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        검색결과 721

        1999.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        For effective CO2 separation using pore size controlled membrane, silica was deposited in the mesopores of a γ-alumina film by chemical vapor deposition of tetraethoxysilane (TEOS) and phenyl-substituted ethoxysilanes at 773-873K. The membranes prepared with phenyl-substituted ethoxysilanes were calcined to remove the phenyl group and control the pore size. The gas permselectivity of prepared membranes was evaluated by using H2, CO2, N2, CH4 and C3H8 single component and a mixture of CO2 and N2. The membranes produced using TEOS contained micropores having permselectivity only to hydrogen, but the phenyl-substituted ethoxysilane derived membranes possessed micropores which are recognizable molecules of CO2, N2 and CH4. In the diphenyldiethoxysilane-derived membrane, the CO2 permeance and selectivity of CO2/CH4 were 10-6 ㎥(STP)·m-2·s-1·kPa-1 and 11, respectively. Therefore, the use of phenyl-substituted ethoxysilane was effective in controlling micropore size for CO2 separation.
        1998.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Effects of elevated CO2 and temperature on nitrogen (N) uptake , leaf N concentration, N partitioning , N use efficiency (NUE) and grain yield of pot and field grown rice (Oryza sativa. L.cv. Chukwangbyeo) under canopy-like conditions were studied over three years. Rice plants were grown in pots and in the field in temperature gradient chambers containing either ambient(350ppm) or elevated CO2 concentrations (690 or 650ppm) in conbination with either four or seven temperature regimes ranging form ambient temperature(AT) to AT plus 3℃. There were three N supplies 94g or 6g m-2 to 20g or 48g m-2.Elevated CO2 increased N uptake in field-grown rice ; the magnitude of this effect was thelargest (+15%) at the highest N level. However, in pot-grown rice, N uptake was suppressed with the effect was the largest at high N levels. Leaf N concentration declined at elevated CO2 mainly due to a decrease in N partitiioning to the leaf blades. Air temperature had little effect on the N parameters mentioned previously, wherease NUE for spikelet production declined rapidly with increased temperature irrespective of CO2 concentration. The response of the biomass to elevated CO2 varied with N level, with the greatest response at 20g N m-2 (+30%) . At AT, where high temperature-induced sterility was generally not observed, elevated CO2 increased yield. However, the magnitude of this effect varied greatly (2-39%) with N level, and was mainly dependent on the magnitude of the increase in spikelet number.
        1998.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In order to establish effectiveness of CA storage and adequate CO2 concentration, it was investigated the quality chanties of Singer during CA storage for 150 days at different CO2 concentrations ranging from 3% to 12% and 3% fixed oxygen concentration. Weight loss tend to decrease with increase of CO2 concentrations. Sprouting ratio and the loss of gingerol was shown to be less as CO2 concentration increase but to be more than control stored at 12, 95% RH within the concentration less than 6% CO2.
        1998.04 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The objective of this study was to determine how elevated CO2 and temperature affected early growth and competition between direct seeded rice (Oryza sativa) and a common paddy weed (Echinochloa glabrascens). By using temperature gradient chambers. Rice and E. glabrescens were grown for 5 weeks at ratios of 1:0. 3:1 and 0:1 at three temperatures (16.4℃, 19.8℃, and 22.2℃) and either in ambient (361ppm) or elevated (566ppm) CO2. For both species. elevated CO2 had no effect on mainstem leaf number while air temperature had a slight positive effect which was greater in E. glabrescens than rice. With elevated CO2 rice leaf area index and plant height increased alightly in all species combinations but no increases were observed for E. Glabuescens. For rice in all combinations. elevated CO2 tended to increase the rot and total biomass much more than any other growth parameters: the increases in root and total biomass resulting from elevated CO2 ranged from 16% to 40%. depending on air temperature. At the lowest temperature, the decrease in rice biomass in combination with E. glabrescens was significantly greater at elevated CO2 (18%) than ambient CO2 (3%). At the highest temperature, however, the decrease in rice biomass at elevated CO2 (22%) was less than that at ambient CO2 (36%). The competitive ability of rice as measured by the decrease in biomass when grown in combination with E. glabrescens depended strongly on root growth and/or allocation. These results suggest that at higher temperatures elevated CO2 could enhance the competitive ability of direct seeded rice during early growth. However, at lower temperatures. the competitive ability of E. glabrescens seems to be greater.
