본 연구는 중국 운남성 라평현 명가촌(中國雲南羅平縣明格村)대상지로 명가촌의 생태보전 및 지역발전 중심으로 연구를 진행하고 있다. 운남성 라평현의 독특한 계단식 밭 경관(梯田景觀)은 중국의 중요한 농업문화유산이고 매우 높은 보존 가치를 가지고 있다. 운남성 라평현 면가촌에서 살고 있는 포의족(布依族)은 중국의 소수 민족에 속하며, 그 민족의 전통문화와 풍습은 중국의 중요한 무형문화유산으로 보전가치 크다.
중국은 고대부터 다민족 국가였다. 수천 년 간 다른 민족문화와 지역문화가 서로 융합되어 상호 영향력이 중국의 전통문화를 형성했다. 소수 민족의 전통문화는 중국 민족의 전통 문화에서 중요한 부분이다. 운남성 포의족(布依族)은 독특한 의상, 음식, 건축, 무용, 공예 문화를 가지고 있지만 현대문명의 통일화에 따라서 운남 포의족 전통문화가 점차 사라지고 있다. 중국 독특한 소수 민족 문화가 시간에 흐르면서 잊혀지고 없어지는 것은 세계 문화사에 커다란 동정이다. 그래서 포의족 문화의 전승과 보전에 대한 내용도 핵심 내용이다.
현재 명가촌의 농촌마을계획은 장기간 단일화 발전 모델로 이 지역의 보전가치가 큰 계단식 밭경관과 포의족(布依族)의 문화에 대한 고려가 미비하여 점차 사라지고 있다. 본 연구는 명가촌의 경관보전 및 지역발전을 목적으로 연구를 진행하고 있다. 연구내용은 명가촌의 생태마을설계와 무형문화유산의 보전을 기반으로 지역 발전의 활성화 계획을 다루고자 한다.
첫째, 명가촌 생태마을설계에 대한 내용이다. 우선 기존의 농촌마을계획을 진단하였다. 생태마을설계 방향은 자연생태환경과 포의족 전통건축 복원 및 계단식 밭의 보전이다.
둘째, 마을의 무형문화유산 보전방안이다. 농업문화유산은 현대 농업 발전에 중요한 영향을 미치는 매우 중요한 가치를 지니고 있다. 그러나 과학 기술이 꾸준히 발전함에 따라 수천 년 동안 지속되어 온 전통적인 농업은 사라질 위기에 있다. 명가촌 계단식 경작지의 경제적 가치, 생태적 가치, 미학적 가치, 문화적 가치, 과학적 연구 가치 및 사회적 가치와 같은 여러 가치를 가지고 있다. 반면, 면가촌 전통적인 농법은 단지 1차 산업에 국한되어 있고, 계단식 경작지는 경사가 급하고 협소한 폭으로 기계경작이 어려워 농민의 소득과 생활수준을 제한하고 있다. 그런데 이러한 제한요소는 오히려 녹색농업, 유기농업 및 생태농업을 활성화 시킬 수 있는 기회요소가 되고 있다. 계단식 경작지와 연계한 생태관광의 개발을 장려하고, 다자간 경제 보상을 통한 유기농업과 특색 있는 농업을 촉진한다면 지속가능한 발전이 가능하다고 판단된다.
셋째, 명가촌 Permaculture 및 생태관광 모행 도입이다.
1). 전통적 단일농업 → 다양한 산업구조 퍼머컬쳐로 전환(유채 재배업, 유채씨 기름 가공업, 양봉업, 유기농산물 판매 산업)
2). 생태관광 개발 (포의족 전통문화 홍보, 지역수익증가, 생태경관보전)
초가속수명시험(HALT:Highly Accelerated Life Test)은 온도변화와 진동을 통해 부품초기 고 장을 빠르게 찾아 개선함으로써 제품의 신뢰성을 향상시킨다. 이에 따라 기업들은 초가속수명시 험에 집중하게 되었고 장비의 수요와 가동률이 증가하고 있다. 그러나 초가속수명시험 장비는 대부분 해외 장비에 의존하고 있어 고장이 발생한 경우 유지보수에 대한 비용이 높고 보전까지 의 시간 또한 길다. 뿐만 아니라 장비에 대한 적절한 보전절차가 없어 비용과 시간의 손실이 발 생되는 실정이다. 본 논문에서는 국산화 개발중인 초가속수명시험 장비에 고장유형과 원인에 따른 계획보전 활 동을 진행 할 수 있도록, FMEA(Failure Modes and Effects Analysis)를 사용하여 계획보전절 차를 제시하였다.
This study deals with the procedure of safety improvement, productivity increase ,and tact-time reduction through setting up the system about preventive maintenance. Actually, it is hard to establish and carry out preventive maintenance, even though we recognize the importance of the system concerning time, cost, labor, and so forth. In this study in the viewpoint of cost we are for achieving maximum efficiency by change and reduction of planning process adapted to the special work group. At first we briefly will mention the kind ,the necessity ,and the concept of preventive maintenance ,and then divide the equipment used in the assembly line into the two whether it is necessary or not by way of estimating the breakdown loss ,comparing with general establishment of preventive maintenance and modifying it to the case. At the second step we will establish the operation system of plan management related to production and quality in the special case. Check period and category will be set by dividing the assembly equipment into LCL and Focus in the third step. The forth step will contain the operation procedure in detail. And then we must make check and repair record periodically. Finally, on the basis of the record the selection of checking of significance will be conducted. This results in safety improvement, tact time reduction, and productivity improvement.
