
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 758

        2022.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Major accidents at nuclear power plants generate huge amounts of radioactive waste in a short period of time over a wide area outside the plant boundary. Therefore, extraordinary efforts are required for safe management of the waste. A well-established remediation plan including radioactive waste management that is prepared in advance will minimize the impact on the public and environment. In Korea, however, only limited plans exist to systematically manage this type of off-site radioactive waste generating event. In this study, we developed basic strategies for off-site radioactive waste management based on recommendations from the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) and NCRP (National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements), experiences from the Fukushima Daiichi accident in Japan, and a review of the national radioactive waste management system in Korea. These strategies included the assignment of roles and responsibilities, development of management methodologies, securement of storage capacities, preparation for the use of existing infrastructure, assurance of information transparency, and establishment of cooperative measures with international organizations.
        2022.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The fundamental characteristics of groundwater colloids, such as composition, concentration, size, and stability, were analyzed using granitic groundwater samples taken from the KAERI Underground Research Tunnel (KURT) site by such analytical methods as inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, field emission-transmission electron microscopy, a liquid chromatography-organic carbon detector, and dynamic light scattering technique. The results show that the KURT groundwater colloids are mainly composed of clay minerals, calcite, metal (Fe) oxide, and organic matter. The size and concentration of the groundwater colloids were 10–250 nm and 33–64 μg·L−1, respectively. These values are similar to those from other studies performed in granitic groundwater. The groundwater colloids were found to be moderately stable under the groundwater conditions of the KURT site. Consequently, the groundwater colloids in the fractured granite system of the KURT site can form stable radiocolloids and increase the mobility of radionuclides if they associate with radionuclides released from a radioactive waste repository. The results provide basic data for evaluating the effects of groundwater colloids on radionuclide migration in fractured granite rock, which is necessary for the safety assessment of a high-level radioactive waste repository.
        2022.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        시설재배지 고추(Capsicum annuum)에 주요 총채벌레는 꽃노랑총채벌레(Frankliniella occidentalis)와 대만총채벌레(F. intonsa)이다. 본 연구는 이들 총 채벌레의 월동 생리를 분석하는 데 목적을 두었다. 두 총채벌레는 동결감수성 곤충으로 낮은 저온(-15~-25°C)에서 체내빙결점을 보였다. 그러나 이 체내빙결 점은 두 종 사이에 그리고 발육태에 따라 상이하였다. 꽃노랑총채벌레의 경우 성충 -25.7±0.5°C, 번데기 -17.2±0.3°C, 약충 -15.0±0.4°C였고 대만총채벌레 는 성충 -24.0±1.0°C, 번데기 -27.0±0.5°C, 약충 -17.2±0.8°C에서 체내빙결점을 기록하였다. 그러나 실제로 두 종의 저온 피해는 체내빙결점보다 높은 온도 에서 일어났으며, 처리온도가 내려갈수록 그리고 노출시간이 증가할수록 증가하였다. 대만총채벌레에 비해 꽃노랑총채벌레가 저온에 대해서 높은 내한성을 보였으며 발육태에 따라 약충보다는 성충이 높은 내한성을 나타냈다. 그러나 두 종 모두는 치사 저온조건(-10°C, 2시간)에 노출되기 전에 0°C에서 2시간 미리 노출되면 저온 피해가 현저하게 줄어드는 급속내한성유기를 보였다. 또한 단계적으로 감소하는 저온에 노출되면서 저온순화를 발현하였다. 이들 총채벌레의 월동처를 알아보기 위해 시설재배지 안팎에서 동계모니터링이 진행되었다. 동계기간(11월~2월) 두 종 성충은 야외에서 채집되지 않았지만, 시설재배지 내부 에서는 꽃노랑총채벌레가 황색점착트랩과 잡초에서 포획되었다. 동계기간 시설재배지 토양시료에서 꽃노랑총채벌레 성충이 지속적으로 우화되었으나, 대만 총채벌레는 11월과 12월 토양시료에서 나오지 않았지만, 1월 이후 채집된 시료에서 성충 우화가 관찰되었다. 휴면에 따른 우화율 차이인지를 분석하기 위해 상이한 일장을 이들 두 총채벌레 종에 처리하였다. 이 결과 꽃노랑총채벌레는 일장조건과 무관하게 우화한 반면 대만총채벌레는 단일조건에서는 우화하지 않 았다. 한편 이들 총채벌레가 전파하는 Tomato spotted wilt virus도 동계기간 총채벌레가 채집된 잡초에서 검출되었다. 이상의 결과는 꽃노랑총채벌레가 겨 울기간 시설재배지 내부에서 잡초를 먹이로 발육하는 반면, 대만총채벌레의 경우는 휴면상태로 토양 속에서 월동하는 것으로 추정되었다.