        1998.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The influence of elevated CO2 and temperature on growth parameters, biomass production and its partitioning of rice (Oryza sativa L.cv. Chukwangbyeo) were investigated in the three experiments (1991-1993). Rice plants were grown from transplanting to harvest at either ambient(350ppm) or elevated CO2 concentrations (690 or 650ppm) in combination with either four or seven temperature regimes ranging form ambient temperature (AT) to AT plus 3℃.From transplanting to panicle initiation, crop growth rate (CGR) was enhanced by up to 27% with elevated CO2 , primarily due to an an increase in leaf area index. although net assimilatiion rate was also greater at elevated CO2. The effect of elevated CO2 varied with temperature. During the reproductive phase, CGR declined linearly with increased temperature, and was greater at elevated CO2 . Elevated CO2 increased final crop biomass and panicle weight 30% respectively at AT(27.6℃ : 1991) . However, there was no significant effect of elevated CO2 on panicle weight at AT plus 3℃, where severe spikelet sterility occurred. There was no significant effect of elevated CO2 on panicle weight at AT plus 3℃, where severe spikelet sterility occurred. There was also no effect of CO2 on biomass pratitioning into vegetative and reproductive organs (harvest index)) at AT, although higher temperature could affect that by inducing spikelet sterility. These results suggest that elevated CO2 could enhance rice producivity througth promoted growth and biomass production , but its positive effects may be less at higher temperatures.
        1998.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The present study intends to investigate the transient response of an atmosphere/ocean general circulation model to a gradual increase of atmospheric carbon dioxide. To detect the climatic change of the surface air temperature due to gradual increasing carbon dioxide for 100 years, two runs of GFDL CGCM for 1 % CO_2 run with increasing CO_2 and the control run with fixed CO_2 are compared. From results it is noted that the transient response of surface air temperature is more increased over the Northern Hemisphere than the Southern Hemisphere. However, in Northern Hemisphere the transient response of the surface air temperature due to the gradual increase of atmospheric carbon dioxide is slowly increased with latitudes and is clearly larger over continents than oceans. The annual global mean temperature is continuously increased with 0.03552 per one year with strong S/N ratio and distinguished from the natural variability. The time dependent response of the gradual increasing CO_2 has the strong seasonal variability with small change in summer and large change in winter, and the strong regionality in the Asian and the American continents. It has been suggested that the direct and the feedback processes in the climate systems should be investigated by the detailed sensitivity runs to get the meaningful estimate of the CO_2 forced variability.
        1995.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본(本) 연구(硏究)는 고추냉이의 광합성(光合成) 효율증진(效率增進)을 위한 기상환경(氣象環境)에 조건(條件)을 알아내어 재탑적지(栽培適地)의 선정(選定)과 재배관리(栽培管理)에 대한 기초적(基礎的)인 자료(資料)를 제공(提供)하고자 온도(提供)와 광도(光度), 그리고 CO2의 농도(農度)에 대한 광합성(光合成), 청호흡(晴呼吸) 그리고 광호흡(光呼吸)의 반응(反應)을 조사(調査)하였다. 1. 고추냉이의 광합성(光合成)에 최적온도(最適溫度)는 17~20℃이었고 최적온도(最適溫度) 이상(以上)에서 광합성(光合成)이 크게 감소(減少)하였으며, 암호흡(暗呼吸)은 15℃에서 30℃까지 온도(溫度)가 높아질수록 증가(贈加)하였다. 2. 광보상점(光補償點)은 고추냉이가 6.0 μE m-2s-1으로 옥수수의 36.7μE m-2s-1보다 낮았으며 광포화점(光飽和點)은 고추냉이와 옥수수 모두 600μE m-2s-1로 비슷하였다. 3. CO2 보상점(補償點)은 고추냉이가 67. 3 ppm으로 옥수수 11.6 ppm보다 높았으며 암호흡(暗呼吸)은 CO2의 농도(濃度)가 낮을수록 높았다. 4. 고추냉이의 광호흡(光呼吸)은 광도(光度) l000μE m-2s-1에서 3.3 mg CO2 dm-2 hr-1이었으며 광도(光度)가 낮아짐에 따라 감소(減少)하였다. 5. 기공(氣孔)의 분포(分布)는 잎의 표면(表面)에 약 76개/mm-2, 뒷면에 623개/mm-2이었으며 기공(氣孔)의 크기는 표면(表面)의 것이 12μm이고 뒷면의 것이 17μ로 나타났다.
