본 연구는 고농도 염화칼슘 처리 토양에서 토양개량제인 하이드로볼, 활성탄의 처리와 수크령 식재 유무에 따른 토양침출수 의 화학적 특성과 토양 내 염분 저감 효과에 미치는 영향을 규명하고자 수행하였다. 고농도 제설제처리 염분토양에서 토양개량 제 하이드로볼, 활성탄의 염분 저감 효과 및 수크령의 식재 효과를 알아보기 위하여 2018년 4월부터 10월까지 유리온실에 직경 10 cm, 높이 9 cm의 플라스틱 포트에 수크령을 식재하고 무처리 (Cont.), 하이드로볼 (H), 활성탄 (AC), 수크령식재 (P), 하이드로볼 + 수크령식재 (H + P), 활성탄 + 수크령식재 (AC + P) 총 6개의 처리구로 나누었다. 염화칼슘 (CaCl2) 처리는 10 mg/L 농도의 수용액을 조제하여 2주 간격 1회 200mL씩 분주하였다. 토양침출수 분석은 pH와 EC, 염류계 치환성양이온 (K+, Ca2+, Na+, Mg2+) 함량을 측정하였고, 수크령의 생육은 초장, 엽장, 엽폭, 엽수를 측정한 뒤 실험종료 후 생체중, 건물중, 건물률, T/R률을 조사 분석하였다. 토양침출수 화학성 분석결과, 토양산도는 처리구별 뚜렷한 차이를 보이지는 않았으나 모든 처리구에서 약산성을 띄었으며, 전기전도도는 H + P, P, AC + P, H, AC, Cont. 순으로 감소하는 경향을 보였다. 염류계 치환성양이온함량에 있어서 토양 염류도의 지표라 할 수 있는 Ca2+ 항목에서 Cont., P, H, AC, H + P, AC + P 순으로 높아지는 경향을 보였다. 수크령의 생육변화는 H + P, AC + P, P 순으로 초장, 엽장, 엽폭, 엽수 모든 항목에서 상대생장률이 통계적으로 유의하게 높게 나타났다. 따라서 하이드로볼과 활성탄은 제설제 피해지역 토양개량제로 활용가치가 높으며 수크령은 토양 내 고농도 염화칼슘 염분저감 식물소재로 적합한 수종이라 판단된다.
굴참나무 육종채종원에서 유전간벌 모형 및 다양한 간벌 강도에 따른 재적생장에 대한 개량효과 및 유전다양성을 추정하였다. 유전간벌 모형은 개체간벌, 가계간벌 및 가계 내 개체간벌이었으며, 간벌강 도는 개체목 기준으로 10% 단위로 적용하였다. 유효집단크기는 채종목 가계 간 유전적 유연관계를 나 타내는 공동조상도를 이용하여 추정하였다. 유전간벌 모형에 있어 개체간벌이 가계간벌 및 가계 내 개 체간벌 보다 모든 간벌강도에서 높은 개량효과가 추정되었다. 가계간벌은 모든 간벌강도에서 매우 낮은 개량효과가 추정되어 본 굴참나무 채종원의 유전간벌 방법으로 적용하기에는 부적절한 것으로 판단되었 다. 각 유전간벌 모형에 대한 유효집단크기를 추정한 결과, 가계간벌이 다른 간벌모형 보다 높은 유효 집단크기가 추정되었다. 개체간벌은 약도의 강도에서는 일정하게 유지되었으나 강도의 간벌에서는 낮게 추정되었으며, 가계 내 개체간벌은 중도의 간벌강도까지는 감소하는 경향을 나타내다가 강도의 간벌강 도에서 다시 증가하였다. 이상의 결과를 종합하며, 50% 이하의 간벌강도를 적용할 경우에는 개체간벌 이 효과적인 반면, 50% 이상의 간벌강도를 적용할 시에는 가계 내 개체간벌 방법이 효과적일 것으로 판단된다.
