the table were different according to the royal status of the eater: 12 sets-25 sets for king's mother, 7 sets-11 sets for the king. Soy sauce mixed with vinegar and pine-nu meal, mustard were ruled out from kind of sets. Kinds of dishes served with a meal generally were noodles (麵), soup (湯), fried fish (煎油花), fried meats and vegetables (花陽灸), slices of raw fish (魚膾), minced raw meat (肉膾), slices of boiled beef (片肉), stew (蒸), rice cake (餠), sweet rice dish (藥飯), patterned savory cake (茶食), fried cake made of wheat flour, honey and oil (藥果), fried glutinous rice cake (强精), various fruits preserved in honey (正果), sugar candies (各色糖), fruits (果物) honey (淸), soy sauce mixed with vinegar and pine-nut meal (醋醬), mustard (莽子).
        1989.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To analyze dialy meal of royal meal, studied Jook Soora Sang (Rice Gruel), Mieum Sang (Thin Gruel) and Bankwa Sang, Soora Sang in Hyun Neung Won were on record Wonheng Ulmyo Jungri Euigwae (1795). Historic book ‘Jungri Euigwae’ described the king's visit to his father's royal tomb‘ Hyun Neung Won’, during the domain of Cheung Jo, the 22nd king of Choson Dynasty. The results obtained from this study are as follows. Rice Gruel (Jook Soora Sang), taken before breakfast, was arranged the same as the Soora Sang. The table for thin gruel (Mieum) was arranged in three kinds of sets; one for thin gruel, the others for stewed meat (Goem) and sugared fruit (Jeong Kwa). The diet seems to have been quit scientific and restorative. Bankwa Sang and Soora Sang in Hyun Neung Won was arranged the same as the other Bankwa Sang and Soora Sang. Therefore setting the table of royal meal had a rule.
        1989.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To analyze daily meal of royal meal, studied Soora Sang were on record Wonheng Ulmyo Jungri Euigwae(1795). Historic book 'Jungri Euigwae' described the king's visit to his father's royal tomb 'Hyun Neung Won', during the domain of Cheung Jo, the 22nd King of Choson Dynasty. The results obtained from this study are as follows. A dining table was round table with feet as black lacquer. Vessels were brazen vessel, silverware and earthenware. Kinds of dishes indicated as the number of vessels (sets). Food was arranged in two kinds of table, the first one called the main table, the second the side table. The number of sets to be arranged on the table were different according to the royal status of the eater. 15 sets for king's mother, 7 sets for the king and his elder sister, the latter sets being arranged on a single table. Soy and bean paste were ruled out from kind of sets. Kinds of dishes served with a meal generally were cooked rice (飯), soup (羹), heavy soup (助致), jerked meat (佐飯), meat fish and others broiled with seasoning (灸伊), salted fish shrimp and etc, cooked potherbs and potherbs (菜), pickled vegetables (沈菜, 淡沈菜) soy and bean paste (醬). The meat and fish and vegetable in the composition of a menu were well arranged.
        1986.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper attempts to study the court food based on the historic ceremony book, Jung Ri Eui Gwiea which describes the king's visit to the royal tomb, 'Hyun Neung Won', during the rein of Chung Jo, the 22th King of Yi Dynasty. According to this book, the foods used for the ceremony of the court and the courtesy of dinner party appears as follows. 1. At the birthday party of Bong-su Dang, the main table with 70 dishes and the side table of extraodinary flavor with 12 dishes were served to Mrs. Hong of Hea Kyung Kung, the mother of Chung Jo. As soon as they were served, the napkins, menu card, flowers and soups followed them, and a cup (Jack) of wine (with soup) was served to her seven times. This party was held by Sang Chim, Sang Kung, Sang Eui, Jun Chan, Chan Chang, Jun Eui, In Eui, Sa Chan and Jun Bin. 2. At the birthday party of Yun-hee Dang;the main table with 82 dishes and the side table of extraodinary flavor with 40 dishes were served to her. And the napkins and menu cards followed them and a cup(Jack) of wine was served to her four times. The courtesy of this party was held by Sang Chim, Sang Kung, Sang Eui, Jun Sun and Yeo Jeo Jip Sa. 3. At the party of Yak No Yun for the oldman, there were some soups (Doo Po Tang), cooked sliced meats (Penn Yeuk), steamed legumes (Heuk Tea Zeung), and some fruits on the main table. The napkins, menu cards and flowers followed them, and wine was served on the table for the king. The feast was held by Chan Eui, In Eui, and Tong Rea. 4. Foods used in these parties were classified into 9 groups such as Rice cakes, Rice and Noodles, Dessert Cakes, Sugars, Fruits, Side Dishes, Beverages, Sauces and Wine. 5. The units of height, amount, weight, and number measured for cooking were used variously. 6. The foods accumulated highly on the dishes were decorated with paper and silk flowers. 7. The containers for cooking and the utensils for the feast were used variously.
        2006.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        의궤는 조선전기부터 제작된 것으로 기록에 나타나지만, 현존하는 의궤 중 가 장 오래된 것이 선조대 후반에 제작된 것들이다. 따라서 광해군대에 제작된 의 궤는 현존 의궤 중에는 상당히 시기가 오래된 것으로 분류된다. 광해군대에 제 작된 주요 의궤는, 1) 선조의 국장, 부묘, 묘호 개상, 존호와 관련 의궤, 2) 명나 라 사신을 영접한 의궤, 3) 생모인 공성왕후의 추숭에 관계된 의궤, 4) 화약무기 를 제작한 과정인 󰡔화기도감의궤󰡕, 5) 천문관측기구를 보관하는 흠경각과 보루 각 건축 의궤, 6) 제기 제작에 관한 의궤, 7) 󰡔삼강행실도󰡕를 새로 펴낸 과정을 정리한 󰡔동국신속삼강행실찬집청의궤󰡕 등이다. 이 중 󰡔화기도감의궤󰡕와 󰡔흠경 각영건의궤󰡕, 󰡔보루각영건의궤󰡕, 󰡔영접도감도청의궤󰡕는 광해군대에만 특별히 제작된 의궤들로서, 국방과 외교 분야에서 큰 성과를 이룬 광해군 정권의 성격 을 잘 보여주고 있다고 여겨진다. 광해군 재위 16년간 27종의 의궤가 편찬되었 다. 그런데 그 중에 6종이 명나라 사신을 접대하는 외교와 관련되는 의궤라는 점이 우선 주목이 된다. 광해군은 국방이나 외교, 과학에서만은 탁월한 군주임 에는 분명하였다. 명과 청의 세력교체라는 국제정세에 대한 정확한 인식을 바 탕으로 실리외교를 수행한 것이나 화기제작을 통해 국방 강화에 주력함으로써, ‘예견된 전쟁’을 슬기롭게 막는 능력을 보여주었다. 과학 중시의 사고가 그 바탕 에 있었음은 물론이다. 그의 시대에 제작된 󰡔영접도감의궤󰡕과 󰡔화기도감의궤󰡕, 󰡔흠경각영건의궤󰡕 등은 그 능력을 축소판처럼 보여주고 있다. 특히 광해군 정 권의 주역인 북인인 점을 고려하면, 북인의 학문적 원류가 되었던 남명학파나 화담학파의 博學, 실천 중시의 사상적 흐름이 광해군대의 국방, 외교, 과학적 분 위기와도 일정한 연관성을 갖는다고 할 수 있다.
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