
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 385

        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        선박은 육상지원에 제한이 있으므로 심정지 환자발생을 대비하여 AED를 갖추고 올바른 설치와 철저한 관리가 요구된다. 그리고 선원은 AED를 사용할 수 있는 해기능력을 갖추어야 한다. 본 연구는 선박 내 AED 활용성을 높이기 위하여, AED 설치현황과 관리실태 를 파악하고 선원들의 AED 사용능력 및 사용의향을 분석하여 개선방안을 제시하기 위한 조사연구이다. 2019년 9월 9일부터 2020년 2월 20일까지 진행하였으며, 총 244척의 선박과 244명의 선원을 대상으로 조사하였다. 수집된 자료는 SPSS WIN 23.0 프로그램을 이용하여, 빈도와 백분율, 카이제곱 검정으로 분석하였다. 연구결과, AED 수가 1대인 선박이 대부분이었고, AED 설치 및 관리가 적정하지 못한 선박도 일부 확인되었다. AED 교육참여 경험이 있는 대상자는 142명(58.2 %)이고, AED 사용의향은 136명(55.7 %)이 있었으며, 저해요인은 사용 방법을 모름(63.0 %)이 가장 높았다. AED 사용의향은 직책에서는 선장, 항해사, 근무부서에서는 갑판부가 높았고, 교육 참여경험이 있고 교육시점이 6개월 미만인 경우 AED 사용에 적극적이었다. 따라서, 선박 내 AED 설치개수에 대한 기준을 정립하여 AED 추가배치를 고려 하고, AED 관리지침을 준수하도록 할 필요가 있다. 또한, 선박 내 AED 사용의향이 낮은 항해사 외의 직군에 대해 AED 교육훈련 및 인식 제고 노력이 필요하며, 선원들의 AED 사용능력 등을 평가하여, 적정한 재교육 주기에 대한 검토가 필요하다.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To remove phosphorus from the effluent of public wastewater treatment facilities, hundreds of enhanced phosphorus treatment processes have been introduced nationwide. However, these processes have a few problems including excessive maintenance cost and sludge production caused by inappropriate coagulant injection. Therefore, the optimal decision of coagulant dosage and automatic control of coagulant injection are essential. To overcome the drawbacks of conventional phosphorus removal processes, the integrated sedimentation and dissolved air flotation(SeDAF) process has been developed and a demonstration plant(capacity: 100 m3/d) has also been installed. In this study, various jar-tests(sedimentation and / or sedimentation·flotation) and multiple regression analyses have been performed. Particularly, we have highlighted the decision–making algorithms of optimal coagulant dosage to improve the applicability of the SeDAF process. As a result, the sedimentation jar-test could be a simple and reliable method for the decision of appropriate coagulant dosage in field condition of the SeDAF process. And, we have found that the SeDAF process can save 30 – 40% of coagulant dosage compared with conventional sedimentation processes to achieve total phosphorus (T-P) concentration below 0.2 mg/L of treated water, and it can also reduce same portion of sludge production.
        2020.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 태백산국립공원 주요 탐방로 입구에 설치된 탐방객 자동 계수기 데이터를 이용하여 탐방로별 일간 탐방객수에 영향을 미치는 요인을 분석하고, 이를 바탕으로 탐방로를 유형화하였다. 일일 탐방객수를 종속변수로 다중회귀분석 실시한 결과, 개천절이나 눈축제 등 행사는 모든 탐방로의 탐방객수에 영향을 미쳐, 태백산국립공원의 일일 탐방객수를 결정하는 가장 큰 요인인 것으로 분석되었다. 3일 이상 휴일이 연속되는 연휴와 일반 공휴일도 대부분의 탐방로의 일일 탐방객수에 영향을 미쳤다. 강수량은 비산행 목적의 탐방객이 많은 탐방로의 탐방객수에는 부(-)의 영향을 미쳤으나, 산행 목적의 탐방객이 많은 탐방로의 탐방객수에는 유의미한 영향을 미치지 않아, 산행 목적 탐방객들은 날씨가 궂더라도 산행을 강행하는 것으로 나타났다. 기온은 산행 목적의 탐방객이 많은 탐방로의 탐방객수에는 정(+)의 영향을 미쳤으나, 눈축제가 열리는 당골광장 인근의 탐방로의 탐방객수에는 부(-)의 영향을 미쳐, 눈축제의 영향권인지 여부가 탐방로 관리에 결정적 요인이었다. K-mean clustering을 이용하여 18개 탐방로를 유형 분류한 결과, 태백산국립공원의 탐방로는 눈축제에 영향을 받는 유형(유형 1)과, 가까운 거리에 볼거리가 많아 비산행 탐방객이 많은 유형(유형 2), 그리고 산행을 목적으로 온 탐방객들이 대부분인 유형(유형 3)의 3개 유형을 분류할 수 있었다. 탐방로 유형별 탐방객 행태와 불법 행위 유형이 다르므로, 유형별 특성에 맞춰 탐방로 관리방안을 마련하여야 할 것이다.