        2022.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The radical reaction position was calculated by varying the calculation level for ACEL and ANT, which are detected with the highest frequency and concentration in PAHs pollution sites. The results of each calculation level were compared and evaluated with the existing literature. HF, B3LYP, B3LYP-D, and MP2 were used as the method for each level used for calculation. Except for HF, the MK charge by B3LYP, B3LYP-D, and MP2 was consistent with the experimental results. It was found that the dispersion effect was negligible in the calculation of ACEL and ANT because the calculation results by the B3LYP and B3LYP-D methods were the same. In particular, it was found that the MK charge calculation result by MP2 agrees well with the product/PAH ratio obtained as a result of the experiment. Considering the calculation cost, it would be preferable to use B3LYP to predict the radical reaction site of ACEL and ANT. However, considering the product/PAH ratio, it takes more time to calculate, but it is judged that it is better to use the MP2.
        2022.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Yellow Sea experienced glacio-eustasy sea-level fluctuations during the Quaternary period. In the middle part of the Yellow Sea, the Quaternary successions were accumulated by alternating terrestrial, paralic, and shallow marine deposits that reflected the fluctuating sea levels. A long core of 69.2 m was acquired at the YMGR-102 site (33o50.1782'N and 123o48.3019'E) at a depth of 72.5 m in the middle of the Yellow Sea. A four-layered geoacoustic model was reconstructed for the sedimentary succession. It was based on seismic characteristics from 3.5 kHz SBP and air-gun seismic profiles and 96 grain-size properties in the core sample from YMGR-102. For the underwater simulation and experiments, the in-situ P-wave speeds were calculated using the sound speed ratio of the Hamilton method. The geoacoustic model of YMGR-102 can contribute to the reconstruction of geoacoustic models, reflecting the vertical and lateral variability of the acoustic properties in the continental shelf of the middle Yellow Sea.
        2022.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 백두대간 생태축 복원사업지에서의 수목 생육 장애 요인을 평가하기 위해서 토양 및 미기상 환경모니터링 을 실시했다. 그 결과 복원 사업지에서는 주변 산림과 비교하여 토양의 유기물, 전질소 및 양이온치환용량이 부족하여 양분 공급이 결핍된 것으로 나타났다. 복원사업 준공 직후인 가을철 토양수분은 복원사업지가 주변 임내와 비교하여 7배 이상 빠르게 감소했으며, 미사질과 점토 함량 부족으로 인해 보습력이 매우 낮은 것으로 평가되었다. 복원 사업지의 경우 주변 임내와 비교하여 연간 잠재증발산량이 약 2배 높은 975㎜로 분석되었다. 복원사업지의 여름철 토양 수분은 일사량이 증가하는 낮 시간대에 급격하게 감소하는데 이는 잠재증발산량 증가의 영향이 큰 것으로 나타났다. 이상의 수목 생육 장애 요인을 개선하기 위해서는 낙엽, 부엽토, 토양개량제, 유기질 비료 시비 등을 활용하여 보습력 증진 등 물리성 개량과 양이온치환능을 증가시켜 식물에게 원활한 양분 공급이 이루어질 수 있도록 유도해야할 것으로 판단된다. 본 연구의 결과는 향후 생태축 복원사업의 설계와 시공 및 관리방안 수립의 기초 자료가 될 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.
