
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 236

        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This research was conducted to find the indigenous diatom species unrecorded in Korea from February to December 2016. The samples were taken at 28 sites of the coastal regions on the west coast of Korea and Jeju Island. Diatoms were collected mostly from sand and mud of tidal flats, including gravel, seaweed on the bottom and macrophytes floating in the seawater. Diatom specimens were observed by means of light and scanning electron microscopy. Twenty one species were discovered and added as new specimens to the Korean diatom flora, which are divided into 9 orders, 12 families, and 16 genera. The list and photographs of the species are included with the description of the morphological characteristics and distribution in Korea.
        2017.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Gangjeong Village where Jeju's naval base was built, it has been so beautiful and prosperous that it was called Jeju Island's 'Jeil Gangjeong'. The relationship among Dongseonyeok Jip and U-alnyonk-Jip(It means neighborhood in Jeju dialect), Gapjang (It means same age friends), Guendang(It means kin) and relatives, alumni and older alumni or junior become estranged. Now, Gangjeong Village is in its biggest crisis since it was founded. Gangjeong is a national treasure protection zone designated as natural monument No.442, designated as a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve area, The nearby area is designated as the Marine Conservation Zone designated by the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries and Jeju Provincial Marine Park, and Gurumbi is ecologically excellent, designated as the absolute conservation zone and the absolute conservation coast of Jeju Island. So, it was designated as a fishing village experience town in 2004 and a superior natural ecology town in 2006. However, in 2007, the village president and several others ignored the procedures and decided to run the village as a candidate for the naval base. The navy and then the governor of Jeju Island accepted the decision and chose it as the site for the naval base. In February 2016, Jeju naval base was completed despite protests from residents of Gangjeong Village, numerous residents of the island, and the public. Gangjeong Village was chosen as the site of a naval base in April 2007 when 87 among 1,200 voters decided to attend an extraordinary general meeting. In response, a counterproposal committee was set up in the village, and on August 10, 2007, the former village president who led the bid for the naval base was dismissed at an extraordinary general assembly, and a new village president was elected. And on August 20 of that year, 94 percent of the absolute majority at the town assembly with 725 members opposed the construction of a naval base.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this paper, a mathematical model of regionalization based on graph theory to investigate the patterns induced by movements of livestock vehicles in cities under outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) is proposed. We then compare the results of simulation from the regionalization model to actual HPAI outbreaks in 2016/2017 to evaluate the validity of the model. Specifically, we (1) configured a complex network structure with analytic tools and properties in graph theory to abstract the paths among farms and livestock facilities; (2) employed statistical methods to estimate the possibility of propagation between two clusters; (3) applied the developed method to an actual HPAI outbreak in Korea in 2016 and conducted a simulation to determine if the proposed modeling for regionalization is an effective prediction measure. The clustered regions proposed by the simulation correctly reflected the regional clustering of actual cases, while simultaneously contain the cities exposed to potential damage when separated. Based on these findings, we conclude that our proposed regionalization model is suitable for making policy judgments to establish a preemptive biosecurity system.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 글은 춘추시대 역사서인 󰡔춘추󰡕의 철학적⋅역사학적⋅책력학적 분 석을 진행한 󰡔춘추󰡕왕력① (2017), ② (2017), ③ (2017) 선행연구들에 대한 후속 논의이다. 동짓달부터 3개월 동안을 春으로 명명한 󰡔춘추󰡕왕 력에서의 계절 개념을 실증해 보기 위해, 당시의 절후를 확인할 수 있는 증 의례와 상 의례, 그리고 우 의례 기사들을 고찰해 보았다. 烝 의례는 이상저온 현상이 지속되는 상태에서 기후의 온난함을 기원하고자 한 의 례로서, 그리고 嘗 의례는 음식의 풍요를 기원하는 의례로서 이행된 것임 이 확인되었다. 한편, 전국시대 이후의 기록들에서 증이나 상 의례는 각 각 겨울제사와 가을제사와 같은 사시제로 알려져 있다. 그러나 󰡔춘추󰡕 경 문에서는 그것들의 이행시기가 따로 규정되어 있지 않았다. 단비에 대한 간절한 기원으로서 이행된 雩 의례 기사들은 대부분 한여름이 포함된 ‘秋’ 계절에 집중되어 있다. 문자적인 논증으로서, 갑골문과 금문 등의 고체를 통해 그것들의 초기 형태 및 본원적 의미를 고찰하였다. ‘春’자는 이른바 ‘하나의 양이 막 생 겨나는’[一陽始生] 동지 절후를 묘사한 것이다. ‘夏’자는 춘분 이후 완연 한 봄에 벌어지는 원시적인 전통 축제에서 이성을 유혹하는 춤을 추기 위 해 차려입은 현란한 의복과 거대한 가면에서 유래된 글자이다. ‘秋’에는 벼 수확에 영향을 미치는 여름 곤충이 묘사되어 있으며, ‘冬’의 경우는 1 년의 사계절을 끝마친다는 의미로 사용되었다.
