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        검색결과 852

        2022.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Looking at the recent market trends in the cafe industry, a new business culture called smart cafes is emerging as fears of face-to-face contact have increased due to the pandemic of the new virus infection (COVID-19). Unlike the existing cafe operation method in which store employees receive orders from customers and serve, smart cafes are operated without store employees by smart control technology in a 24-hour non-face-to-face space (untact space). However, smart unmanned cafes, which are currently in the early stages of supply, have not shown satisfactory operational performance due to various problems compared to the existing cafe industry. Therefore, this study aims to derive operational status and problems through a survey of facility managers and store operators of actual smart unmanned cafes and suggest new marketing activation measures to improve them. Therefore, the results of this study are expected to be of great help in establishing and revitalizing a new cafe business culture.
        2022.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        자율운항선박(MASS : Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships)은, 고도의 자율도를 가지고, 계획된 경로를 따라 자율 운항하지만, 필요시 육상원격제어센터(SRCC : Shore Remote Control Center)에서 선박의 운항에 직접 개입할 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 이러한 자율운항 선박의 운항을 육상에서 모니터링하고 유사시 원격제어하는 역할을 담당할 육상원격제어사(SRCO : Shore Remote Control Officer)의 교육 훈련에 필요한 시뮬레이터 시스템의 운용개념과 이를 가능하게 하기 위한 요구기능에 대해 검토하였다. 육상원격제어 시뮬레이터 시 스템은, 다수의 자율운항선박의 운항상황을 모니터링하는 Monitoring Station, 유사시 특정 선박의 운항에 직접 원격개입하는 Control Station의 기능을 모의하도록 하였고, 시뮬레이션 종합통제실, 자율운항선박 운항상황 모의 시뮬레이터, 그리고 주변의 유인선 운항을 모의하기 위한 통항선 시뮬레이터 등으로 구성하였다. 기능적으로는, 육상에서 선박을 직접 제어하기 위하여 원격으로 개입하는 ESRC(Emergency Situation for Remote Control) 상황을 정의하여 이러한 상황을 모의할 수 있도록 하였다.
        2022.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        CFD was used to study the change in the operation of the governor to check the effect of response delay due to residual air in the governor cylinder, which adjusts the pump RPM of the Turbine Driven Aux. Feed Water Pump(TD AFWP) in the Nuclear power plant. As a result of analysis, as the amount of internal air increased, the time delay also increased proportionally, and a time delay of up to 0.2 sec. occurred. As in the theory, it was confirmed that the cylinder operation delay occurred depending on the presence or absence of a compressive fluid such as air, but the time delay wat not enough to significantly affect the pump operation.
        2022.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In the present study, to investigate the cooling characteristics of the multi-heat pump with 3 indoor units, 7 indoor unit combinations and 3 setting temperatures are selected to study the cooling characteristics during steady-state operation. The cooling capacity, power consumption, COP, compressor high and low pressure of the heat pump are tested under the cooling standard temperature conditions using an air enthalpy multi-calorimeter. The experimental results show that, except for an operation with an indoor unit capacity of 30% or less, the cooling capacity, power consumption, and compressor operation frequency increase as the capacity of the indoor unit increases and the setting temperature of the indoor unit decreases. COP increases or decreases according to the compressor frequency, and is the best at 50-80% capacity of the indoor unit. As the compressor frequency increases, the compressor outlet pressure increases by about 30%.
