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        검색결과 53

        2016.04 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study is to find compatibility materials of industrial by-product and ocher mixed plants mats at different formulation. We compare Four formulation. Experiment are permeability, water content, cohesion of mat. Resultingly, Ocher formulation have effectively strong cohesion of met.
        2015.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In Korean steel making industry is generating 25 billion tons of slag as industrial by-products per year. Uses of these slags to manufacture high functional abrasive material are of greater feasible option for sustainable development of industry as well as effectively solve the pollution issue associated with these waste. Recycling methods of slag have been actively studied for decades, but most of the slag recycling methods studied are related to low cost building materials. Recently, several combinations of by-products have been used in glass-ceramic manufacturing, mostly the abrasive materials are basalt based glass-ceramic. Using these industrial by-products instead of natural basalt ores, high functional product can be manufactured. This piece of investigation focused on the feasibility study for producing the basalt based glass-ceramic from recycled industrial by-products only, without any natural materials as raw materials. By controlling various process parameters like, mixture ratios of materials, heat treatment for casting, and soaking basalt based glass-ceramic were prepared. The prepared materials were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), scanning electron microscope (SEM), thermo-gravimetry and differential thermal analysis (TG-DTA). Excellent material properties were observed.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In manufacturing of flatfish skin collagen peptide (FSCP) and flatfish protein hydrolysate (FPH) by reuse of dead flatfish from fish farm in Jeju island, the industrial process was optimized with the laboratory scale research and the on-field process. Segmented unit processes from raw material incoming to shipment were established to produce commercial product of FSCP and FPH. Total plate counts of FSCP were twenty five times of FPH, but food poisoning bacteria were not detected in two samples. FSCP and FPH were safe from heavy metal such as Pb(II), Cd(II) and Hg(II). The residual contents of antibiotics and disinfection matter in FSCP and FPH were not detected. The optimized process for mass production made the one-third of the running time and two times of the yield. From economic analysis, the production cost was estimated to 22,000 and 12,000 won/kg for FSCP and FPH, respectively. Therefore the product from the reuse of dead flatfish was expected to have a considerable competitive price and high added-value functional food material compared with other commercially available fish products.
        2010.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 논문은 산업체에서 활용 가능한 업무 중심의 내용을 기반으로 산학협동에 의한 교육 실습사례 연구를 통해서 '산학협동 개념 모델'을 제안하였다. 제안 모델의 형태를 단계적 프로세스로 표현하기 위해서 게임 제작에 대한 전체 실습 과정을 '산학협동 파이프라인(Pipe-line)'으로 구성하였고 이에 관한 단계별 사례 내용을 기술하였다. 본 논문의 연구목적은 일반적인 산업체와의 산학협동 과정에서 벗어나 실제 학습하는 대상자에게 산업 현장의 제작 프로세스를 직 간접적으로 체험시키는데 중점을 두었으며, 무엇보다도 해당 실습 교수자의 단계별 역할 중요성을 제시하는 산학협동 모델의 제안이다. 이는 향후, 산학협동 관련 교육 실습 및 관련 연구의 참고자료로서 활용 될 수 있다.
        2010.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구에서는 지역 축제와 행사 및 체험학교, 실내외 조경업체 및 화훼업체와의 취업연계를 위한 수요자 맞춤형 직업교육과정개발로 환경과 문화를 연계한 신 산업형 에코디자인 교육과정모델을 개발하였다. 프로그램개발을 위해 지역의 취업현황을 문헌조사하고 충남 지역 에코관련 산업체 전문가 및 에코디자인 교육전문가 20명을 전문패널로 구성하여 브레인스토밍 방식에 의한 인터뷰조사를 통해 핵심직무능력을 도출하고 이를 교육내용과 연계하여 에코교육프로그램을 시험적으로 만들었다. 이를 바탕으로 천안거주 대졸이상 여성을 대상으로 시험적 교육과정을 실행하였다. 이때 참가자의 프로그램별 만족도 및 요구도를 분석하고 전문패널의 검증을 거쳐 맞춤형 교육과정 개발의 방향과 핵심 과목을 도출하고 이를 기준으로 산학연계 교육과정모델을 제안하였다. 개발된 교육과정은 수요에 맞춘 내용으로 산업체의 요구에 따라 변화할 수 있도록 필수 교육내용을 제시한 후 계속 교육환경변화에 따라 탄력적으로 첨삭할 수 있도록 전문 직업 강좌, 이론 강좌, 실습 강좌로 분류하였다. 따라서 지역의 기술센터, 문화센터, 복지관, 식물원, 대안학교 등과 취업 연계 및 정보교환으로 교육내용을 피드백하는 유기적 교육모델로 활용이 가능하다. 또 본 연구는 교육내용을 바탕으로 교재 및 교구 개발이 지속적으로 보완 된다면 궁극적 목표인 실무중심 교육과정 모델로 정착 될 수 있을 것이다.
