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        검색결과 499

        2024.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this research, a detailed analysis of the decay heat contributions of both actinides and non-actinides (fission fragments) from spent nuclear fuel (SNF) was made after 50 GWd·tHM−1 burnup of fresh uranium fuel with 4.5% enrichment lasted for 1,350 days. The calculations were made for a long storage period of 300 years divided into four sections 1, 10, 100, and 300 years so that we could study the decay heat and physical disposal ratios of radioactive waste in medium- and long-term storage periods. Fresh fuel burnup calculations were made using the code MCNP, while isotopic content and then decay heat were calculated using the built-in stiff equation solver in the MATLAB code. It is noted that only around 12 isotopes contribute more than 90% of the decay heat at all times. It is also noted that the contribution of actinides persists and is the dominant ether despite decreasing decay heat, while the effect of fission products decreases at a very rapid rate after about 40 years of storage.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The initial development plans for the six reactor designs, soon after the release of Generation IV International Forum (GIF) TRM in 2002, were characterized by high ambition [1]. Specifically, the sodium-cooled fast reactor (SFR) and very-high temperature reactor (VHTR) gained significant attention and were expected to reach the validation stage by the 2020s, with commercial viability projected for the 2030s. However, these projections have been unrealized because of various factors. The development of reactor designs by the GIF was supposed to be influenced by events such as the 2008 global financial crisis, 2011 Fukushima accident [2, 3], discovery of extensive shale oil reserves in the United States, and overly ambitious technological targets. Consequently, the momentum for VHTR development reduced significantly. In this context, the aims of this study were to compare and analyze the development progress of the six Gen IV reactor designs over the past 20 years, based on the GIF roadmaps published in 2002 and 2014. The primary focus was to examine the prospects for the reactor designs in relation to spent nuclear fuel burning in conjunction with small modular reactor (SMR), including molten salt reactor (MSR), which is expected to have spent nuclear fuel management potential.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objectives of this paper are: (1) to conduct the thermal analyses of the disposal cell using COMSOL Multiphysics; (2) to determine whether the design of the disposal cell satisfies the thermal design requirement; and (3) to evaluate the effect of design modifications on the temperature of the disposal cell. Specifically, the analysis incorporated a heterogeneous model of 236 fuel rod heat sources of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) to improve the reality of the modeling. In the reference case, the design, featuring 8 m between deposition holes and 30 m between deposition tunnels for 40 years of the SNF cooling time, did not meet the design requirement. For the first modified case, the designs with 9 m and 10 m between the deposition holes for the cooling time of 40 years and five spacings for 50 and 60 years were found to meet the requirement. For the second modified case, the designs with 35 m and 40 m between the deposition tunnels for 40 years, 25 m to 40 m for 50 years and five spacings for 60 years also met the requirement. This study contributes to the advancement of the thermal analysis technique of a disposal cell.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A transfer cask serves as the container for transporting and handling canisters loaded with spent nuclear fuels from light water reactors. This study focuses on a cylindrical transfer cask, standing at 5,300 mm with an external diameter of 2,170 mm, featuring impact limiters on the top and bottom sides. The base of the cask body has an openable/closable lid for loading canisters with storage modules. The transfer cask houses a canister containing spent nuclear fuels from lightweight reactors, serving as the confinement boundary while the cask itself lacks the confinement structure. The objective of this study was to conduct a structural analysis evaluation of the transfer cask, currently under development in Korea, ensuring its safety. This evaluation encompasses analyses of loads under normal, off-normal, and accident conditions, adhering to NUREG-2215. Structural integrity was assessed by comparing combined results for each load against stress limits. The results confirm that the transfer cask meets stress limits across normal, off-normal, and accident conditions, establishing its structural safety.