The purpose of this study is to compare and analyze the perceptions and attitudes of adult native speakers of Korean and Chinese toward the pronunciation of World Englishes. Fifty-two Korean and 63 Chinese speakers listened to six variations of World Englishes and then completed a questionnaire outlining their perceptions and attitudes toward the different pronunciations. The survey results revealed that Korean adult English learners showed less favorable attitudes toward different pronunciations of World Englishes than Chinese adult language learners did. Korean adult learners preferred American English, but Chinese adult learners preferred Canadian English. Among the three individual variables measured, the first language showed the greatest influence in their responses. The findings of this study imply that, in the context of English education in Korea, it is necessary to raise the awareness of both teachers and learners to the acceptability of World Englishes through exposure to a wide variety of English pronunciations.
This study investigated how Japanese learners of Korean perceive the similarity of stop sounds between the Korean and Japanese languages. The results found, compared to the beginner’s group, the advanced group showed a lower rating value for the similarity for the same stimulus sound, and the learners with a higher perception ability distinguished lower similarities, even among the inner groups of the beginner’s and advanced group. This study also investigated how the related information in the native language affects how the learners perceive lenis consonants in word-medial position in the Korean language, as Japanese stop sounds are divided into two sounds depending on [±voiced] feature, whereas Korean stop sounds do not have a voiced sound in word-initial consonantal context, but the lenis consonants go through voicing in word-medial position. In result, Japanese learners tend to perceive the lenis consonants in word-medial position much better than other sounds, and it was shown that the related information in native language had played a positive role in perceiving Korean word-medial consonants.
This study aims at investigating 1)the perception of international students' mother tongue and Korean language, 2)whether their perception differs with the degree of Korean proficiency, and 3)whether the degree of exposure to Korean can affect Korean proficiency. Eighty nine international students participated in a questionnaire survey. The overall results on the survey showed that the international students' perception of their mother tongue was strong in general. However, interesting findings were that the participants' level of Korean proficiency was closely related to the perception of mother tongue: the participants who had a low level of Korean proficiency showed a comparatively strong perception of mother tongue. Furthermore, the perception of Korean language was weaker compared to that of their mother tongue. However, the exposure to Korean(e.g. the frequency of using Korean) playing a role in improving Korean proficiency was observed. Therefore, this study suggests that acquiring Korean can be related to the perception of mother tongue and that the international students should raise the frequency of contact with Koreans for their Korean proficiency.
This study aims to understand the foreign language learner’s internal process while they are translating. To figure out invisible internal process of the learner, Key logging during translation process, short interview after translating and behavioral observation were used. For considering behavioral characteristics for internal process, Pause, Deletion, Moving and Mistranslation were chosen. In particular, Pause was chosen to work as criterion when analyzing other behaviors. By analyzing those behaviors, three internal processes were found: (1)Deliberatiing on words or phrases following the pauses, (2)Considering ill-matched words or phrases between source text and target text, (3)Continuous checks on what writers had written down. Deliberations were generally found before the long-term pause. Learners were deliberating what to write on next phrases, due to their scarce knowledge of grammatical collocation of the target language. Considering ill-matched words or phrases between source text and target text shows variety of behaviors such as moving, deletion after the long-term pauses. According to the learners’ interview and researcher’s observation, it was arisen when the learners are fail to find the acceptable expressions in target language. Continuous checks on what learners had written down were generally found after the translation was finished. Entire part of target text was examined in this type of process. Thus, long period of pause was required for reading source text and target text, also deletion and moving was required for correcting mistranslated words or phrases. It infers that learners’ behaviors are combined to suggest certain meanings of internal process. Thus, these behaviors do not suggest solid internal process. With more elaborated analysis, this
This study aims to study factors affecting level of Korean language proficiency for Korean Missionaries' Kids (MK) dwelling in Turkey. 45 Korean MKs were asked to answer three different questionnaires designated to investigate Korean language proficiency, cultural identity and demographic background. This study adopts altered TOPIK for the evaluation of Korean language proficiency, and focuses on finding out the relationship of Korean proficiency with sexuality, age, age at immigration to Turkey, years of Korean study, self-recognition of cultural identity, cultural identity of Korea, and cultural identity of Turkey. The SPSS for windows 17was used for the statistical analysis.Ethnic Identity Scale was measured with the KAEIS that was developed by Ahn(1999) and Proficiency Test that was selected by TOPIK (Test of Proficiency in Korea) session 19, 20. Cronbach for cultural identity of Korea was 0.823 and Cronbach for cultural identity of Turkey was 0.691. Internal consistency reliability for Korean proficiency test was 0.891. The result shows that cultural identity of Korea and age at immigration to Turkey have significant relationship with level of Korean proficiency, especially age at immigration to Turkey has more significant relationship with the proficiency. The result from this study helps to recognize factors affecting level of Korean language proficiency. Especially, the Korean proficiency of MKs who live in Turkey has a close relationship with Korean cultural identity.These facts indicate that not only the Korean education are required to effectively increase the korean education itself, but also developing the pride of being Korean are needed to be followed up as well.
