
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 6

        2011.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of the study was to evaluation of the radiation dose reduction using various automatic exposure control (AEC) systems in different manufactures multi-detector computed tomography (MDCT). We used three different manufacturers for the study: General Electric Healthcare, Philips Medical systems and Siemens Medical Solutions. The general scanning protocol was created for the each examination with the same scanning parameters as many as possible. In the various AEC systems, the evaluation of reduced-dose was evaluated by comparing to fixed mAs with using body phantom. Finally, when we applied to AEC for three manufacturers, the radiation dose reduction decreased each 35.3% in the GE, 58.2% in the Philips, and 48.6% in the Siemens. This applies to variety of the AEC systems which will be very useful to reduce the dose and to maintain the high quality.
        2009.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        골재노출콘크리트포장은 콘크리트 타설 직후 포장표면에 응결지연제를 살포하여 표면으로부터 깊이 2~3mm 정도의 모르타르 경화를 늦추게 한 후 표면의 모르타르 제거를 통해 굵은골재를 포장표면에 노출시키는 공법이다. 골재노출콘크리트포장의 타이어-노면 소음이 일반 콘크리트포장보다 작으면서도 적정한 미끄럼저항을 장기간 유지한다는 장점을 가지고 있다. 특히 굵은골재가 소입경일수록 소음저감효과가 우수한 것으로 알려져 있다. 성공적인 소입경 골재노출콘크리트포장의 건설을 위해서는 굵은골재의 최대입경이 적정하여야 하며, 적정량의 굵은골재를 포장표면에 균일하게 노출하도록 해야 하며 이를 위한 적절한 배합과 노출기법의 도출이 요구된다. 일반적인 콘크리트포장의 배합기준은 강도설계로 이루어지지만 소입경 골재노출콘크리트포장의 경우 강도뿐만 아니라 소음저감효과, 미끄럼저항을 적절히 발현시킬 수 있는 배합설계를 실시하기 위해서는 강도실험 외에도 노면의 미끄럼저항, 소음을 고려할 필요가 있다. 본 연구에서는 소입경 골재노출콘크리트포장에 대하여 적정 강도를 유지하며 포장표면조직의 소음 저감효과 및 적정 미끄럼저항성을 동시에 만족시킬 수 있도록 표면조직을 형성할 수 있는 최적배합에 대해 제시하였다. 또한 콘크리트포장은 온도, 습도 및 대기환경에 의해 모르타르의 경화속도가 달라지므로 콘크리트의 물리적 성질을 정량적으로 고려한 최적 노출기법이 제시되었다.
        2001.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The personal exposures of nitrogen dioxide(NO2), microenvironmental levels and daily time activity patterns on Seoul subway station workers were measured from February 10 to March 12, 1999. Personal NO2 exposure for 24 hours were 29.40±9.75 ppb. NO2 level of occupational environment were 27.87±7.15 ppb in office, 33.60±8.64 ppb in platform and 50.13±13.04 ppb in outdoor. Personal exposure time of subway station workers was constituted as survey results with 7.94±3.00 hours in office, 2.82±1.63 hours in platform and 1 hours in outdoor. With above results, personal NO2 exposure distributions on subway station workers in Seoul were estimated with Monte Carlo simulation which uses statistical probabilistic theory on various exposure scenario testing. Some of distributions which did not have any formal patterns were assumed as custom distribution type. Estimated personal occupational NO2 exposure using time weighted average (TWA) model was 31.29±5.57 ppb, which were under Annual Ambient Standard (50 ppb) of Korea. Though arithmetic means of measured personal NO2 exposure was lower than that of occupational NO2 exposure estimated by TWA model, considering probability distribution type simulated, probability distribution of measured personal NO2 exposures for 24 hours was over ambient standard with 3.23%, which was higher than those of occupational exposure (0.02%). Further research is needed for reducing these 24 hour NO2 personal excess exposures besides occupational exposure on subway station workers in Seoul.