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        검색결과 611

        2021.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이태준의 『농토』(1947)는 해방직후 북한 지역에서 실시된 토지개혁을 다룬 작품이다. 『농토』는 이태준이 월북 이후 처음 발표한 장편소설로 억쇠라는 인물이 노비에서 소작농, 농업노동자, 머슴 등 봉건제도의 희생자에서 토지개혁의 주체가 되는 농민으로 성장한다는 서사를 통해 해방직후 북한의 토지개혁 과정과 그 의의를 밝히고 있다. 이태준은 토지 소유자를 봉건적 지주, 자본주의적 고리대금업자, 일본의 식민지 수탈기구인 동양척식회사, 친일파 관료 등 다양한 신분 구조로 변주하지만 결국은 토지를 소유한 자와 소유하지 못한 자라는 이분법적 구도로 단순화시킨다. 이태준은『농토』에서 토지를 소유했는가 아닌가라는 이분법적 대립 구조를 통해 갈등을 선악구조로 단순화시켜 현실의 모순을 강화하였다. 해방직후 북한의 토지개혁은 1946년 3월 5일을 기하여 북한 전역에서 무상몰수 무상분배의 원칙에서 시행되었으며 궁극적으로는 지주층의 해체를 통한 봉건적 신분질서의 개혁을 목표로 하였다. 결국 이태준은 북한의 사회주의 체제에서 시행한 토지개혁에 의해 이 문제가 해결 가능하다고 작품을 통해 제시하고 있다. 이태준은『농토』 에서 사회주의 체제의 토지개혁을 통해 모든 갈등이 해소되고 밝은 미래를 예견하는 것으로 마무리하면서 해방이전 작품 경향과 달리 사회주의적 낙관성을 보여주고 있다.
        2021.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        농업 기업가의 과학 기술적 경향은 새로운 기회를 식별하고 탐구하기 위해 필요해지고 있다. 최근 연구에 따 르면 신기술의 채택은 기업가적 지향(EO)의 광범위한 접근법과 일치한다. 농업의 타당성이 증가하고 있다고 해도, 기업가적 연구는 대체로 이 도전적인 분야를 간과해 왔다. 게다가, 문헌에는 경험적 연구가 상대적으 로 부족하고 여전히 연구되어야 하는 부분이며 잠재력이 있다고 논하고 있다. EO의 문헌에서 비롯된 이 연 구는 농업 분야인 HEO(Humanine Entrepreneural Orientation)의 접근을 제안한다. 이 논문은 HEO의 다양한 치수가 농가의 신기술 채택 성향에 미치는 영향을 검증하기 위한 경험적 분석을 제안한다. 모든 결과는 기업, 연구 시스템 및 공공 정책에 대한 몇 가지 시사점을 강조한다. 농업이 매우 특이한 분야이고 제조업과 상당히 다르더라도 농민도 기업인으로 볼 수 있으며 기업가정신을 따를 수 있다고 본다. 따라서, 경험적 연구의 상대 적 부족인 농업 EO에 대한 문헌을 본 연구를 통해 풍부하게 할 수 있다고 본다.
        2021.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문은 W. B. 예이츠가 20세기의 주요 작가인지를 다시 고찰하려한다. 더 나아가 그가 지난 세기뿐 아니라 금세기의 가장 위대한 시인인지를 보기 위해 그의 “주요” 시를 재조명하려고 한다. 지난 세기의 대작가들인 T. S. 엘리엇과 W. H. 오든을 포함하여 예이츠가 1939년 사망 20-30년간 주요 평론가와 시인들이 내린, 예이츠는 대시인이다, 라는 평가가 있었으니까 지금의 평가가 더 자세할 필요는 없어 보인다. 단지 엘리엇과 오든이 가졌던 이 평가에 대한 의심에 초점을 맞추려한다. 그 들은 예이츠의 신화에 대한 의심이 있었지만 본 저자는 긍정적이다. 그들의 의심은 예 이츠가 “마술”의 시인이라는 데 기인한다. 그가 마술의 시인이었다는 점은 문제가 되 기보다는 20세기의 불모성의 시학이라는 장애물에 대한 해답을 제시한 것으로 보아야 한다. 이를테면, 엘리엇의 신화의 사용은 예이츠와는 다르다. 그는 황무지에서 보듯 이 그는 신화를 빌려다 사용하는데 신화를 신화로 다루고 있다. 본 논문은 예이츠가 그의 주요시에서 신화를 어떻게 사용하는지, 이 사용이 그의 시들을 어떻게 위대하게 만들고 20세기의 큰 시인들과 차별성을 만드는지 고찰하는데 역점을 둔다.