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        With South Korea increasingly focusing on nuclear energy, the management of spent nuclear fuel has attracted considerable attention in South Korea. This study established a novel procedure for selecting safety-relevant radionuclides for long-term safety assessments of a deep geological repository in South Korea. Statistical evaluations were performed to identify the design basis reference spent nuclear fuels and evaluate the source term for up to one million years. Safety-relevant radionuclides were determined based on the half-life criteria, the projected activities for the design basis reference spent nuclear fuel, and the annual limit of ingestion set by the Nuclear Safety and Security Commission Notification No. 2019-10 without considering their chemical and hydrogeological properties. The proposed process was used to select 56 radionuclides, comprising 27 fission and activation products and 29 actinide nuclides. This study explains first the determination of the design basis reference spent nuclear fuels, followed by a comprehensive discussion on the selection criteria and methodology for safety-relevant radionuclides.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, the impact load resulting from collision with the fuel rods of surrogate spent nuclear fuel (SNF) assemblies was measured during a rolling test based on an analysis of the data from surrogate SNF-loaded sea transportation tests. Unfortunately, during the sea transportation tests, excessive rolling motion occurred on the ship during the test, causing the assemblies to slip and collide with the canister. Hence, we designed and conducted a separate test to simulate rolling in sea transportation to determine whether such impact loads can occur under normal conditions of SNF transport, with the test conditions for the fuel assembly to slide within the basket experimentally determined. Rolling tests were conducted while varying the rolling angle and frequency to determine the angles and frequencies at which the assemblies experienced slippage. The test results show that slippage of SNF assemblies can occur at angles of approximately 14° or greater because of rolling motion, which can generate impact loads. However, this result exceeds the conditions under which a vessel can depart for coastal navigation, thus deviating from the normal conditions required for SNF transport. Consequently, it is not necessary to consider such loads when evaluating the integrity of SNFs under normal transportation conditions.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Wolsong Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) operates an on-site spent fuel dry storage facility using concrete silo and vertical module systems. This facility must be safely maintained until the spent nuclear fuel (SNF) is transferred to an external interim or final disposal facility, aligning with national policies on spent nuclear fuel management. The concrete silo system, operational since 1992, requires an aging management review for its long-term operation and potential license renewal. This involves comparing aging management programs of different dry storage systems against the U.S. NRC’s guidelines for license renewal of spent nuclear fuel dry storage facilities and the U.S. DOE’s program for long-term storage. Based on this comparison, a specific aging management program for the silo system was developed. Furthermore, the facility’s current practices—periodic checks of surface dose rate, contamination, weld integrity, leakage, surface and groundwater, cumulative dose, and concrete structure—were evaluated for their suitability in managing the silo system’s aging. Based on this review, several improvements were proposed.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The seven-year research project entitled “Development of workflow for integrated 3D geological site descriptive modeling” is being carried out from 2023. This research is funded by Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy (MOTIE). Progress of the research is discussed here. The integrated 3D geological SDM (site descriptive model; GSDM hereafter) consists of three part; 1) three dimensional representation of geologic elements, 2) database for material properties and modeling results from SDMs of other disciplines (e.g., rock mechanics), and 3) a visualization tool for geology, material properties and modeling results. The GSDM is comparable to the GDSMs of SKB and POSIVA in its representation of geology by volume of geologic elements. However, our GSDM is different in that extra information of material properties and an extra tool for visualization is included in the GDSM. The rationale for incorporating material properties and a visualization tool into the GSDM is to expedite the development of the GSDM and SDMs of other disciplines by allowing single institution to integrate database and visualization with the GSDM. SKUA-GOCAD is used for representation of geologic surfaces for ductile and brittle shear zones, and also for surfaces for delineation of volumes of rock units. We have adopted SKUAGOCAD because the program offers powerful functions of interpolation including borehole data and geophysical prospecting. So far, we have tested the program for five different geologies, including sedimentary, high-grade metamorphic, and intrusive igneous geology. The test results are promising. Incorporation of data and modeling results for the SDMs of other disciplines is at conceptual stage. The working conceptual model involves the following steps, 1) to provide the modeler of other disciplines with surface information representing geologic elements, 2) the modeler returns not only material properties but the results of numerical analysis, and 3) incorporation of material properties and modeling results into database. Since the numerical codes in other disciplines adopt different types of formats for 3D geology, we plan to adopt the widely used FEM format prepared by Gmsh. The visualization tool will also adopt Gmsh for graphical representation of 3D geology as well as database for material properties and modeling results. When the working model of GSDM becomes available, rapid and significant progress is expected in the SDMs of other disciplines and related areas, for example, geotechnical investigation for deep geological repository.