        2017.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        본 연구에서는 온실을 운영하고 있는 농장주를 대상으로 영농작업기록장(농가경영기록장 또는 농가작업일지)의 작성 실태, 활용도 및 작성 상의 애로 사항을 설문지를 이용하여 조사한다. 논문의 목적은 조사된 내용을 분석하여 기존 영농작업기록장의 애로 사항을 도출하고 기록장의 활용방안 제안하는 것이다.
        2017.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In this paper, two species of Mirine plant bug, Pinalitopsis rhodopotnia Yasunaga, Schwartz and Cherot, 2002 andYamatolygus pilosus (Yasunaga, 1992) are newly recorded from Korean peninsula. The dorsal habitus and genital structureof each species were provided. Also, figure of allied species, Pinalitus nigriceps Kerzhner, 1988 and P. rubeolus (Kulik,1965) are also documented to aid in the identifications of allied species.
        2017.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Hallasan is an elliptical volcano on Jeju Island and is the highest mountain in South Korea. A survey was carriedout to investigate soil Gamasina mite composition in the Hallasan National Park during 2016-17. Soil samples were collectedvarious microhabitats from Baekrokdam and Muljangori. We found these eight species; Euparholaspulus primori, Gamasholaspisbrowningi, G. communis, Parholaspulus bregetovae, P. hiasmaticus, P. maturovae, P. orientalis and P. paradichaetes fromsoil. Among these species, Parholaspulus bregetovae, P. hiasmaticus, P. maturovae, P. orientalis and P. paradichaeteswere first records from Baekrokdam and Muljangori, Halla National Park, South Korea.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Bryopsis africana and Pyropia kinositae are reported for the first time on the list of Korean marine algal flora based on integrated morphological-molecular study. Bryopsis africana from Korea is recognized with distinct main axes, robust thalli, pinnately and radially branched above, and basally denuded. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that B. africana was placed within a clade of Bryopsis. Bryopsis africana differs from B. corymbosa by 2.7% gene sequence divergence. Pyropia kinositae is characterized by oblong to lanceolate thalli, entire margin, purplish red in color, twice as long as broad cells in transversal section view. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that P. kinositae was placed within a clade of Pyropia. Pyropia kinositae differs from P. tenera by 1.5-1.8%, P. ishigecola by 1.2-1.3%, and P. yezoensis by 1.5-1.8% gene sequence divergence respectively.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Detailed morphological studies and molecular analyses based on plastid-encoded rbcL gene sequences were undertaken on Peyssonnelia species, a poorly known genus from Korea. We report new records for the Korean coast, Peyssonnelia harveyana and P. rumoiana. Peyssonnelia harveyana is chiefly characterized by P. rubra-type anatomy, closely packed perithallial filaments in firm matrix, hypothallial filaments arranged in parallel rows, thalli with appressed margins, hypobasal calcification, and unicellular rhizoids. Peyssonnelia rumoiana is principally characterized by two vegetative features, hypothallial filaments arranged in a polyflabellate layer, and perithallial filaments arising from the whole upper surface of each hypothallial cell (Peyssonnelia rubra-type anatomy). Our rbcL analyses revealed that P. harveynana and P. rumoiana were placed within a clade of Peyssonnelia. We also propose the new combination, Sonderophycus cauliferus comb. nov., for previous Peyssonnelia caulifera. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that our S. cauliferus was placed within a clade of Sonderophycus.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        An investigation focusing on the unrecorded and taxonomically undescribed indigenous has been done since 2006. Samples were collected from various sites in the coastal and offshore waters of Korea as well as around Jeju Island. Since 2008, 16 unrecorded species belonging to the family Gymnodiniaceae have been found. The species were as follows: Amphidinium thermaeum (2015), Cochlodinium convolutum (2015), C. strangulatum (2015), Gymnodinium abbreviatum (valid name: G. gracile), G. arenicola (2015), G. gracile (2015), G. dorsalisulcum (2015), G. microreticulatum (2014), G. micrum (2016) (valid name: Karlodinium micrum), G. pyrenoidosum (2016), G. simplex (2015), G. veneficum (2016) (valid name: Karlodinium veneficum), Gyrodinium aureum (2015), G. fusiforme (2015), G. dominans (2014), and Nusuttodinium latum (2016) (valid name: Amphidinium latum). (The numbers in parentheses refer to the year that the species was found). These species were newly recorded in Korean waters in this study.