This research carried out an analysis on input cost and leakage reduction effect by leakage reduction method, focusing on the project for establishing an optimal water pipe network management system in the Taebaek region, which has been executed annually since 2009. Based on the result, optimal cost-benefit analysis models for water distribution network rehabilitation project were developed using DEA(data envelopment analysis) and multiple regression analysis, which have been widely utilized for efficiency analysis in public and other projects. DEA and multiple regression analysis were carried out by applying 4 analytical methods involving different ratios and costs. The result showed that the models involving the analytical methods 2 and 4 were of low significance (which therefore were excluded), and only the models involving the analytical methods 1 and 3 were suitable. From the result it was judged that the leakage management method to be executed with the highest priority for the improvement of revenue water ratio was installation of pressure reduction valve, followed by replacement of water distribution pipe, replacement of water supply pipe, and then leakage detection and repair; and that the execution of leakage management methods in this order would be most economical. In addition, replacement of water meter was also shown to be necessary in case there were a large number of defective water meters.
The antiobesity effect of commercial kochujang and fermented wheat grains in Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats was studied. The experiment was consisted of 6 groups. Normal, high fat diet (HFD), HFD+raw wheat grains, HFD+first fermented wheat grains (FFWG, with Aspergillus oryzae) HFD+final fermented wheat grains (FiFWG, fermented more for 30~40 days), and HFD+ commercial kochujang. The results showed that final body weight, weight gain, food efficiency ratio, and adipose tissue weight were markedly decreased by the commercial kochujang and the fermented wheat grains, whereas non-fermented raw wheat grains had no such effect. Lipid contents such as total lipid, total triglyceride and total cholesterol decreased in the serum and organs of liver and adipose tissues by the commercial kochujang and the fermented wheat grains as well. These results also indicated that fermented wheat grains exhibited more suppressive effects on high fat induced-obesity than raw wheat grains. Increased fermentation time and adding the red pepper powder resulted in increased the anti-obesity effect. Especially, commercial kochujang showed higher antiobestic effects than fermented wheat grains. These in vivo findings suggested that well-fermented end products of the wheat grains and red pepper powder in kochujang could be useful in the prevention of obesity.
본 연구는 19년생 상수리나무 육종실생채종원에서 다양한 유전간벌 모형(간벌 방법 및 강도)에 따른 개량효과와 유전다양성을 추정함으로써, 본 채종원에 적합한 유전간벌 방법 및 강도를 선정하기 위해 실시하였다. 간벌 방법은 개체간벌, 가계간벌, 가계+가계 내 개체간벌을 적용하였으며, 간벌강도는 10% 단위로 10∼90%의 간벌강도를 적용하였다. 개체간벌은 모든 간벌강도에서 가장 높은 개량효과가 나타났지만, 유효집단크기를 이용하여 추정한 유전다양성은 가장 낮게 나타났다. 가계간벌은 가장 높은 유전다양성이 나타났지만, 잔존 가계수가 적고 개량효과가 극히 낮아 본 채종원에 적용할 간벌 방법으로는 부적절하였다. 가계+가계 내 개체간벌 방법은 높은 개량효과가 추정되면서, 안정된 유전다양성이 유지되었다. 간벌강도는 가계수와 유전다양성이 일정하게 유지되면서, 높은 개량효과를 얻을 수 있는 60%의 간벌강도가 적절한 것으로 생각되었다. 결론적으로 본 상수리나무 육종실생채종원 관리를 위하여 개량효과를 높이면서 유전다양성을 안정적으로 유지할 수 있는 가계+가계내 개체간벌 방안을 제시하는 바이다. 또한 상수리나무 채종원 관리자는 목적하는 개량효과 달성 및 유전다양성 유지에 필요한 유전간벌 강도를 설정할 수 있을 것이다.
Taguchi's robust design methodology has focus only a single characteristic or response, but the quality of most products is seldom defined by a characteristics, and is rather the composite of a family of characteristics which are often interrelated and nearly always measured in a variety of units. The multiple characteristics problem is how to compromise the conflicts among the selected levels of the design parameters for each individual characteristic. This paper presents a Taguchi-like approach based upon improved weighted main effects. One case study is solved by the proposed method.