This paper investigated the effects of Korean syllable structure on the acquisition of English consonant clusters on the basis of the speech data collected from a total of 8 Korean middle school students (2 females and 6 males). A total of 24 English monosyllabic words that formed 8 different quasi minimal triplets was employed and recorded. Each triplet consisted of mono-consonantal, bi-consonantal, and tri-consonantal words like pin, spin, spring or pin, pink, pinks. The three words at four triplets were differentiated by the number of consonants at the onset position and those at the other four triplets, at the coda position. Using a 5 point-scale scoring method, two native English speakers rated the speech data in terms of (i) intelligibility and (ii) the scoring of bi- and tri-consonantal words with three points being fixed on mono-syllabic words. The main finding was that the tri-consonantal words scored the lowest, bi-consonantal words were in the middle, and mono-consonantal words scored the highest. But, this general tendency held true only at the words dissimilar at the coda position. At the onset position, on the other hand, the mono-consonantal words scored the lowest. The in-depth analysis that followed the rating showed that a comparison of the words in terms of the syllabic intelligibility can be properly made only when each consonant comprising a syllable is intelligibly articulated on its own.
This study amid to examine how the translative mode of native language make an effect on Chinese Learners when studying Korean language, expecially on the second person. Due to the culture's difference, it is one of the most difficult part to use the second person expression exactly. so two forms of mistakes were pointed out, which is addition, substitution and form error. Also, based on this, some suggestions were given to improve the ability of Chinese learners on using the second person expression.
본 연구는 영어가 모국어가 아닌 학생(ELL; English Language Learner)이 전체 학생의 절반을 차지하는 미국 T주 영어 쓰기평가를 다룬다. 채점자 선정 기준, 채점자 훈련, 쓰기 표본 수집 기준 등을 개관하며 실제 데이터 분석을 통하여 채점자 일치도를 구하였다. 미국 T주 ELL 학생 영어 쓰기평가는 해당 ELL 학생을 가르치는 학교 교사가 여러 영역에서 학생의 쓰기 표본을 수집하여 평가함으로써 실제 상황에서의 참평가(authentic assessment)를 구현하려한 점이 특징이었다. 쓰기평가에서 더 적합한 총체적(holistic) 채점 방식을 도입하였으므로 채점자 자격 요건과 훈련을 강조한 것, 그리고 3개년 간의 지속적인 감사(audit)를 통하여 채점자 일치도 증거를 수집하고 후속 연구와 훈련에 이를 이용하는 것 또한 배울만한 점이다. 채점자 자격 기준을 정하고, 채점자를 합당한 수준이 되도록 훈련시킴으로써 교사 채점 신뢰도를 상당 수준 높일 수 있었다. 학교 교사를 채점자로 훈련시키는 것은 교사 재교육, 그리고 교사 전문성 함양 차원에서도 권장할 만하다.
교수자는 학습자 모국어의 음운현상들을 제대로 알고 있어야 학습자의 모국어와 학습 목표 언어 사이의 간섭 현상을 파악해서 올바르게 교육 할수 있다. 교수자가 학습자의 모국어와 학습 목표 언어의 차이점에 대해서 교수하지 않는다고 해도 음운현상을 교수하거나 오류를 고쳐줄 때 유용할 것이다. 이러한 견해를 근간으로 하여 본 연구에서는 낱 음절의 발음보다는 음운현상에 대해 관심을 두고자 한다. 이를 위해 중국어, 일본어, 한국어의 음운현상을 살펴보고 그 차이점에서 학습자들의 오류를 예측해보고 학습자들의 실제 한국어 발음을 녹음해서 한국어 음운현상의 오류를 살펴봄으로써 학습자들의 한국어 음운현상 사용에 대한 실태를 점검 할 것이다. 중국어와 일본어를 선택함은 세 언어에 비슷한 음운현상이 존재하기 때문이고, 현재 가장 많은 학습자가 한국어를 배우고 있기에 필요성이나 유용성 입장에서도 그 이유를 말할 수 있으리라 본다.