This study points out the traffic safety inhibition problem in which the yellow time length at a signal intersection can be set differently depending on the tram, and proposes a way to overcome it. This study proposes a twofold approach for trams to coordinate with the yellow signal phase designated for general vehicles, utilizing a schedule-speed-based operating speed adjustment and departure time control at stations. To validate the proposed method, simulations were conducted for a planned tram corridor in the Wirye District, Seoul. The simulation environment was developed using the simulation of the urban mobility model. The operational characteristics of tram services in the main and branch-line sections were analyzed. In the upstream section of the mainline, the operating speed was 22.04 km/h, with a total dwell time of 400 s across 10 stations, resulting in zero intersection stops. Regarding the downstream section, the operating speed was 17.71 km/h, and one intersection stop was observed. In contrast, for the upstream section of the branch line, the operating speed was 14.73 km/h and there were two intersection stops, while the downstream section yielded an operating speed of 18.12 km/h, and also comprised two intersection stops. This study examined a novel operational strategy for trams near intersections along tram corridors without directly modifying the signal system. This strategy effectively utilizes tram stop dwell time and traffic signal information. It focuses on adjusting tram speeds to ensure smooth and safe passage through signalized intersections and optimizing operations so that trams approach and cross intersections at a consistent speed. Designed as a universal model, this strategy is adaptable to various regions and environments, rather than being limited to a specific area. It is expected to support tram operation planning by considering diverse factors, such as urban structure, traffic density, and intersection characteristics. Moreover, it provides valuable guidance to ensure the punctuality and stability of tram operations in a range of urban and traffic contexts.
PURPOSES : This study aims to deduce the appropriate interval of cross passage for small vehicle exclusive roads within urban underground roads to ensure safety.
METHODS : This study evaluated evacuation safety by fire and evacuation simulations. The simulation was applied to a passenger-caronly urban underground road, which was performed in the entry/exit section with a gradient of 6.0% and the mainline on level grade. The values of the variables for the simulations were determined to be close to the actual situation based on of the statistics and the results of previous studies. In the simulation scenario, the cross passage interval was visible. The evacuation safety was evaluated by comparing the “evacuation completion time” and the “smoke diffusion time.” Evacuation safety can be desirable when the evacuation completion time is shorter than the smoke diffusion time.
RESULTS : According to the results of the simulation, the desirable cross passage interval is 180 m for the entry/exit sections with a 6% gradient in passenger-car-only tunnels. This criterion may be prolonged to an interval of 210 m and a width of 0.9 m for the construction reduction, based on the results of the statistical analysis.
CONCLUSIONS : According to the results of this study, the risk indices of the “Small Vehicles Road Tunnel Fire Safety Facility Installation and Management Guidelines” may be supplemented by the tunnel class and the gradient of the entry/exit section. In addition, the guideline may provide an improved interval of evacuation cross passage and the width of the cross passage door by the safety index.
PURPOSES : In this paper, pedestrian-oriented time assured traffic operation (POTATO), adopted in Korea at a single crossing pedestrianoriented operating area, is explored and applied to a simulation experiment and test site to verify the operation efficiency.
METHODS : Three candidate plans are presented as a method to operate pedestrian-oriented signal operations that can overcome the restrictions on signal controllers in Korea. The selected POTATO and TOD signal operations were compared and analyzed. The delay and pedestrian queues, present length, and number of times were used as comparative indices.
RESULTS : Scenario-specific simulations confirmed that the delay, compared to TOD signal operation, was reduced by up to 5 s/ped depending on the vehicle traffic volume and the number of pedestrians. For the vehicle delay, the results increased up to 8.99 s/veh, depending on the traffic volume of the vehicles and pedestrians. As a result of the test site operation, POTATO operation improved by 5.12 s/ped (approximately 46.69% improvement) compared to TOD operation in the hours commuting to school and by 2.84 s/ped in the hours commuting from school (approximately 51.13% improvement). In case of vehicle delay, the delay increased by 2.35 s/veh (approximately 64.39%) in the hours commuting to school and 1.20 s/veh (approximately 21.11%) in the hours commuting from school compared to the TOD operation.
CONCLUSIONS : Through simulations and test site pilot operation verifications, the effects of pedestrian delay improvement were more positive if POTATO proposed in this study was low in vehicle traffic.
우리나라의 경제성장의 견인차 역할을 담당해왔던 산업단지는 착공 후 30년이 경과하면서 노후화되고 이로 인해 그 역할을 수행하는데 한계에 봉착해오고 있다. 낮은 도로율과 불법주차, 그리고 교통사고 등으로 도로 인프라로써의 제 기능을 효율적으로 수행하기에는 해결해야할 요인이 다수 존재한다. 따라서 본 연구는 산업단지 경계 내 존재하는 도시부 도로의 효율성 극대화를 도모하기 위하여 운영과 안전측면에서의 효율성을 종합적으로 판단하기 위한 LOS 분석기법을 제시하고, 이를 통해 우리나라 노후산업단지 도시부 도로를 평가하여 향후 도로 인프라 성능을 상향시킬 수 있는 방안을 모색하고자 하였다. 산업단지 내 만성적인 불법주차가 운영 LOS에 미치는 영향을 파악하기 위한 민감도 분석과 함께, 안전 LOS분석을 위해서 전체 산단 혹은 도로축에 적용할 수 있는 위험도 산정식을 개발하여 분석에 활용하였다. 사례 분석을 위하여 산업단지의 규모와 도심과의 거리 등을 고려한 5개 산업단지를 선정하였고, 운영과 안전 LOS를 종합적으로 분석한 결과를 도출하였다.