        2022.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study calculated the on-site measurement (Tier 4) of greenhouse gases emitted during the production stage of major fishing periods that utilize set nets and bamboo weir fishing boats. In addition, using theoretically calculated results (Tier 1), the emission factor presented by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was comparatively analyzed. On average, carbon emissions for each operating period in the bamboo weir and set net were calculated to be 0.16 and 3.58 kg CO2 time -1 , respectively; and the measurement values (Tier 4) for each tool were about 4-17 times lower than their respective theoretical values (Tier 1). Significant differences were found based on engine performance. As port entry, port departure, and operating periods of the vessels show negligible variation with short distances, the operation of the vessel engine was considered as the main variable for carbon emissions in anchovy set net fishing.
        2022.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Jangchungdan is located at the skirt of Namsan near Namsomundongcheon, so the buildings are arranged with many podiums. The steps for people to go up and down such podiums are placed around the buildings. The Western-style constructional methods and materials introduced by the opening of ports were used for a variety of Jangchungdan buildings with differentiated levels of podiums, for Jangchungdan memorial ceremonies, and other building materials were also installed along with the changes in clothes and lifestyles. Although Dansa was constructed in the Chinese style, it reflected the shrine plane used in Joseon Dynasty, which in turn is thought to reflect Gubonsincham, the basic concept of Gwangmu Reform, as in the case of Jangchungdan memorial ceremonies.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In accordance with the notification of the Nuclear Safety and Security Commission (NSSC), environmental impact assessments around nuclear power plants are conducted annually and the results are disclosed to the public. KHNP evaluates the dose of residents around nuclear power plants using the K-DOSE60 program that reflects ICRP-60. K-DOSE60 calculates the expected exposure dose for residents by modifying the atmospheric dispersion and deposition factors evaluation module (XOQDOQ), gaseous effluent evaluation module (GASDOS) and liquid effluent evaluation module (LIQDOS) developed by the US NRC. The current evaluation program is the Bounding Assessments method, which evaluates under the assumption that residents reside at the exclusion area boundary (EAB), and has a disadvantage in that the estimated exposure dose is evaluated too conservatively. In the EPRI, instead of the conservative method that is conventionally performed for the residents’ dose evaluation method, a plan to improve the accuracy of the dose evaluation reflecting the site characteristics was reviewed. In addition, improvements were derived through the review of NPPs operation status, experience cases and the latest technology.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Due to the Fukushima nuclear accident, a large amount of radioactive material was released into the atmosphere, and consequently, it spread over a wide area and was deposited into the soil. As a result of this, a wide area of radioactive contamination site was created. Due to the contaminated site, the need for research on various exploration platforms for efficient situation management and field response is being emphasized. Backpack-type radiation survey & monitoring equipment is useful for creating a contamination maps containing information such as Dose Rate, Radionuclide, Activity Concentration accompanied by spatial analysis when performing a Scan Survey that moves with a backpack on a wide area site. contamination maps are based on accurate radiological characteristic information. However, there is a problem in that the accuracy of the evaluation results is lowered due to changes in environment conditions or the variability of the dose rate and counting rate during scan survey. This problem should be solved by applying the influence of each variable to the underlying data. However, prior to this, it is most important to prepare the base underlying first. And this can be obtained through evaluation of detection performance through static survey. Therefore, in this study, the change in detection efficiency for the measurement height and radius of the backpack-type radiation survey & monitoring equipment based on the 3"×3" NaI(Ti) detector was evaluated. First, the height of the source and Backpack-type radiation survey & monitoring equipment was evaluated from 0 cm to 1 m, which is the height of the soil and detector when an adult male wears a backpack. The experiment was conducted using the 137Cs (383 kBq) point source, which is a nuclide mainly detected at the contaminated site. The measurement time was measured five times per one