염류집적 토양에서 광합성균, Soil plus, 목초액, 활성탄 등 토양개량제가 오이와 토마토의 생육과 수량에 미치는 영향을 시험하였다. 그 결과 활성탄이 수량을 증진시키고 뿌리의 활력도 좋았다. 토마토 배꼽썩음병도 활성탄 처리구가 가장 낮았다. 토마토의 당도는 Soil plus구가 높았으며 질산염과 인산함량은 처리간에 차이가 없었다.
Genetic changes from improving female's reproductive rate through in vitro fertilization of large number of oocytes were studied. The breeding scheme employed was multiple ovulation and embryo transfer of juveniles and adults. Both balanced and unbalanced matings were examined for the four closed progeny population sizes, 10, 10, 105, 106. In balanced matings, all selected sires and dams were mated to each other(cross-classified mating) while unbalanced matings allowed selected dams and sires mated partially, eg. unbalanced matings allowed averages of .5 and .25 progeny per each mating. Various numbers of selected sires and dams were also examined in both balanced and unbalanced matings. In all mating schemes, selection of males and females was restricted to he one from each fullsib family to reduce the rate of inbreeding. The model calculations were deterministic and accounted for the effects of selection and inbreeding on loss of the genetic variation in succeeding generations. Balanced rectangular mating schemes, where more donors were selected than sires, resulted in larger selection responses than balanced square mating schemes, where equal numbers of sires and donors were selected, and unbalanced rectangular mating. The first round selection responses from the balanced rectangular matings of juvenile MOET, eg. number of progeny per mating equals 2 with 10 sires selected, were 1.192, 1.406, 1.580 and 1.735 times larger than the first round selection responses from the balanced square mating schemes for the given four progeny population sizes, 10, 10, 105 and 106, respectively. Similar results were obtained in adult MOET breeding schemes. However, balanced square matings gave greater selection responses than the unbalanced rectangular matings.
When the dairy cattle are genetically improved by embryo transfer, generation intervals can be reduced since sires are selected by their full-sister's records rather than by their daughter's records and selection intensity increases because only donor cows and sires for them are selected. In addition by embryo transfer many number of full-sisters and full-sisters are produced at the same time, resulting in the increase in the accuracy of selection.
초지개량(草地改良)에 있어서 가리(加里)의 시용수준(施用水準) 및 질소(窒素)와 인산(燐酸)의 시비량(施肥量) 관계(關係)가 목초(牧草)의 생산성(生産性)에 미치는 영향(影響)을 구명(究明)하기 위해서 화본과(禾本科) 단파구(單播區), 두과(荳科) 단파구(單播區) 및 혼파구(混播區)로 구분(區分)하여 가리(加里)의 시비수준(施肥水準)을 달리하면서 1977년(年)부터 1980년(年)까지 3년간(年間)에 걸쳐 실험(實驗)한 결과(結果)를 요약(要約)하면 다
This study aimed to investigate the effects of soil amendment (heat-expanded clay and active carbon) and planting of Dendranthema zawadskii var. latilobum on the remediation of salt-affected soil and the plant growth under high calcium chloride (CaCl2) concentration. The experimental group comprised treatments including Non treatment (Cont.), heat-expanded clay (H), active carbon (AC), planting (P), heat-expanded clay+planting (H+P), active carbon+planting (AC+P). A 200 mL solution of CaCl2 at a concentration of 10 g·L-1 was applied as irrigation once every 2 weeks. Compared to the Cont., the incorporation of the ‘heat-expanded clay’ amendment decreased electrical conductivity of the soil leachate and cation exchange capacity, whereas the growth of Dendranthema zawadskii var. latilobum was relatively increased. These results suggest that the combination of ‘heat-expanded clay’ amendment and planting will mitigate negative effect of de-icing salts and improve plant growth in salt-contaminated roadside soils.
