
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 56

        2024.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aimed to quantitatively analyze the risk using data from 329 safety accidents that occurred in aquaculture fisheries management vessels over the recent five years (2018-2022). For quantitative risk analysis, the Bayesian network proposed by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) was used to analyze the risk level according to the fishing process and cause of safety accidents. Among the work processes, the fishing process was analyzed to have the highest risk, being 12.5 times that of the navigation, 2.7 times that of the maintenance, and 8.8 times that of the loading and unloading. Among the causes of accidents, the hull and working environment showed the highest risk, being 1.7 times that of fishing gear and equipment, 4.7 times that of machinery and equipment, and 9.4 times that of external environment. By quantitatively analyzing the safety accident risks for 64 combinations of these four work processes and four accident causes, this study provided fundamental data to reduce safety accidents occurring in aquaculture fisheries management vessels.
        2022.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        한국의 IUU 어업 통제제도의 획기적인 변화는 IUU 어업국 예비지정이라는 외부적인 요인에 의하여 이루어졌으며, 그 내용도 국제적인 수준에 맞게 급속 히 재편되다 보니 원양업계의 인식과 차이가 있어 제도 이행과정에서 커다란 갈등이 표출되었다. 본 연구에서는 국제사회의 IUU 방지를 위한 제반노력에 보다 능동적으로 동 참하기 위해 우리나라 국내법과 제도적 개선방안을 제시하였다. 첫째, 제도적인 개선방안으로 4가지 개선방안을 제시하였다. 각 방안별로 장· 단점을 가지고 있지만, 해양수산부 소속 (가칭) 원양어업관리센터를 신설하여 분산된 역할을 한 기관에 집중, 체계적, 효율적 검색을 도모하는 방안이 가장 합리적인 대안이라고 판단된다. 이를 통해 분산된 기능을 종합하여 역량을 극 대화하는 것이 기존의 제도가 가지고 있는 문제점들을 극복할 수 있을 것으로 예상한다. 둘째, 주요국의 IUU 어업에 대한 금전적 처벌의 최고 한도액과 비교하여 우 리나라 원양산업발전법상 IUU 어업에 대하여 벌금과 과징금을 병과할 수 있고 한도액도 높은 편에 속하므로 벌금 최고한도 부과액의 완화를 검토할 필요성을 제시하였다. 셋째, 원양산업발전법 제33조(벌칙) 이외의 과징금이 부과되는 경우 어획물 의 처리에 대비하여 시행령 개정(안)을 제시하였다. 넷째, 항만국검색제도의 효율성을 높이기 위하여 미국의 사례와 같이 국내 실정에 맞는 검사 우선순위 평가표’(risk analysis matrix) 작성 방안을 제시하였다. 다섯째, 조업 감시·감독·통제 공무원 및 항만국 검색 공무원의 권한 행사를 위하여 항만공사의 IUU 어업 어선 입출항 관리 권한 부여를 위한「선박의 입 항 및 출항 등에 관한 법률」개정(안)과 항만국 검색 관련 사법경찰관리의 직 무범위와 수사 관할에 대한「사법경찰관리의 직무를 수행할 자와 그 직무범위 에 관한 법률」개정(안)을 제시하였다. 여섯째, IUU 가담 선장에 대한 처벌 사후관리 강화방안으로 중국의「원양어 업관리규정(遠洋漁業管理規程)」에서 보는 바와 같이 원양어업 종사자 "블랙리 스트(黑名單, black list)"를 두어 선장 개인에 대한 인적 처벌을 강화하는 방안 을 제시하였다. 일곱째, 항만국(港灣國)으로서 역할 강화를 위해 입항 선박에 대한 보다 많은 세부정보를 요구하는 개정된 ‘사전입항신고서’를 구비할 것을 제시하였다. 국제해양질서의 급격한 변화에 대비하여 원양산업계의 구조적 정비와 원양 산업종사자에 대한 교육 및 홍보를 통해 IUU 어업 방지를 위한 국제적 노력에 능동적으로 참가해야 할 것이다.
        2021.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Although Korea operates various systems and policies for the management of fisheries resources, it is judged that a more systematic resource management policy is needed due to the continuous decrease in the production of coastal and offshore fisheries. In this study, the catch capacity was analyzed using the DEA technique for coastal and offshore fisheries. As a result, despite the decrease in the amount of fisheries resources and the number of fishing vessels, there was a trend of increasing fishing capacity. As of 2019, the total maximum catch of offshore fishery was estimated at 820,007 tons. The actual catch was 548,159 tons and the CU was measured to be about 66.8%, which was analyzed to be an excess of about 33.2% of the catch. The total maximum catch of coastal fisheries was estimated at 187,887 tons. The actual catch was also the same value and the CU was measured to be about 100.0%. Thus, it was analyzed that there was no excess in catch. For the management of fisheries resources, it is necessary to manage the fishing capacity. To this end, policies such as scientific TAC should be promoted as well as expanding the reduction of fishing vessels.