        2022.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        낙동강하굿둑의 건설로 원활한 용수 공급이 이루어졌으나, 하구 수생태계의 종적 연결성을 단절시켰다. 이에 낙동강 하굿둑 개방에 대한 사회적 요구가 지속적으로 제기되어 왔으며, 2017년부터 낙동강하구역 기수생태계 복원을 위한 노력이 본격화되었다. 낙동강 하구에는 다양한 어종이 서식해 왔으며, 이들의 서식·이동 특성은 상이하므로 이를 고려한 수문운영은 기수생태계 복원에 필수적이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 낙동강하구에 서식·이동하는 어류를 모니터링을 통해 확인하였으며, 방류 시 수문운영 형태별, 개도별 평균 유속을 산출하여, 어종에 따른 원활한 소상 가능성을 분석하였다. 또한 대상어종을 선정하고, 주 분포 수심에 따른 수문운영 형태를 제시하는 등 낙동강 하구역의 기수생태계 복원을 적극적으로 수행하기 위한 수문운영 방안을 제시하였다.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In emergency situations such as nuclear accidents or terrorism, radioactive and nuclear materials can be released by some environmental reasons such as the atmosphere and underground water. To secure the safety of human beings and to respond appropriately emergency situation, it is required to designate high and low dose rate regions in the early stages by analyzing the location and radioactivity of sources through environmental radiation measurement. This research team has developed a small gamma probe which is featured by its geometrical accessibility and higher radiation sensitivity than other drone detectors. A plastic scintillator and Silicon Photomultiplier (SiPM) were applied to the probe to optimize the wireless measurement condition. SiPM has a higher gain (higher than 106) and lower operating voltage (less than 30 V) compared to a general photodiode. However, the electronic components in the SiPM are sensitively affected by temperature, which causes the performance degradation of the SiPM. As the SiPM temperature increases, the breakdown voltage (VBD) of the SiPM also increases, so the gain must be maintained by applying the appropriate VBD. Therefore, when the SiPM temperature increases while the VBD is fixed, the gain decreases. Thus, the signal does not exceed the threshold voltage (VTH) and the overall count is reduced. In general, the optimal gain is maintained by cooling the SiPM or through a temperature compensation circuit. However, in the developed system, the hardware correction method such as cooling or temperature compensation circuit cannot be applied. In this study, it was confirmed that the count decreased by up to 20% according to the increase in the temperature of the SiPM when the probe was operated at room temperature (26°C). We propose methods to calibrate the total count without cooling device or compensation circuit. After operating the probe at room temperature, the first measured count is set as the reference value, and the correction factor is derived using the tendency of the count to decrease as the temperature increases. In addition, since this probe is used for environmental radiation monitoring, periodic measurements are more suitable than continuous measurements. Therefore, the temperature of the probe can be maintained by adding a power saving interval to the operation sequence of the probe. These two methods use the operation sequence and measurement data, respectively. Thus, it is expected to be the most effective method for the current system where the temperature compensation through hardware is not possible.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Radioactive source terms are important factor in design, licensing and operation of SMR (Small Modular Reactor). In this study, regulatory requirements and evaluation methodology for normal operation on NuScale SMR, which received standard design certification approval on September 11, 2020 from US NRC, are reviewed. The radioactive waste management system of nuclear power reactor should be designed to limit radionuclide concentration in effluents and keep radioactive effluents at restricted area boundary ALARA according to 10 CFR 20 and 10 CFR 50 Appendix I. Also, in general, the coolant source term to calculate the off-site radiological consequences for normal operation of SMR should be determined by using models and parameters that are consistent with regulatory guide 1.112, NUREG- 0017 and the guidance provided in ANSI/ANS-18.1-1999, and the result should be corrected by reflecting the design characteristics of SMR. The coolant source term of NuScale, unlike the case of large NPPs, cannot rely solely on empirical source term data, because the NuScale source term is based on first principle physics, operational experience from recent industry, and lessons learned from large PWR operation. Fission products in reactor coolant are conservatively calculated using first principle physics in SCALE Code assuming 60 GWD/MTU. The release of fission products from fuel to primary coolant based on industry operational experience is determined as fuel failure fraction of 0.0066% for normal operation source term and 0.066% for design basis source term while coolant source term of large NPP is calculated by using ANSI/ANS-18.1 for normal operation and fuel failure fraction of 1% for design basis source term. Water activation products in reactor coolant are calculated from first principles physics and corrosion activation products are calculated by utilizing current large PWR operating data (ANSI/ANS 18.1- 1999) and adjusted to NuScale plant parameters. Also, because ANSI/ANS 18.1-1999 is not based on first principle physics models for CRUD generation, buildup, transport, plate-out, or solubility, NuScale has incorporated lessons learned by using ERPI’s primary water chemistry and steam generator guidelines to ensure source term is conservative and design of materials used cobalt reduction philosophy to help ensure the coolant source term are conservative. Based on the coolant source term calculated according to the above-described method, the annual releases of radioactive materials in gaseous and liquid effluents from NuScale reactor are evaluated. Currently, Small Modular Reactors such as ARA, SMART 100 are under review for licensing in Korea. This study will be helpful to understand how the reactor coolant system source terms are defined and evaluated for SMR.