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The thermal evaluations for the conceptual design of the deep geological repository considering the improved modeling of the spent fuel decay heat were conducted using COMSOL Multiphysics computational program. The maximum temperature at the surface of a disposal canister for the technical design requirement should not exceed 100°C. However, the peak temperature at the canister surface should not exceed 95°C considering the safety margin of 5°C due to several uncertainties. All thermal evaluations were based on the time-dependent simulation from the emplacement time of the canister to 100,000 years later. In particular, the heat source condition was set to the decay heat rate and axial decay heat profile of the PLUS7 fuel with 4.0wt% U-235 and 45 GWD/MTU. The thermal properties of the granitic rock in South Korea were applied to the host rock region. For the reference design case, the cooling time of the SNF was set to 40 years, the distance between the deposition holes 8 meters and that between the deposition tunnels 30 meters. However, the peak temperature at the canister surface at 10 years was 95.979°C greater than 95°C. This design did not meet the thermal safety requirement and needed to be modified. For the first modified case, when the distance between the deposition tunnels was set to 30 meters, three cooling time cases of 40, 50 and 60 years and five distances of 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 meters between the deposition holes were considered. The design with the distances of 9 and 10 meters between the deposition holes for the cooling time of 40 years and all five distances for 50 and 60 years were less than 95°C. For the second modified case, when the distance between the deposition holes was set to 8 meters, three cooling time cases of 40, 50 and 60 years and five distances of 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 meters between the deposition tunnels were considered. The design with the distances of 35 and 40 meters between the deposition tunnels for the cooling time of 40 years, the distances of 25, 30, 35 and 40 meters for 50 years and all five distances for 60 years were less than 95°C. As a result, the peak temperature at the canister surface decreased as the cooling time and the distance between the deposition holes and the tunnels increased.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The HADES (High-level rAdiowaste Disposal Evaluation Simulator) was developed by the Nuclear Fuel Cycle & Nonproliferation (NFC) laboratory at Seoul National University (SNU), based on the MOOSE Framework developed by the Idaho National Laboratory (INL). As an application of the MOOSE Framework, the HADES incorporates not only basic MOOSE functions, such as multi-physics analysis using Finite Element Method (FEM) and various solvers, but also additional functions for estimating the performance assessment of Deep Geological Repositories (DGR). However, since the MOOSE Framework does not have complex mesh generation and data analyzing capabilities, the HADES has been developed to incorporate these missing functions. In this study, although the Gmsh, finite element mesh generation software, and Paraview, finite element analysis software, were used, other applications can be utilized as well. The objectives of HADES are as follows: (i) assessment of the performance of a Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF) disposal system concerning Thermal-Hydraulic-Mechanical-Chemical (THMC) aspects; (ii) Evaluation of the integrity of the Engineered Barrier System (EBS) of both general and high-efficiency design perspective; (iii) Collaboration with other researchers to evaluate the disposal system using an open-source approach. To achieve these objectives, performance assessments of the various disposal systems and BMTs (BenchMark Test), conducted as part of the DECOVALEX projects, were studied regarding TH behavior. Additionally, integrity assessments of various DGR systems based on thermal criteria were carried out. According to the results, HADES showed very reasonable results, such as evolutions and distributions of temperature and degree of saturation, when compared to validated code such as TOUGH-FLAC, ROCMAS, and OGS (OpenGeoSys). The calculated data are within the range of estimated results from existed code. Furthermore, the first version of the code, which can estimate the TH behavior, has been prepared to share the contents using Git software, a free and open-source distribution system.