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        검색결과 6

        2019.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 배 유기재배 과수원에서 그물망과 정향유물을 처리하였을 때 큰검정풍뎅이에 의한 잎 피해를 예방할 수 있는지 확인하고자 수행 되었다. 2017년 6월 하순에 보성과 함평의 배 과수원에서 그물망, 그물망 + 정향유, 무처리구 등 3처리구를 두고 큰검정풍뎅이 밀도와 잎 피해율을 조사하였다. 또한 그물망 설치 위치를 달리하여 과수원 외부, 평덕시설의 상부, 평덕시설의 하부에 그물망을 설치하여 포획된 성충 개체수를 계수하였다. 그 결과 그물망 처리구에서 20.4~34.7%, 그물망 + 정향유 혼합처리구에서 21.1~38.1% 수준으로 무처리구보다 낮은 성충수가 포 획되었다. 또한 그물망 설치위치에 따른 포획 개체수는 수관하부 설치구 대비 과수원 외곽은 10.9~14.3배, 수관 상부는 5.1~9.1배로 더 많이 포획되었다. 처리구별 잎 피해율을 조사 한 결과 두 지역 모두 무처리구와 비교하여 유의적으로 그물망, 그물망 + 정향유 처리구에서 잎 피해율이 낮았다. 따라서 큰검정풍뎅이에 의한 잎 피해를 예방하기 위해 그물망을 외곽에 처리하는 것이 실용적 대안이라고 판단된다.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        배 유기재배 과수원에서 최근 문제되는 병해충 종류와 재배농가의 병해충 관리수준을 설문조사하고 조류, 양서류, 파충류, 설치류 등 척추동물의 생물다양성을 일반 화학농약 방제농가와 비교하고자 2010년에 포장조사를 수행하였다. 유기재배 과수원 총 22개소에서 설문조사와 포장조사를 한 결과, 유기재배 농가는 유기재배 병해충 관리자재로 석회황합제, 식물추출물 및 미생물 혼합물, 오일류 등을 선호하였으며, 주요 문제 병해충은 검은별무늬병, 붉은별무늬병, 깍지벌레류, 배나무면충, 배굴나방 등이었다. 유기자재 살포횟수는 병해 방제를 위해 9~10회, 해충 방제를 위해 5~6회 수준이었다. 유기재배 과수원이 관행재배에 비해 검은별무늬병 이병율과 이병도는 높았으나, 깍지벌레류 피해는 차이가 없었고 과중은 감소하였다. 양서류, 뱀, 설치류, 꿩 등은 관행재배와 유기재배 과수원 간에 차이를 확인할 수 없었으나, 멧비둘기의 경우 유기재배 과수원에서 개체수가 유의하게 많은 섭식활동을 하였다.
        2011.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was conducted to evaluate nutrient production of both orchardgrass and several clovers as a green manure in a ‘Niitaka’ pear (Pyrus pyriforia) orchard. The experiment was conducted at diligent fanner in Boseong in Chonnam on March 26 of 2010, and the treatments included; 1) orchard grass (2.0㎏/l,000㎡), 2) orchard grass (1.0㎏/l,000㎡)+ladino clover (1.0 ㎏/1,000m2), 3) orchard grass (1.0㎏/1,000㎡)+red clover (1.0㎏/1,000㎡), and 4) orchard grass (1.0㎏/1,000㎡)+white clover (1.0㎏/1,000㎡). Lengths of orchardgrass and clovers were greater in July than those of June and September. Seeding of orchardgrass without clovers in June and July increased dry weight of green manure crops compared with the seeding of orchardgrass with clovers, resulting in greater annual total dry weight. Various green manure treatments produced different amounts of total N and P₂O₅ from each raw materials and did not satisfy amounts of those nutrients for proper annual growth of ten- to twelve-year-old pear tree. Amounts of K₂O producing from green manures, however, satisfied for proper growth of the pear trees.