minute, considering that it was backpack-type equipment and a future scan survey. In addition, in order to evaluate the detection radius, the measurement was performed by changing the measurement distance up to 5 m at intervals of 50 cm. As a result of evaluating the detection performance of the backpack-type radiation surveys & monitoring equipment, it was confirmed that increasing the detection height and radius reduces the count rate in the form of an exponential function. In addition, it was confirmed that the detected radius varies depending on the height. Based on these results, we plan to conduct additional research to understand the scan survey and its sensitivity to various factors. Through this, the company plans to develop various models for exploring the site by improving the accuracy of backpack-type radiation surveys & monitoring equipment.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In order to monitor the contamination of groundwater due to unplanned release of radioactive materials and the spread to off-site environments, the nuclear power plants (NPPs) conduct groundwater monitoring program (GWMP) in Korea. The GWMP should be established based on the groundwater flow model reflecting the conceptual site model (CSM) of the NPP’s site. In this study, in order to optimize the GWMP, the existing CSM and the groundwater flow model of the domestic NPPs site was updated by reflecting the latest groundwater level. As part of the CSM improvement, the hydrogeological units were subdivided more detailed from three to six through the review of hydrogeological characteristics of the NPPs site. In addition, major variables that affect groundwater flow, such as water conductivity, have been updated. The groundwater flow model was revised overall as the CSM was improved. In particular, the excavation depth of the structure and backfill area generated during the construction stage of the NPP structures was accurately reflected, and the drainage boundary conditions were realistically reflected. To verify the revised groundwater flow model, steady-state correction was performed using the groundwater level measured in April, 2021. As a results of the steady-state correction, the standard error of estimate, root mean square (RMS), normalized RMS, and the correlation coefficient were 0.32 m, 1.692 m, 5.608%, and 0.964, respectively. This means that the groundwater flow model is reasonably constructed. The CSM and groundwater flow model improved in this study will be used to optimize the monitoring location of groundwater in NPPs.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The Kori Unit 1 and Wolsong Units 1, commercial reactors in South Korea, were permanently shut down due to the expiration of their design lifetime. Therefore, nuclear power plants that have been permanently shut down must be dismantled, and the site must be finally released after removing the remaining radionuclides. Domestic regulatory standards for site remediation should not exceed 0.1 mSv per year based on effective dose. In addition, it is necessary to calculate the preliminary Derived Concentration Guideline Levels (DCGL) to prove that the conditions are met. Therefore, in this study, the input factor considering the geological characteristics of the site of Kori Unit 1 was investigated, and the preliminary Derived Concentration Guideline Levels were calculated and compared with the results of previous studies. As a result of comparative analysis, 60Co, 134Cs, and 137Cs, which are gamma-ray emitting radionuclides, had similar values to DCGL of previous studies A and B. However, 63Ni, a beta-rayemitting nuclide, was 5.94×104 Bq·g−1 in this study and 8.47×101 Bq·g−1in previous study B, resulting in a difference of about 700 times. In addition, in the case of 90Sr, this study and previous study A were derived similarly, but this study was 5.34×101 Bq·g−1 and previous study B was 1.18×10−1 Bq·g−1, resulting in a difference of about 450 times. This difference is judged to be because, unlike this study using only the industrial worker scenario, in the case of previous study B, the resident farmer scenario was mixed and used, which considers the internal exposure caused by ingestion of food produced in the contaminated area. In this study, it was confirmed that DCGL according to the change of geological factors of the site did not have a significant effect on gamma-ray-emitting nuclides. However, it was confirmed that considering the intake of food affects the DCGL of beta-ray-emitting nuclides. Therefore, there is a need to conduct future studies applying intake input factors that meet domestic conditions.