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        검색결과 211

        2004.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We have developed a tool for measuring optical aberrations of telescope. We adopt curvature sensing technique and use the least square method for finding the amplitudes of the Zernike polynomials. This tool runs under the PC Linux system and the PC windows system with Linux emulators such as Cygwin. The program for UNIX system is used for optical alignment of 1.8M optical telescope at the Bohyunsan Optical Astronomical Observatory (BOAO) and the PC based program is used for the Korea Astronomy Observatory (KAO) wide field telescope (named NEOPAT-3). Our tool is found to be efficient for precise measurement of the optical aberrations of telescopes.
        2004.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        안경자와 동공거리계에 의한 PD 측정방법 중 어느 방법이 동일한 피검사자에 대 해 측정자가 바뀌더라도 더 일관성 있는 결과를 제공하는지를 조사하였다. 검사자는 안경자를 주로 사용하여 PD를 측정해온 집단(경력 2년 이상)과 동공거리계를 주로 사용해 온 집단(경력 2년 이상), 그리고 두 가지 측정방볍 모두에 경험이 많지 않은 집단(경력 3개월 미만)의 세 검사자 군으로 나누어 원용 및 근용의 단안 PD와 양안 PD를 각각 측정하였다. 원용(양안, 단안)과 근용(양안, 단안) 모두에서 동공거리계를 사용하여 PD를 측정 할 때가 안경자를 사용한 경우보다 측정자에 따른 일관성이 더 높은 것으로 나타났 다. 하지만 두 측정방법간의 일관성의 차이가 작고, 두 방법 모두 PD 측정값이 평균 을 중섬으로 한 고른 분포를 나타내었다. 안경원 실무 경력 2년 이상의 집단과 3개월 미만 집단과의 비교에서는, 경력 2년 이상 집단의 일관성이 두 측정방법 모두에서 높게 나타났으나 그 차이는 안경자 사 용시가 동공거리계를 사용할 때 보다 두 집단간의 일관성 차이가 더 높게 나타났다. 성별에 따른 비교에서는 남자 검사자 집단이 남자 피검사자의 PD를 측정한 동성 간의 PD 측정이 여자 검사자 집단이 남자 피검사자를 측정한 이성간 PD 측정시 보 다 일관성이 더 높았다. 하지만 안경자의 경우 근용 PD 측정시에는 옹성간 측정과 이성간 측정과의 일관성의 차이는 거의 없었다.
        2004.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recently. the severe competition in the internet shopping mall has forced firms to increase the customer satisfaction and to enhance service quality. Despite the internet shopping mall's fast and superficial growth and extraordinary potential, study on fa
        2003.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to compare the difference of joint position sense between measurements. Fourteen healthy male subjects were recruited for this study. The elbow joint position senses were measured using angle reproduction test. The elbow joint position sense was assessed with three experimental conditions: ipsilateral reproduction test in open-chain condition, contralateral reproduction test in open-chain condition, ipsilateral reproduction test with weight in open-chain condition and ipsilateral reproduction test in closed-chain condition. The angular difference between stimulus position and the reproduced position (angular error) was calculated in all testing conditions to examine the accuracy of the joint position sense. One way ANOVA was used to compare the error angles in all experimental conditions. The error angles between measurements were significantly different in elbow joint. The error angles was smallest in ipsilateral reproduction test with weight in open-chain condition and was greatest in the contralateral reproduction test in open-chain condition. Findings of this study indicate that testing methods, types of task, existence of resistance should be considered in clinical assessment for the joint position sense.
        2000.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to investigate the application of ATP bioluminescence to measure the degree of microbial contamination from raw meat, meat processing and milk processing lines. Samples collected from slaughter house, meat and milk processing plants were tested for estimation of bacterial number by using ATP bioluminescence and conventional method. The former result was transffered to R-mATP value(log RLU/㎖), and the latter transffered to CFU(log/㎖). Correlation coefficient(r) between aerobic counts(CFU, log/㎖) and R-mATP(log RLU/㎖) value was 0.93(n=408). R-mATP of aerobic counts from beef, pork, chicken was 0.93(n=220), and that was 0.93(n=187) between meat processing and dairy processing plants. In addition, Correlation coefficient(r) between aerobic counts and R-mATP was 0.87(n=252) under 1 × 10^5/㎖ of bacterial count and 0.74(n=152) over l0^5 respectively.
        1997.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1996.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1996.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A procedure for the determination of Aflatoxins in food and grains which utilizes reversed phased liquid chromatographic (LC) analysis with postcolumn derivatization by an electrochemical cell and determination with a fluorescence detector has been evaluated. The LC mobile phase was water-acetonitrile-methanol (6+2+2) with 1mM KBr and 1 mM HNO₃ which gave baseline separation for the four Aflatoxins (AfB₁, AfB₂, AfG₁, AfG₂). The electrochemical cell set at 7V, generated bromine and derivatized aflatoxins B₁ and G₁, The derivatives were detected by the fluorescence detector. The aflatoxins in naturally contaminated corn samples were isolated by three different cleanup procedures: the AOAC method I column (CB method), a rapid filtrate column (Romer's column), and an immunoaffinity column. The final extract were quantitated with fluorodensitometric TLC and the LC postcolumn derivatization techniques. The results were quite similar, however the LC technique showed less interferences and could be automated. Samples of corn, raw peanuts, peanut butter and dried dates were also analyzed successfully with this procedure.
        1996.02 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        BzCuO2 의 생성 자유에너지를 이중 이온교환된 Ba2+-β/β"-AI2O3를 전해질로 사용하여 다음과 같은 생성셀로부터 측정하였다. Au(po2=10-3)/Au+BaCuO2+CuO// Ba2+-β/β"-Au이 갈바닉셀에서 BzCuO2 의 임의의 생성식과 생성자유에너지는 다음과 같다. BaO+CuO=BaCuO2 δfGo/kJ.mol-1=-77.3-3.3x10-3T/K.3x10-3T/K