Seismic fragility curves present the conditional probability of damage to target structures due to external seismic load and are widely used in various ways. When constructing such a seismic fragility curve, it is essential to consider various types and numbers of ground motions. In general, the earthquake occurrence characteristics of an area where the target structure of the seismic fragility curve exists are analyzed, and based on this, appropriate ground motions are selected to derive the seismic fragility curve. If the number of selected ground motions is large, the diversity of ground motions is considered, but a large amount of computational time is required. Conversely, if the number of ground motions is too small, the diversity of ground motions cannot be considered, which may distort the seismic fragility curve. Therefore, this study analyzed the relationship between the number of ground motions considered when deriving the seismic fragility curve and the parameters of the seismic fragility curve. Using two example structures, numerical analysis was performed by selecting a random number of ground motions from a total of two hundred, and a seismic fragility curve was derived based on the results. Analysis of the relationship of the parameter of the seismic fragility curve and the number of selected ground motions was performed. As the number of ground motions considered increases, uncertainty in ground motion selection decreases, and when deriving seismic fragility curves considering the same number of ground motions, uncertainty increases relatively as the degree of freedom of the target structure increases. However, considering a relatively large number of ground motions, uncertainty appeared insignificant regardless of increased degrees of freedom. Finally, it is possible that the increase in the number of ground motions could lower the epistemic uncertainty and thus improve the reliability of the results.
This study performed the seismic response analysis of an LNG storage tank supported by a disconnected piled raft foundation (DPRF) with a load transfer platform (LTP). For this purpose, a precise analytical model with simultaneous consideration of Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) and Soil-Structure Interaction (SSI) was used. The effect of the LTP characteristics (thickness, stiffness) of the DPRF system on the seismic response of the superstructure (inner and outer tanks) and piles was analyzed. The analytical results were compared with the response of the piled raft foundation (PRF) system. The following conclusions can be drawn from the numerical results: (1) The DPRF system has a smaller bending moment and axial force at the head of the pile than the PRF system, even if the thickness and stiffness of the LTP change; (2) The DPRF system has a slight stiffness of the LTP and the superstructure member force can increase with increasing thickness. This is because as the stiffness of the LTP decreases and the thickness increases, the natural frequency of the LTP becomes closer to the natural frequency of the superstructure, which may affect the response of the superstructure. Therefore, when applying the DPRF system, it is recommended that the sensitivity analysis of the seismic response to the thickness and stiffness of the LTP must be performed.
지진취약도를 산정하기 위해서는 목표 부지의 특성을 제대로 표현할 수 있는 입력 지진파의 산정이 중요하다. 본 논문에서는 국내 외 강진 및 중‧약진 지역에서의 입력 지진파에 대한 단자유도 모델의 지진취약도를 분석하였다. 분석을 위한 첫 번째 단계로, 국외 강 진 기록 중 근/원거리에서 측정한 2개의 입력 지진파 세트와 국내 중·약진 지역 특성에 적합한 입력 지진파 2개의 세트, 총 4개의 입력 지진파 세트를 선정하였다. 대상 구조물로는 3가지 고유주기에 대한 비선형 단자유도 모델을 적용하였고, 취약도 분석을 위해 증분동 적해석을 이용하였다. 또한, 4가지 손상 상태를 정의하고, 손상 상태 각각에 대해 4가지 입력 지진파 세트의 고유주기별 지진취약도 결과를 제시하였다.
Wireless sensors are more favorable in measuring structural response compared to conventional sensors in terms of them being easier to use with no issues with cables and them being considerably cheaper. Previous tests have been conducted to analyze the performance of MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical Systems) sensor in sinusoidal excitation tests. This paper analyzes the performance of in-built MEMS sensors in devices by comparing with an ICP sensor as the reference. Earthquake input amplitude excitation in shaking table tests was done. Results show that MEMS sensors are more accurate in measuring higher input amplitude measurements which range from 100gal to 250gal than at lower input amplitudes which range from 10gal to 50gal. This confirms the results obtained in previous sinusoidal tests. It was also seen that natural frequency results have lower error values which range from 0% to 3.92% in comparison to the response spectra results. This also confirms that in-built MEMS sensors in mobile devices are good at estimating natural frequency of structures. In addition, it was also seen that earthquake input amplitudes with more frequency contents (Gyeongju) had considerably higher error values than Pohang excitation tests which has less frequency contents.
