Electric of using in daily life is always exposed to risk of electrical fire and electric shock. Only degree of risk is different, there is no risk free electrical product. Generally, the higher voltage, the risk of electric shock is high. The much electric current, the risk of electrical fire is high. But, we can’t help using electric because of risk and we effort to reduce the risk of electrical fire and electric shock. This study deal with the fire prevention generated on heating equipment using SSR for current.
Recently, the advancement of information and communication technology(ICT) is expanding the connectivity through Internet of Things(IoT), and the media of connection is also expanding from wire/cable transmission to broadband wireless communication, which has significantly improved mobility. This hyperconnectivity has become a key element of the fourth industrial revolution, whereas the supervisory control network of purification plants in korea is operated as a communication network separated from the outside, thereby lagging in terms of connectivity. This is considered the best way to ensure security, and thus there is hardly any consideration of establishing alternatives to operate an efficient and stable communication network. Moreover, security for management of a commercialized communication network and network management solution may be accompanied by immense costs, making it more difficult to make new attempts. Therefore, to improve the conditions for the current supervisory control network of purification plants, this study developed a industrial security L2 switch that supports modbus TCP(Transmission Control Protocol) communication and encryption function of the transmission section. As a result, the communication security performance improved significantly, and the cost for implementing the network management system using Historical Trend and information of HMI(Human Machine Interface) could be reduced by approximately KRW 200 million. The results of this study may be applied to systems for gas, electricity and social safety nets that are infrastructure communication networks that are similar to purification plants.
Currently, the commercialization of the 5th Generation (5G) service is becoming more prevalent in domestic communication network technology. This has reduced communication delay time and enabled large-capacity data transmission and video streaming services in real-time. In order to keep pace with these developments, K-water has introduced a smart process control system in water purification plants to monitor the status of the water purification process. However, since wireless networks are based on the public Long Term Evolution (LTE) network, communication delay time remains high, and high-resolution video services are limited. This is because communication networks still have a closed structure due to expense and security issues. Therefore, with 5G in its current form, it is very difficult to accommodate future services without improving the infrastructure of its communication networks. In recognition of these problems, this study implemented the authentication and management function of wireless networks on a wired network management system in the K-water Bansong water purification plant. The results confirmed that wired Local Area Network (LAN) services give a higher security performance than an expensive commercial wireless LAN system. This was achieved by using an Internet Protocol (IP) address management system of wired networks and the packet filtering function of the Layer2 (L2) switch. This study also confirmed that it is possible to create a wireless LAN service that is 3.7 times faster than the existing LTE communication network.
Electric of using in daily life is always exposed to risk of electrical fire and electric shock. Only degree of risk is different, there is no risk free electrical product. Generally, the higher voltage, the risk of electric shock is high. The much electric current, the risk of electrical fire is high. But, we can’t help using electric because of risk and we effort to reduce the risk of electrical fire and electric shock. This study deal with the fire prevention generated on heating equipment using SSR for current
Recently, in construction vehicles like exacavator, many customers demand the interior parts to be convenient and handy to operate. Futermore, that parts had to be more lightweight and better quality and durability. For this reaseon, the combination switch, a part for operation of head lamps, wipers, horn, etc, had been designed as a new lightweight structure by using PA plastics material and had been changed the mechanical contact into electric non-contact by using Hall IC and FET.
PTEF membranes are used for roofing materials of membrane structures. PTEF is the abbreviation of Poly-tetra Fluotide-ethylene. These materials are consisted of fiberglass weave and polyetrfluoroethylene coating. Also, PTEF membranes have some problems of structural capacity by wind or snow load, etc. In this study, sensor housings using lead switches are bonding in PTFE membranes, Monitoring to changes tension and tear damages are studied using radio frequency. If tension is received on edged membranes, bonded lead switches of sensor housings will be destroyed by changes tension, and these become to send signals of damages at the connected radio frequency system with increased tension. Study of these functional membrane materials will be contributed to prevent water leakage and long-term maintenance of membrane structures.
레이저 용발법에 의한 금속 표면 제염특성을 평가하였다. 레이저로는 파장 532 nm, 펄스에너지 150 mJ, 펄스폭 5 ns의 큐스위치 Nd:YAG 를 적용하였고, 금속 표면에 CsNO3, Co(NH4)2(SO4)2, Eu2O3 그리고 CeO2를 오염시켜 이들의 제염 특성을 평가하였다. 제염 변수로는 레이저 적용횟수, 레이저 에너지 밀도 및 레이저 조사 각도 특성을 평가하였으며 각각 8, 13.3 J/cm2 및 30o의 최적 조건을 확인하였다. 제염 효율은 오염성분의 비점과 관련이 있었으며 CsNO3>Co(NH4)2(SO4)2>Eu2O3>CeO2 순이었다. 또한 여러 에너지 밀도 조건에서 스테인레스 스틸 재질의 식각 깊이 제어 특성을 규명하였다.