        2020.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study analyzed the evacuation time in indoor stadiums when exits that automatically open/close when the fire sensor is triggered are installed as a means to improve the problem of closing certain exits. Firstly, when spectators on the 2nd floor stands exit through the 1st floor exits, the RSET of all inhabitants was 529.8 seconds when the automatic opening/closing exits are broken and employees are not present. Secondly, when spectators on the 2nd floor stands exit through the 1st floor exits, the RSET of all inhabitants was 445 seconds when the automatic opening/closing exits with 750mm width are working but employees are not present. Lastly, when spectators on the 2nd floor stands exit through the 1st floor exits, the RSET of all spectators was 337 seconds when the automatic opening/closing exits with 1,500mm width are working and employees are present. As a result, it was revealed that the evacuation time is shortened when the automatic opening/closing exits are working. Additional comparative studies with actual simulations of people evacuating an indoor stadium and firefighting simulations considering smoke flow are necessary.
        2020.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In relation to the development of automatic discharging and grinding system producing eco-friendly composite fertilizer raw materials, the performance test was proceeded. and We had obtained the following results. 1. Of the evaluation items set as performance indicators for this technology development, the “grinding capacity” of the composite fertilizer roll mill is higher than the current market-sufficient performance (1500kg/hr) of 1800kg/hr.For “grind particle size”, results of less than 1.8 mm on average were obtained, which is smaller than market-sufficient performance (average less than 2 mm). 2. As a result of the evaluation of “1batch 400kg discharge time”, the results of less than 10min/1bach were obtained, which is shorter than the market satisfaction performance (15min/1bach).
        2020.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, the structural analysis and welding performance experiments were performed to reduce the weight of the semi-automatic TIG welding device. The structural analysis based on finite element method was performed on the lightweight design of the wire feeder's main frame to evaluate the structural safety and straightness of the lightweight frame. To reduce the weight of the welding wire feeder, the step motor was changed to a servo motor and a pinion gear made of lightweight reinforced plastic material was applied. In addition, a new type of welding torch was developed to reduce the weight of the welding torch and to supply more effective fillers. As a result of performing the TIG welding experiment using a prototype of TIG welding device consisting of a lightweight frame, feeding device and welding torch, it was confirmed that the working criteria were satisfied in terms of welding speed, welding bead shape, feeding uniformity and torch durability. The developed lightweight TIG welding device is expected to improve welding productivity and work convenience.
        2020.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        예이츠는 정신자동현상과 자동기술을 사용하여 새로운 시 창작 모형의 시 세계를 연다. 정신자동현상은 시인이 의식이 아닌 무의식의 상태, 다시 말해서 대 립자아에서 전달자와 의사소통할 수 있는 의식의 상태이다. 자동기술은 대립자아 상태에서 뮤즈 신과 의사소통한 것을 기록한 것이다. 그는 이러한 상태를 「모든 영혼들의 밤」에서 죽은 사람의 영혼을 불러내어 그들과 대화하는 기법으로 새로운 시 창작의 기법을 제시한다. 요컨대 그는 시 창작에서 시인의 심리적 상태의 변화를 구체화하여 시 창작에 대한 그의 시학의 원리를 체계적으로 주장함으로써 현대시의 새로운 시 창작 원리를 제시하려고 시도한다.
        2020.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, the authors introduce a newly developed flatfish grading system. Owing to the features of flatfish with and wide body, the general types of grading system are not easy to apply for it. Furthermore, the flatfish to be graded is alive such that the existing measurement and grading systems cannot be used for it as well. This study gives a solution for measuring and grading the flatfish with high speed and good accuracy. For this object, the authors developed flatfish measurement and grading system. This system consist of the feeding, conveying, measurement part and sorting part. Especially, the measurement part is made by vision based measuring technique which satisfies the given specification. The result from the experiment shows that the developed system is applicable for measuring and grading the flatfish sizes in variety.
