
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 193

        1993.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        최근, 시장환경 및 생산구조의 변화에 따라 이른바 첨단생산기술(advanced manufacturing technologies)의 개발과 활용이 산업계 및 학계의 큰 관심을 끌고 있다. 그러나 첨단생산기술의 급속한 기술적 발전과 전략적 가치의 증가에도 불구하고 산업에의 확산은 상대적으로 부진한 현실이다. 이러한 현상은 물론 초기 투자의 財源調達 문제에 基因한다고 할 수 있지만 일차적으로는 적절한 代案을 선정하고 투자의 정당성을 분석하는 방법론의 미비도 그 원인으로 지적되고 있다. 本稿는 전통적(conventional) 생산기술과 비교한 첨단생산기술의 특성에 대한 이해를 기초로, 새로운 기술대안들을 비교분석하는 구체적인 기법의 개발에 관한 접근의 방향성과 개념의 틀(framework)을 제시하는 데 그 목적이 있다. 첨단생산기술의 대안선정과 정당성분석은 다음의 몇가지 특성을 지니고 있다. 첫째, 투자대안의 屬性이 다양하며(multi-attribute) 각각의 속성이 相衝的(conflicting)일 수 있다. 둘째, 기술대안들의 잠재적 기능이 생산체제의 伸縮性과 柔軟性(flexible)의 제고를 강조하고 있다. 세째, 개별기술의 통합을 통해 시스템 전체의 상승효과(synergy effect)를 추구하고 있다. 따라서 이러한 특성에 대한 인식을 토대로 定量的이고 戰略的인 장·단점에 대한 고려를 포함하는 종합적이고 객관적인 분석의 틀과 기법이 사용되지 앉으면 첨단생산기술의 성공적인 도입과 활용은 기대하기 어려운 것이다. 새로운 생산기술의 도입이 공정의 부분적 개선을 위한 소규모 투자일 경우에는 경제성의 분석을 위해서는 전통적인 재무관리(capital budgeting) 기법들이 이용될 수 있고 직접적인 공정개선의 효과분석을 위해서는 시뮬레이션을 적용하는 것이 바람직하다고 할 수 있다. 그러나 기술대안의 규모가 크고 따라서 그 파급효과가 전체공정으로 확산되는 대규모 사업일 경우에는 다양한 장·단점들을 고려하는 종합적인 접근의 틀이 필요하게 된다. 이러한 방법들을 크게 세가지 형태로 나누어 보면 (1) 모든 대안들에 대해, 모든 요소들에 관한 비교분석을 동시에 실시하는 同時的 접근(simultaneous approach), (2) 대안 또는 요소들을 그 성격에 따라 계층적 구조로 분할하고 단계별로 비교분석을 실시하는 階層的 접근(hierarchical approach). (3) 요소들을 속성에 따라 몇 개의 소그룹으로 나누고 각 그룹에 대해 순차적으로 대안들을 비교분석함으로써 고려대상이 되는 대안들을 줄여나가는 順次的 접근(sequtial approach)등을 들 수 있다. 이러한 접근법들의 장·단점들은 사업의 규모나 복잡성에 따라 달라지게 된다. 또한 동일한 접근방법 내에서도 구체적인 기법의 선택과 개발도 문제의 특성에 따라 달리 결정되어야 한다. 그러나 어떠한 경우에도 오늘날의 첨단생산기술에의 투자는 현금의 흐름에 대한 계량적 분석에만 의존하는 전통적인 기법만으로는 불충분하며 기업목표와 생산조직 전반에 관한 전략적 요소들을 포함하는 종합적인 접근이 바람직하다.