교통사고 잦은 곳 개선사업은 2010년까지 사업대상지점만을 선정하여 개선사업을 진행하였지만, 2011 년부터 지점뿐만 아니라 구간을 선정하여 개선사업을 추진하고 있다. 그러나 현재까지 사업대상구간을 선 정하는 방법이 명확하지 않은 문제가 있어 사업대상구간 선정 시 혼란이 가중되고 있는 실정이다. 또한 지방부 도로와 같이 교차로가 많지 않은 구간의 사업대상구간 선정은 비교적 수월하지만, 도시부 도로의 교차로가 많은 구간에서는 정량적인 기준을 통해 어떤 구간을 어떻게 선정하여야 하는지 명확한 기준이 없다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 교차로가 많은 특성을 가지고 있는 도시부 도로에서의 사고 잦은 곳 사업대 상구간을 정량적으로 선정할 수 있도록 방법론을 개발하였다.
교통사고 DB는 도로교통공단 교통사고분석시스템(TAAS)을 통해 2012년 발생한 사고 DB를 수집하였 다. 대상구간은 서울시 동작구, 경기도 안양시, 전주시 완산구 13개 축을 선정하여 교통사고 건수 및 심각 도를 분석하였다. 이를 통해 교통사고 잦은 구간을 선정하는 2가지 대안을 제시하였고, 대표성, 구간 선 정 편리성, 범용성, 시스템 적용성 측면에서 대안별 장단점을 분석하여, 최적안을 도출하였다.
PURPOSES : The key point of a multimodal LOS (level-of-service) evaluation system is that all of the modes are mutually associated to determine each mode’s LOS. For example, the LOS of the bicycle mode is measured based on not only bicycle volumes, but also automobile volumes. However, the Korea Highway Capacity Manual (KHCM) still focuses on the automobile mode in evaluating the LOS of the roads. Additionally, the KHCM’s LOS of the other modes, except for the automobile, is not consistent with actual road conditions. The KHCM, therefore, needs to develop and introduce a multimodal LOS system in order to evaluate the service conditions more accurately .
METHODS: As a preliminary step to the introduction of multimodal LOS research, in this study the current problem of the KHCM’s LOS system through a close review and comparison with other HCMs (highway capacity manuals) was identified. Secondly, a field survey and investigation of the urban streets to apply the HCM’s multimodal LOS system was conducted. Finally, a comparison analysis of the results of the HCM and KHCM LOS was performed.
RESULTS: In the study, it was found that the results of the LOS for the automobile mode did not show a significant difference between the HCM and KHCM. However, the LOS of the bicycle and pedestrian mode tended to be worse in the multimodal LOS system, which results from considering the effects of the automobile mode. Moreover, it was found that many cases have the potential to improve the overall LOS conditions, while reducing the automobile capacity.
CONCLUSIONS: With the introduction of the multimodal LOS system, road diet and complete streets can be easily applied to ans actual road improvement project. Ultimately, the multimodal LOS system should be introduced into the KHCM, which can then be applied to traffic impact studies and other road improvement projects for more accurate evaluations.
PURPOSES : This paper aims to improve the evaluation method of the Level of Service(LOS) for urban streets presented by the current Korean Highway Capacity Manual(KHCM) and suggest its utilization plan as a part of the methods to evaluate the sustainability of a transportation policy. METHODS : This paper carried out a research in 3 steps to develop a new evaluation method. First of all, this paper reviewed the previous studies related to the LOS of urban streets and the socially requested items for a sustainable transportation system. Then this paper derived an index and weight through expert questions to select an evaluation index. Lastly, this paper compared the results according to the existing evaluation methods with the new evaluation methods through case studies. This paper used an Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP) for importance analysis and weight selection between new evaluation items and indices, and applied a Grey System Theory(GST) for a synthetic and integrated evaluation between the selected evaluation indices. RESULTS : As a result of evaluating the LOS according to the existing evaluation methods and the integrated evaluation methods using a GST through case studies, it was analyzed that new methods' results are less than or equal to the existing evaluation methods; and as a result of applying a weight between evaluation indices according to AHP, it was noticed that the total score seems to rise more when the LOS in the existing evaluation is calculated lower. It was analyzed that the LOS calculated by reflecting the newly established evaluation items and the importance between indices in this study has difference from the LOS of the existing urban streets. CONCLUSIONS : It is expected that this evaluation method can diagnose the current conditions when establishing a future sustainable traffic system and can be used for the measurement of the sustainability effects of the improvement plans and so on.