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        For the sake of future generations, the management of radioactive waste is essential. The disposal of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) is considered an urgent challenge to ensure human safety by storing it until its radioactivity drops to a negligible level. Evaluating the safety of disposal facilities is crucial to guarantee their durability for more than 100,000 years, a period sufficient for SNF radioactivity to become ignored. Past studies have proposed various parameters for forecasting the safety of SNF disposal. Among these, radiochemistry and electrochemistry play pivotal roles in predicting the corrosion-related chemical reactions occurring within the SNF and the structural materials of disposal facilities. Our study considers an extreme scenario where the SNF canister becomes compromised, allowing underground water to infiltrate and contact the SNF. We aim to improve the corrosion mechanism and mass-balance equation compared with what Shoesmith et al. proved under the same circumstances. To enhance the comprehensibility of the chemical reactions occurring within the breached SNF canister, we have organized these reactions into eight categories: mass diffusion, alpha radiolysis, adsorption, hydrate formation, solidification, decomposition, ionization, and oxidation. After categorization, we define how each species interacts with others and calculate the rate of change in species’ concentrations resulting from these reactions. By summing up the concentration change rates of each species due to these reactions, we redefine the mass-balance equations for each species. These newly categorized equations, which have not been explained in detail previously, offer a detailed description of corrosion reactions. This comprehensive understanding allows us to evaluate the safety implications of a compromised SNF canister and the associated disposal facilities by numerically solving the mass-balance equations.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        As part of the preparation of a glossary of terminologies related to the disposal of spent nuclear fuel, definitions of potentially issuable terminologies used in domestic regulations were inferred from relevant regulations or comparatively analyzed with foreign definitions. These terminologies are safety assessment and performance assessment, safety function and safety performance, disposal containers and package, isolation and containment, and so on. Their concise and easy-to-understand definitions have been proposed in order to obtain these opinions of stakeholders.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) has been operating the Post Irradiation Examination Facility (PIEF). The facility has many PIE equipment and one of them is a hydrogen analyzer for measuring hydrogen contents in Zr cladding of spent fuel. The cladding tube of fuel is oxidized in the core environment of high temperature and pressure and absorbs some of the hydrogen generated during the oxidation. The hydrogen content increases with the increase of burn-up, and causes hydriding of the material, which degrades the mechanical properties. Therefore, hydrogen content analysis of the cladding tube is required for the performance and integrity evaluation of spent fuel. In PIEF, the hydrogen analyzer extracts hydrogen gas from Zr cladding by the hot extraction method. The hydrogen gas flows with inert gas and oxidizes to H2O through a CuO reagent. Finally, an IR detector measures the hydrogen amount from the absorbed IR intensity at a specific wavelength. Because the equipment is in the glove box and has some consumable parts, the maintenance work was performed as a radiation work.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The PRIDE scale mechanical decladder is decladding apparatus for separating and recovering fuel material and cladding hull by horizontally slitting rod-cut. In order to enhance mechanical decladdng efficiency, the main requirements were considered as follows. Decladding of the fuel rods may be performed by rotation of three circular cutting blades inserted among the rollers arranged at 120° portion. In a mechanical decladder, a slitting assembly as a unit for slitting the cladding tube may include cutting blades for slitting and rollers for guiding extrusion of the cladding tube. Rotation of the cutting blades may be caused by the fuel rods being extruded from a plurality of rollers. Slitting intervals of rod-cuts having different diameters may be controlled by adding or removing a spacing plate between the cutting blade and a ranch bolt for fixing the slitting blade to the slitting assembly. An extrusion velocity with respect to the fuel rods may be controlled by a hydraulic pressure applied to the fuel rods. A force for cutting the fuel rods may be adjusted by controlling steel plates. Forces applied to a plurality of rollers may be generated by the hydraulic cylinder. The hydraulic pressure may be controlled by hydraulic pressure controller. The PRIDE scale mechanical decladder mainly consists of auto feeding module, hydraulic cylinder module and blade module. A load cell was installed between the hydraulic cylinder and the extrusion pin to measure the decladding force and slitting velocity, and a data acquisition system capable of obtaining data by using the RSC 232 was constructed. Also, the control panel can control the forward and backward movement of the extrusion pin, the hydraulic flow rate, and the hydraulic velocity. In the mechanical decladding test, 40 pieces of simulated rod-cuts were loaded in two auto feeding basket and slit by utilizing the 3-CUT blade modules in the housing, and hulls and simulated pellets were collected in the collection container. As a result, 80 pieces of simulated rodcut (brass pellets + Zry4 tube) were slit continuously without any problem. About 35 min was required to slit 80 rod-cuts and average decladding force was 260 kg. The decladding force of the ceramic simulated rod-cuts (castable) requires 25 kg less force than the brass pellets. Therefore, it is estimated that the spent fuel rod-cut can be fully split into three pieces using the mechanical decladder.