        2024.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In recent years, electronic products have played an increasingly important role in modern society and have penetrated into people’s life and work. With the continuous development of technology and the increasing demand for convenience and innovation, the functions and performance of electronic products continue to improve. However, the intensification of market competition and the rapid advancement of technological progress have brought many challenges and opportunities to the field of electronic products. This paper takes the new product development project management process of Lenovo Company as the research object, adopts investigation analysis method, literature analysis method and project management theory and gateway development management theory to deeply analyze the existing problems in the new product development project management of Lenovo Company, such as: The new product development cycle is long, the new product development cost is over budget, the new product development project organization and coordination ability is weak, and the project monitoring and feedback are not timely. The causes of these problems are analyzed. In view of the existing problems, this paper makes an in-depth study of the relevant theories of project management and new product development, and puts forward an optimization scheme suitable for the improvement of the new product development project management of Lenovo Company. It means adopting agile development scheme, establishing project development cost control point, optimizing organizational structure, and establishing perfect project management supervision and feedback mechanism. Finally, based on the current situation of Lenovo ‘s new product development, this paper proposes the guarantee measures for the smooth implementation of the new product development project management optimization plan, namely, talent guarantee, development and innovation awareness, risk control awareness, and management awareness in strengthening cultural construction, so as to ensure the smooth implementation of new product development project management.
        2023.11 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This analysis was aimed at analyzing the proposed inland dry port projects in Malawi to decide which of them is a priority project. This Analysis used Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) analysis method. It involved four alternatives and five criteria elements. According to this analysis, Nsanje project is the most priority inland dry port project with 31% priority score. The second one is Mbamba Bay project with 25% priority score. Followed by Liwonde project with 24% priority score and finally Chilumba project with 18% priority score. Criteria wise, proximity to major ports is the most priority criterion with a 29% score. Payback period and economic benefit was second important criteria with a 22% score. Bilateral and regional support is the third important criterion with an 18% score. Room for expansion and future demand had a 16% score hence being the fourth important criterion. Environmental considerations had a 15% score being the fifth important criterion. The government of Malawi should prioritize the alternatives and consider the criteria elements in the order of importance as stated and recommended in this analysis. There is also need for partnership with Korean government and companies on financing, design and development of these ports.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        한국지질자원연구원은 기관차원의 연구활동에 따른 온실가스 감축 기여를 활성화하고자, 온실가스 배 출량 산정 가이드라인을 개발하고 이를 적용하고자 하였다. 이에 시범적으로 2022년도에 현재 수행중인 기본사 업 34건의 R&D 활동 그 자체에 의한 온실가스 배출량 규모를 파악하였다. 개별과제의 연구계획 내용과 예 산내역을 분석하여 여러 온실가스 배출범위와 경계를 정하였으며, 직접배출원, 간접배출원, 기타 직·간접 배출원 등 22건을 도출하여 해당 연구활동에 의한 배출량을 시범 산정하였다. 그 결과, 한국지질자원연구원 2022년 도 기본사업 R&D 활동에 의한 온실가스 배출량은 전체 2,041.506 tCO2eq으로 산정되었고, 그 중 직접 배출 량은 793.235 tCO2eq (38.86%), 간접 배출량은 305.647 tCO2eq (14.97%), 기타 직·간접 배출량은 942.624 tCO2eq (46.18%) 이었다. 2022년도 한국지질자원연구원의 기본사업 투입예산(총액 966.61억원)에서 1억원당 온실가스 배출량은 2.11 tCO2eq으로 산정되었고, 참여연구원 1인당(참여율 100% 감안) 온실가스 배출량은 4.800 tCO2eq으로 추정되었다. 이러한 연구과제의 온실가스 배출량 산정연구는 1회성 보다는 지속적으로 매 년 정기적으로 수행하고, 최소 5년 이상 정도의 축적이 이뤄져야만 연구분야 특성과 연구방법의 상이에 따른 배출량 증감 및 특이사항의 정형화가 가능할 것이며, 향후 배출량 관리방향 설정과 ESG경영의 환경부문 기 여도 평가에도 활용이 가능할 것으로 사료된다.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Recently, urbanization has become a serious issue, as there is imbalance between regions and various environmental problems occur intensively in cities. Therefore, cities all over the world are promoting the Green New Deal and trying to realize carbon neutrality. Accordingly, the European Union is leading the creation of carbon-neutral cities by promoting policies aimed at rapidly realizing carbon neutrality. In Korea, projects such as U-City and Smart City have also been promoted continuously for many years, and recently, the projects Smart Green City and Carbon Neutral Green City have been introduced. Therefore, this study aimed to derive directions and implications for future projects based on policies to address climate change by analyzing the guidelines for the Smart Green City project and the project plans of Gimhae-si and Gangjin-gun, which are the leading projects in the Smart Green City business model and are equipped with an extensive budget.