In designing and operating cellular networks, it is assumed that the area of coverage is geographically divided into hexagonal cells. Among these cells, a certain number of cells are chosen to install switches that serve as relays for communications between any pair of cells. Then, each cell is assigned to a switch to complete the cellular network. This decision regarding assignment of cells to switches is known as a CSA (Cell-to-Switch Assignment) problem. Since this problem is so-called NP hard problem, many researches have proposed heuristic-based algorithms to provide near-optimal solutions with a reasonable computation time. Considering these characteristics of the CSA problem, this work develops a genetic algorithm and a local search algorithm. Throu호out a number of experiments, the performance of the proposed algorithms are evaluated, and compared with existing heuristic method
방사선사는 일반촬영 시에 다양한 환자를 만나게 된다. 노령환자, 유아 등 몸이 불편한 환자를 검사하게 된다. 소규모의 병·의원에는 방사선사가 혼자 업무를 보는 경우가 자주 발생한다. 이러한 경우 방사선사의 두 손은 환자의 자세를 유지하는데 사용되어지기 때문에 촬영에 있어서 어려움을 느끼게 된다. 본 연구는 이러한 문제점을 극복하고자 진단용 방사선 발생 발판 스위치를 고안하여 실험하였다. 제작한 발판 스위치를 진단용 엑스선 촬영장치에 장착하여 조사선량 재현성 시험, kVp, mAs, 백분율평균오차와 같은 정량적 평가를 실시하였다. 결과적으로 발판 스위치 사용에 대한 정량적 평가는 조사선량 재현성 시험에서 변동계수가 0.05이하로 측정되었고 kVp 시험에서는 백분율 평균오차가 ± 10% 이내로 측정되었다. mAs 시험에서도 백분율 평균오차가 ± 20% 이내로 측정되었다. 이는 진단용 방사선 발생장치의 검사기준 범위에 모두 부합하여 사용상 문제점은 제시되지 않았다. 또한 현재 근무 중인 방사선사를 상대로 유용성에 관한 정성적 평가를 실시하였다. 결론적으로 발판스위치의 엑스선 발생효율의 정량적 평가에서는 실험된 검사가 엑스선 발생장치 장비 기준 범위에 부합하였으며 설문을 통한 평가에서도 먼저 병·의원에서 근무하는 방사선사를 상대로 발판 스위치를 사용한 이후 설문을 통해 발판 스위치에 대한 편리성과 활용성에 대해 설문 실시한 결과는 발판스위치 사용은 임상에서 많은 도움을 줄 수 있는 긍정적인 결과로 나타내었다. 그러므로 진단용 엑스선 촬영용 발판 스위치를 사용하면 방사선 기술자 작업의 신속성과 정확성을 효과적으로 향상 시킬 수 있으므로 의료 서비스 만족도를 높이는 데 효과적으로 사용할 수 있을 것이다.
A main distributing frame(MDF) is an interface unit that is used to connect office equipment cables in a telephone company to subscriber cables. Until now, there is no automated switching system for MDFs in Korea. Manual handling of an MDF has some drawbacks; It is time-consuming, very cumbersome, and expensive. It also makes maintenance hard. An automated main distributing frame system is proposed and commercialized in Japan. In that system, a robot gripper inserts connecting pins into the cross point holes of a matrix board, which reveals several disadvantages in the aspects of space, maintenance, fault tolerance, and economical efficiency. This paper describes a newly developed robotic switch board system for MDFs. In the developed system, switches are placed at the cross point of a matrix board. There is one robot in between two switch units, so one robot deals with two switch units. In the system, positioning the robot, opening and closing switches can be done by using only a pair of motors and a pair of solenoids. The newly developed system is compact in size, reduces cost, and shows high reliability.
본 논문은 순차적으로 전압 인가된 RF MEMS 스위치를 이용하여 재구성 슬롯 안테나를 설계하였다. MEMS 스위치의 구동전압은 하부 전극과 상부 스위치 사이의 에어캡 높이에 따른 스위치의 특성을 ANSYS 시뮬레이션으로 분석하였다. MEMS 스위치의 구동전압은 하부전극과 상부 스위치 사이의 에어캡 높이와 스위치 형상에 의해 결정된다. 설계된 MEMS 스위치의 길이는 각각 240μm, 320 μm, 400 μm 이고, 에어캡은 6μm이었다. 설계된 슬롯 안테나는 전체크기가 10 mm x 10 mm이며, 슬롯의 크기는 길이가 500 μm, 폭이 200 μm이었다. 그리고 CPW 급전선은 전체의 길이는 5 mm이며, 입구에서의 CPW는 30-80-30 μm이괴, 슬롯에서의 CPW는 150-300-150 μm이다. 세안된 소사의 공진주파수의 튜닝은 RF MEMS 스위치에 DC 바이어스를 인가함으로서 안테나의 전기적인 길이를 변화시켜 이루어진다. 설계된 슬롯 안테나를 시뮬레이션, 제조 및 측정을 하였다.