        1994.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Catalytic slurry reactors, in which a solid maintained in the form of fine particles suspended in a liquid, are frequently used in chemical and biochemical and industries. In these processes the particle loading is normally low so that the effects of particles on the liquid-film mass transfer coefficent and the gas-liquid interface area are assumed to be negligible. But it is known from the works, amongst others, that the finely powdered activated carbon can increase the gas-liquid mass transfer significantly in surface-aerated reactors. The stirred cell (13.2cm inside diameter) contained four baffles and at the stirring speeds range of 80∼300rpm, the gas-liquid interfacial area could be considered as that of the cross section of the vessel (that is, 130.1㎝2). When the stirrer speeds were increased, the effective interfacial area was slightly higher than the geometric area and was obtained experimentally from the Danckwerts`plots.
        1994.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This paper presents the disributions and variations of CO,CO_2, number of people and temperature in underground shopping center and subway of Seomyeon and Jagalchi in Pusan, Korea for two times during October and November in 1993, respectively. NDIR analyzer is used for the analysis of CO and CO_2. The temperature is obtained from a mercury therometer. The results of observation and analysis show that the variation of CO_2 is strongly related to number of people and temperature. The correlation coefficients between temperature, CO_2 and number of people are higher than 0.85 at both of places. The pollution of CO_2 of Seomyeon is higher than that of Jagachi in underground shopping center. However, CO is not correlated with the temperature and the number of people. From the results, we found that the indoor air quality monitoring system is needed for the prevention of the underground air pollution.
        1993.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        At the close of the year 1990, tombs in south Korea will cover the area of 940 ㎢, which is 0.9% of the entire landspace. Annual increase of 200,000 tombs is encroaching on landspace by 10 ㎢. It is estimated that the decrease in the forest area caused by tombs results a decrease both in the production of O_2 by 912,000 tons and in the absorption of CO_2 by 1,254,800tons per year. As a result, there will be an increase in the amount of CO_2, which is one of the factors that cause the greenhouse effect.
        1991.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration is ever-increasing and expected to reach about 600 ppmv some time during next century. Such an increase of CO2 may cause a warming of the earth's surface of 1.5 to 4.5~circC , resulting in great changes in natural and agricultural ecosystems. The climatic scenario under doubled CO2 projected by general circulation model of Goddard Institute for Space Studies(GISS) was adopted to evaluate the potential impact of climate change on agroclimatic resources, net primary productivity and rice productivity in Korea. The annual mean temperature was expected to rise by 3.5 to 4.0~circC and the annual precipitation to vary by -5 to 20% as compared to current normal climate (1951 to 1980), resulting in the increase of possible duration of crop growth(days above 15~circC in daily mean temperature) by 30 to 50 days and of effective accumulated temperature(EAT=∑Ti, Ti~geq 10~circC ) by 1200 to 1500~circC . day which roughly corresponds to the shift of its isopleth northward by 300 to 400 km and by 600 to 700 m in altitude. The hydrological condition evaluated by radiative dryness index (RDI =Rn/ ~ell P) is presumed to change slightly. The net primary productivity under the 2~times CO2 climate was estimated to decrease by 3 to 4% when calculated without considering the photosynthesis stimulation due to CO2 enrichment. Empirical crop-weather model was constructed for national rice yield prediction. The rice yields predicted by this model under 2 ~times CO2 climatic scenario at the technological level of 1987 were lower by 34-43% than those under current normal climate. The parameters of MACROS, a dynamic simulation model from IRRI, were modified to simulate the growth and development of Korean rice cultivars under current and doubled CO2 climatic condition. When simulated starting seedling emergence of May 10, the rice yield of Hwaseongbyeo(medium maturity) under 2 ~times CO2 climate in Suwon showed 37% reduction compared to that under current normal climate. The yield reduction was ascribable mainly to the shortening of vegetative and ripening period due to accelerated development by higher temperature. Any simulated yields when shifted emergence date from April 10 to July 10 with Hwaseongbyeo (medium maturity) and Palgeum (late maturity) under 2 ~times CO2 climate did not exceed the yield of Hwaseongbyeo simulated at seedling emergence on May 10 under current climate. The imaginary variety, having the same characteristics as those of Hwaseongbyeo except growth duration of 100 days from seedling emergence to heading, showed 4% increase in yield when simulated at seedling emergence on May 25 producing the highest yield. The simulation revealed that grain yields of rice increase to a greater
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