        2022.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study aims to review the differences in urban regeneration independently implemented by the government (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport, MOLIT) and Seoul based on related laws and ordinances, and to draw out the implications of Korean urban regeneration’s directions. The results are as follows. First, Seoul has constantly responded to the revision of the Urban Regeneration Act by adjusting and specifying the contents of ordinances, and especially, there have been efforts to enhance regional characteristics suitably for the circumstances of Seoul. Second, in the urban regeneration of Seoul, the budgets including the matching ratio of national and local subsidies shall be changed according to the standards of the MOLIT in changing designating places after the selection of the urban regeneration by the ministry, and this procedure and these implementation methods cause confusion to Seoul and local governments. Third, there were differences in the results of comparing the budgets and support methods of the “Gaggum Housing Project” of Seoul and “New Deal Housing Repair Project” of the MOLIT, which caused conflicts due to the differences in the project implementation and support standards, and the arbitrary interpretation of the guidelines. Although the urban regeneration greatly contributed to the revelation and conservation of regional characteristics, it might be necessary to establish systems that can enhance citizens’ awareness and compensate the efficient contents needed for each region in the future.
        2022.07 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Climate change has recently become a serious global issue, and carbon emissions and energy consumption are increasing, particularly in cities where economic activities and populations are concentrated. Accordingly, various countries worldwide are promoting the Green New Deal and promoting urban-centered climate change response policies with the aim of carbon neutrality. In Korea, following the “smart green city” project that creates a city where humans and the environment coexist, a similar “carbon neutral green city” policy is set to be introduced. Therefore, in this study, implications and directions for the sustainable introduction of the carbon neutral green city policy will be derived by comparing and analyzing the State and Tribal Assistance Grants of the U.S. bipartisan infrastructure law and the smart green city of the Korean new deal.
        2020.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A construction project is a designed product made up of labors, materials, and installations in the project positioned on the ground and may include the underground and ground section, and the section in water or on the water surface. It is a civil, industrial, transport, agricultural and rural development, infrastructure, or some other. A key phase in the life cycle of these construction projects is the implementation when building products are made directly with workers, equipment, materials, and managers. If there is a lack of management experience, information, and problem-solving solutions to tackle the risks faced by contractors, especially foreign ones, will fail in controlling the project’s cost. This study was conducted with investigations, discussions, and evaluation of the factors that lead to cost overruns in the construction projects of international contractors in Vietnam. The principal component analysis (PCA) showed that those factors that influence cost overruns these construction projects fall into five general groups, including factors related to (i) the owners, (ii) the foreign contractors, (iii) the subcontractors and suppliers, (iv) state management, and (v) the project itself. Besides, the study proposes solutions to limit cost overruns in construction projects and improve the profitability of international contractors in Vietnam.
        2020.08 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The construction industry in developing countries like Vietnam, which incorporates small and medium construction enterprises, is typically more prone to disputes and contract dispute-related lawsuits. A dispute may occur at any time in the life cycle of the project. It is sometimes solved with the intermediation of a lawyer or directly by stakeholders. Understanding the causes of disputes in a construction project not only improves the efficiency of a company but also increases the success of projects. This study was carried out using a questionnaire survey at construction projects in Ho Chi Minh City. Sample data with 117 observations were analyzed to find the disputing factors in construction projects: diversity of working style among the parties; reluctance to work; and poor teamwork. Correlation coefficient on a rank of factors between design consultant and contractor; Design consultant and project owners are positively correlated. The Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) analysis identified six groups of factors in construction disputes: cooperation, technology, economics, productivity, information, and behavior. The findings are useful for enterprise practice and provide participants with an overview of sources of dispute. Thus, a more complete risk management plan can be formulated, which will accelerate project progress and improve the likelihood of success.