        2008.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        정부는 지역제조산업 육성을 목적으로 기존 부지를 개선 확장하거나 해안지역 매립을 통하여 신설하는 방향으로 산업단지조성을 위한 정책을 펼치고 있다. 따라서, 물리적 환경적인 특성의 관점에서 해안지역매립으로 인한 영향의 분석은 반드시 필요하다. 본 논문도 임해지역 국가산업단지 조성에 따른 영향을 인근 해역의 해양물리적 특성, 퇴적 및 확산 체계 변화, 해양환경 변화 등의 현상을 현장관측조사 및 수치시뮬레이션을 통하여 분석하고자 한다. 적용대상역은 울산광역시의 온산국가산업단지 인근의 해안선경계역이다. 검증을 위해 조석, 조류 및 퇴적에 관한 기존의 관측자료를 확보하였으며 일부 특정지점에서는 현장관측도 수행하였다. 검증한 모델로 실제대상해역에 적용하고 장래변화를 분석하였다.
        2007.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Red mud is a waste generated by the aluminium industry, and its disposal is a major problem for this industry. Red mud has a reddish-brown color and superfine particle characteristics. So, it can be a promising pigment admixture for concrete industry. An experimental study was conducted to investigate the potential use of red mud in color concrete. The micro structures of red mud and iron oxide pigment such as porosity, pore size distribution, diameter of particle were analyzed with the aid of SEM, X-ray diffraction(XRD), and the infrared absorbance. Tests on physical properties of color concrete, such as strength, slump, early shrinkage crack patterns, and color characteristics were carried out and the results were reported in this paper.
        2004.05 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study tried to construct a direction in regional planning concerning the structural relationship between the ratio of aged population and the industrial characteristics. We investigated this structural relationship incorporating the aged population index and the number of classified companies. We applied diverse statistical analyses to understand the relationship. We classified the number of companies to reflect regional industrial characteristics using the principal component analysis. We applied a multiple regression model to understand the relationship between these two indices. The aged population index represents the degree of being old divided by the ratio of juvenile population and aged population. We found that such industries as manufacturing, service, and conveyance increase the ratio of juvenile population. However, industries such as tourism, waterworks, forestry, agriculture and etc. have a positive effect on the aged population index. In addition to these findings, we believe that the efficacy of this study is the possibility that can be used as the basic data when central or local autonomous entities need to adopt rural development planning.
        1999.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        중국에서 약용식물은 서양의학과 동등한 수준으로 인간의 건강증진과 유지 및 치료를 위해 매우 중요한 역할을 수행하고 있는데 본 논문에서는 중국에서 약용식물의 산업적 발달에 관해서 간략히 고찰하였다. 현계 중국에서 약용식물로 이용되고 있는 식물은 11, 118종에 달한다. 이들 약용식물이 가공되지 않고 천연산물로 이용되는 연간 총 생산액은 60억달러에 달하며 조제형태로 이용되는 총 생산액은 30억달러에 달한다. 지금까지 약용식물로부터 100여종 이상의 신약이 개발되었으며 천연자원에 의존하려는 세계적인 추세를 감안한다면 약용식물의 중요성은 더욱 증대할 것이며 산업적 개발이 인류의 건강을 유지하는데 결정적 역할을 할 것으로 기대된다.
        1996.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Industrial ventilation is a crucial engineering measure to protect workers from hazardous airborne contaminants. Designing a ventilation system is not an easy task. To solve this problem, many U. S. computer programs and softwares have been developed. In Korea, asoftware, called as VPMC, was developed by Korea Industrial Safety Corporation. But VPMC could not stand alone since it can be used to design not a hood, but a ventilation system. In this research, therefore, a preprocessing software was developed. It can be used to design general ventilation system, canopy hood, open surface tank hood. The program was written in Microsoft Visual Basic. In near future, this software will be incorporated into a total package software which can be used to design a whole ventilation system.
        1992.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A study on the changes of the oceanographical environment caused by Mokpo coastal zone development was carried out. Special emphasis was placed on the clarification of the water level changes and coastal current structure and influence of the environmental factors on the coastal area. In order to understand the structure oceangraphical environemnt, such as water temperature, salinity, suspended solids, pH, dissolved oxygen, chemical oxygen demand, biochemical oxygen demand, distribution of bottom sediment, tide and current were measured. To investigated the structure of tide and current for the future development, a numerical analysis was carried out. In certain zones, it was found to be flooding problems near the lowlying commercial area.
        1991.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The change of water level at Mokpo Harbour and its adjacent coastal area due to the construction of the Youngsan Estuary Barrage and the Third Land Reclamation Work of estuary barren had been roughly expected. Periodical floods, which occur 2 times per month, are also being observed at the low lying commercial areas near the Mokpo Old Harbor. Although it is said that the highest tidal current component among the tidal current records at the approaching channel to Mokpo Harbor is reduced to 6 kts, because of the esturary barrage, they do not give any precise statement or a deep analysis for the flooding and periodical water level change under certain environmental conditions. Moreover, they never tried the analysis of development plan considering the natural disaster such as typhoon or other extreme conditions. Thus, it is necessary to collect and analyze the data related to floodings, harbor oscillations, currents, and water quality , etc. because of the development considering the extreme condition. Thus, it is necessary to collect and analyze the data related to floodings, harbor oscillations, currents, and water quality, etc. because of the development considering the extreme condition and to evaluate the field observation and measurement, including the numerical model simulation based on the scientific approaches. This study deals the problem of the water level change among the integrated analyses of the coastal area changes. The result can be used for the integrated planning to give a strong foundation and it will contribute to the development of local area.
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