셀프-프리스트레싱을 적용할 수 있는 철계-형상기억합금을 콘크리트 기둥에 적용하기 위한 연구가 일부 연구자들에 의해 수행되었으며, 이러한 철계-형상기억합금의 사용으로 셀프-프리스트레싱을 통 한 구속 효과가 입증되었다. 그러나 셀프-프리스트레싱을 통한 구속 효과를 정량적으로 규명하기 위 한 연구는 비교적 부족한 실정이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 철계-형상기억합금으로 프리스트레싱된 콘 크리트의 일축압축 거동을 규명하기 위한 해석적 연구를 수행하였다. 철계-형상기억합금 나선철근으로 구속된 콘크리트의 일축압축 거동을 예측하기 위해 파괴에너지에 기반한 응력-변형률 모델이 제안되 었다. 파괴에너지는 콘크리트 내부 변형률 게이지가 부착된 아크릴 바를 통해 측정되었다. 실험 변수 로 철계-형상기억합금 나선철근의 간격, 활성화 온도, 콘크리트 압축강도가 고려되었다. 파괴에너지는 나선철근의 간격이 감소됨에 따라 증가하였으며, 활성화 온도가 증가됨에 따라 감소되는 것으로 확이 되었다. 또한, 파괴에너지에 기반한 응력-변형률 모델은 철계-형상기억합금 나선철근으로 구속된 콘크 리트의 일축압축 거동을 비교적 유사하게 예측할 수 있는 것으로 나타났다.
PURPOSES : The purpose of this study was to investigate the long-term trend of internal strain within the continuously reinforced concrete pavement (CRCP) based on measurements. METHODS : The strains of the concrete and reinforcing bars were measured at two induced cracks and one construction joint. The analysis was performed using data accumulated over five years from the concrete placement. The effects of the initial construction conditions were investigated by comparing the strains and stresses at each location.
RESULTS : In the long-term behavior, the highest tensile strains of the concrete and rebar were observed from December to January, and the lowest tensile or the highest compressive strain was observed from July to August. A lower rebar stress was measured in the construction joint, which has a higher steel ratio than that of cracks. As the distance from the crack and joint increased, the rebar strains decreased. Higher tensile strains of the concrete and rebar were measured where a higher concrete setting temperature occurred. A gradual decrease in the maximum concrete tensile strain was observed in the five-year measurements. However, in the case of reinforcing bars, stress reduction with time was not observed in the long-term behavior. CONCLUSIONS : Although a gradual decrease in concrete strain was revealed by long-term measurements, it is predicted that minimizing the concrete setting temperature to reduce the initial tensile strain could effectively increase the fatigue strength of CRCP
This study is to investigate the effect of a retrofitted reinforced concrete frame with non-seismic details strengthened by embedded steel moment frames with an indirect joint, which mitigates the problems of the direct joint method. First, full-scale experiments were conducted to confirm the structural behavior of a 2-story reinforced concrete frame with non-seismic details and strengthened by a steel moment frame with an indirect joint. The reinforced concrete frame with non-seismic details showed a maximum strength of 185 kN at an overall drift ratio of 1.75%. The flexural-shear failure of columns was governed, and shear cracks were concentrated at the beam-column joints. The reinforced concrete frame strengthened by the embedded steel moment frames achieved a maximum strength of 701 kN at an overall drift ratio of 1.5% so that the maximum strength was about 3.8 times that of the specimen with non-seismic details. The failure pattern of the retrofitted specimen was the loss of bond strength between the concrete and the rebars of the columns caused by a prying action of the bottom indirect joint because of lateral force. Furthermore, methods are proposed for calculation of the specified strength of the reinforced concrete frame with non-seismic details and strengthened by the steel moment frame with the indirect joint.
In this study, Corrosion behavior in mortar was observed by the passage of time by using EIS method. As a result of EIS experiment, equivalent circuit and changes of Impedance parameter could be observed. In addition, it was confirmed that impedance of rebar in concrete and corrosion rate according to the amount of NaCl and LiNO2 were different.
NaCl과 LiNO2의 첨가량에 따른 콘크리트에 매립된 철근의 부식거동을 전기화학적 임피던스 분광법을 이용하여 고찰하였다. 부식 가속 방법중 하나인 건습반복법을 이용하여 단기간 내에 부식현상을 촉진하였으며, 측정된 임피던스 값을 통해 등가회로를 제안할 수 있었다. NaCl 1.2 kg/m3이 첨가된 콘크리트에 매립된 철근의 부동태 피막이 빠르게 파괴되는 것을 확인할 수 있었으며, 염화물 첨가량 대비 0.6M의 LiNO2를 첨가한 경우 부식진행속도가 크게 저하하는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 또한 염화물 첨가량 대비 1.2M의 LiNO2를 첨가한 경우 부동태 피 막이 부식가속시간이 지나도 파괴되지 않고 성능이 유지되는 것을 확인할 수 있었다.
In this study, Corrosion behavior in mortar was observed by the passage of time by using EIS method. As a result of EIS experiment, equivalent circuit and changes of Impedance parameter could be observed. In addition, it was confirmed that impedance of rebar in mortar and corrosion rate according to the amount of NaCl were different.