        2021.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, internationally widely utilized bioeconomic models were used to make a comparison and analyze the effectiveness of red snow crab fisheries management measures. As a specific effect analysis, biological and economic effects of both total allowable catch (TAC) and effort reduction management measures were analyzed simultaneously. Model results showed that the red snow crab biomass would be decreased from 106,000 tons to 73,076 tons after ten years when the TAC is set to and maintained at the current level of 26,000 tons. The amount of biomass would be increased to 125,316 tons when the level of TAC is set to 22,000 tons. In cases of reduced fishing efforts, a 30% decrease from the current level would result in greater biomass and NPV would be also estimated at the highest level. In addition, a sensitivity analysis by market price was conducted to analyze the minimum TAC level of the red snow crab offshore pot fishery. Results showed that the minimum TAC level would be 8,210 tons when the market price increased by 30% and it would be also 15,247 tons when the market price decreased by 30%. Furthermore, results of the sensitivity analysis by fishing cost showed that the minimum TAC level was analyzed to be 13,857 tons when the fishing cost increased by 30% from the current level.
        2020.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, the Bayesian state-space model was used for the stock assessment of the Blackfin flounder. In addition, effective measures for the resource management were presentedwith the analysis on the effectiveness of fisheries management plans. According to the result of the analysis using the Bayesian state-space model, the main biometric value of Blackfin flounder was analyzed as 1,985 tons for maximum sustainable yield (MSY), 23,930 tons for carrying capacity (K), 0.000007765 for catchability coefficient (q) and 0.31 for intrinsic growth (r). Also the evaluation on the biological effect of TAC was done. The result showed that the Blackfin flounder biomass will be kept at 14,637 tons 20 years later given the present TAC volume of 1,761 tons. If the Blackfin flounder TAC volume is set to 1,600 tons, the amount of biomass will increase to 16,252 tons in the future. Lastly, the biological effectiveness of the policy to reduce fishing effort was assessed. The result showed that the Blackfin flounder biomass will be maintained at 13,776 tons if the current fishing efforts (currently hp) level is set and maintained. If the fishing effort is reduced by 20%, it will increase to 17,091 tons in the future. The analysis on the economic effect of TAC showed that NPV will be the lowest at 1,486,410 won in 2038, 20 years after the establishment of 2,500 tons of TAC volume. If the TAC volume is set at 2,000 tons, NPV was estimated to be the highest at 2,206,522,000 won. In addition, the analysis on the economic effect of the policy to reduce the amount of fishing effort found that NPV will be 2,235,592,000 won in 2038, 20 years after maintaining the current level of fishing effort. If the fishing effort is increased by 10%, NPV will be the highest at 2,257,575 won even thoughthe amount of biomass will be reduced.
        2018.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The primary purpose of this paper is to introduce the cases of fishery co-management, particularly in Korea. In recent, the fishery co-management between the government and fishermen has been brought an important shift of paradigm in a part of Korean fishery management policy. In case of Korea fisheries area, three fisheries cooperatives(which refer to purse sein fishery, trawl fishery, stow net fishery) have a minority of co-management programs. Generally, the main method of fishery co-management programs is ‘Fishery Closures’ among the programs, and others are restriction of fishing gear and fishermen educations. In spite of the efforts and time consumes of Korean government and fisheries cooperatives, much to our regret that it is hard to confirm visible results in an increased amount of fisheries resources so far because of the time constraint, namely fishery co-management programs have been conducted just since two to three years before. However, what’s certain is that fishery co-management programs make it possible to positively effect on both of area in fishermen and fisheries resources. Accordingly, it is necessary that Korean government and fishermen should extend the fishery co-management to other fishery areas as soon as possible we can in order to efficiently reduce administrative costs and effectively reserve fisheries resources.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In order to manage and rebuild fishery resources, the fishing effort should be controlled effectively. Especially in the setting up of the proper level of fishing efforts, economic standards as well as biological standards must be carefully considered to promote the sustainable and economically viable development of fisheries. This study aimed to analyze the optimal economic fishing effort (EMEY) as the most economically efficient one for the Eastern Sea Danish seine fisheries. The results showed that the optimal economic fishing effort (EMEY) of Eastern Sea Danish seine fisheries for blackfin flounder should be reduced by about 27%. That is, reducing fishing efforts up to the level of EMEY could lead to the reduction of fishing costs, thereby resulting in the increased fishing profits.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The WCPFC CMMs related to tropical tunas have been strongly restricting fishing capacity and operating activities of main fisheries, especially purse seine fishery. In terms of changes in fishing trend by implementing relevant measures of FAD set, the number of FAD set by Korean purse seine fleet showed a decreasing pattern with the lowest level of FAD set proportion among major distant water fishing nations. With regards to the FAD closure, there was no significant change in fishing effort but a drop in catch, especially bigeye tuna during the period of FAD closure. Moreover, it showed closely similar trends between the number of FAD set and bigeye tuna catch. In terms of measures related to the high sea area including a ban on fishing on the HSP and limitation of fishing days on the high sea by flag state, proportions of catch and effort on the high sea had sharply declined after implementing those measures. As relevant measures are expected to be strengthened, it should pay attention to change of coastal nations policies and focus on improving fishing efficiency of unassociated school set with multi-pronged efforts.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aimed to empirically investigate the applicability of ecosystem-based TAC (Total Allowable Catch) fisheries management targeting the large purse seine fishery where multi-species are regulated by TAC. Using a linear programming, the optimal fishing effort and the catch amount by species which maximize fishing profits were analyzed under the constraint condition of catch limits by species. Analytical results showed that an application of TAC on only chub mackerel would have negative impacts on fish stocks such as hairtail and jack mackerel by increasing the level of fishing effort to achieve its allocated catch limit. However, under the constraint condition of catch limits of all species, it was shown that optimal catches of all species were achieved within their catch limits. It implies the importance of ecosystem-based management considering biological and technical interactions of species those were excluded in the traditional single species fisheries management.