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Reliable evaluation of radioactivity inventory for the nuclear power plant components and residual materials is very important for decontamination and decommissioning. This can make it possible to define optimum dismantling approaches, to determine radioactive waste management strategies, and to estimate the project costs reasonably. To calculate radioactivity of the nuclear power plant structure, various information such as interest nuclide, cross-section, decay constant, irradiation time, neutron flux, and so on is required. Especially irradiation time and neutron flux level are very changeable due to cycle specific fuel loading pattern, the plant overhaul, cycle length. However most of the radioactivity calculations have generally been performed assuming one representative or average neutron flux during the lifetime of the nuclear power plant. This assumption may include excessive conservatism because the radioactivity level has the characteristics of saturation and decay. Therefore, considering these variables as realistically as possible could prevent overestimation. In order to perform realistic radioactivity calculation, we developed monthly relative power contribution factor applying plant-specific operation history and cycle-specific neutron flux. The factors were applied to the radioactivity calculation. The calculation results ware compared with measured values of the neutron monitors that were actually installed and withdrawn from the nuclear power plant. As a result of the comparisons, there are good agreements between the calculated values and measured values. These accurate calculation results of radioactivity could contribute to the establishment of radioactive waste dismantling strategies, the classification of radioactive waste, and the deposit of disposal costs for safe and reasonable decommissioning of the nuclear power plant.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In Korea, the NUREG-0017 methodology based on realistic model for reactor coolant concentrations are used to estimate the annual radioactive effluent releases for normal operation of nuclear power plant. The realistic model to estimate the radionuclide concentrations in reactor coolant is formulated as a standard, ANSI/ANS-18.1. This standard has provided a set of the reference radionuclide concentrations and adjustment factors for estimating the radioactivity in the principal fluid systems of target plant. Since ANSI/ANS-18.1 was first published in 1976, it was revised in 1984, 1999, 2016, and most recently in 2020. Therefore, this study analyzed revision history of assessment methodology of radioactive source term of light water reactors, which is ANSI/ANS-18.1. Assessment methodology of radioactive source term given ANSI/ANS-18.1 is by using radionuclide concentrations for reactor coolant and steam generator fluid of the reference plant and adjustment factors, which is modifying radioactive source term according to differences in design parameters between reference plant and target plant. There are three type of reference plant: PWR with u-tube steam generator, PWR with once-through steam generator, and BWR. This study analyzed for PWR with u-tube steam generator. Although the standard was revised, evaluation methodology and formula of adjustment factor have been retained, but some of items have been revised. First revision item is reduction of the number of radionuclides and decrease of radioactive concentration in reactor coolant. In the 1976 version of the standard, there were 71 target radionuclides, but the target nuclides have reduced to 57 in 1984 and 56 after 1999. In the case of radioactive concentration in reactor coolant, as the version of standard was updated, the radioactive concentration of 18 nuclides in 1984, 14 nuclides in 1999, and 25 radionuclides in 2016 was decreased. Most of the radionuclides with decrease radioactivity concentration were fission product, it is resulted from improvement of nuclear fuel performance. Second revision item is change of adjustment factors. After the revision in 2016, the adjustment factors for zinc addition plants using natural or depleted zinc are changed. This study analyzed revision history of evaluation methodology of radioactive source term of light water reactors. Furthermore, result of this study will be contributed to the improvement of understanding of assessment methodology and revision history for the radioactive source term.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Despite the increasing interest in Deep Borehole Disposal (DBD) for its capability of minimizing disposal area, detailed research about DBD operation system design should be conducted before the DBD can be implemented. Recently, DBD operation system applying wireline emplacement (WE) technique is under study due to its high flexibility and capability of minimizing surface equipment. In this study, a conceptual WE system, and operation procdure is introduced. The conceptual WE system consists of 3 main stations, which from the top are hoisting station (HS), canister connection station (CCS) and basement (BS). In HS, WE is controlled and monitored. The WE is controlled using wireline drum winch and sheaves, and load on wireline is measured using a load cell. HS also has a pressure control system (PCS), which monitors internal pressure of the system, and a lubricator, which act as housing for joint device, allowing the joint device to be easily inserted into the borehole. The joint device is used to connect the disposal canister to wireline for emplacement/retrieval. In CCS, a rail transporter brings a transport cask containing disposal canisters, then the transport cask is connected to the hoisting system and a PCS in the BS. The main component located at canister station are a sliding shielding door (SSD), and a slip. The SSD is used to prevent canister from falling into borehole during the connecting operation and prevent radiation from BS to affect the workers. The slip is located beneath the SSD and is used to hold the disposal canister before it is lowered into the borehole. In BS, PCS is installed to prevent overflow and blowout of borehole fluid. The PCS consists of wireline pressure valve, christmas tree and BOP, which all are a type of pressure valve to seal the borehole and release pressure inside the borehole. The WE procedure starts with transporting transport cask to CCS. The transport cask is connected to lubricator, and PCS. Joint device is lowered down to be connected with disposal canisters, then pulled up to check the load on the wireline. After the check-up, SSD is opened, and disposal canister is lowered into the borehole. When desired depth is reached, joint device is disconnected and retrieved for next emplacement. In this study, the conceptual deep borehole disposal system design implementing WE technique is introduced. Based on this study, further detailed design could be derived in future, and feasibility could be tested.