It analyzed the construction cost of reinforcement in the railway bridge abutment, changing friction angle which is important factor in the railway bridge abutment design. In this study, As the friction angle was increasing, the member force that acts on bridge abutment footing decreases. The standard of main reinforcement size used in railway bridge decreased by depending on friction angle. 1. 서
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the flexural strength of the concrete-infilled composite PHC (hereinafter ICP) pile which is the PHC pile reinforced with infilled concrete, transverse and longitudinal reinforcement for the improvement of flexural strength. In addition, an analytical study, which evaluated the flexural strength of the ICP piles depending on the reinforcement using the fiber section analysis was performed.
In this study, experimental research was carried out to evaluate the structural performance of high strength R/C interior beam-column joints regions, with or without the shear reinforcement. Specimens designed by the interior beam-column joint regions without the shear reinforcement of existing reinforced concrete building showed a unstable mode of failure and an decrease in load-carrying capacity and energy dissipation capacity and ductility ratio.
Under cyclic loading, the structural performance of reinforced concrete (RC) beam-column connections is significantly affected by the bond-slip of beam re-bars. In the present study, a bond-slip model was developed to evaluate bond-slip of beam re-bars in beam-column joints. The prediction of the proposed model agreed well with the bond strength degradation and bond-slip in the beam-column joints.
In this study, shear assessment equation of reinforced concrete interior beam-column joints without shear reinforcement using high ductile fiber reinforced mortar based on the test results was proposed. Suggested equation was proposed to modify Hegger's seismic design equation. It was reflected the effect of high ductile fiber incorporated
In this study, experimental research was carried out to evaluate and improve the constructability and structural performance of high strength R/C interior beam-column joints regions, with or without the shear reinforcement, using high ductile fiber-reinforced mortar. Specimens designed by retrofitting the interior beam-column joint regions of existing reinforced concrete building showed a stable mode of failure and an increase in load-carrying capacity due to the effect of enhancing dispersion of crack control at the time of initial loading and bridging of fiber from retrofitting new high ductile materials during testing.
Under cyclic loading, the shear capacity of reinforced concrete (RC) beam-column connections is significantly decreased by the joint bond-slip and shear cracking as deformation increases. In the present study, Joint shear strength model on the basis of bond-slip was developed to evaluate deformability at the joint shear failure.
해수에 노출된 콘크리트 구조물은 시간의 경과에 따라 철근부식이 야기될 수 있으며, 이는 구조적인 성능저하로 진전된다. 1단계 연구에서 도출된 해수전착시스템의 개발을 통하여 2단계 연구에서는 해수전착 코팅된 철근 및 코팅철근을 사용한 RC 콘크리트 부재의 구조적, 내구적 성능이 평가되었다. 내구적 성능평가에서는 반전위 측정이 수행되었는데, 코팅된 철근은 일반철근의 35%수준의 부식속도를 가지고 있었으므로 높은 내부식성을 확보하고 있었다. 구조실험에서는 직접인장시험, 부착력시험, RC 부재를 이용한 휨 및 전단시험이 수행되었다. 인장강도 시험에서는 3.2%, 부착성능에서는 8.8%의 강도 증가가 코팅된 철근에서 평가되었다. RC보에 대한 실험에서는 최대하중 및 파괴형태는 두가지 경우에서 거의 동일하게 평가되었다. 해수전착된 시편은 철근주위에 콘크리트와 비슷한 화합물(수산화마그네슘, 탄산칼슘)이 형성되므로 부착력 및 강도를 일부 증가시키는 것으로 평가되었다. 해수전착철근은 피로, 내충격성, 장기침지실험 등을 통하여 성능이 입증되면 더욱 활발하게 사용될 것으로 사료된다.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the axial compression(P) - bending moment(M) interaction of PHC pile reinforced with infilled concrete and rebar. A type of 500-80t PHC pile was used for evaluating P-M interaction. From the result, the P-M of PHC pile reinforced with infilled concrete and rebar was evaluated approximately 24% and 64% higher than that of conventional PHC pile respectively.
본 연구는 해수에 존재하는 다량의 칼슘 및 마그네슘 이온을 전기적으로 강판에 전착하는 전착시스템을 개발하는 것이다. 최종적인 목표는 해수를 이용하여 전착한 구조용 철근의 개발이며, 본 연구는 1단계 연구로서 고내구성 철근개발을 위한 전착시스템 개발에 목적을 두었다. 다양한 전극과 온도, 전류밀도, 코팅시간 등을 변수로 하고 실험을 수행하여 철근 코팅을 위한 최적의 조건을 도출하였다. 탄산칼슘(CaCO3)과 수산화마그네슘(Mg(OH)2)으로 구성된 코팅층은 SEM, EDS, XRD 등을 통하여 성분을 파악하였으며, 자연전위 및 전류밀도를 분석하여 기존의 철보다 부식에 대하여 매우 안전함을 확인하였다. 본 연구의 성과를 이용하여 고내구성 강재의 구조적, 내구적 실험에 대한 토의가 2차 연구에서 추가적으로 수행될 것이다.