        2021.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The 2020 US Presidential election is now over. After listening to the essence of Mr. Biden’s inauguration speech, “America is Back!,” people around the world are cautiously expecting the revival of multilateralism. This research is to tackle a fundamental question of: “Is America Back to Multilateralism?,” by focusing on the US’s China trade policy under the Biden presidency. This essay consists of five parts including Introduction and Conclusion. Part two will review the development of postwar multilateralism which constructed the rulebased trade governance. Part three will analyze the challenge and crisis of contemporary multilateralism under former President Trump and the possibility of its resurrection under Biden administration. The author will review the origin and evolution of the US-China trade war. Part four will look into the possibility of reconstructing multilateral world for sustainable development. Part five will conclude the essay predicting the US’s China trade policy under the Biden administration.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Aquaporin channels (AQPs) are known to play an important role in the development of ovarian follicles through their function in water transport pathways. Compared to other AQPs, research on the role of AQP4 in female reproductive physiology, particularly in cattle, remains limited. In our previous study, gene chip microarray data showed a downregulation of AQP4 in bovine cystic follicles. This study was performed to validate the AQP4 expression level at the protein level in bovine follicles using immunohistochemistry, Western blotting, and immunoprecipitation assays. Immunostaining data showed that AQP4 was expressed in granulosa and theca cells of bovine ovarian follicles. The ovarian follicles were classified according to size as small (< 10 mm) or large (> 25 mm) in diameter. Consistent with earlier microarray data, semi-quantitative PCR data showed a decrease in AQP4 mRNA expression in large follicles. Western blot analysis showed a downregulation of the AQP4 protein in large follicles. In addition, AQP4 was immunoprecipitated and blotted with anti-AQP4 antibody in small and large follicles. Accordingly, AQP4 exhibited a low expression in large follicles. These results show that AQP4 is downregulated in bovine ovarian large follicles, suggesting that the downregulation of AQP4 expression may interfere with follicular water transport, leading to bovine follicular cysts.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Currently, the cut flower market seems to be an export revenue in the world trade of the flower industry. The amount of exported cut flowers is impressive with increased production in various countries, especially in Korea. In the Fourth Industrial Revolution, automatic technologies are continuing to develop agricultural effective tools in the challenge of digital innovation. Thus, the low production costs set up in the field, greenhouse, or smart farm set up, and the short time of harvest must be considered within a few months. The postharvest quality of cut flowers presents freshness and long vase life, and the tools for postharvest handling are expected to optimize these. This review highlights the most important factors improving postharvest quality of cut flowers, the potential standard applicable techniques for commercial handling outlines of cut flower vase life, and recommendations for improving postharvest handling in the flower industry.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigates the role of age of first exposure in the acquisition and processing of English articles in an EFL setting. Fifty advanced Korean learners of English participated in a grammatical acceptability judgment task and a self-paced reading task. The participants were divided into two groups depending on the initial age at which they were constantly exposed to English at least 3 hours per week (‘early group’ < 12; ‘late group’ ≥ 12). No significant performance differences were observed between the two groups in the judgment task. However, meaningful differences were found between the reading behaviors of the two groups in the self-paced reading task. These findings show that the learners’ age of first exposure has a significant impact on learners’ performance when the ability to process English articles in real-time is evaluated. In contrast, it has much less impact on learners’ performance on a task which tests explicit knowledge under no time-limit condition.
