대한민국의 백두대간보호지역 (baekdudaegan protection area)은 지형, 기후, 토양, 수문 등의 자연환경과 생물이 축 을 이루는 거대한 자연생태계이다. 이 지역은 생물의 서식 처와 이동통로를 제공할 뿐만 아니라 산림자원 및 종다양성 확보에 기여하고 있다. 이곳은 산림자원 중에 자원식물이며 전통지식의 가치가 있는 약용식물이 있다. 덕유산 권역의 백두대간보호지역은 전통의학에 기초한 약용식물 보고가 미흡하여 그 연구의 필요성 때문에 조사를 실시하였다. 조 사는 2014년 5월부터 2015년 5월까지 한반도 전통의학 (동 의보감, 방약합편, 향약집성방의 수재품목)의 약용식물 (관 속식물)을 대상으로 하였다. 확인된 전통의학 약용식물의 조사 결과는 다음과 같다. 덕유산 백두대간보호지역 출현의 전통의학 (동의보감, 방약합편, 향약집성방) 약용식물은 45과 (family), 78속 (genus) 94분류군 (taxa)이었으며, 종 (species) 이하의 계급 분류는 86종, 7변종, 1품종이었다. 이를 문 (phylum) 단위의 상급분류로 구분하면 양치식물문 (pteridophyta)은 석송 강 1분류군 (1.1%), 고사리강 2분류군 (2.1%)이며, 나자식 물문 (gymnospermae)은 2분류군 (2.1%)이고, 피자식물 문 (angiospermae)은 쌍자엽식물강 77분류군 (81.9%), 단 자엽식물강 12분류군 (12.8%)이었다. 가장 많은 분류군이 출현하는 과는 국화과 (9분류군, 9.6%)이었으며, 다음으로 미나리아재비과 (8분류군, 8.5%), 백합과와 장미과 (각각 6분류군, 6.4%), 초롱꽃과와 참나무과 (각각 4분류군, 4.3 %) 순이었다. 덕유산 백두대간보호지역 출현의 전통의학 약용식물 중 자생식물은 89분류군 (94.7%)이었으며, 침입식물은 5분류 군 (5.3%)이었고, 침입식물 중 귀화외래식물 2분류군 (2.1%), 식재식물 3분류군 (3.2%)이었다. 이용부위에 따른 전통의학 약용식물은 뿌리가 32분류군 (34.0%)으로 가장 많았으며, 다음으로 전초 28분류군 (29.8%), 뿌리줄기 19분 류군 (20.2%), 잎과 줄기 각각 15분류군 (각각 16.0%), 열매 14분류군 (14.9%), 종자 9분류군 (9.6%), 꽃 5분류군 (5.3%), 가지 3분류군 (3.2%), 기타 2분류군 (2.1%) 순이었다. 덕유산 백두대간보호지역 출현의 전통의학 약용식물을 의학고서별로 보면 향약집성방은 94분류군 (100%)으로 가 장 많았고, 다음으로 동의보감 73분류군 (77.7%), 방약합편 67분류군 (71.3%) 순이었다. 그리고 전통의학 약용식물의 의학고서별 유사성은 유사도지수 0.96을 나타낸 동의보감 과 방약합편이 가장 비슷하였으며, 다음으로 유사도지수 0.87의 동의보감과 향약집성방, 유사도지수 0.83의 방약합 편과 향약집성방 순이었다. 향약집성방, 동의보감, 방약합 편에 모두 공통적으로 나타나는 약용식물은 67분류군이었 으며, 이는 전통의학 약용식물 총 94분류군의 71.3% 비율 이었다. 덕유산 백두대간보호지역의 한반도 전통의학 약용식물 은 94분류군이었으나 광범위의 약용식물은 인접지역의 연 구를 종합할 경우 종류가 많을 것으로 판단되었다. 따라서 이곳은 전통의학 약용식물 이외에도 현대의학 (대한민국약 전) 약용식물 및 일반적으로 이용하는 광범위의 약용식물 조사가 따라야 할 것으로 여겨졌다.