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        It is important to ensure worker’s safety from radiation hazard in decommissioning site. Real-time tracking of worker’s location is one of the factors necessary to detect radiation hazard in advance. In this study, the integrated algorithm for worker tracking has been developed to ensure the safety of workers. There are three essential techniques needed to track worker’s location, which are object detection, object tracking, and estimating location (stereo vision). Above all, object detection performance is most important factor in this study because the performance of tracking and estimating location is depended on worker detection level. YOLO (You Only Look Once version 5) model capable of real-time object detection was applied for worker detection. Among the various YOLO models, a model specialized for person detection was considered to maximize performance. This model showed good performance for distinguishing and detecting workers in various occlusion situations that are difficult to detect correctly. Deep SORT (Simple Online and Realtime Tracking) algorithm which uses deep learning technique has been considered for object tracking. Deep SORT is an algorithm that supplements the existing SORT method by utilizing the appearance information based on deep learning. It showed good tracking performance in the various occlusion situations. The last step is to estimate worker’s location (x-y-z coordinates). The stereo vision technique has been considered to estimate location. It predicts xyz location using two images obtained from stereo camera like human eyes. Two images are obtained from stereo camera and these images are rectified based on camera calibration information in the integrated algorithm. And then workers are detected from the two rectified images and the Deep SORT tracks workers based on worker’s position and appearance between previous frames and current frames. Two points of workers having same ID in two rectified images give xzy information by calculating depth estimation of stereo vision. The integrated algorithm developed in this study showed sufficient possibility to track workers in real time. It also showed fast speed to enable real-time application, showing about 0.08 sec per two frames to detect workers on a laptop with high-performance GPU (RTX 3080 laptop version). Therefore, it is expected that this algorithm can be sufficiently used to track workers in real decommissioning site by performing additional parameter optimization.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Today, the domestic and international nuclear power industry is experiencing an acceleration in the scale of the nuclear facility decommissioning market. This phenomenon is also due to policy changes in some countries, but the main reason is the rapid increase in the proportion of old nuclear power plants in the world, mainly in countries that introduced nuclear power plants in the early stages. Decontamination is essential in the process of decommissioning nuclear facilities. Among various decontamination targets, radionuclides are adsorbed between pores in the soil, making physical decontamination quite difficult. Therefore, various chemical decontamination technologies are used for contaminated soil decontamination, and the current decontamination technologies have a problem of generating a large amount of secondary wastes. In this study, soil decontamination technology using supercritical carbon dioxide is proposed and aimed to make it into a process. This technology applies cleaning technology using supercritical fluids to decontamination of radioactive waste, it has important technical characteristics that do not fundamentally generate secondary wastes during radioactive waste treatment. Supercritical carbon dioxide is harmless and is a very useful fluid with advantages such as high dissolution, high diffusion coefficient, and low surface tension. However, since carbon dioxide, a non-polar material, shows limitations in removing polar and ionic metal wastes, a chelating ligand was introduced as an additive. In this study, a ligand material that can be dissolved in supercritical carbon dioxide and has high binding ability with polar metal ions was selected. In addition, in order to increase the decontamination efficiency, an experiment was conducted by adding an auxiliary ligand material and ultrasonic waves as additives. In this study, the possibility of liquefaction of chelating ligands and auxiliary ligands was tested for process continuity and efficiency, and the decontamination efficiency was compared by applying it to the actual soil classified according to the particle size. The decontamination efficiency was derived by measuring the concentration of target nuclides in the soil before and after decontamination through ICP-MS. As a result of the experiment, it was confirmed that the liquefaction of the additive had a positive effect on the decontamination efficiency, and a difference in the decontamination efficiency was confirmed according to the actual particle size of the soil. Through this study, it is expected that economic value can be created in addition to the social value of the technology by ensuring the continuity of the decontamination process using supercritical carbon dioxide.
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