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In our previous study, we developed a CFD thermal analysis model for a CANDU spent fuel dry storage silo. The purpose of this model is to reasonably predict the thermal behavior within the silo, particularly Peak Cladding Temperature (PCT), from a safety perspective. The model was developed via two steps, considering optimal thermal analysis and computational efficiency. In the first step, we simplified the complex geometry of the storage basket, which stored 2,220 fuel rods, by replacing it with an equivalent heat conductor with effective thermal conductivity. Detailed CFD analysis results were utilized during this step. In the second step, we derived a thermal analysis model that realistically considered the design and heat transfer mechanisms within the silo. We developed an uncertainty quantification method rooted in the widely adopted Best Estimate Plus Uncertainty (BEPU) method in the nuclear industry. The primary objective of this method is to derive the 95/95 tolerance limits of uncertainty for critical analysis outcomes. We initiated by assessing the uncertainty associated with the CFD input mesh and the physical model applied in thermal analysis. And then, we identified key parameters related to the heat transfer mechanism in the silo, such as thermal conductivity, surface emissivity, viscosity, etc., and determined their mean values and Probability Density Functions (PDFs). Using these derived parameters, we generated CFD inputs for uncertainty quantification, following the principles of the 3rd order Wilks’ formula. By calculating inputs, A database could be constructed based on the results. And this comprehensive database allowed us not only to quantify uncertainty, but also to evaluate the most conservative estimates and assess the influence of parameters. Through the aforementioned method, we quantified the uncertainty and evaluated the most conservative estimates for both PCT and MCT. Additionally, we conducted a quantitative evaluation of parameter influences on both. The entire process from input generation to data analysis took a relatively short period of time, approximately 5 days, which shows that the developed method is efficient. In conclusion, our developed method is effective and efficient tool for quantifying uncertainty and gaining insights into the behavior of silo temperatures under various conditions.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The objective of this study is development of graphite-boron composite material as a replacement for metal canisters to Improve the heat dissipation and radiation shielding performance of dry spent nuclear fuel storage system and reduce the volume of waste storage system. KEARI research team plan to use the graphite matrix manufacturing technology to pelletize the graphite matrix and adjust the content of phenolic resin binder to minimize pore formation. Specifically, we plan to adjust the ratio of natural and synthetic graphite powder and use uniaxial pressing technology to manufacture black graphite matrix with extremely high radial thermal conductivity. After optimizing the thermal conductivity of the graphite matrix, we plan to mix it with selected boron compounds, shape it, and perform sintering and purification heat treatments at high temperatures to manufacture standard composite materials.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In this study, a fracture evaluation of the spent nuclear fuel storage canister was conducted. Stainless steel alloys are typically used as the material for canisters, and therefore, a separate destructive evaluation is not required for safety analysis reports. However, in this research, a methodology for conducting a destructive evaluation was proposed for assessing the acceptability of cracks detected during in-service inspections for long-term storage due to reasons such as stress corrosion cracking. For the fracture evaluation, analytical equations provided in the design code such ASME were employed, and finite element method (FEM) based linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) was performed to validate the effectiveness of the analytical equations. Impact analyses such as tip-over of the storage cask on a concrete pad were performed, and the fracture evaluation using stresses resulting from the impact analysis under accident conditions and residual stresses from welds were carried out. Through this research, geometric dimensions for cracks exceeding the fracture criteria were established.