        2020.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        물 유거(Run-off)에 따른 토양유실량을 자동정량하고자 ISCO 6712 수질환경 종합측정장치를 이용하여 토양유실량 추정장치를 고안하였고, 이 장치를 통해 실시간으로 유실되는 토양량을 추정할 수 있었다. 토양유실량 추정장치는 ISCO 6712 장치에 수위계(ISCO 730), 우량계(ISCO 674) 그리고 흙탕물을 받는 저수조 내에 층위 별로 흙탕물을 자동으로 채취할 수 있는 시설을 추가하였다. 1 × 5 m2 크기, 경사 15 %의 라이시미터(lysimeter) 내 석비레(Saprolite) 토양에 옥수수를 심어 실험한 결과 2017년 1회 강우량 161.3 ㎜의 강우사상에서는 실측 토양유실량의 85.1%, 82.6 ㎜ 강우사상에서는 101.7 %의 토양량을 추정하였다.
        2019.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Liquefied gas carrier cargo handling operations are critical to ship safety. In order to improve the quality and efficiency of cargo handling of liquefied gas carriers, the loading and unloading operation of the liquefied gas carrier was studied and a set of LPG remote cargo operation simulator with automatic bargaining function was designed. Introducing the components of the simulator: the console unit and the simulated cargo tank unit in brief, the design ideas and specific functions of the automatic barge and remote control of the core part of the system are introduced in detail. The simulator feasibility verification is carried out by comparing the error between the actual loading and unloading operation with the system simulation loading and unloading operation. The simulation training functions verification is carried out by testing people who use the simulator for training. The final results show that the error is within the acceptable range, and people who use the simulator for training can pass an authoritative comprehensive exam. It is shown that that the system can simulate the important operations in the cargo handling process and has an excellent training effect.
        2019.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As a series of fundamental researches on the development of an automatic identification monitoring system for fishing gear. Firstly, the study on the installation method of automated identification buoy for the coastal improvement net fishing net with many loss problems on the west coast was carried out. Secondly, the study was conducted find out how to install an automatic identification buoy for coastal gill net which has the highest loss rate among the fisheries. GPS for fishing was used six times in the coastal waters around Seogwipo city in Jeju Island to determine the developmental status and underwater behavior to conduct a field survey. Next, a questionnaire was administered in parallel on the type of loss and the quantity and location of fishing gear to be developed and the water transmitter. In the field experiment, the data collection was possible from a minimum of 13 hours, ten minutes to a maximum of 20 hours and ten minutes using GPS, identifying the development status and underwater behavior of the coastal gillnet fishing gear. The result of the survey showed that the loss of coastal net fishing gear was in the following order: net (27.3%), full fishing gear (24.2%), buoys, and anchors (18.2%). The causes were active algae (50.0%), fish catches (33.3%) and natural disasters (12.5%). To solve this problem, the installation method is to attach one and two electronic buoys to top of each end of the fishing gear, and one underwater transmitter at both ends of the float line connected to the anchor. By identifying and managing abnormal conditions such as damage or loss of fishing gear due to external factors such as potent algae and cutting of fishing gear, loss of fishing gear can be reduced. If the lost fishing gear is found, it will be efficiently collected.
        2019.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A retractable bollard system has been used for the traffic control and protection of important facilities such as electric power plants, airports and government buildings etc. The power source of the driving unit of the conventional protective bollard system is on hydraulic or pneumatic system which has several disadvantages compared to an electric driven unit. In this research, an electric driven unit for an automatic retractable bollard is designed and developed to replace the conventional hydraulic and pneumatic driven type. For the reliability test of the developed electric driven unit, a field test has been successfully done. A case study was conducted to develop a defensive retractive bollard which the target performance is 9sec. and 7sec. on its raising and descending operation speed respectively with 750mm in stroke. The required time limit was fully satisfied as the time measured from the experiment were 7.5sec and 5.5sec for each operation. The developed unit also passed 364,000 cycles of operation without any serious malfunctions at the load test proving its reliability. The design theory and process of an electric driven unit of the automatic retractable bollard presented in this article is believed to be very useful contribution and design tool in advancing the physical security industry.
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