This study deals with the procedure of safety improvement, productivity increase, and tact-time reduction through setting up the system about preventive maintenance. Actually, it is hard to establish and carry out preventive maintenance, even though we recognize the importance of the system concerning time, cost, labor, and so forth. In this study in the viewpoint of cost we are for achieving maximum efficiency by change and reduction of planning process adapted to the special work group. At first we briefly will mention the kind, the necessity, and the concept of preventive maintenance, and then divide the equipment used in the assembly line into the two whether it is necessary or not by way of estimating the breakdown loss, comparing with general establishment of preventive maintenance and modifying it to the case. At the second step we will establish the operation system of plan management related to production and quality in the special case. Check period and category will be set by dividing the assembly equipment into LCL and Focus in the third step. The forth step will contain the operation procedure in detail. And then we must make check and repair record periodically. Finally, on the basis of the record the selection of checking of significance will be conducted. This results in safety improvement, tact time reduction, and productivity improvement.
난온대 지역인 완도난대수목원과 신지도, 장도 등을 사례연구 대상지를 선정하여, 기초환경 조사 및 훼손등급 사정 후, 산림기능과 복원목표식생 설정, 식생복원유형과 복원기법 등을 구상하여 사례지의 난온대 상록활엽수림 복원계획안을 제시하였다. 사회적 요구와 복원목표 등을 고려하여 산림기능은 생태계보존기능, 풍치보전기능, 임목생산기능으로 구분하였고, 복원목표식생은 붉가시나무림, 구실잣밤나무림, 후박나무림. 생달나무림, 황칠나무림 등으로 설정하였다. 식생복원유형은 보존형 복원형. 재현형, 조림형으로, 복원기법은 훼손등급에 따라 보존, 유도, 개량, 조성으로 세분하였다.
This study suggested a vegetation restoration plan for a coastal area where the ecosystem conservation fund return project, targeting the whole area of Dalmaji-gil, located in Haeundae, Busan. After distinguishing if it would be a proper site for the operation of the ecosystem conservation fund return project by analyzing the ecological environment, human environment, and the current status of land owners, the target species for vegetation restoration was determined, and the facilities and programs were selected in accordance with the spatial division of the biosphere reserve. The basic direction is as follows. First, is the expansion of green space and the securement of life habitats downtown. Second, is the conservation of core areas by separating the conserved area from the space for use. Third, is the establishment of ecological resting space and the reinforcement of an ecological educational programs. The significance of this study is to suggest a vegetation restoration plan of a coastal area, fully utilizing the existing vegetation of the subject area, by suggesting the land use and flow planning, environmental improvement (vegetation restoration) plan, life habitats establishment plan, planting plan, and hydrologic plan, facilities, maintenance, and monitoring plan based on the basic direction. This study would provide useful basic data for ecosystem conservation and restoration in the Korean Peninsula, surrounded by the ocean on three sides.
In this study, the environmental consciousness of Daegu citizen on conservation planning considering the regional characteristics was investigated. Data were collected throughout a survey and 1400 people were selected using a stratified sampling method based on populations of Daegu administration district. Results wee followings; First, the levels of environmental consciousness were different dependent on districts’ characteristics. Second, poor awareness on Daegu Agenda 21 (Clear and Green Daegu 21) were shown. Daegu Agenda 21 is the action plan for the sustainable environmental conservation activities of the City of Daegu. Third, waste was the most serious environmental problems of Daegu , air quality was second worst, and third was river water quality from the survey, but differentiated awareness was shown dependent on regional spatial factors and pollution emission factors. Last, a public environmental education was the most important issue to make invigorations and progress for future environmental policy.
This study is to make the preservation plan for sustainable preservation restoration of Namsa-Yedamchon, Sancheong-gun, Gyeongsangnam-do through analyzing the site's characteristics and prototype landscape. Namsa-Yedamchon proudly presents ancient traditions and various historic resources. And several development plan and projects associated with historic resources of this site are in progress. Therefore, it was carried out to make master plan of Namsa-Yedamchon for preserving various prototype landscape. To achieve this, literature search, field survey, local residents' interview and the estimation of value on each prototype landscape were carried out. In literature search, it was analyzed to the previous studies related to this study and past data was collected like past picture, antique books, articles and so on. In field survey, it was carried out to analyze the present condition and the problems of prototype landscape in this site. In addition, the progress of landscape change in this site was analyzed through local residents' interview. The estimation of value on each prototype landscape was carried out to set up the appropriate preservation directions and preservation scope through selecting more important prototype landscape among them. Through these steps, the master plan was deducted and it was divided into 3 type; preservation conservation zone, restoration maintenance zone and renovation utilization according to landscape components, preservation scope, surroundings and so on.
This study focuses on the application of landscape planning(i.e. including rural landscape character area designation and rural landscape planning etc.). That application of landscape planning provides the probably most operable and comprehensive version of what is generally accepted by the discipline. According to the planning discipline the schemes of planning are to; Firstly, we derived the improvement of landscape and the methods of landscape characterization subsequent to analyze the present condition and grasp the landscape resources in Yesan via reviewing the current study and field survey. Secondly, in order to achieve environmentally friendly rural landscape plan and characteristic rural landscape creation, we planed the draft landscape area such as woodland, hydrology area, urbanized area, rural communities, etc. which was classified by sphere of life moreover, we planed partly outdoor facilities, road and colour suchlike. Thirdly, we tried to seek the programme of conservation and utilization for scenic and characteristic rural landscape area via rural landscape character area designation. Lastly, it is proposed that rural landscape planning lead to inhabitant participation, system improvement, subject performance for carrying out efficient rural landscape planning.