        2020.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Although the key purpose of international investment law is to promote foreign investor protection by offering both substantive and procedural standards, the international investment governance regime needs to strike a balance between foreign investor rights protection and the host state’s right to regulate. The changing balance of this dichotomy shapes a leaving-and-return-of-the-state paradigm which explains and rationalizes an evolutionary development of both substantive and procedural norms and the changing status of sovereignty in international investment law. The “leaving” or “return” of the state paradigm informs us of the role of the state in the context of international investment law. This article makes a normative case for reframing investment and national security within what we call the investment rule of law. Both push for and pull from a liberalization movement are in an attempt to reshape this investment rule of law surrounding the concept of sovereignty, the core of international law.
        2020.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Streetwear can be thought of as a lifestyle, which in turn is a choice of how one facilitates money and time in the process and pattern of consumption of products. The user’s affinity with like-minded individuals or groupings and how they spend their disposable or available income creates groupings. These similar minded individuals fall into groups or lifestyle segments and their consumption patterns mirror their lifestyle choices. Group identities focus around expressive symbolism, following similar consumption patterns and change over time as the group preferences move onto the next desire or trend (Solomon, 2007).
        2020.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study considers the process of regional Re-Birth against the depopulation of Teshima, located in the Seto Inland Sea (Tonosho-town, Shodo-district, Kagawa Prefecture). The island was the subject of a scandal with largest illegal industrial waste since the 1970s. Now, the industrial waste issue on the island is mainly removed the ART SETOUCHI, art festival, attracted 150,000 visitors in 2016, and is held once every three years. The study focuses on the effects of ART SETOUCHI (Contemporary art festival) and the regional characteristics (especially focusing on local foods). Based on these two key characteristics, the structure model of Re-Birth aimed CSV, that is, balancing economic value and social value by Value Co-Creation among various actors centered on Local residents and New residents. In this study, Value Co-Creation defines value recognition by Local residents and New residents, based on the concept of value co-creation (4C's approach) by Muramatsu (2015) , S-D-Logic by Vargo and Lush (2004) and S-Logic by Grönroos (2006). This study explores not only the structure model of Re-Birth, but also how to adapt the model even in such harsh environmental areas, like Fukushima, suffering with depopulation, aging, and reputational damage. We see that, Regional Re-Birth means, the story that Local residents and New residents aim to establish the self-government system to have initiatives against the negative state refined as polluted land. At such time, independent, self-reliance, and self-consideration are important factors as condition of Value Co-Creation.
        2020.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        While many marketing researchers conceptualize the binary split between luxury and non-luxury consumers, this paper takes the more refined approach of the heterogenization of the luxury consumer segment by exploring the progressive stages of luxury consumer maturity, reflected by diverging luxury consumption behavior. An argument for a progression of maturity is presented here in terms of making purchases of well-known luxury brands (e.g., Louis Vuitton or Prada) versus more obscure luxury brands (e.g., Marni or Ann Demeulemeester). As brands continue to be acquired by conglomerates (e.g. LVMH, Kering Group, Richemont, etc.), a perspective from luxury holding companies was a logical starting point. In each holding company’s portfolio, brands represent different positions, with the well-known brands occupying the flagship positions within the conglomerate. These brands capitalize on overt usage of branding and logo (which we term as Stage 1 brands). More obscure companies within the major conglomerates or independent fashion houses tend to rely less on branding and have a greater focus on savoir faire and technical applications of material and cut, requiring a higher degree of fashion knowledge (termed here as Stage 3 brands). Stage 2 brands represent the cohort of fashion houses that exist as non-flagship brands within the context of a larger conglomerate. To categorize each participant based on their shopping patterns, we calculate a metric termed here as a “maturity ratio” that falls between 1 and 3 and is used to assign each consumer to a stage. Therefore, we put forth the following hypotheses: Fashion knowledge is the mediating variable that drives progression of consumer maturity. That is, the higher a consumer’s knowledge about fashion, the more mature and discriminating the consumer’s tastes and shopping patterns will be [H1]. Materialism works to encourage consumers to learn more about fashion and therefore have higher fashion knowledge [H2]. A high consumer need-for-uniqueness (CNFU) will lead consumers to learn more about fashion in order to discover ways to stand out from the norm [H3]. Consumers who are self-conscious will have high fashion knowledge due to the pressures of social anxiety to have a socially acceptable outward appearance [H4].
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