Pseudo-static approach has been conventionally applied for the design of gravity type quay walls. In this method, seismic coefficient (kh), expressed in terms of acceleration due to gravity, is used to convert the real dynamic behavior to an equivalent pseudo-static inertial force for seismic analysis and design. Therefore, the calculation of an appropriate kh considering frequency characteristics of input earthquake is critical for representing the real dynamic behavior. However, the definitions of kh, which is used for simplified analysis in Korea, focuses only on convenience that is easy to use, and the frequency characteristics of input earthquake are not reflected in the kh definitions. This paper evaluates the influences of the frequency characteristics of input earthquake on kh by initially reviewing the kh definitions in the existing codes of Japan for port structures and then by performing a series of dynamic centrifuge tests on caisson gravity quay walls of different earthquake input motions (Ofunato, Hachinohe). A review of the existing codes and guidelines has shown that the kh values are differently estimated according to the frequency characteristics of input earthquake. On the other hand, based on the centrifuge tests, it was found that the permanent displacements of wall are more induced when long-period-dominant earthquake is applied.
Current seismic design provisions such as ASCE 7-10 provide criteria for selecting ground motions for conducting response history analysis. This study is the sequel of a companion paper (I – Ground Motion Selection) for assessment of the ASCE 7-10 criteria. To assess of the ASCE 7-10 criteria, nonlinear response history analyses of twelve single degree of freedom (SDF) systems and one multi-degree of freedom (MDF) system are conducted in this study. The results show that the target seismic demands for SDF can be predicted using the mean seismic demands over seven and ten ground motions selected according to the proposed method within an error of 30% and 20%, respectively
Permanent deformation plays a key role in performance based earthquake resistant design. In order to estimate permanent deformation after earthquake, it is essential to secure reliable response history analysis(RHA) as well as earthquake scenario. This study focuses on permanent deformation of an inverted T-type wall under earthquake. The study is composed of two separate parts. The first one is on the verification of RHA and the second one is on an effect of input earthquake motion. The former is discussed in companion paper and the latter in this paper. In order to investigate the effect of an input earthquake motion on the permanent deformation, three bins of spectral matched real earthquake records with different magnitude, regions, epicentral distance are constructed. Parametric study was performed using the verified RHA through the companion paper for each earthquake records in the bins. The most influential parameter affecting permanent displacement is magnitude. The other parameters describing earthquake motion are not significant enough to increase permanent displacement of the inverted T-type wall except for energy related parameters(AI, CI, SEI).
본 연구는 지진위험도 산출에서 불확실성을 줄이는 한 방법으로서 지진위험도 계산에 입력되는 파라미터들(a, b값, Mmax, 감쇠식 및 지진지체구조)이 지진위험도 값에 어느 정도로 영향을 미치는지 민감도를 분석하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 지진 전문가 10명이 제시한 입력자료를 사용하였다. 그 결과 a값, Mmax값이 커질수록 PGA값이 증가하였으며, b값은 작아질수록 PGA값이 커졌다. 가장 큰 영향을 미치는 파라메타는 감쇄식, b값 및 a값이며, Mmax와 지진지체구조구 모델의 영향은 상당히 적었다. 따라서 영향이 큰 파라메타에 대해서는 한반도의 지진학적 특성에 적합한 값의 산출이 요구된다.
In order to verify the reliability of numerical site response analysis program, both soil free-field and base rock input motions should be provided. Beside the field earthquake motion records, the most effective testing method for obtaining the above motions is the dynamic geotechnical centrifuge test. However, need is to verify if the motion recorded at the base of the soil model container in the centrifuge facility is the true base rock input motion or not. In this paper, the appropriate input motion measurement method for the verification of seismic response analysis is examined by dynamic geotechnical centrifuge test and using three-dimensional finite difference analysis results. From the results, it appears that the ESB (equivalent shear beam) model container distorts downward the propagating wave with larger magnitude of centrifugal acceleration and base rock input motion. Thus, the distortion makes the measurement of the base rock outcrop motion difficult which is essential for extracting the base rock incident motion. However, the base rock outcrop motion generated by using deconvolution method is free from the distortion effect of centrifugal acceleration.
대부분의 대공간구조물은 극장, 스타디움, 체육관 등 공공성을 가지게 되어 내진안전성에 있어서 중요성이 많이 인식되고 있다. 그러나 구조형식 및 형상에 관하여 다양성을 가지고 있는 대공간구조물이 동적하중인 지진하중을 받을 때 나타나는 구조물의 거동은 파악하기 힘들다. 본 논문에서는 대공간구조의 주 구조요소인 아치구조물에 대하여 고유진동모드를 검토하였고 모의지진파를 입력하여 지진거동특성을 분석한 결과로서 아치구조물은 설계가속도스펙트럼의 크기보다 장주기 성분에 더 많은 영향을 받는다는 것을 파악하였다.