        2013.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, we conducted field surveys to investigate and analyze species and length composition of catch from gape net with wings being set in two areas - Masari, Supomri - located in southern part of Jin-do for understanding fishing characteristics of gape net with wings fishery from March to September of 2011. And with those results, we attempted to propose fishery management strategy to harvest fisheries resources continuously. Catch obtained from field surveys comprised total 78 species, which accounted for 53 species of fish, 20 species of crustacean, 4 species of cephalopod and one of polychaete. As to species composition in weight, it showed that there was 88.5% for pisces, 9.0% for cephalopoda and 2.5% for crustacea. As to catch specifics by area, there was 36 species (596,891 individual, 456,551g) of pisces, 17 species (35,815 individual, 12,909g) of crustacea and 3 species (2,876 individual, 3,004g) of cephalopoda in Masari area. In Supumri area, there was 41 species (396,898 individual, 281,457g) of pisces, 15 species (16,113 individual, 7,772g) of crustacea and 4 species (6,792 individual, 72,329g) of cephalopoda and one polychaeta (36 individual, 11g). Catch of anchovy by month recorded on high level on June, July, September in both areas. When considering size composition by month, it was found that new populations recruit to these fishing grounds on June and September. Most of bycatch species including hairtail (Trichiurus lepturus), dotted gizzard shad (Konosirus punctatus), conger eel (Leptocephalous), Pacific sandlance (Ammodytes personatus), horse mackerel (Trachurus japonicus) were juvenile, and grass puffer (Takifugu niphobles), Kammal thryssa (Thryssa kammalensis), Japanese sardinella (Sardinella zunasi) were also small in size. As a result, it is considered that gape net with wings fishery which is likely to catch juvenile needs to be set fishing prohibit period for conserving above stocks during the period excluding main fishing periods of anchovy or fisheries management such as expanding mesh size for preventing juvenile catch.
        2011.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2010.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The market-based fisheries resources management system was reviewed and the improvement scheme was studied for seeking the sustainability of marine ecosystems and their fisheries resources. A demand-side policy is currently emerging to the management of fisheries resources by reducing over-exploitation, based on the consumer's selection. The role of consumers in the sustainable fishery was studied by comparing the social responsibility and consumer's activity between Korea and foreign countries and international NGO groups, based on the FAO guideline. The adoption of the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC)'s eco-labelling certificate was suggested by expanding the existing environment-friendly certification system in Korea. This new system will contribute to the protection of young immature fish and spawners in coastal and offshore fisheries as well as to the international trade of seafood in terms of fish products from well-managed fisheries. It is noted that the consumer's activities in the markets as regulators will contribute to the ecosystem health and sustainability.
        2008.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A self-regulatory community fisheries management program in Korea is designed to enhance fisheries resources, to protect fishing grounds of self-regulatory communities, and to manage their fisheries resources by their own regulations and knowledge. This study explored an applicable ecosystem-based management plan based on the scientific investigation and analysis. This study suggested objectives, indicators and reference points of the ecosystem-based resource management system which are applicable to selfregulatory community fisheries. The objectives of the management system are to maintain sustainable fisheries production, to maintain optimum fishing intensity, to reduce by-catch, to conserve spawning ground and habitat, to maintain optimum habitat environment, to increase/maintain abundance of prey species, to increase/maintain stock biomass, and to conduct stock enhancement on the basis of scientific assessment. The improved methods for the assessment and management are introduced by demonstrating a self-regulatory fishery which targets on hen clam in Dong-li fishing village in Busan.
        2008.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
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