화산회토양 감자 연작지 토양 pH 수준별로 고토석회, 유황, 황산칼륨, 패화석, 규산질비료, 석회질소, 유안비료를 이용하여 감자 더뎅이병 발생을 경감시키고 토양건전성을 유지하는데 적절한 대체농자재를 선발하고자 수행하였다. 토양 pH가 낮은 황산칼륨 처리구(24 kg/10a)에서는 더뎅이병 발병률이 84.4%, 발병도가 28.4%로 가장 낮았다. 방제효과는 12.3%, 상품율은 93.2%로 다른 처리구와 비교할 때 가장 높게 나타났다. 석회질소 처리구(60 kg/10a)가 발병도 38.3%로 낮았고 방제효과 23.8%, 상품율 66.3%로 높았다. 토양 pH가 높은 시험구 중 더뎅이병 발병률은 석회질소 처리구(60 kg/10a)가 38.3%로 가장 낮았고 유안 처리구(48 kg/10a)는 62.6%로 높았다. 더뎅이병 방제효과는 석회질소 처리구(60 kg/10a)에서 23.8%로 유황 처리구의 6.1% 보다 4배 이상, 상품률은 66.3%로 가장 높게 나타났다. 감자 더뎅이병 병원균 Streptomyces acidiscabies과 Streptomyces scabiei를 석회질소 2.5, 5 g/L, 10 g/L에 접종시 생장량은 다른 토양개량제 보다 상대적으로 억제되었다. 결론적으로 감자 파종 전에 토양 pH가 5 이하이면 황산칼륨을, 6 이상이면 석회질소를 시비하면 더뎅이병 발생을 경감시킬 수 있을 것으로 보인다.
This study investigated the effects of soil depths and soil organic fertilizer application on the growth characteristics of Spiraea bumalda ‘Gold Mound’ in a extensive green roof system. The treatments were 3 soil depths (10, 15 and 25 cm) and 5 soil types in mixture of artificial soil and organic fertilizer. We measured plant height, leaf width, leaf length, number of flowers, visual quality and survival rate from March to October in 2011. The growing medium of 10 cm soil depth showed the highest plant growth in A1 (amended soil 100%), and the lowest plant growth in O1A4 (organic fertilizer 20% + amended soil 80%) treatment. In case of 15 cm soil depth, Spiraea bumalda ‘Gold Mound’ showed a high leaf length and visual quality in O1A2(organic fertilizer 33% + amended soil 67%) treatment and high leaf width and number of flowers in O1 (organic fertilizer 100%) treatment. A1 treatment without organic fertilizer showed the lowest leaf length and poorest visual quality, and O1A4 treatment showed the lowest plant height and lowest number of flowers. At soil depth 25 cm, O1A1 (organic fertilizer 50% + amended soil 50%) treatment showed greater plant height, visual quality and number of flowers than other treatments. The leaf length and leaf width were more effective in O1 treatment. A1 treatment showed a relatively low leaf length, leaf width and visual quality. The higher the organic conditioner, the better the plant growth. And, survival rates of Spiraea bumalda ‘Gold Mound’ showed 92%, 88% and 76% at soil depths of 25 cm, 15 cm and 10 cm, respectively, in this a extensive green roof system. Therefore, the results showed that the growth of Spiraea bumalda ‘Gold Mound’ was affected by both soil quality and soil depth. Different optimal mixtures of organic fertilizer and amended soil were determined, depending upon soil depth.
On this study, the laboratory model test is a soil tanker to be contained with clay and grid form improved soil, the test model is conducted in total 9case with the uniaxial compressive strength of improved soil and replacement ratio of improved soil. Numerical analysis for variation of stress distribution ratio with depth is performed in the same conditions which are the laboratory model test. As a result, stress distribution ratios in mid and high replacement ratio are increasing and settlement is decreasing, except low replacement ratio.
This study is presented for form effect ratio and settlement reduction factor with change of structure form, it is able to be helpful in further research and reference for change of structural forms at composite ground.
Korea is a peninsula which has a lot of soft ground including coastal areas. This soft ground is consisted of clay or silt and it generally has features of high compressibility. Therefore, in order to build a structure, high compressibility ground is needed carrying out ground improvement using deep cement-mixing method. As a Fig 1, this study is evaluated for the applicability of which are load sharing ratio, stress distribution ratio, pore water pressure and settlement with grid structure form