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The order Prorocentales currently includes two genera Prorocentrum Ehrenberg and Mesoporos Lillick. The Prorocentrum genus is a predominant group throughout the year found in Korean waters. To date, the Prorocentrum genus includes 31 species and the Mesoporos genus has only one species in Korean waters. In this study, we identified one Mesoporos species and three Prorocentrum species around a coast of Jeju Island, and described them as newly recorded species in Korean waters.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A study searching for unrecorded and taxonomically undescribed indigenous species has been conducted since 2006. Samples were collected from many sites in coastal waters and offshore in Korea as well as around Jeju Island. Since 2008 we have found 13 unrecorded species belonging to family Diplopsaliaceae, Heterocapsaceae, Kolkwitziellaceae, Protoperidiniaceae and Thoracosphaeraceae. The species are as follows, Preperidinium meunieri (2014), Heterocapsa ovata (2015), H. pseudotriquetra (2015), Diplopsalis lenticula (2008), Protoperidinium abei (2009), P. diabolus var. longipes (2010), P. depressum (synonym: P. parallelum (2008)), P. latispinum (2016), P. punctulatum (2010), P. solidicorne (synonym: P. spinosum (2010)), P. subpyriforme (2010), P. pacificum (2013), Scrippsiella hexapraecingula (2009) (note; The numbers in parenthesis refer to the year that the species was reported as unrecorded indigenous species by National Institute of Biological Resources, NIBR hereafter). Among these, 5 species were described as newly recorded species in Korean waters, and 8 were re-described in this study.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A study on indigenous diatoms was carried out at 10 sites from May 2014 to December 2016 in marine and freshwater in Korea. Seventeen species of diatoms are new to Korea and they are divided into 3 classes, 4 subclasses, 10 orders, 14 families, and 16 genera. The nomenclatures, references, dimensions, specimens examined, local habitat, distribution in Korea, and photograph are reported here. Seventeen species found in marine, freshwater, and brackish water showed species-specific habitats.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Four species of the families Gnaphosidae and Clubionidae are reported. Cladothela unmunensis n. sp. is described from Gyeongsangbuk-do, Korea. Drassodes longispinus Marusik and Logunov, 1995, Gnaphosa inconspecta Simon, 1878 and Clubiona tongdaoensis Zhang, Yin, Bao and Kim, 1997 are newly recorded to the Korean spider fauna.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Four species of the family Lycosidae are reported. Alopecosa gachangensis n. sp. is described from Daegu, Korea. A. aculeata (Clerck, 1757), Lycosa boninensis Tanaka, 1989 and Pardosa hokkaido Tanaka and Suwa, 1986 are newly recorded to the Korean spider fauna.
        2017.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In this paper, two species of Mirine plant bug, Polymerus amurensis Kerzhner, 1988 and Rhabdomiris striatellus Fabricus, 1794 are newly recorded from Korean peninsula. The dorsal habitus and genital structure of each species were provided. Also, figure of related species, P. pekinensis Horvath, 1901 and R. pulcherrimus Lindberg, 1934 were also documented to aid in the identifications of newly recorded species respectively.
        2017.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Aphidiinae in Braconidae includes more than 400 species within approximately 60 genera worldwide. Species of Aphidiinae are mostly known as solitary koinobiont endoparasitoids specifically associated with aphid hosts, and some of them are used for biological control. In the present study, two aphiniine species are newly recognized from South Korea based on morphological and molecular study: Aphidius rhopalosiphi de Stefani-Perez 1902 and A. uzbekistanicus Luzhetzki 1960. Although It was very difficult to discriminate two species morphologically, we cleary identified them by using COI (cytochrome c oxidase subunit I) DNA Barcode sequences. Here we present their morphological descriptions, illustrations and barcoding results.