        2019.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Purpose – The purpose of this study was to explore the model that supports the recipient country by using the ODA (Official Development Assistance) project and at the same time fits the global start-up/employment support of donor country with CSV business model. Specifically, we wanted to examine the feasibility of the project based on the existing ODA projects. Research design, data, and methodology – As the methodology, case studies and interview were conducted as well as literature studies. The case analysis is based on a press release of the entire KOICA's ODA project, which has been implemented for one year, based on 2017. After consideration, the actual results and future feasibility were analyzed. The interviews were conducted on senior Korean officials and Indian officials involved in Vietnam's ODA project. Results - As a result, some of the project cases applied and analyzed according to the model of this study were judged to be highly potential. Based on the results of this analysis, as the model derived from this study pursues, the global business model is developed under the CSV (Creating Shared Value) strategy through ODA projects to support recipient countries and global start-up/employment support of donor country. The possibility of simultaneously pursuing this model based on CSV business model was also confirmed. Conclusions – In the past, free aid agencies like KOICA focused solely on supporting recipient countries, but in terms of sustainability, they could discover the potential of supporting the global start-up/employment of the donor country using CSV business model in ODA project. In this study, we tried to find the theoretical background and potential possibilities in some ODA projects based on CSV business model. As a result of the analysis of KOICA ODA projects in 2017 and interviews, some ODA projects could be used to improve the economic development of the recipient country as well as the global start-up/employment of the donor country. Therefore, it is necessary for the ministries of the government to promote ODA projects to understand the framework that achieves these two objectives simultaneously and to promote ODA projects based on various strategic considerations.
        2019.05 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The study aims to contribute to the improvement of project management in Vietnam. It focuses on developing new critical success factors (CSFs) which can be used to assess the success of project management in the country. This is a promising issue considering the rapid changes occurring within the business environment. The reason is because CSFs carry great consequences on project management issues, particularly in the context of Vietnam, which is currently experiencing many big scale projects involving both local and foreign investors. Two applications are utilised. One is to adapt the business model of Belassi and Tukel (1996) to observe the transitional and emerging economy of Vietnam. The other is to examine the data collected from a survey to examine the new CSFs which can then be used to assess the success of its projects and project management in Vietnam. The research results showed some remarkable differences between CSFs of Vietnam and foreign countries in both number of success factors and its impact levels which should be paid attention by foreign project managers/owners when doing investment and project management in Vietnam. The outcome generated can be useful to project owners/managers as well as policy makers in Vietnam’s business environment.
        2019.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This purpose of this study was to investigate the perception and participation satisfaction of residents who participated in the rural landscape improvement project in Geumsan. The projects were conducted in three villages of Geumsan in 2018 and total 96 residents had participated. The results of the questionnaire survey on the participants showed that they usually have interests in community activities and actively participated. As a result of analyzing factors related to the change of residents' perceptions and satisfaction. It was found that there was significant difference in perception and satisfaction according to frequency of participation, not demographic factors. It is interesting that active interaction among residents during the projects and satisfaction on process are important factor for overall project satisfaction. For successful rural landscape improvement projects, it is necessary to encourage and support interaction and communication among residents. In addition, more various programs need to be developed to foster residents’ attachment and sense of community.
        2018.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, we typified the project for revitalizing the rural area through text analysis using news data, and analyzed the main direction and characteristics of the project. In order to examine the factors emphasized among the issues related to the revitalization of rural areas, we used news data related to 'tourism' and 'livelihood', which are the main keyword of the project to promote rural areas. In the analysis, text mining techniques were used. Topic modeling was conducted on LDA techniques for major projects in 'tourism' and 'livelihood' keyword. Based on this, this study typified the projects that are carried out for the activation of rural areas by topic. As a result of the analysis, it was fount that the topics included in the project were distributed in 11 sub-types(Tourism Promotion, Regional Specialization, Local Festival, Development of Regional Scale, Urban and Rural Exchange, Agricultural Support, Community Forest Management, Improve the Settlement Environment, General Welfare Service, Low Class Support, Others). The characteristics of the rural revitalization projects were examined, and it was confirmed that domestic projects were carried out by tourism-oriented projects. To summarize, the government is making projects to revitalize rural areas through related ministries. Within the structure where the project is spreading to the region, a lot of projects are being carried out. It is understood that the tourism and welfare oriented projects are being carried out in the revitalization project of the domestic rural area. Therefore, in order to achieve the goal of rural revitalization, it is believed that it will be effective to carry out a balanced project to improve the settlement environment of the residents.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study aims to identify more reasonable and efficient development plans to engage local university students in landscape improvement projects in rural areas. To survey university students, residents, administrators and experts involved in such projects on important considerations in this regard, SWOT analysis was employed to identify important factors, followed by analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to evaluate their relative importance, identify problems and suggest implications for improvement. The results are summarized as follows: the relative importance of the SWOT group was in the order of opportunity, strength, threat, and weakness. For each SWOT factor, the relative importance of strengths was in the order of students’ aspiration and passion, availability of creative ideas and designs, and improved attachment to their community. The relative importance of weaknesses was in the order of the lack of spontaneous participation of residents, short preparation periods and insufficient budgets, and the lack of experience in similar projects. The relative importance of opportunities was in the order of young students’ activity itself being a boost factor to the community, students’ endeavors arising a consensus among residents, and students feeling a sense of duty as representatives of their school. The relative importance of threats was in the order of projects being one-shot, temporary events, immaturity, and differences in preferences between older and younger generations. To draw an overall ranking of the sub-factors evaluated, the overall relative importance of the decision-making factors was evaluated. Among the sub-factors for each SWOT group, young students’ activity itself being a boost factor to the community as an opportunity factor was shown to be the most important, while the lack of experience in similar projects was shown to be the least important as administrators and experts made appropriate interventions in each stage.