건축물의 지진응답해석에서 입력지진동은 구조물의 비선형 응답에 중요한 영향을 미치는 요소이다. 지진동의 특성은 표층지반의 성질과 국부적인 지반 조건에 따른 여러 가지 인자에 의해 그 특성이 결정되기 때문에 구조물의 지진응답해석에서 일반성을 갖는 입력지진동을 선정하는 것은 매우 어려운 문제이다. 본 논문은 내진설계용 스펙트럼에 적합한 인공지진동파형을 작성한 후, 작성된 인공지진동에 의한 철근콘크리트 다층 골조구조물의 탄소성 응답특성을 분석한 것이다. 여기서 작성된 인공지진동파형은 과거 비교적 큰 규모의 지진에서 얻어진 기록지진동과 동일한 위상각을 가지며, 감쇠정수 h=5%일 때의 내진설계용 스펙트럼과 거의 일치하도록 작성하였다. 입력지진동의 탄성 가속도 응답스펙트럼이 동일한반면, 각 입력지진동띄 위상특성이 다른 인공지진동을 입력하여 다자유도 골조 구조물의 지진응답을 분석하여 건축물의 내진설계용 지진동으로서 타당성을 확인하는 것이 목적이다. 본 논문에서 작성된 인공지진동은 기록지진동에 비해 지진응답치가 안정된 값을 나타내는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 그러므로 다층 골조구조물의 비선형 지진응답해석용 입력지진동으로 타당성이 높다고 사료되며, 비선형 지진응답해석용 입력지진동의 강도를 탄성 가속도 응답스펙트럼으로 규준화 하는 것이 합리적이라고 사료된다.
본 연구는 지진하중을 받는 콘크리트 표면차수벽형 석괴댐(CFRD)의 정상부 변위에 대한 사력재료 주요물성의 민감도를 정량적으로 분석하는데 그 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 현재 운영 중인 국내 CFRD 형식의 D댐에 대해 2가지 지진파, 각 지진파에 대해 2가지 설계진도, 사력재료에 대해 수행된 대형삼축압축시험 결과로부터 얻어진 물성값을 조합하여 만든 물성값이 다른 해석단면 27개를 작성, 총 108개 해석단면에 대한 동적 수치해석을 수행, 그 결과를 이용한 대역적 민감도분석을 수행하였다. 민감도분석 결과, 지진하중 작용 시 댐 정상부 침하량은 입력지진의 종류와 설계진도 크기에 상관없이 절대적으로 사력재료 전단탄성계수에만 영향을 받았으며 댐 정상부 횡변위의 경우에는, 사력재료 전단탄성계수의 영향이 크나 그 영향의 정도는 침하량에 미치는 정도에 비해 상대적으로 작으며, 침하량과는 달리 지진파의 종류와 크기에 따라 차이를 보였다. 본 연구결과에 한해 사력재료의 마찰각은 지진하중에 의한 CFRD 정상부 변위에는 전혀 영향을 주지 않는 것으로 나타났다.
신속한 지진재해에 대한 대응을 위해서는 통합DB 관리와 소방방재청의 지진재해대응시스템과의 연계가 가능한 통합관리시스템 개발이 필요하다. 따라서 현재 국토지반정보 통합센터에서 운영하고 있는 지반정보 입력시스템의 입력항목에서 기존에 존재하지 않던 물리탐사 및 지반의 동적 물성치 관련항목을 입력하는 항목을 추가하였다. 추후 소방방재청의 지진재해대응시스템과의 연계를 통하여 현재 운영되고 있는 지진재해대응시스템의 개선 및 재해위험지도 작성의 기초자료로써의 활용성을 확보하고자 하였다.
The difference in phase and amplitude of ground motions recorded in different locations is generally known as spatial variation of seismic ground motions. This study focuses on the effects of spatial variation of earthquake ground motion on responses of adjacent buildings. The adjacent frame buildings are modeled considering soil-structure interaction (SSI) so that all the buildings can have interaction with each other under non-uniform ground motions. Based on Fast Fourier Transformation, spatially correlated non-uniform ground motions are generated compatible with known spectrum density function at different locations. Numerical analyses are carried out and the results are presented in terms of related parameters affecting the structural response using three different types of soil site classes. The results show that the effects of ground motion spatial variation are different for different site classes. The effect is more significant on rock site rather than clay site.