The use of herbs for medical benefit has played an important role in nearly every culture on earth. Herbal medicine was practiced by ancient cultures in Asia. Herbal drugs should be processed before using or making into various forms. We study on the formulae and administration of herbal drugs used for stroke in the Poong(風) section of DongYiBoGam(東醫寶鑑) and the conclusion is said that;. Besides decoction of herbal drug, there are pill, powder, soft extract, powder to be taken after infused in warm boiled-water or liquor. The most commom way to take a medicine is a decoction boiled with the water(pills comes next, powder follows it), and bamboo juice or ginger juice was usually added when it needs. Pills are mostly taken with honey and being done with flour comes as the 2nd common way. In 11 cases, pills are wrapped by cinnabar or gold foil(sometimes both come together). Pills and powder are commonly taken with the warm water or herb(most of them are ginger juice or warm liquor). Warm liqour is the most common material taken with the powder but warm water or ginger juice is used, too. In chui-che(取嚔) method, powder is simply used. Their characteristics and administrations are shown in detail in Pharmacology of Traditional Korean Medical Formulae. It is neccessary to research and develope various administrations of drug in order to take the best effects on oriental(Koran traditional) medicine.
We studied the phrases and the sentences of Dong-Eui Bo Kahm (東醫寶鑑) that were quoted from the So Moon (素問) and the Young Chu (靈樞). Mainly most of quoted sentences were same with original texts. The principal contents of this study can be summarized as follows. First, there are a few cases that the phrases of Dong-Eui Bo Kahm become more distinct and minute than that of the So Moon and the Young Chu. Second, there are many cases that the phrases of Dong-Eui Bo Kahm become briefer than that of the So Moon and the Young Chu. Third. many synonyms and equivalents of the phrases of the So Moon and the Young Chu were used in Dong-Eui Bo Kahm. Forth, there are a few wrong words and incorrect phrases in Dong-Eui Bo Kahm. Fifth, there are many omissed words and added words in Dong-Eui Bo Kahm. But that quoted sentences have same meaning with original sentenses. Sixth, original text book names were recorded in the end of all sentenses of Dong-Eui Bo Kahm, but there were a few wrong text book names.
Yin and Yang are a general idea to understand phenomenon and human body. Specially in medicine, the principle of Yin and Yang is clinical and positive. As the principle of Yin and Yang, the human body can be seperated two parts; male-female, upward-downward, front-rear, left-right, interior-exterior, inside-outside and heat-cold, input-output, contraction-relaxation, hard-soft, active-pasive, weekness-strong and old-young, white-black, fat-lean, high-low, long-short, spirit-body. But, Yin and Yang are facing and interchanging each other. Summaries of a study on the means of yin and yang in Naekyoung and Waekyung chapter of DongEuiBoKahm are as follows. 1. Yin and Yang represent Objects . They represent natural phenomena; for example the situation of weather and time is expressed by them. . They represent urinary organ, anus, genital organ. . They represent the five viscera and the six entrails and their functions. . They represent male and female. . They represent fat and lean. 2. Activity and Inactivity are represented by Yin and Yang. ;They mean increasing of temperature by activity and decreasing of temperature by inactivity. . They mean the movement and activity of Ki 3. Yin expresses formation and Yang expresses functions. . Ki and it's functions are expressed by Yin and Yang. . Body fluid, blood and fundamental nutrition are expressed by Yin and Yang ;Organic system of human body and functions of organs are expressed by Yin and Yang. 4. The directions in human body and direction of Ki are expressed by Yin and Yang ;Inside and Outside of human body are expressed by Yin and Yang. . Emission and contraction is expressed by Yin and Yang. ․Upper and lower side of human body are separated by Yin and Yang. ․Upward and downward flow of Qi is expressed by Yin and Yang. . They represent KyungNak, YoungKi, WeKyung.a