        2018.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        생활의 공간적 토대로서 도시의 기능이 원활하고, 의미 있는 장소로서 아름답고 매력적인 공간으로 만들고 싶다면, 무엇보다도 도시공간의 전 과정이 유기적으로 작동되게 디자인되어야 한다. 굴다리는 도시공간의 부속물로서 도시의 이미지를 구성하고 기능성과 접근성을 나타내는 주요한 요소이며 생활의 터전으로서 활동공간의 역할을 가지고 있다. 그러므로 굴다리환경은 도시의 이미지가 직결되어있고, 시설물과 가로환경의 그 기능을 다 할 때 쾌적한 도시환경으로서 디자인된다고 생각한다. 본 연구는 이점에 착안하여 공공디자인의 개념과 공공성을 살펴보고 쾌적한 굴다리 환경조성을 위한 디자인적용의 평가지표의 가이드라인을 제시하고자 하였다. 부산광역시 굴다리 환경개선 사례와 대표적인 유형 그리고 디자인 적용 부분 현황분석을 통하여 공공디자인 평가지표를 개발하였다. 이는 굴다리 개선사업 사전계획에 있어, 사업의 방향과 목적을 정확히 파악하고 공공 공간 및 공공 시설물에 대한 세부지표에 부합되도록 계획·설계·디자인된다면 쾌적한 굴다리 환경조성으로 도시브랜드의 가치를 높이는 지속가능한 사업으로 진행될 것으로 생각된다.
        2017.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The study was intended to identify the effect of the rural development projects (comprehensive improvement of the seats of Eup and Myeon and regional unit comprehensive development projects) on the quality of life in rural areas against local residents living in areas subject to those projects by means of structural equation modeling based on covariance structure analysis. The result indicated that perception factors affecting the quality of life for residents in rural areas by the projects included ‘improvement in spatial environment’, ‘increase in vitality of rural areas’, and ‘promotion of community activities.’ It was also suggested that ‘improvement in spatial environment’ and ‘increase in vitality of rural areas’ have significantly positive effect on the quality of life for residents in rural areas while the former has relatively higher correlation. In comparison between comprehensive improvement of the seats of Eup and Myeon and regional unit comprehensive development projects, it was analyzed that all the perception factors of the comprehensive improvement of the seats of Eup and Myeon have effect on the quality of life for residents in rural areas indicating that comprehensive improvement of the seats of Eup and Myeon is more effective than regional unit comprehensive development projects in promoting the community activities. It means that existing rural development projects have been promoted to improve spatial environment rather than improving the quality of life for residents in rural areas. Thus, it is considered that the rural development projects in future should seek for a sense of community so that they can induce voluntary participation by local residents.
        2017.09 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study is the National R&D project which has been carried out since 2016 with governmental support. The main objective of this study is to enhance technical and economical competitiveness on cable bridge through providing total solution for the major field issues in overseas market. In this paper, methodology and promotion strategy of the study are introduced and future research plan is also explained.
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