본 연구에서는 운전 시뮬레이션을 사용하여 자율주행 환경을 구현한 후 3-수준 자율주행 조건에서 자율주행 차량 (automated vehicle: AV)으로부터 운전자에게 전달되는 제어권 인수 요구(takeover request: TOR) 정보의 양상(시각, 청각 및 시각+청각) 및 도로 형태(직선도로와 곡선도로)에 따라 운전자의 제어권 인수 시간(takeover time: TOT) 및 정신적 작업부하(제어권 인수 이후에 운전자들이 경험한 주관적 작업부하와 심장박동수에서의 변화)가 어떻게 차별 화되는지 분석하였다. 본 연구의 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 먼저, AV로부터 TOR이 제시된 이후 실험참가자들 이 보인 TOT에 대한 분석 결과, TOR 정보양상의 측면에서는 시각 정보가 가장 빠른 TOT를 이끌어 낸 반면 청각 정보 조건에서 가장 느렸고, 도로 형태 측면에서는 직선도로 조건에 비해 곡선도로 조건에서의 TOT가 유의하게 더 느렸으며, 특히 청각 정보 조건에서 도로 형태에 따른 TOT에서의 차이가 가장 컸다. 둘째, 정신적 작업부하에 대한 분석 결과, TOR 정보가 시각 혹은 시각+청각적으로 제시된 조건에 비해 청각적으로 제시된 조건에서 주관적 작업부 하 측정치와 심장박동수 변화 크기 모두 전반적으로 더 낮았고 특히, 심장박동수 변화의 경우 이러한 경향은 곡선도 로 조건에서만 관찰되었다. 이러한 결과는 TOR 정보의 양상과 도로 형태에 따라 운전자의 TOT와 정신적 작업부하 수준이 달라질 수 있고, 특히 TOT가 빠를수록 정신적 작업부하 수준은 상대적으로 더 높아질 수 있음을 시사한다.
PURPOSES: The purpose of this study is to compare the concentrations of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) at different types of roadside bus stops in an urban environment, and analyze the tendencies in PM2.5 concentrations according to the air quality index. METHODS : To compare and analyze the characteristics of fine particulate matter at roadside bus stops, we collected data such as PM2.5 concentration, temperature, humidity etc., and performed a comparative analysis of their concentration levels at different types of bus stops (a partially closed bus stop with a front and back partition, a partially closed bus stop with only a back partition, and a bus stop with an open space). In addition, the daily variation in fine particulate matter concentration was analyzed. RESULTS: The average daily concentration levels of fine PM2.5 in the target area for a partially closed bus stop with a front and back partition, a partially closed bus stop with a back partition, and a bus stop with an open space were 18.40㎍/㎥ to 108.27㎍/㎥, 22.81㎍/㎥ to 135.51㎍/㎥, and 16.62㎍/㎥ to 81.52㎍/㎥, respectively. According to air quality index levels during the target measurement period, the bus stop with an open space had the least concentration levels of PM2.5 compared to the other bus stops. Furthermore, this study revealed that the PM2.5 concentration levels usually increased during the peak hour period in the morning and gradually increased after 2 pm until the end of the peak hour period at night, regardless of the bus stop type. CONCLUSIONS: Based on the results of this study, we demonstrated the effect of PM2.5 concentration levels on the atmospheric, weather, environmental, and transportation conditions in a target area, and the variation in concentration levels depending on the type of bus stop.
PURPOSES: The objective of this paper is to understand the deterioration phenomenon and causes in the pavement of a ramp area. METHODS: Ramp areas need to be sloped because of the centrifugal force, which depends on the vehicle speed and grade of the ramp area. As a result, vertical and horizontal forces are applied on the pavement surface of the ramp area. Furthermore, the horizontal force depends on the vehicle speed and grade of the ramp area. In order to analyze the pavement structure of a ramp area, a multi-layered elastic analysis program was used to evaluate the weakest link of fatigue cracking deterioration, according to the simultaneously applied vertical and horizontal forces. RESULTS : From case studies related to the bonding conditions between the surface and base layer in a ramp area, it was found that the partially bonded cases resulted in a critical potential of fatigue cracking deterioration, in a comparison of 50%, 70%, and fully bonded cases. CONCLUSIONS : According to the results of the case studies, the pavement structure system should be reinforced by upgrading the material or increasing the thickness compared to the general pavement areas, in order to provide a performance life similar to the mainline pavements in the ramp areas.
PURPOSES : The objective was to develop the advanced method which could not explain each observation’s specific characteristic in the present negative binomial method that results in under-estimation of the standard error(t-value inflation) and affects the confidence of whole derived results. METHODS : This study dealt with traffic accidents occurring within interchange segment on highway main line with RPNB(Random Parameter Negative Binomial) method that enables to take account of heterogeneity. RESULTS : As a result, AADT and lighting installation type on the road were revealed to have random parameter and in terms of other geometric variables, all were derived as fixed parameter(same effect on every segment). Also, marginal effects were adapted to analyze the relative effects on traffic accidents. CONCLUSIONS : This study proves that RPNB method which considers each observation’s specific characteristics is better fitted to the accident data with geometrics. Thus, it is recommended that RPNB model or other methods which could consider the heterogeneity needs to be adapted in accident analysis.
PURPOSES: The rumble strip installed at the highway near the tollgate has the purpose to reduce the vehicle velocity or prevent sleepiness by awakening people to the danger. These rumble strip has different vibration decibel from the rumble strip shapes, resulting in some fatigue damage to human because a driver suffers from a lot of stress and displeasure. In this connection, the objective of this paper is to analyze the vibration decibel perceived by a driver in the vehicle under some conditions.
METHODS: The vibration decibel conveyed from the tire can be analyzed. The frequency analysis methods were used according to DFT (Discrete Fourier Transform) analysis, FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) analysis, CPB (Constant Percentage Bandwidth) analysis. But the frequency analysis method in this paper is the 1/24 OCT(Octave) band analysis because of the convenience of the analysis and the overall vibration amplitude along the frequency.
RESULTS : By using the results of the vibration decibel after analyzing the 1/24 OCT band analysis, these results can be compared from some conditions (e.g., rumble strip shape, uniform velocity of a vehicle, road condition, mass of a vehicle). As a result, the numerical values of decibel are not directly proportional to the vehicle velocity.
CONCLUSIONS : At the condition that a vehicle is passing by the rumble strip, the value of a vibration decibel at the rumble strip of the cylinder shape is smaller than the rumble strip of rectangular shape regardless of the rumble strip depth and width. At the mass condition, the more a vehicle is massive, the more the vibration decibel increases. At the road condition, the vibration decibel at the wet road is smaller than the value at dry road condition.
The MFFn(Mass First Flush) was analyzed for various rainy events(monitoring data from 2008 to 2009) in Transportation area(Highway, National road, Trunk road). Estimated MFFn using SWMM was evaluated by comparison with observed MFFn. MFFn was estimated by varying n-value from 10% to 90% on the rainy events. The n-value increases, MFFn is closed to '1'. As time passed, the rainfall runoff was getting similar to ratio of pollutants accumulation. The result of a measure of the strength of the linear relationship between observed data and expected data under model was good (R2=0.89).
Pollutants runoff loads by volume showed Highway 26.6%, National road 44.8%, Trunk road 35.0% at the MFF20(20% by total runoff). A case of MFF30, pollutants runoff loads by volume showed Highway 40.2%, National road 54.3%, Trunk road 46.8%.
According to the results, Initial precipitation basis were Highway MFF30, National road MFF20, Trunk road MFF30 when the Non-Point source control facilities set up.