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Various types of spent fuel assembly in nuclear power plants have been transported to a post irradiation examination facility (PIEF) in KAERI to examine the mechanical and chemical properties of fuel and cladding. Once the fuel assembly arrive at PIEF, it is dismantled in a pool area to extract the fuel rods. Dismantling of the fuel assembly is performed by cutting the top nozzle. Currently, couple of dismantled assemblies have been stored in a storage pool without the top nozzle in PIEF. These assemblies cannot be handled directly using a gantry crane in the pool, and thus are contained in a special basket to handle. In this research, we developed a restoration method for a dismantled spent fuel assembly, especially for 16×16 Korea Optimized Fuel Assembly (KOFA). After reviewing the original design document and reports of KOFA, two tools are devised; an assembly tool and a tightening tool for a bolt. Since the top nozzle and dismantled KOFA can be re-assembled using a bolt, we follow the original design, size, and materials of the previously used bolt. The bolt to restore the top nozzle of KOFA is made of 321 stainless steel and has a design that fits the guideline of DIN 13-21 international standard. Our procedure can potentially be used to restore and repair the dismantled spent fuel assembly.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        It is very important that the confinement of a spent fuel storage systems is maintained because if the confinement is damaged, the gaseous radioactive material inside the storage cask can leak out and have a radiological impact on the surrounding public. For this reason, leakage rate tests using helium are required for certificate of compliance (CoC) and fabrication inspections of spent fuel storage cask. For transport cask, the allowable leakage rate can be calculated according to the standardized scenario presented by the IAEA. However, for storage cask, the allowable leakage rate is determined by the canister, facility, and site specific information, so it is difficult to establish a standardized leakage rate criterion. Therefore, this study aims to establish a system that can derive system-specific leakage test criteria that can be used for leakage test of actual storage systems. First, the variables that can affect the allowable leakage rate for normal and accident conditions were derived. Unlike transportation systems, for storage systems, the dose from the shielding analysis and the dose from the confinement analysis are summed up to determine whether the dose standard is satisfied, and even the dose from the existing nuclear facilities is summed up during normal operation condition. For this reason, the target dose is used as an input variable when calculating the allowable leakage rate for the storage system. In addition, the main variables are the distance from the boundary of the exclusive area, the number of cask, the inventory of nuclide material in the cask, the free volume, and the internal and external pressure. Utilizing domestic and US NRC guidelines, we derived basic recommended values for the selected variables. The GASPARII computer code that can evaluate the dose to the public under normal operating conditions was utilized. Using the above variables, the allowable leakage rate is calculated and converted to the allowable criteria for helium leakage rate test. The developed system was used to calculate the allowable leakage rate for normal and accident conditions for a hypothetical storage system. The leakage rate criteria calculation system developed in this study can be useful for CoC and fabrication inspections of storage systems in the future, and a GUI-based program will be built for user convenience.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        To investigate the mechanical integrity of spent nuclear fuel, the failure behavior of the cladding tube was examined under accident conditions. According to the SNL report, the failure behavior of cladding can be broadly classified into two types. The first is failure due to bending load caused by falling. The second is failure due to pinch load caused by space grid. In this study, mechanical integrity was evaluated through the stress intensity factor applied to the crack in failure behavior due to bending load. Since the exact value of the impact load due to fall was unknown, the load was applied by increasing the value up to 200 G in 20 G increments. The size of the crack is an important input variable, and 300 um was given by referring to the EPRI report, and the elastic modulus, a material property that determines the stress field, was given 75.22 GPa by referring to the FRAPCON code. Since the relationship between the direction of stress and the direction of the crack is also a major variable, simulations were conducted for both cracks perpendicular to and parallel to the stress direction. It was confirmed that at a load of 200 G, when the crack was parallel to the stress direction, stress concentration did not occur and had a very low stress intensity factor 0.01 􀜯􀜲􀜽√􀝉. When perpendicular to the direction of stress, the stress intensity factor showed a value of 1 􀜯􀜲􀜽√􀝉. However, considering that the critical value of the stress intensity factor due to hydride is 5 􀜯􀜲􀜽√􀝉, it can be seen that perpendicular result also ensures the mechanical integrity of the cladding.
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