PURPOSES : The purpose of this study is to check the possibilities of traffic pattern analysis using MatSIM for urban road network operation in incident case. METHODS : One of the stochastic dynamic models is MatSIM. MatSIM is a transportation simulation tool based on stochastic dynamic model and activity based model. It is an open source software developed by IVT, ETH zurich, Switzerland. In MatSIM, various scenario comparison analyses are possible and analyses results are expressed using the visualizer which shows individual vehicle movements and traffic patterns. In this study, trip distribution in 24-hour, traffic volume, and travel speed using MatSIM are similar to those of measured values. Therefore, results of MatSIM are reasonable comparing with measured values. Traffic patterns are changed according to incident from change of individual behavior. RESULTS : The simulation results and the actual measured values are similar. The simulation results show reasonable ranges which can be used for traffic pattern analysis. CONCLUSIONS : The change of traffic pattern including trip distribution, traffic volumes and speeds according to various incident scenarios can be used for traffic control policy decision to provide effective operation of urban road network.
본 연구에서는 도시부도로의 곡선구간에서 주행차량의 횡방향 이격량을 분석하여 차량 주행에 필요한 최소 소요차로폭을 산정하였으며 본 연구결과와 선행연구에서 제시된 직선구간에서의 최소 소요차로폭을 비교 분석하였다. 이를 바탕으로 도로의 선형과 차종에 따라 곡선구간에서의 최소 소요차로폭을 제시하였다. 조사대상 곡선구간 도로의 차로폭은 2.79m~3.40m이다. 주행차량의 횡방향 이격량의 분포 및 조사대상 차량의 85%를 기준으로 누적분포를 분석하였다. 분석결과 곡선구간에서의 최소 소요차로폭이 소형차량의 경우 2.31m~2.58m, 대형차량의 경우 2.80m~3.27m로 산정되었다. 본 연구결과는 녹색교통 도입을 위한 공간, 도로공사 중, 소형차 전용도로의 건설 등에 활용될 수 있을 것이다. 또한 설계자의 목적에 따라 유연한 차로폭 설계기준의 적용에 필요한 기초적인 연구로 활용될 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.
본 연구는 비디오영상에 의한 간접설문조사방식을 통하여 도시부 간선도로의 운전자들이 주행 시 느끼는 인식서비스수준과 도로용량편람(KHCM)에 의해 산정된 실제서비스수준간의 차이를 확인하고, 운전자가 인식하는 서비스수준에 영향을 미치는 주요요인을 규명하는 것이다. 본 연구의 주요 연구결과를 요약하면, 첫째, 실제서비스수준과 인식서비스수준간의 인식률 차이를 검증한 결과, 신호교차로구간의 경우 40.8%, Mid-block구간의 경우 59.2%가 두 서비스수준을 동일하게 인식하는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 두 서비스수준간의 동질성 검정(F통계검정, t통계검정)결과에서도 두 서비스수준 간의 차이가 뚜렷이 나타났다. 둘째, 신호교차로구간에서 인식서비스수준에 영향을 미치는 요인으로 교통류(26.4%), 신호운영(23.1%), 기하구조(18.1%), 이용행태(15.9%) 도로경관(10.0%), 유지관리(4.4%), 교통정보(2.2%) 요인을 순서대로 고려하여 결정하는 것으로 분석되었으며, 이중 교통류 등 상위 3개 요인이 정량적 요인으로 67%를, 이용행태, 도로경관요인과 같은 정성적 요인이 26%를 점유하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, Mid-block구간에서 인식서비스수준에 영향을 미치는 요인으로 기하구조(25.3%), 경관(20.0%), 신호운영(19.2%), 교통류(15.3%), 이용행태(9.7%), 유지관리(6.4%) 교통정보(4.2%)순으로 분석되었으며, 특히 이중에서 정성적 요인에 해당하는 도로경관이 신호교차로구간 10.6%보다 높은 20.0%로 많은 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 향후 서비스수준 산정을 위한 분석 시에는 운전자가 실질적으로 인식하는 정성적인 요인 (이용행태, 도로경관 등)을 고려하는 것이 필요하다고 판단된다.
현재 도시부 도로에 대한 서비스 수준 평가는 통행속도, 지체 등과 같은 정량적인 부분만을 고려하였다. 하지만 도시부 도로를 이용하는 운전자들은 정량적인 부분이외에도 도로의 청결, 타운전자의 법규위반 등의 정성적인 측면에서도 영향을 받고 있는 것이 현실이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 정량적인 부분과 정성적인 부분을 함께 고려하여 평가지표를 도출하고, 서비스 측면의 개선사항 도출시 주로 경영분야에서 사용되고 있는 Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) 기법을 변형하여 사용하였다. 본 연구에서 제안된 변형된 IPA 분석기법은 분석대상 및 항목간 상대적 수준을 반영하여 서비스 수준이 평가될 수 있도록 구성되어 있다. 사례분석 지역으로 서울시 강남 3개구, 강북 3개구를 선정하여 도시부 도로의 서비스 질 평가가 수행되었으며, 변형된 IPA 평가를 토대로 도로 서비스 질 향상을 위한 지역별 개선항목을 도출하였다.