        2011.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This research was carried out to investigate invertebrate fauna with organic and conventional pear orchards, which used four collected methods; soil sampling for soil microorganism, pitfall, malaise, and black light trap for over ground species. Collected species were 37 species, 1,184 individuals in organic and 28 species, 501 individuals by soil sampling in conventional pear fields. Those were 38 species, 646 individuals and 29 species, 440 individuals by pitfall trap, 55 species 650 individuals and 47 species, 508 individuals by malaise trap, and 23 species, 201 individuals and 9 species, 42 individuals by black light trap. Collembola was collected 389 individuals in organic which was 5 times than in conventional in soil sampling. In pitfall trap, that was 183 individuals which was 3 times. The diversity indices of organic pear orchards were 1.956 in May, 2.638 in August and those of conventional was 1.426 in May, 2.011 in August in soil sampling. In pitfall trap, the dominant species were spiders, collembollan, and coleopteran. Among Coleoptera, indicator insects for the evaluation of agricultural environment suggested were Eusilpha jakowelewi as organic pear orchard and Anisodactykus punctatipennis and Pheropsophus jessoensis as conventional. Malaise trap was collected dominant species as Diptera and Hymenoptera of Braconidae and Ichneumonidae. The diversity indices of organic pear orchards were 2.952, 3.120, and 2.010 in pitfall, malaise and black light trap in over ground invertebrate sampling. The highest diversity was in malaise trap. The higher diversity indices, the lower dominance indices.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Coming with the well-being era, consumer’s demand for safe agricultural products is increasing. It is urgent to develop an environment-friendly pear production system. Accordingly, this study was conducted to develop an environment-friendly pear production system by using several environment-friendly agricultural materials which is known to be effective in agricultural production. In the effects of environment-friendly agricultural materials on the soil chemical characteristics in pear orchard, the content of total carbon, organic matter, Ca and Mg increased a little respectively compared with those of 2008, and 2nd treatment showed the highest EC and Mg content in the soil among treatments. The content of leaf N, P and Ca in 2009 decreased compared with those of 2008, while Mg content showed no difference between 2008 and 2009 years. Average pear weight in 2009 was 31g higher than that of 2008 (682g) and 2nd treatment showed the highest pear weight (738g) among treatments. The average sugar content was higher in 2009 (12.6°Bx) compared with that of 2008 (12.2°Bx) and the plot of 2nd treatment highest sugar content (12.6°Bx) among treatments. There were no difference in hunter value of L among treatments, but hunter value of a showed higher 1.62 in 2009 than that of 2008 (3.73). The highest of gumminess and cohesiveness of fruits were obtained from 1st treatment and adhesiveness and chewiness of fruits were obtained from 3rd and 1st treatment respectively. Firmness of fruit increased a little in 2009 compared with that of 2008, while the highest firmness was obtained from 3rd treatment with 1.63㎏/5㎜∮ among treatments. Phosphate content in the peel of ‘Niitaka’ pear of fruit skin in 2009 (0.97g/㎏) showed 0.06g/㎏ more content than that of 2008 (0.91g/㎏), while the highest content was obtained from 3rd treatment (1.15g/㎏). Potassium content in the peel of ‘Niitaka’ pear in 2009 was 8.20g/㎏, which is 0.06g/㎏ more content than that of 2008 (7.82g/㎏) and the highest content was obtained from 1st treatment (8.34g/㎏) among treatments. The highest nitrogen content in the flesh of ‘Niitaka’ pear was obtained from 3rd treatment (4.32㎎/g), while it was the lowest in control plot (3.10㎎/g). Phosphate content in the flesh of ‘Niitaka’ pear in 2009 (8.20g/㎏) showed 0.06g/㎏ more content than that of 2008 (7.82g/㎏), while the highest content was obtained from 1st treatment (8.34g/㎏). There were no difference of the potassium content in the fruit peel of ‘Niitaka’ pear between years, but 1st treatment showed the highest content (11.81g/㎏) among treatments, while the lowest was obtained from the control plot (10.83g/㎏).