        2022.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As cable TV, which has been leading the paid broadcasting market, has given the lead to IPTV, which has huge communication capital, its competitiveness is gradually weakening. This study examines the operation status of local cable TV and seeks ways to strengthen competitiveness for survival. To this end, we conducted data analysis such as related statistics, broadcasting industry survey reports, IPTV growth reports, CMB management indicators, paid broadcasting literature data, marketing reports, industry success stories, and marketing mix and SWOT analysis. As a result, four strategies for strengthening the survival competitiveness of local cable TV, namely joint purchase apartment marketing strategy, influencer marketing strategy, relationship marketing strategy, and digital marketing strategy were derived. Therefore, the results of this study can contribute to the improvement of the competitiveness of local cable TV, which has been with local residents through close content, and can be used as basic data for establishing marketing strategies for local cable TV in the future.
        2022.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The development of technology related to the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the growth of the online market due to pandemic are continuing the growth of the logistics market for product delivery. If it is difficult to deliver the product directly to the customer during delivery, storage and delivery using the unmanned courier box are being carried out. However, existing storage boxes are not actively used due to lack of usability even though they have the advantage of storing goods and delivering non-face-to-face. In addition, existing courier boxes are not prepared for cold chain transportation. The unmanned delivery storage device with ICT cold chain technology should be developed to prepare for the transition to non-face-to-face society, to improve logistics efficiency and meet user's requirements. Also, it is necessary to consider the measures to reduce the safety problems that may occur during the use and maintenance of the automatic system.This study conducted a model-based analysis for the development of unmanned delivery storage devices with ICT cold chain technology, and conducted a study to derive the system development specifications that meet the requirements and secure safety and apply them to the development process.
        2022.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In the present study, it is conducted to understand the heating performance and compressor operation characteristics according to 7 indoor unit combinations and 3 setting temperatures of the inverter multi-heat pump under heating standard temperature conditions. Heating capacity, COP and compressor frequency are investigated using the multi-calorimeter. The indoor unit combinations are simultaneous operation(A+B+C), partial operation(A+C, A+B, B+C) and independent operation(A, B, C), and the setting temperature is 20, 21, and 30°C. Since the increase in the setting temperature increases the compress frequency, the heating capacity increases, but COP decreases due to the increase in power consumption. The frequency increases as the indoor unit combination capacity increases, and decreases as the setting temperature decreases in the steady state.
        2022.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        저격수는 전장에서 적의 사기와 전투의지에 지대한 영향을 미치며 4차 산업혁명으로 첨단무기가 발달한 현대 전장에서도 적에게 치명적인 피해 를 입히게 된다. 따라서 본 연구의 목적은 4차 산업혁명 시대에 맞추어 한국 육군의 특수작전부대가 안전화작전 단계 시 북한의 도시지역에서 저격전 수행 능력 향상을 위한 발전방향을 제시하는데 있다. 연구 방법 은 저격전의 개념을 정립하고 저격전의 영향요인(전장환경, 위협인식, 대 응의지)에 따른 저격전 전법(작전수행개념, 조직편성, 무기체계)을 중심으 로 분석하였고, 미군의 이라크 도시지역작전 저격전 사례분석을 통해 교 훈을 도출하여 한국군에 적용하는 사례분석 방법을 적용하였다. 연구 결 과 저격전의 영향요인에 따라 저격전 전법이 발전함을 확인하였고, 안정 화작전 단계에서 북한지역 도시지역작전 시 특수작전부대 저격전의 영향 요인에 따른 창의적인 저격전 전법을 제시했다. 따라서 한국 육군 특수 작전부대는 단순한 저격수 운용이 아닌 합동작전개념의 저격전을 발전시 키기 위해 저격전의 영향요인에 능동적으로 대응하여 저격전 전법을 창 의적으로 발전시켜야 할 것이다.
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